Bibliografia temática del área Maya

Dr. Alejandro Villalobos

Arte e Ideología.

Coe William R., Caches and offertory practices of the Maya Lowland. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, edited byRobert Wauchope, Vol. 2, Part. 1, University of Tesas Press, Austin, 1965.

El libro de los libros de chilam balam. Trad. Alfredo Barrera Vázquez y Silvia Rendón. México, CFE, 1985.

El Popol Vuh. Trad. Adrián Recinos. México, CFR, 1981.

Krickeberg Walter, Mitos y leyendas de los Aztecas, Incas, Mayas y Muiscas, México, CFR, 1985.

León Portilla, Miguel, Tiempo y realidad en el pensamiento maya. UNAM, México, 1986.

Proskouriakoff, Tatiana, Sculpture and major arts of the Maya Lowlands. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, edited by Robert Wauchope, Vol. 2, Part. 1, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1965.

Ruz, Alberto, Tombs and funerary practices of the Maya Lowlands. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, edited by Robert Wauchope, Vol. 2, Part. 1, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1965.

Thompson, Eric S., Maya history and religion, University of Oklahoma, Press, Norman, 1970.


Coe, William R., Artifacts of the Maya Lowlands. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, ed. by Robert Wauchope, Vol. 3, Part. 2, Univesity of Texas Press, Austin, 1965.

Handing, James Lombard, Petrology and petrography of the Campeche lithic suite, Yucatan shelf, Mexico Texas A&M University, 1964, (tesis U.M.I.).

Nelson, Fred W., Nielson Kirk K., Mangelson, Nolan F. Preliminary studies of the trace element coposition of obsidian artifacts fron northern Campeche, México, 1977.

Rands, Roberto L., Jades of the Maya Lowlands. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, edited by Roberto Wauchope, Vol. 2, Part. 2, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1965.

Stoltman James B., Lithic artifacts fron a complex society: the chipped stone tools of Becan, Campeche, Mexico, Sobretiro de: program of research on the Yucatan peninsula. New Orlands, Middle American Research institute, Tulane University, 1978.

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