vacation.from.reality ~ updates
August 26, 2006

Updated the misc. section. Two new pics under "gifts from you" from my good friends AnimeK (a gorgeous Atemu-kun b-day pic that I love ^^) and Pugi (a sexy Yami pic which I should've posted ages ago) and one new one under "gifts for you",  a b-day Cloud pic for AnimeK again ^^ Plus the past layouts section was getting too big so I moved it to it's own page. The link for it can be found under the original heading in misc. Plus I added the August layout to it too ^^ I really need to get started on September's layout this week as well...

And yes, I know I said I'd post the new pages of Please Remember but for some stupid reason my scanner doesn't work with this computer anymore ¬____¬ But it was b-day during the week and guess what I got??? A ***LAPTOP***!!!! I can't believe it!! And my scanner works perfectly with it too!! Plus I'm waiting for a wireless modem to come so I can connect my little baby up to the internet, which means it will be much, much easier for me to update here. So once I get that set up, I'll post PR and a new original and junk pic ^^ Plus school starts for me on Friday (ughhh -___-) so hopefully I'll get them up before then.

And I meant to say this last post but thankyou Shany for signing the guestbook ^__^



2006-08-26 13:58:16 GMT

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