(Not Too Much Indie Cred)
What I'm Listening To:
     Bob Dylan - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
     Belle & Sebastian - 3..6..9 Seconds of Light
     Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand
     Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup
     The Zombies - Odessey & Oracle
     Beulah - When Your Heartstrings Break
Current Bands:
             The Beatles            The Zombies
             The Strokes            The Cars
             The Salteens          The Pixies
              Weezer                    Big Star
             Les Savy Fav           Rooney
[email protected]
American Infantilization
Film Stars and Dylan
Jason the Pilot
Walker's Son
7/25/03 - am using cubase now, two new songs.  "Garden" (which will probably be renamed) and "Three" (entitled by William Olsen-Hoek)
5/11/03 - new song.  need a better title for it.
4/23/03 - I try to be Bob Dylan.
4/14/03 - Rose and I work together yet again.  "No Singing On the Bus"
3/7/03 - New words for old song.  "Next Summer (Not December)"
3/2/03 - Song in the works...Rose will add a piano part and harmony and we will blow everyone away come Composition Night.
2/13/03 - New song up.  "dancing with words"
2/09/03 - Wrote some lyrics to the short riff.  Subject to change.  It's currently entitled "December"
2/01/03 - Put up some covers and a short thing I wrote.  Updated what I'm listening to.
1/14/03 - Just set this up, may perhaps never update again.
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