Sally Pullinger

Sally is a Priestess of Avalon who has written many songs in honour of the Goddess. Her CD 'Singing the Wheel of BrigitAnna' celebrates the ancient Celtic Goddesses of Great Britain. Sally is a founder member and one of the directors of the Glastonbury Goddess Temple and a ceremonialist in the Glastonbruy Goddess Conference.  She runs a world music choir in Glastonbury, The Avalonian Free State Choir, and has this year started the Glastonbury Goddess Choir, and also the Goddess Dance Band, Divine Roots, which played at the Glastonbury Goddess Conference this year, 2009.
She is a mother of three and has two beautiful grand-daughters. Sally was born in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, 60 years ago, and is delighted to be invited to contribute to this first celebration of the return of Goddess in these lands.

Katinka Soetens

She�s  also a  priestess enchantress and a part of the Glastonbury Goddess Conference  and the Glastonbury Goddess temple ceremonial group.
Mother of three home-educated children living in Cornwall, she holds rituals for friends and family at most of those times and workshops in which to explore the different aspects of the Goddess.
She  works as a Natural Active Birth ante-natal teacher, holding weekly birth preparation classes, and as a doula, a birth companion. She�s a member of Doula UK and she also teaches the celebration of being female through belly dance doing dance workshops and classes.

Kathy Jones

Mike Jones

Sandra Roman

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