Bibliografia temática del área Maya

Dr. Alejandro Villalobos

Reconocimientos Arqueológicos.

Adams Richard E. W. Settlement patterns of the central Yucatan and southern Campeche regions, University of Texas at San Antonio.

Adams, Richard E. W., Preliminary reports on archaeological investigations in the Río Bec área Campeche, México, Middle American research institute, Tulane University, New Orleand, 1974.

Adams, Richard E. W., The Río Bec ecological project. National Geographic society. Research reports. Vol. 13, Washington, D.C., USA, 1981.

Andrews, Antonio P., Breve addenda al reconocimiento arqueológico de las costa norte del Estado de Campeche, 1978.

Andrews, Antonio P., Reconocimiento arqueológico de la costa norte del estado de Campeche, 1977.

Andrews, E. Willys, The archeaology of southwestern Campeche. Sobretiro de: contributions to american antrhopology and history, No. 40, 1943.

Andrews, E. Willys, Archeaeology and Prehistory in the Northern Maya Lowlands: An Introduction. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, edited by Roberto Wauchope, Vol. 2, Part. 1, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1965.

Bullard, W. R. Jr., Maya settlement pattern in northeastern Peten, Guatemala. Amer. Antiquity, 25.

Bullar reseña a Andrews, Edzna, Campeche, México, Settlement patterns and monumental architecture, 1970.

Eaton, Jack D., A report on excavations at Chicanna, Campeche, Mexico. Cerámica de cultura Maya, 8.

Eaton, Jack D., Ball, Joseph W., Studies in the archaeology of coastal Yucatan and Campeche, Mexico. New Orleans, Middle american research institute, Tulane University, 1978.

Folan, William J., Calkmul, Campeche, México, 1985.

Forsyth, Donald W., An analysis of the Prheispanic of Edzna, Campeche, Mexico. Ph, D. Dissertation in Antropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1979.

Freidel, David, Culture areas and interaction spheres: contrastin appoaches to the emergence of civilization in the Maya lowlands; Amer. Antiquty 44(1), 1979.

Graham, John A., Ancient Mesoamerica: Selecter Readings. Peek publications, Palo Alto, Cal., 1966.

Maler Teobert. Explorations in the departament of Peten and adjacent regions. Peabody Museum of American archaeology an ethnology, Cambridge, 1910.

Messenger Jr., Lewis C., Archaeological activity in the Rio Bec region. Thesis, México, Universidad de las Américas, 1975.

Muller, Florencia, Campeche, Atlas arqueológico de la república mexicana, INAH, México, 1960.

Navarrete, Carlos, Reseña Adams Richard E. W.: Preliminary report on archaeologycal investigations in the Rio Bec Area, 1977.

Nelson, Fred W. Jr., Archaeological investigations ar Dzibilnocac, Campeche, México. Papers of the New World Archaeological foundation, No. 33, México, INAH, 1973.

Perigny, M. de. Yucatan Inconnu. Journal de Societe des Americanistes de París, n.s., 5, París.

Q. Archaeological exploracions in Campeche, México, 1969.

Q. Mapas de México, Chiapas; Man in nature project; Brighman Young University expedition, Campeche, 1961.

Q. Santa Rosa Xtampak and Dzibilnocac, Campeche, México, 1969.
R. P. Reseña: Engerrand, Jorge. La huella más antigua quizá del hombre en la península de Yucatán, Estudio de la industria de Concepción (Campeche), 1913.

Ruppert, Karl and Denison Jr., John H., Archaeological reconnaissance in Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Peten. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 543, Wash. USA, 1943.

Ruz, Lhullier Alberto, Campeche en la arqueología maya. México, ENAH, 1945.

Ruz, Lhullier Alberto, La costa de Campeche en los tiempos prehispánicos, México, INAH, 1969.

Thomas, Jr. Prentice M., Prehistoric Settlement at Becan: A Preliminary report. Middle American Research Institute, Publication 31, Compuled by R.E.W. Adams, 1981.

Thomas, Jr. Prentice M., Prehistoric settlement patterns at Becan, Campeche, Mexico: Secon preliminary report. Paper presented at the XLI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, México, 1974.

Thomas, Prentice M., Prehistoric Maya settlement patterns at Becan, Campeche, Mexico, Middle Amer. Research Inst. Pub. 45, Tulane University.

Willey Gordon, Problems concerning prehistoric settlement patterns in maya lowlands. Fron Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the New Worl, edited by G.R. Willey in Ancient Mesoamerica: Selecter Reagings, edited by John A. Graham, 196, Palo Alto, Cal., USA, Peek Publications, 1956.

Willey Gordon, The structure of ancient Maya society: Evidence fron the southern lowland. Fron American Anthropologist 59, in Ancient Mesoamerica: Selected Reading, edited by John A. Craham, 1966, Palo Alto, Cal., Peek Publications, 1956.

Willey Gordon, R., and Bullard Jr., William R. Prehistoric settlement patterns in the Maya lowlands. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, Edited by Robert Wauchope, Vol. 2, Part. 1, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1965.

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