Here you will find my multimedia related stuff, including some dsp and music programs and music made by myself:

To use this you will need some basic knowledge of MIDI and computer music software. (66 KB) Tri Repeats is a three-taps multitap delay line with analog-like filters and a soft overdrive processor. Each frequency band from the filters can have different time offset before it's fed in to the delay process. The feedback signal can be further filtered to produce the echo effect. It is also possible to apply the input envelope to the output to produce ducking effect. All parameters are automatable using MIDI CC messages. (206 KB) Ultram is a simple audio to midi convertor - it converts the amplitude of audio to a midi event such as a note-on, cc message, pitch bend, channel aftertouch or program change message. It has a single-pole lowpass filter with controllable attack and decay, a note filter, and it can send the midi messages to the VST host (if supported by the host) or an external hardware device setup in realtime using VST parameters. It also features a LFO generator with different shapes including a random noise generator. Ultram can also be controlled by MIDI: note on MIDI channel 1 controls the LFO frequency, note-on velocity controls LFO amplitude, note-on and note-offs on other channels set note filter to allow and block, and CC messages control VST parameter with the appropriate number. (329 KB) Midi Player is a simple VST midi file player. It needs work but it should be usable on most files -- or at least one created with Thalamus. All controls are automated using VST and MIDI CC messages including tempo, position, play, pause etc. (242 KB) Soundbus is a utility VST plugin which main purpose is to share audio stream between VST hosts. This means you can connect audio streams from multiple applications capable of hosting VST plugins without the need for external hardware or loopback emulator drivers. For usage information see the Soundbus mini how-to. (199 KB) Strav the spectral shaper. It will act as a sample and hold (strav i uzas) effect upon the frequency and amplitude values of input signal after it's analysed. Then a parameter generated value is mixed bit-wise just before the signal is again synthesized. Both VST (Windows) and LADSPA (Linux 2.4 - binary only) versions are included in the package. (265 KB) Thalamus is a multi-purpose utility plugin - it can filter or replace messages, generate MIDI data from parameter automation, log and save input as MIDI general format file. MIDI messages can be sent and received from the VST host or external MIDI devices. Like Soundbus, Thalamus can now send and receive MIDI data to a local bus, avoiding the use of external device drivers just to make a MIDI loopback connection between hosts. (77 KB) Delayogue is a combination between a Fripp-style delay effect and a vocoder, in which the delayed signal can be used as the carrier or modulator of the input. The recorded input signal can be limited to overwrite only specified parts of the buffer in the frequency domain. Direction of the recording "head" and the buffer length are changeable in real-time using VST parameters. (195 KB) Oto will try to detect the pitch of the current (monophononic) signal and output a MIDI note. Various parameters are present to tweak the pitch detection process but still it will sound crappy. Some might find this interesting though - for generating random melodies out of audio signal. (14 KB) Pascal port of the LADSPA SDK and an example plugin project for Kylix/Delphi. (3.6 MB) Rodi me majko gomna da seram.




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