The History of Armored Duck
     What is Armored Duck? Armored Duck is four sexy kids who can put an all-you-can-eat out of business in one sitting. Musically, we're (mostly) a mix of pop-punk and hard rock, however it won't stop there.
       As a band, we feel that while it's cool to write meaningful songs based on personal experiences and such, music (such as ours) should first and foremost be fun to listen to, a fun experience for our fans, and ourselves as well. Rock on.
And now, the birth and history of the duck:
       Back in middle school a boy by the name of Taylor had an idea to start a rock band because he longed to play guitar in a band.  He talked with his friend Chris who he knew to be a bass player and asked him what he thought of the idea.  He loved it and so started a ever lasting friendship and a long time quest for a band.
    They decided the first priority was a drummer.  They found one.  Then they needed a singer, they went looking but accidently found another guitar player.  Then finally they found a singer and the band Leap Year was formed.  They played one show and they ended. 
    Chris and Taylor however did not feel they filled their musical needs.  They decided to start a new band.  They soon found a new drummer in their friend but they did not have the void of a singer.  They went through many singers, i think the total was 3 until they finally found one.  This new singer was an asset to the band because she not only wrote lyrics but she was also a she.  They decided on the name Armored Duck because it was cool.  They rehersed many a time and wrote some original stuff.  Then they played one show and broke up. 
    Once again Chris and Taylor were left with a bass, a guitar and that was it.  However they had realized something after all the time worrying about a singer they realized they could sing the lyrics themselves.  They started writing again and met a young man by the name of James.  A talented young guitarist with a lot of heart and potential.  Seeing the opportunity to increase the fullness and volume of the band Chris and Taylor quickly asked James to join them.  Now they needed a drummer.  They quickly asked the original drummer from leap year to join the band.  He said yes and the lineup was compleate, or was it.  After not doing any shows he quit and they were left drummerless like 3 weeks before the Armored Duck rebirth.  This was a problem that they quickly and temporarily solved with Chris's little brother.  He learned the drum parts quickly and did an excelent job for the 2 shows they did with him.  The problem was they still needed a permanant drummer. 
    The days went slow and they got a few leads that went nowhere.  Then out of the blue they heard about a kid named Mike.  They called him up and he came to play for them.  He was a perfect fit for them and they asked him to join them that day.  Now the lineup is compleate and they have the full fledge force of ARMORED DUCK.  They will be taking New Jersey by storm........................ soon, so look out for them.
Quack Quack.
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