Wedding Information

UPDATE FROM DOROTHY: Mauricio Delgado-Gomez has passed away on February 18, 2007 at 9:00 PM in the Orlando Regional Medical Center hospital in Orlando, Florida. Mauricio was diegnosed with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) in December 2006. His case was so advanced that the doctors couldn't do much for him. As his wife I was by his side 24/7 from his diegnosis until his passing. He was an amazing husband and will be missed until we are reunited again in the heavens with our Heavenly Father.

This is the story of Dorothy Harpley, (a gringa artist who just returned from her mission in Fresno, California) and Mauricio Delgado Gomez, (a regular hard working Columbian trying to find his place in the United States). However, this story doesn't have too many words. Instead, Dorothy and Mauricio's history can be found in the many drawings they exchanged with each other.

Let's start from the beginning, okay? (Click on the image and a new window will pop up. You might have to disable your pop-up blocker if it is activated.)

Dot's impression of Mauricio. Mauricio's impression of Dottie. The Talking Dotty Doll Mauricio teaches Dot how to speak spanish. A comic expression Dot's feelings of spirituality. Mauricio's trip to Tallahassee Part 2 of Mauricio's trip. From my art diary. Differing cultures... Love One Another When Dot and Mauricio were sick at the same time. I'm pink like a pig and crazy like a Mexican monkey! Dot is really a giant marshmellow. A painting that Dot never finished. Dot doesn't like perritos. Pinkfuu, Berrfuu, Oinkfuu Mauricio uses his super special powers to save Dottie! Mauricio mentions Dot when talking to his mom! Mauricio and his happy chickens. The Zoo Team! When Mauricio proposed! The crazy circus. Juan Valez ain't got nothing on us! Dot goes crazy with wedding plans. Poster child for ADHD

This site and all content (including graphics, drawings, etc.) is the intellectual property of Dorothy Harpley and Mauricio Delgado. Use of any items from this site without permission is stupid. Direct all questions and/or comments to dharpley(at)

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