vacation.from.reality ~ updates
September 29, 2006


Geocities ate my fanart gallery.


>___< GAHHHH!!! Whyyyyy?!?!?! This could not have happened at a worse time!!! -__- *cries* It took me so long to put up those thumbnails, whyy??? It's difficult enough to just update with school right now!!

*sigh* I guess I'll just have to reconstruct it over halloween break X_x But why is it all gone?


But on the brighter side, there's an update!! Those two pages of Please Remember are FINALLY up, believe it or not. Also a new little doujin in the manga section I drew at about the start of the month -_-  And, a new front page pic for sept/oct! Yay! It's so much faster to update with wireless ^^

And now I am going to bed X_x The fanart gallery will be reconstructed hopefully sometime next month...hopefully....


2006-09-29 22:31:43 GMT

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