What's New?

Last Updated 07/13/2004

This page was added to the site on 09/23/99 to maintain a log of changes to this site. As pages are changed or new content is added, this page will be updated as well.

11/29/2004 New revision of the Stargate rules. Added ships from Stargate Atlantis. Added images and formatted as a PDF file. Also cleaned up the Stargate game page.

07/13/2004 added counter sheets to the Stargate ship combat game.

06/25/2004 Well my plans to market my Stargate based ship-to-ship combat game failed. So now everything has been put back on the web. Including never before seen capital ships and capital ship rules. Print out the rules for a complete playable game. The rules document contains everything you need except some ship counters or minis.

06/07/2004 Removed references to another game system in development. I am preparing it for a larger release in another venue. More details as I find out about them.

08/29/2003 Updated the ongoing development of a new game. "Wars of Honor", my attempt at capturing the feel of sweeping combat David Weber writes for his Honor Harrington books. This project can be reached from the index page of this site. This game has not previously been reported on this page. Future Updates will appear here, however. Today, revised images for the sample ships systems display and the ships systems icons were uploaded.

08/17/2001 Added the Ipsha War Sphere to the Docking Bay. Also made some major rules changes for revised fighter costs and new ships systems.

08/09/2001 At long last another update. Added the Vorlon Planet Killer to the Docking Bay page of ship control sheets. Modifications to the ship design rules are pending to allow for this ship.

07/21/2000 Added  a new rules page for the Full Thrust event at the Gateway gaming convention. Added info on the convention and a link to the rules to the Full Thrust page.

03/23/2000 Added a link to the Full Thrust FAQ page to the Jump gate. The Full Thrust FAQ contains errata for TBP/EFSB.

03/22/2000 Reformatted the Docking Bay to sort the ships by race, as much as possible. Added Shadow and Vorlon ships to the Docking Bay. Added new systems along with costs for the new Shadow and Vorlon ships to the C&C page.

03/10/2000 Added an event report from the Full Thrust Touranment at OrcCon 2000. It can be reached from the Full THrust page.

02/28/2000 Revised the Vree Control sheets. Changed the cost for Vree ships on the C&C page.

02/24/2000 Minor corrections throughout the site. Added the Marie Celeste and the Centauri Luxury Transport to the Docking Bay. Also added them to the ships cost table on the C&C page.

02/23/2000 Added The Narn Ja'Stat Station to the docking bay. Added costs for the Ja'Stat and the Vree to the C&C page. Also Revised some house rules on the C&C page, based on play at the OrcCon 2000 gaming convention. Revised the Raider Battle Wagon and it's cost. Corrected the Drazi ship names to match those used by AoG.

02/11/2000 Added more photo's to the miniatures gallery

02/04/2000 Added the Miniatures Gallery and Full Thrust pages to the site.

01/26/2000 Added SCS's for Babylon 5 and the EF Warlock Class Destroyer to the docking bay. Added the Warlock to the ship design rules.

01/24/2000 Added new house rules taken from Aaron Newman's page with permission. Minor changes to Badger fighter group rules. Changed cost of Badger fighter groups to reflect revised rules. Added SCS and costs for Brakiri Avoiki Cruiser and transport ship.

12/08/99 Reworked Drazi Sky Serpent rules and cost to treat it as an armed small craft. Added rules for shuttle use and storage. Added a cost of armed shuttles (Minbari Flyer). Adjusted the costs of Minbari ships, the White Star and the Drazi Strikehawk.

12/07/99 Minor change to design page to reflect changes to Drazi ships. Replaced Drazi SCS in the docking bay to rename the Warbird to the Strikehawk. Added a new Drazi SCS for the smaller Drazi Warbird.

09/23/99 Added this page to the site. The links page was also changed by adding a link to Aaron Newman's Babylon Project page.

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