Ortografia Colateral - Orthographia Collateral

Un compilation de notas ubi le Ortografia Colateral de Interlingua de IALA es explicate e publicate.

Articulo Exemplo: Le Administration de Recercas Scientific

IG: Interlingua Grammar p.6 sec.15


The following rules, not observed in the Interlingua - English Dictionary, yield a simplified system of equal standing with that outlined in the [main text of Interlingua Grammar by A. Gode/H. Blair]. All points not specifically covered below are to be kept unchanged; so for instance teh treatment of unassimilated guest words whose orthography remains that used in the Interlingua - English Dictionary.

(a) Double letters representing a single consonant are simplified with the exception of ss. Note that the group cc before e, i, and y does not represent a single consonant. E.g. eclesia, aliterar, aducer, interogar (for ecclesia, alliterar, adducer, interrogar) but massa, transsubstantiation, accidente.

(b) The vowel y is replaced by i; e.g. tirano (for tyranno). The semi-consonant y remains unchanged; e.g. yak.

(c) The digraph ph is replaced by f; e.g. fonetic, emfatic (for phonetic, emphatic).

(d) The digraph ch, representing the sound of k, is kept only before e and i. Elsewhere it is replaced by c. E.g. cloric, Cristo (for chloric, Christo) but chimeric.

(e) The silent h after r and t is omitted; e.g. retoric, patetic (for rhetoric, pathetic).

(f) The letter j replaces g and gi to represent the sound of z in 'azure'. E.g. sajo (for sagio).

(g) The suffix -age (also the sound group -age at the end of a word where it is ot a suffix) is replaced by the form -aje; e.g. saje, corje (for sage, corage). The suffix -isar is replaced by the form -izar. Its derivatives are likewise spelled with z. E.g. civilizar, civilization (for civilisar, civilisation).

(h) Final e is dropped after t preceded by a vowel except in words which have the stress on the third syllable form the end; e.g. animat, brevitat (for animate, brevitate) but composite. This rule applies likewise to final e after n, l and r when these consonants are the collateral spelling for nn, ll, and rr; e.g. peren, bel, mel, il, bizar (for perenne, belle, melle, ille, bizarre). Note: Present-tense and imperative forms are not affected by this rule; pote, permite, etc. retain their final -e.

IG: Interlingua Grammar p.22 sec 57

Note: A collateral form of illa [she] is ella; the two should not be used in the same text.

IG: Interlingua Grammar p.29 sec 79

Note: A collateral form of ille [that] is celle; the two should not be used in the same text.

IG: Interlingua Grammar p.34 sec 97

Note: There are considerable numbers of verbal adjectives of the type fisse 'split', docte 'learned', benedicte 'blessed', etc. belonging to the verbs finder, docer, benedicer, etc. Their meaning is identical with that of the normal past participles findite, docite, benedicite, etc. in adjectival use. Verbal adjectives of this type may be made to serve as past participle in all functions inclusive of that of forming past compound tenses. The rule covering this point is as follows: Every verb which has a special contracted ( = irregular) deriving stem listed in the Dictionary can form a collateral past participle by adding the ending -e to that contracted stem.

Ille es absorbite in su labor
or Ille es absorpte in su labor
'He is absorbed in his work'

Ille ha assumite le nomine de su femina
or Ille a assumpte le nomine de su femina
'He has assumed the name of his wife'

In le campania on non se senti subjicite al haste del vita moderne
or In le campania on non se senti subjecte al haste del vita moderne
'In the country one does not feel subjected to the hurry of modern life'

IG: Interlingua Grammar p. 41 sec 116 [interrogative particle an]

Note: A collateral form of the interrogative particle is esque; the two forms, an and esque, should not be used in the same text.

IG: Interlingua Grammar p.51 sec 134

Note: A number of words which the IED lists in two equally correct forms appears below in one alternate only. This does not imply that the second is considered less desirable. The pairs in question are: alicun-alcun; aliquando-alquando; aliquanto-alquanto; alique-alco; a pena-apena; depost-depois; haber-haver; hic-ci; illac-la; illa-ella; ille-celle; jam-ja; pauc-poc; secundo-secun; semper-sempre; si non-sinon; subinde-sovente; tanto-tan; vice-vece.

IED: Interlingua English Dictionary [Bracketed Entries] p. lxi

Bracketed Entries. -- Bracketed entries are words used in one of the major traditional auxiliary languages. They are included in this Dictionary as being neither incompatible with its principles nor a necessary product of them.

[ad] prep 1. to; 2. at ( = a)

[alcun] adj some, any; also; a few ( = alicun)

[alis] [L] npl pther things; inter alia inter alia, among other things

[alora] adv then (1. at that time; 2. in that case, consequently)

[apena] adv hardly, scarely ( = a pena)

(Articulo pro exemplo del uso del ortografia colateral)

Le Administration de Recercas Scientific

per L. Sprague de Camp *

Scientistas varia justo como nos alteros. Ha sapientes e fatuos, sobrios e dissipatos, solitarios e gregarios, corteses e inciviles, puritanos e licentiosos, industriosos e pigros, et cetera. Como genere iles exhibi certe tendentias. Per exemplo, iles son totos de alte inteligentia. Le scientista pote essere stupide re certe cosas, ma il debe haver le basic potentia mental que es requisit pro devenir scientista; il non pote essere moron in le stricte senso psicometric.

Essente plus intligente que le homines medie, forsan le scientistas tende anque a essere plus judiciose, ma isto non impedi alcunos inter iles de cadere in dificultates amorose, de essere decepte per obvie mistificationes e fraudes, o de imbraciar doctrinas pseudoscientific.

Le psicologo Sheldon pensa que le scientistas tende verso su tipo ectomorfic in lor fisico e cerebrotonic in lor temperamento. De lo que io ha viste de scientistas io so inclinat a concurere. Le ectomorfo es le homine magre, e le cerebrotonico es le individualista pensative, introvertite, nervose, quiet, e maestro de se mesme. Il ama laborar solo, prefere ideasa homines, e invetera ben, deveniente arugat e coriacee in vice de grasse de pancia e de gena.

De tot le homines, le scientistas son, in general, le individualistas le plus obstinat e refractori del mundo, comunmente inofensive ma capace de persequere lor fines con le intensitat fanatic de un mania. Si non era assi, iles non vel jamais submitere se al longe e intense processo educational requisit a facere un scientista.

Ubi e como labora le scientistas? Un minoritat bastante parve -- geologos, meteorologos, biologos, archeologos, et cetera -- va via in expeditiones inter le quales iles labora in lor oficios o instrue in scolas e universitates. Le resto labora in laboratorios governamental o privat. Le privates son los de companias manufacturari, de universitates, e de altere institutiones como museos e centros medical, e de alcun individuos ben proviste.

Laboratorios son rarmente tan net e lucente como ilos apare in le cinemas re scientistas nobile. In su vice ilos son incombrat de pecias de cablo electric, de tubaje e vitraje, de suportos, de lunches de mecanicos e vetule magazines tecnic, de cinerieras facte de parafernales scientific disjectat, et cetera.

In multe sortas de labor ha un rude corelation inter le general habitos de labor de un homine - netitat, agradabilitat, punctualitat, et cetera - - e le merito de su labor. Ma al scientistas isto non se aplica. Alcun bonissime scientistas son personas disordinat qui seque nul horario regular e qui grunia a totos. Es necessari un bon administrator pro ben evaluar le merito del homines sub il e pro transvider tal cosas superficial como lor disnetitat de aparentia o lor caracter disagradabile.

Pois, como obtener un bon administrator? Question dificilissime! Si vostre scientista le plus competente es anque un bon administrator, vos es fortunat e non ha problema. Ma isto es infrequente, proque le qualitates que face le melior scientista son nulmente los del melior administrator.

Iste contradictiones e dificultates son minus evidente in laboratorios que face tests routinari de ingenieria. In tal organizationes un ingeniero manea un trupa de tecnicos sin grados in plus o minus le mesme maniera in que il vel manear un departimento de production.

Ma tan tosto que on admite alcun originalitat o pensamento, on ha 'recerca', e quanto plus recerca on ha, quanto plus 'pur' le scientia es, tanto plus grande son le dificultates administrative. Ilos anque augmenta con le grandor del organization, atingente un maximo in le laboratorios del governamento e in los del grande companias privat.

Alcun veces, como io ha dicte, un bon scientista es anque un bon administrator, e in tal casos non existe problema. Ma altere veces on ha de conocere un schema special pro altiar tal o tal scientista (in paga e respecto) del rango subalterne al position superior que il merita sin actualmente ponere le in carga de un departimento. On le apela 'consultante' o 'ingeniero senior' o tal, e on le recompensa per dar le minus labor a papiro e plus libertate, in vice del reverso, le qual es le lot normanl del executivo.

Ecce un exemplo del absurditate inherente in iste paradoxo: Durante le secunde Guera Mundial haveva un fisico de fama mundial qui laborava al Projecto Manhatan a Los Alamos. Pro dar le un rango comensurat con su position in le campo scientific, le governamento del Statos Unit haveva de emplear le a un de su ratas le plus alte, le qual significava que quando le carta del organization era planat iste homine era le tertio in comando a Los Alamos. Ordinarimente isto significava nulo; le primo e le secundo maneava toto e permiteva al tertio seder in su sede a cerebrar. Ma veniva le tempore quando le primo e le secundo era ambos via al mesme tempore, e nostre heroe se trovava director non solo in teoria ma in practica. Un mantenitor entrava pro vider le director e dava al fisico un longe reporto re alcun hasardo periculose de incendio que il haveva trovat, le qual debeva essere adjustat imediatmente. Quando le mantenitor haveva finit, le fisico le reguaardava vago e diceva: 'Ma isto non ha cosa a facere con fisica!' E alora il tornava in alto le oculos e se retirava de nove al Nirvana del plus alte fisica matematic.

Le lot del administrator scientific es bastante exigente. Il ha de ir tan lontan como possibile in dar a su scientistas le optime conditiones de labor, ma il pote rarmente ir bastante lontan pro lor gusto. Iles vole laboratorios stockat con equipamento ilimitat que iles pote simplemente prendere del stockario sin mesmo signar un r4ecepta. Sub tal conditiones le administrator non vel saper lo que ocure, e si le oficio central veniva querere que faceva su genios pro justificar su expensa, il vel haver grande dificultat a replicar.

Al altere latere le administrator ha de guardar se contra le superorganization, un morbo que floresce in grande organizationes in general, e in departimentos gonernamental in particular. Ha personas qui ama cel parve cartas con lor lineas e cassas como un porco ama le gango. Si on les da un mano libere iles va elaborar tante relationes interserat, tante lineas de autoritat, e tante committees; iles va ordinar tante meetings e consultationes e memoranda in octuplicato que le organization es paralisat per mer complexitat.

Le superorganization es specialmente perniciose pro scientistas, qui generalmente ama laborar solo e qui ha in un certe grado devenit scientistas a fin de poter facere lo.

Uno qui tenta manear homines o activitates pro alcun proposito debe expectar dificultates, ma isto non es un ration adequat pro abandonar un projecto meritose. Pro succeder, un expedition o un laboratorio non debe essere un que non ha dificultates de personalitates o de administration ma un que atinge su objectivos in despecto de ilos.

*Traducte del texto original anglese (Astounding Science Fiction, julio 1951, pp. 128 et seq.)
per Hugh E Blair, ilustrante le uso del ortografia regularizat, del participios passat iregular,
e del distinction de infinitivos in -er e -ere. Vide §15, §57, §79, §116, §134, §148. de
Interlingua: a grammar of the International Language. (p. 112-114).

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