Critical Acclaim for
                        Edward Serov

"The music sparkled with all the colours of the rainbow . . . and the orchestra followed his movements with obvious delight." Kurier, Austria

"A performance alive with poignancy, moments of suspense and thrilling peaks. . . . Serov received "bravos" from the audience and applause from the orchestra." Ragusa Sera, Italy


". . . a musician who can make any piece significant. A thoroughly professional musical style that produced a faultless overall performance." Badische neueste Nachrichten, Germany


"Some artists manage to introduce something special in their performances. Edward Serov is one of these. Even on the illustrious stage of the Baden-Baden Festival, his work shone with a special brilliance and subtlety." Tagesblatt, Germany


"Serov's conducting is elegant, convincing and highly expressive. The Mozart was superb." Informaciones, Spain


"Serov's tall, slender figure and elegant manner remind one of Evgeny Mravinsky. Every gesture is appropriate, precise and extremely expressive." Rude Pravo, Czech Republic

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