Welcome to Palmira

Bienvenidos a Palmira de Caņas, Costa Rica! Palmira is a small, rural village in the Guanacaste province of Costa Rica.  The town is about a 2.5 kilometer walk along an unpaved road stemming off the main highway towards Upala.  The community consists of about 100 households with a total population of approximately 500 people.  The main form of employment is agricultural, with the men working in the fields of local landowners as dayworkers.

For the past year, I have had the privilege to live and work in Palmira as a Rural Community Development volunteer.  My main job has been to support projects dealing with the local economy, the educational system, and the community organization of the village.  The process of community development can be challenging, but we are all are motivated to work to improve Palmira.

To view pictures, click on the following link. Yahoo Photo albums of Palmira de Caņas

To contact me for more information, email me at Purarena at aol.com

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