Ancient Civilizations

Ancient civilizations hold a fascination for many people. I've been hooked since I first set eyes on a National Geographic that had photos from King Tut's tomb. My grandfather also had an extensive collection of arrowheads, which served to remind me that the US also had its own ancient civilizations. Very little is known about the Mound Builders of the Ohio Valley. The Serpent Mound is an incredible sight from the sky, but we can only speculate on why it was built. There are even a few effigy mounds in my hometown. If Indiana Jones inspired you, you're sure to find something of interest below.

Some links to Ancient Civilization Sites

The Explorer Ancient civilisations
Mysterious Places
Lost Civilizations -->by
ousia: for the Egyptologist...
The WWWorld of Archaeology
zoomQuake history links Massive list of links
The English Heritage Archaeology Division home page
The Americas
Chapter One Images
Valley of the Ancients
Odin's Castle of Dreams & Legends Interesting site which has info on ancient civilizations, myths, legends, etc.
Ancient Civilizations Links and resources
The PartheNet Dedicated to ancient Greece
Jessica's Archaeology Links
Stone Circles Informative site covering more than just Britain's stone circles
Ancient Societies Jump-site Jumping off point for numerous sites
Ancient Links at the Portal to Other Worlds Carl Munck, archaeocryptographer, introduces an ancient Pyramid Matrix, in which monuments - across the globe - encode their exact position with respect to latitude and longitude.
Civilizations in America Contents
Origins of Mexico
Images of Cambodia
The Golden and the Great
Angkor Wat
Algonquins, Egyptians, and Uto-Aztecs
Forgotten Wonders:Angkor Wat
Welcome to
Travel,Archaeology,History Photographs:Images of Mexico
Image Archive: Angkor Wat 1
Ice Treasures of the Incas
Don Daniels' Home Page= Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm, Cambodia
amigo! Mexico Pre-Columbian Directory
Image Archive:SEAsia
Native American Archaeology & Anthropology Resources on the Net
Deniart Systems Home Page
Exploring The Lost Maya
Planetary Mysteries
Orkney Stone Circles and Other Ancient Sites
Ancient Sites of Britain- Stonehenge, Avebury and other Stone Circles
Cnoc Ceann a'Gharaidh
Prehistoric Grampian
mexican antiquities
UK Stone Circles and Antiquities
Stone Circles of Cumbria
Temple Wood

The Maya

Mundo Maya Mexico Maya World Mexico
Rabbit in the Moon: Mayan Glyphs and Architecture
CMCC-Mystery of the Maya-Maya Society
Mysteries of the Maya
Maya Astronomy
Welcome to Maya Adventure
Tzolk'in, Pacal Votan Society for Advance of Maya
El Mundo Maya-The Maya World Archaeology brought to you by Windows on the World

Mound Builders

Cahokia Welcomes You
Pueblos and Mound Builders
Effigy Mounds
The Cahokia Mounds
Adena Culture
Mound Builders
Hopewell Culture NHP Homepage
ILTweb:Live Text:SS:NAHA:Culture
Ouse Island
Indian Artifact Page
West Virginia Mounds
Hartford Beach Village 1994
Mounds Main Page
Great Serpent Mound, Inner Landscape Connection

Cliff Dwellers... Anasazi, Mogollon, and others

Into the Sierra Madre in search of a lost people
Ancient Peoples of the American West
New Mexico Archaeology
The Mogollon Desert People
Archaeological Parks and Sites
GORP-Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot
Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument Home Page
Cliff Dwellings Viewing Site
Anasazi Archaeology
Anasazi Vision Road

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