The Essential Spirits


Rum is distilled from fermented sugarcane


Precursors exist back to the 1400's, in India and China with sugarwine, but modern conceptions of rum didn't arise until the colonial Americas were part of the story. Rum, much like whiskey was often more dependable and universal than the currency of the day. It was traded, invested in, and gifted to presidents before 1800. Many of the original pirates were British Rum Privateers before they took up the eye-patch. Sailors were served watered down rum called grog to satiate unhappy palates on a budget.

Flavor Profiles

Rum flavor profiles are largely determined by their storage. Which upon reflection could be said about all spirits. A light rum will be simple and sweet in flavor, where gold rums absorb color and flavor from their containers. Stronger vanilla and cinnamon flavors are common, as well as a richer smell. Dark rums are interesting, because they are created by caramelizing sugar, a major change to the base fermentation ingredient. Flavored rums are mostly fruity, pairing the natural fruit sugars with the pure sugar cane sweetness can create sinful delicacies to indulgent to resist. Rum is frequently mixed with other rums, pursuing the perfect balance of sweet and savory.

Learning More

Rum is often perceived as a seasonal drink, only for tiki parties and summer nights. This is a miscalculation, although a fair one to make. It may seem that it is only tropical in enjoyment, but a strong dark rum will be rich in cinnamon and vanilla, like a christmas cookie it can set the mood with cream and nutmeg. Maybe a pile of gingerbread right next to it! Rum is all seasonal, and under appreciated sipped with soda. I encourage you to try your rum with a small bit of soda, it is plenty sweet on its own and will surprise you.

Rum By Type
Spiced White Dark
Captain Morgan, Sailor Jerry Bacardi, Cruzan Meyers Dark
Spices derive from seeds of dried fruit, roots, leaves, and bark of edible flora. Ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, etc. Great for shots! Mild flavor, lighter body. Excellent for mojito, as the rum will not overpower the mint Often used mixed with other rums. Richest and strongest of all rum types. Dark rum is used as a float on top of a finished drink.