vacation.from.reality ~ updates
November 4, 2006

Okay, it is the end of my break and I could not find time to reconstruct the fanart gallery X_x *sighhhh* So I guess I'll have to close it again for now TT___TT I don't know when I'll manage to fix it, it might be a while...So I suppose if you wanna see any of my new fanart pieces, head over to myO or m y dA pages. Curse you Geocities!!!!! >__< *cries*

Anyways, I'm actually on time with the new front page pic for once!! :D But there's still a couple of pieces I need to upload into the misc and original, I'll try to do that sometime. It's just between homework and my time on the community sites, it's hard to get to here. But I'll try. And this site is NOT, I repeat, NOT going on hiatus! This is just a busy busy year for me X_x

Anyway, I'll try and upload the new original pics later...sometime during the week maybe. I must not procrastinate!! >_<

Anyway, take care little sitey, I still love you! :3



2006-11-04 11:50:40 GMT

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