Art Canadian Style
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About the Artist

Diane Thompson (Greschuk)

I earned a degree in Fine Art at the University of Guelph and my work has been exhibited in various galleries such as Del Bello Gallery in Toronto, Ontario; The Museum of Northern History in Kirkland Lake, Ontario; Planetree Gallery in Hamilton, Ontario; The William Whipple Gallery in Marshall, Minnesota; The Punchinello Gallery in Toronto, Ontario; and Taller Galeria Fort in Barcelona, Spain. Raised in the Northern Ontario town of Kirkland Lake, my work is simply based on a love of the rugged rocks and beauty of Northern Ontario. Growing up in Kirkland Lake had a profound effect on my work. The clear air of northern skies doesn't filter the bright sun, so that everything you see takes on a much sharper clarity, and all of my images are perceived as having very sharp, clearly defined edges. The almost constant sun and deep blue skies made me aware of the stunningly bright colours of my surroundings and gave me a love of light and shadow, colour, textures and shapes. Much of my work has been in miniature. Their informality of size and style are consistent with my intention - to keep them as personal snapshots of my life. Although my work is mostly based on my Canadian experiences, I enjoy painting what catches my eye no matter where I am.

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Art Canadian Style
15 Weir Street North,  Hamilton,   ON,  L8H 5E7   Canada
Tel: 905-537-1165   Fax: 905-481-0749

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