Gale's Abyss- Polls

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RPG, D&D Library

Rate this site between one and five stars, where five stars is an absolute "Must See" web site that no one should miss and one star is a "Don't bother."

Sorry but the poll place is taking away my polls... and since i'm cheap i'm not upgrading to prof. so here are the final results (3/24/00)

How atached are you to your NPCs/PCs?
If they die, I cry. - 18%
Fairly. I'm sad when they die. - 53%
I'm not that atached. If they die, too bad. - 23%
Not at all! Who cares? I kill 'em for fun! - 4%
Total Votes: 43

How much Detail do you use in your games?
As much as possible, I'm way too into it- 58%
I follow the rules, but don't add any- 24%
I don't have much detail, who needs it?- 3%
Half my PCs never even got skills- 3%
I have just enough, NPCs don't need skills! - 10%
Total Votes: 29

Who's your favorite character in my stories?
Gale - 3%
Sim - 0%
Arter - 13%
Ramsea - 11%
Sera - 72%
Parady - 0%

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