Click to Access Handouts in Social Science Research and Statistics  

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1.    Research Proposal Outline

2.    Formulating the Research Problem

3.    Formulating Research Objectives

4.    Patterns to Follow for Bibliographic Entries

5.    Writing the Review of Literature

6.    Writing the Framework of Analysis

7.    Formulating Hypotheses

8.    Statistics and Tests of Hypotheses

9.    Testing Hypotheses for Measures of Association

10.  Testing Hypotheses for 2-tail Test of Means

11.  Ho and H1 for Test of Means

12. Select Concepts in Research 1

13. Select Concepts in Research 2

14. Select Concepts in Research 3

15. Strategies in Research

16. Science and Social Science

17.  What makes Social Science Research Scientific?

18.  Volition and Verstehen in Social Science Research

19.  Elements of Research Design

20.  Threats to Validity of  Research Findings

21.  Research Design and Validity 1

22.  Research Design and Validity 2

23.  Research Design and Validity 3 

24.  Progressive Designs 1: Overview

25.  Progressive Designs 2: Techniques

26.  Progressive Designs 3: Levels of  People's Participation

27.  Progressive Designs 4: Insider and Outsider

28.  Progressive Designs 5: Gender Sensitivity, Empowerment of Women, and Gender Fair Research Methods

29.  Participatory Project Planning, FS, Evaluation

30.  Controls in Social Research 1

31.  Controls in Social Research 2

32.  Writing the Methodology Section

33.  Data Collection Techniques 1: Overview

34.  Data Collection Techniques 2: Questionnaires

35.  Sources of Data and Collection Techniques 

36.  Select Concepts in Sampling

37.  Overview on Sampling Techniques

38.  Choosing the Appropriate Sample Size 1

39.  Choosing the Appropriate Sample Size 2

40.  Estimation of  Population Parameters

41.  Interviewing 1

42.  Interviewing 2

43.  Focused Group Discussion 1

44.  Focused Group Discussion 2

45.  Questionnaires and Construction 1

46.  Questionnaires and Construction 2

47.  Rapid Appraisal 1

48.  Rapid Appraisal 2

49.  Transects

50.  Calendars

51.  Spot Map

52.  3-D Mapping

53.  Process Documentation Research

54.  The CRBS Approach

55.  Elaboration on the Ground Theory Approach                    CLICK TO RETURN TO HOME PAGE


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