oseph Addison once said, “What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are trifles to be sure, but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.” Br Arockiam seems to live by this principle.

Friendly and ever smiling Br Arockiam hails from Arianellore, in the diocese of Madurai, in Tamil Nadu. Born on 13 February 1956, he joined the Society of St Paul on 6th July 1975 in the Community of Bangalore and made his first profession on 30 June 1979 in the same community.

Unassuming and simple as he is, Brother Arockiam has served the province in its various apostolic sectors like diffusion, mobile units etc. Since 1997 he is the Circulation manager of our periodicals — Sunday Liturgy and Inspirational Quote.
He believes that the three-year Theology course done at CRI, Bangalore was the turning point in his life. From a very scrupulous religious who followed the letter of the law he came to the realization that the three vows are meant to love others as Jesus loved. This love, he says, “is to be expressed first of all in our service of those in the community and then of others around us.” He feels that mere external faithfulness to the vows without a sincere love and concern for one’s neighbour is shallow and empty.

Last 25 years as a religious brother had been very enriching and satisfactory for him. For Br Arockiam Brotherhood is a ‘symbol of love’. “I must become a brother to others, those in the community and in the world at large” he clarifies. The principal call of every religious according to him is to be a ‘symbol of love.’

Very true to his principle, Br Arockiam is ever ready and willing to give a helping hand to others. Those who have worked with him fondly remember the happy moments they spent in his company. His brotherly concern and care have touched many hearts in and around his community.

However, he feels sad that he is not able to reach out in love to the scores of the poor and the destitute in the street, at railway stations etc. Hence, his jubilee resolution is to become a symbol of love to these unfortunate and abandoned ones.

Joby Manachirikkal

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