curiohead.gif - 25169 Bytes

*Updated 14 Apr 2002*
Please do not take this background, it was made specially for this page, thanks :o)

Here is where I get to display all the stuff I love to collect or if I'm very very lucky, all the awards I win lol! So please excuse the fact this page may look a little busy months to come, it's where I am going to allow myself to go a little wild and collect all sorts.

Anyway I am happy to display my very first award, coming second place in the Background Blitz Contest run over at Shimmerland. Thank you to everyone who voted for my entry.

2nd place

Here is my entry, the contest required us to put a doll or fairy created ourselves onto one of the backgrounds.

Shimmerland Contest

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Mother's Day



ta ferny

Wanted to say thank you to my sister, Ferny (hmmm thats her "net name" lol), for putting together all the webpages for me. I make the images, she does the html.

*Note from Ferny* Yes and can't you tell I have no flair for design lol, I'm no artist thats for sure heh :o)

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