presents.jpg (8038 bytes) Notes

Special Options

Extended crossguard  Custom grips  Specialy balanced Featherweight Weaponsweight   Theatrical points and cross section

Extended crossguard

Crossguards extending more than five inches past the edge of the blade require special construction to make them  durable and effective AND safe.. you can add extended crossguards to any blade for an additional charge of $15. Extended and reinforced crossguards are included in the purchase price of every Zweihander and Claymore

Custom grips

most grips are Pleather (Plastic leather) wrapped tightly and are black..   for an aditinal charge we an wrap chord under that to give a chorded texture and appearance to the grip . we can also make "finger notches" or even a "trigger" under the index finger. these would add $2 to the cost. of the sword... finger notches are included in the price of the Spatha and Gladius

other colors and materials of grip are available upon request and agreement as to price .

Special balancing

For an additional $5 I'll make sure your sword balances to your specifictions. traditionally the best balance is six inches from the index finger for a single handed sword.


This is just an instruction from you to us, to make the sword as light as possible.. swords made to lightest possible weight have increased latency (they tend to "whip" more)  and are less durable (baseball bat swings will bring them to grief).. but they ARE light and fast...


for serious swordsmen or martial artists we can make your sword simulate the weight and balance of a real sword.

Not available for Zweihander, Claymore or Spear.


Theatrical points  and Theatrical cross section

boffers for play are made with a rounded bulbous tip larger than the socket of an eye.. JesterSwords for Stage use can be made with a simple point for no additional charge.. JesterSwords made like this will still have the telescoping core and all the other safe and friendly properties of our usual projects EXCEPT that thrusting will be less comfortable for the target and there is now a danger not just of discomfort ( a black eye) but of injury if you should thrust into the eye socket. umm if that sounds dire consider what sort of warning SHOULD go with steel or even wooden stage swords...


by eliminating the padding to the sides of the core we can reduce the cross section even further making the blades even more in line with the apearance of real swords . while there is no additinal charge it is noted that these swords will be uncomfortable to take a "flat" full force blow from...

Custom Orders

custom replicas

I'll reproduce any sword you care to send me a picture of.. all i need to is the picture, the length, the weight  and the balance point.( the reproduction not be as finally detailed as the original and will be "ballooned" a bit but will be a good approximation)

oh, and then we have to agree on price.

Fantasy Creations

Comic books and imaginations can make some incredibly beautiful weapons.. but trunign fantasy reality is chancier than reproducing an existing sword... show me an illustration and i'll be happy to let you know if I think i can do it.. I'll send you a sketch and a price.. and you can let me know if youre interested.

NOTE: some really beautiful (generally vastly oversized) swords can NOT be reproduced in any practical way , even in foam. or at least not be me.


Party Packs


Roman Holiday

2 Gladius

2 Spatha

2 Spear

An assortment suitable for your own gladitorial party.. drag out the togas and peeled grapes and recline wile others take thier turn at the challenge of combat

$130.00 (+S/H)



Knights to remember

2 single handed broadsword

2 hand and a half swords

2 Spear

Hold your own tournement your valor before the one who's favor you would bear. allow the vicotr to choose the days "queen  of love and beauty". Any excuse halloweth a good costume party... one of the largest and most succesful historical societies started just this way back in 1966 and now numbers tens of thousands of members around the world (talk about the party that never ended...)



Thats Piracy

a party pack of four  cutlasses and two rapiers.. I've never been to a pirate themed event.. yet. but it sounds like fun...




Advice on choosing




Notes on Care and use


The Jestersword is designed for sfe and reletivly comfortable use in normal street clothes with the caveat that you shouldnt strike to the head , neck or groin. Because the JesterSwords are so safely designed hits there are likely to be uncomfortable rather than injurious and accidental strikes to these regions are an inevitable part of playing with these sorts of toys .

so, play carefully and refuse to play with anyone that doesnt.

basic swordsmanship




how to make them last longer


how to make them wear out more quickly

keeping them crushed under stuff and keeping them compressed or shortened in storage will wear them out pretty quickly.

leaving them in your car all the tiem will shorten their life , but not as much.

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