My Testimony

Having been brought up in a Christian household, I can never say I doubted Gods existence, however when I was around 15 years of age I stopped going to church and started making life a misery for those around me.

I left school in 1980 after somehow obtaining my school certificate and eventually started hanging around the wrong group of people and got involved with drugs (as well as drinking).

In 1987 I was married and eventually became the father of 6 fantastic kids (1 boy and 5 girls).  September of 1994 saw a transformation in my life when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I had already stopped taking drugs about three months before hand and instantly God took away my smoking.

Unfortunately in 2003 my wife left us and a year later I was divorced, but God has always kept His promise never to leave me nor forsake me.

Today I am living in Coffs Harbour with my 5 daughters and driving school buses. I attend the Christian Outreach Centre and allowing God to maintain control over my life.

If you are reading this and don�t yet know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, all I can say is give Jesus a chance in your life. Give Jesus a chance. As you have read, becoming a Christian does not make your life without its problems, to the contrary Jesus actually promised this to no one. His promises were that we would be persecuted, attacked, mocked and ridiculed. But Jesus does promise that He would never leave us nor forsake us.

Going to church wont make you a Christian. Saying a prayer won�t make you a Christian (people in every religion pray) Even saying you are a Christian doesn�t mean you are one. Jesus said many will come on that day and say Lord, Lord. And He shall say �depart from me, I never knew you� The definition of a Christian is one who loves The Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

The Bible teaches that God has provided salvation in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus was made to assume our flesh, die in our place, rise again from the dead, ascend to the Father, receive the place of power at God's right hand, and appear before God in the believer's behalf. He is to come again to consummate redemption. This work of God's Son was for the purpose of saving us from the guilt, the penalty, the power, and ultimately the presence of sin. Salvation was provided for those who believe in Christ and walk in his ways. Faith is the only condition to salvation, and it is the gift of God.

John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"

Today can be the day that you make the most important decision you make in this life. Where will you spend eternity? Jesus died so that your sins could be forgiven and you could live forever in heaven when this life is over. All you have to do is pray this simple prayer.

Come to Jesus, admit you have not lived your life for him and ask him for forgiveness and then ask Him to come into your life. After doing this find a church that teaches from the Bible and get involved in fellowshipping with other Christians.

"God, I am a sinner. I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I believe in my heart, and confess with my lips, that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour. Come into my heart Jesus. Take my life, I surrender it to you. From this moment on, I will live my life according to the Bible and serve you. Thank you for taking away my sins and giving me everlasting life. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen"

If you want to know more about this, or if you have given your life to Jesus as a result of this please send me an
email I would love to pray for you and get to know you.

(For my full testimony click
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