G r o u p s & T r o u p e s

and other linkables . . .

If you're like me, then you love improv, but you're not quite sure you have the talent and confidence and sheer bravery to give it a try. In that case, just do what I do - see as much improv as you can. It's funny, it's cheap, and gosh darnit, you'll enjoy it!

Improv exists world-wide. There are many many many many many (you get my point) groups all around the United States and our brothers and sisters to the north, the Canucks, have their fair share of improvisers as well - they improvise to keep warm*! Ha Ha.

*Note: This is a joke. I, in no way, mean to insult the fine and wonderous land of Canada (a.k.a. the Northern US). I happen to have many fine beaver friends that hail from Canada, I use "eh" in my daily conversation ("I went to the store to get 'eh' cup of coffee."), I appreciate the value of milk in a bag, and I hear that they had a warm day. I love Canadia Land! Thank you.

Anyway, the point is, there is some great improv to be seen out there, and while I have tried to provide a smattering of groups out there, I could not even scratch the surface with the space I have for this page! So, if you don't see any improv near you listed here, get off your butt, log off (once you have thoroughly perused this fabulous page and signed my guestbook numerous times), and find some!

Since this is my page and I'm just like that, I will start with describing groups and improv that I have actually seen. Living where I live, I haven't seen much improv, I'll warn you now, but barring that . . .

I've Seen Fire, Rain, and Some Darn Funny Folks......

*que violins*

  • The very first time I saw improv live was waaaaaay back in March. The year was 1998. Ok, so it wasn't so waaaay back. It was absolutely exciting. I was attending a Whose Line is it Anyway? mini-convention (for info on the next, official one click here) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and we were lucky enough for Colin Mochrie to agree to perform some improv for us with the talented Paul O'Sullivan. The show was amazing and I was hooked on improv beyond WLiiA?. We viewed their genius at the famous Second City, Toronto. They perform improv regularly after the mainstage shows. Give them a call and ask them when the improv show begins - it's free!

  • My next experience with improv occurred at tapings of the show Whose Line is it Anyway? in Los Angeles, CA. Funny show, funny tapings, funny stuff, actually improvised. I should know, I've seen 25. Sad? Yes. Do I care? No. I highly reccommend it. You can find out info about WLiiA? on this page, or you can go to ABC's or Hat Trick's pages. *hint* my page = good; other pages = professional and pretty, but secretly Satanic - the choice is yours!*

    *Note: Of course I'm joking! Sheesh.

  • In October and November of last year, I got the chance to see live improv at the ACME Comedy Theatre in Los Angeles, CA on what happened to be Musical Night both times. I yelled out "The Studmuffins are Here!" for a song title, laughed my head off, and all was happy and bright. It was beyond incredible. They performed a Shakespeare scene (see the games section) both times and both times I was blown away! I've seen it numerous times since and though it tends to be "flip a coin" good, it's great to watch people of different improv backgrounds, some who have never worked together before, put on a show. I give my stamp of approval.

    The ACME Comedy Theater = fun and recreation

  • Next, I was lucky enough to see the infamous Houseful of Honkeys perform in November in Los Angeles, CA. The Honkeys use a game show format as their schtick and my buddy Vanessa Emlich (*thpffft*) was chosen to participate in the show as a contestant - Go Nessa! The show itself was hilarious and inventive, performing wonderfully despite truly awful suggestions from the crowd - including from me: "a guy" as a reason someone might move. Now you see why I don't do improv - that's me thinking on my feet. I laughed until I cried and then laughed some more. The Honkeys now call ACME their home and I have seen them perform there COUNTLESS times. Literally. I stopped counting at 50 and they stopped caring the third time I was a contestant! So why not come to laugh at/with the Honkeys and stay to laugh at the other improvisers. Make a night of it! I said make a night of it...now.

    The Honkeys: Matt Young, Clare Sera, Dave Russell, Danno Sullivan, Joel Mcrary, Jonathan Mangum w/ guest stars Kelly Holden, Steve Purnick, Jim Detmeyer, etc

  • When in Canadia Land once more, I was able to get to a taping of the TV show Improv Heaven and H*ll which stars the Devil's Advocates, Devil Andrew and Devil Al. The show is a half hour of all improv with no edits, which means it's raw and fresh and funny. It gives some lesser known Canadian improvisers a chance to strut ther wacky stuff and also features better known performers such as Colin Mochrie. I reccommend that you watch it if you happen to be Canadian.

  • Lastly, my most recent junket into the wacky world of improv was in January when the cast of the American Whose Line is it Anyway? performed live improv at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. If they ever do this again, I urge you strongly to go - so much fun and a great excuse for a trip to Vegas!

    Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas

    Groups I have yet to see, but who are fabulously terrific and ingenius. Or at least that's what they tell me!

  • The Brothers Grinn (as described by Stuart Nager)
    Improvisational Interactive Storytelling Family Theater Troupe
    I have a troupe of 8 right now, with four "side" Grinns who are musicians and are used at larger shows. There is always one muscian with us at every show. Our shows consist of stories and songs all improvised, every single show. We perform more narrative pieces, ranging from short form to long form storylines. Grinn dresses in Renaissance style costuming, as if we were a band of gypsies coming into town to entertain. Based in New York State. We tour throughout the Tri-State area and beyond in: schools; theaters; museums; festivals; private corp events; camps and libraries. We do not do the club scene. We perform an average of 100+ shows a year divided amongst all the venues above.








    Find out more info on groups around the country here and find everything you wanted to know about anything improvisational here and learn about all things improvisational in Canadian speak here, eh? and finally, Yahoo� has numerous group links here. Go! Search! Find! Go again! Laugh!

    Tell them I sent you.

    Return to that Wacky Mother Ship

    So many thanks to all the groups that sent me links and all those who didn't - keep on entertaining! And thanks you to those whose I linked to for having a better page than I could ever dream of. A special thank you to all the groups and people I've seen personally - you all rock! If you have any complaints or additional links, please write to me

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