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vegetarian diet and ital food.

dinerbacked tofutofu tray

Supremely tofu thoroughly baked in Ital marinade, fresh, mixed greens salad, lowfat dressing and brown rice.


Hemp   Cuisine   Recipes .

Hempseed Milk : Ingredients: 4 oz clean seed, 1 oz almonds, 1 or 2 figs to taste.   Method: Blend all ingredients in a food processor with 2 tablespoons of cold water. Add 1 pint of water and stir thouroughly. Chill for 1 hour.

Fresh Hemp Pasta: Ingredients: 225 g hemp flour, 225 g plain flour or Italian pasta flour, a pinch of salt, 4 eggs, 1 tbs of cold pressed hemp oil.   Method: Mix the two flours and salt, then shift onto a wooden board. Make a well in the center and drop in eggs and oil. Using the fingers of one hand, mix together the eggs and oil and gradually draw in the flour until the mixture is a very stiff dough. Knead for about 15 minutes. Wrap in polythene and leave to relax in a cool place for one hour. Roll one small piece of dough out at a time until paper thin. Cut into required shapes. Allow to dry. Hang noodles over the clean handle of a broom suspended between two chairs; lay small shapes on a wire rack or dry tea towel. Leave for at least 30 minutes before boiling.

Hemp Oil Mayonnaise: Ingredients: 2 eggs yolks, salt and fresh ground pepper to taste, 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 290ml/10 fl oz cold pressed hemp oil, a squeeze of lemon juice, 1 tbs white wine vinegar.   Method: Put yolks into a bowl with a pinch of salt and the mustard and beat well with a wooden spoon. Add the oil very slowly while continuing beating. The mixture should be very thick by the time half the oil has been added. Beat in the lemon juice. Continue pouring the remaining half of the oil, alternating the dribbles of oil with small quantity of vinegar. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Hempseed Pesto Sauce: Ingredients: 2 cloves of garlic, 2 large cups of basil leaves, 2 oz toasted hemp seed, 2 oz vegetarian Parmesan cheese freshly grated, 150 ml cold pressed hemp oil, salt to taste.   Method: Put the garlic and the basil into a blender and mix to a paste. Add the nuts and cheese, then whilst blending, slowly pour in the oil. Season to taste. Keep in a covered jar in a cool place.

Hemp Croquettes: Ingredients: 4 oz toasted hemp seed, 1 onion, 4 oz millet, 1 tbs soy sauce, 1 tbs cold pressed hemp oil, 1 oz hemp flour or wholemeal, 1 tbs vegetable oil for frying, 1 egg beaten, fresh breadcrumbs.   Method: Peal and finely chop or grate the onion. Cook the millet in twice the quantity of water or water to cover. Crush the toasted hempseed with a pestle and mortar then mix this with millet, onion, soy sauce and hemp oil. Shape into small croquette shapes and coat in flour. Dip in beaten egg and then roll in breadcrumbs before frying in the vegetable oil until crispy and golden brown. Serve with a salad drizzled with a hemp oil salad dressing.

Crunchy Hemp Potato Salad with Yoghurt Dressing: Ingredients: 1/2 lb (225g) potatoes, 1/4 pint (140 ml) yoghurt, 1 spring onion, 1/2 cup of toasted hemp seed, 1/4-1/2 garlic salt, 1/2 teaspoon of cold pressed hempseed oil, salt and pepper to taste.   Method: Cook the potatoes until tender. Cool slightly. Put the yoghurt in a bowl. Mince the spring onions and toasted hempseeds, add them to the bowl along with the garlic salt, oregano and hemp oil. Mix well. Dice the potatoes and add them to the bowl. Mix them in. Cover bowl and chill thoroughly.

Mushroom-Hemp Paté: Ingredients: 2 pounds fresh mushrooms, 1 cup Hempburger, 1 tbs Dijon mustard, horseradish to taste, 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley, salt and pepper to taste.   Method: Coarsely chop mushrooms. Saut over medium to high heat until mushrooms release and evaporate all moisture. Add an equal amount of hempburger and cook briefly. Remove from heat and cool, then add mustard and horseradish, fresh chopped parsley, and salt and pepper. This yields a flavorful mixture with a spread-able consistency for hors d'oeuvres or even sandwiches. Pair with Sauvignon Blanc or Champagne.

Hot and Spicy Hemp Oil: Ingredients: 1 tbs brown rice vinegar or fresh lemon juice, 2 tsp Bragg's liquid aminos or tamari, 1 clove fresh garlic, 1 tsp cayenne powder, 1 tsp red dulse, nutritional yeast to taste, 1/4 cup hemp oil.   Method: Mix ingredients in the order listed. Keep refrigerated.

Tomato Coulis: Ingredients: 3 fresh chopped tomatoes, 1 tbs honey, 2 tbs rice wine vinegar, 2 tbs each freshly chopped parsley, basil and oregano, 1/3 cup hemp oil.   Method: Mix first four ingredients in blender, slowly drizzle in hemp oil, continue mixing until emulsified.

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