Media Desert

Last updated on 10/24/08



This page will have personal reviews, opinions and pieces of interest on Science Fiction and Fantasy movies and television. The last few years have been great for the two genres. Successful programs like "Babylon 5," "X Files," "Xena" and others have sparked a growing interest in Science Fiction and Fantasy.

For years I've wondered why the entertainment industry ignored these genres. If entertainment is there to allow people to forget about reality for a moment, then what better way than to have an adventure on another world, universe or time? Entertainment is for getting away from every day life. If you want reality, watch the news.

It's great to have shows that can be dramatic, thought-provoking and a little humorous. I have three pet peeves.

First, Hollywood is under the impression that all the public wants to see are comedies, which most aren't funny and some down right stupid. Does the entertainment industry have to cater to the lowest common denominator? Second, parents and the religious Right would turn television and movies into doctrinal religious pablum. They think that would be good for everyone. I believe it is a threat to individuality in our nation. Don't misunderstand, I believe in God and do possess values. I just don't want one particular group shoving their beliefs down my throat. Such fanaticism leads to the loss of rights for groups of people who are perceived as inferior.

The third one is my greatest pet peeve. It disturbs me about the proliferation of science fiction movies and everything with dark themes. I know some stories reflect the violent, darker aspects of our society. But why can't they make more uplifting, intelligent movies like "Contact"? It's nice to have movies with hope once in a while. There are enough tragedies in real life.

My favorite shows are (in no particular order):

Movie Reviews:

"Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

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