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a / an / some / the

  1. El artículo determinado es the. Se usa con sustantivos en singular y plural.

the chair      the books

  1. Los artículos indeterminados son a (antes de consonante) o an (antes de sonido de vocal). Ambos se usan solo con sustantivos en singular.

a pen     an exam

  1. Se usa some con  sustantivos en plural cuando no sabemos o no queremos decir cuántos son exactamente.

I've got a pen and some pencils.

  1. Se usa a/an y some cuando mencionamos  cosas por primera vez.

    I've got a skateboard and some rollerblades.

  1. Se usa the cuando mencionamos los sustantivos otra vez.

I've got a skateboard and some rollerblades. The skateboard is red and the rollerblades are blue.


Choose the correct article (a, an, some, the)

1. bike 6. children
2. old man 7. easy exercise
3. computers 8. pen
4. books 9. cats
5. dictionary 10. orange

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Choose the correct article (a, an, the, some)

1. I've got guitar and saxophone. I can play guitar, but I can't play saxophone.
2. I´ve got rabbits and fish. rabbits' names are Bunny and Roger. fish's name is Nemo.
3. At home we've got old piano and drums. The piano is in the living room and drums are in my sister's room.
4. We've got comuters and interactive whiteboard in classroom. computers are old, but interactive whiteboard is new.

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Choose a or an.

1. She’s doctor. 7. He's engineer.
2. I’m teacher. 8. Have you got MP3
3. I'd like ice cream. 9. I've got all my phtos on CD.
4. It's beautiful afternoon. 10. He's honest man.
5. Volleyball is amazing sport. 10 Listen to this! It's song by U2.

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Complete the dialogue with a, an or the.

Mike: Have you got dog?
Lucy: Yes, I have. I've got cat, too.
Mike: What are their names?
Lucy: dog's name is Rufo and cat's name is Scratch.
Mike: Where are they now?
Lucy: They're in yard.
Mike: Oh, yes. Look! Rufo has got old shoe.
Lucy: Hey! That's one of my new trainers.

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What is it? Look at the pictures and write the answers.

umbrella It's .
camera It's .
book It's .
table It's .
wallet It's .

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