Bessie "Gertrude" Brooks of Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA, just celebrated her 100th birthday. Hitting the centenarian mark is quite a feat for anyone, but even more so for a survivor of Polio (once called Infantile Paralysis). Bessie, who was born March 30, 1905, got polio when she was 3 years old. She married, and went on to have 7 children (all by natural childbirth according to her grand-daughter, Karen in California). Unfortunately, her husband died when the children were still young, so she raised them by herself. Karen's mother and her Aunt Vi have been the primary caretakers for this wonderful woman. Many others visit and take good care of their Mamaw, as they lovingly call their grandmother.

As far as anyone can discover, Bessie, is the oldest living Polio survivor. There was a report of a Mr. Remaley from Pennsylvania, who was born in 1904. Even if he is still among us, Bessie would still be the oldest woman who survived Poliomyelitis. That is quite an accomplishment!

I'm looking forward to the next year when Bessie will celebrate 101 years. As one doctor from South Africa said in an email message to Bessie: "Happy Birthday, Bessie! May you have as many more birthdays as you desire."

Written by Jann Hartman, Baltimore, MD, USA
Polio survivor from 1953; living with PPS since about 1985

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