
The site for this game last updated on 05/19/2003

     Welcome to my page supporting The Babylon Project / Earth Force Source book. The Babylon Project game is no longer in print. However copies of the original game or the source book may still be found via the used book search on Amazon.com or other web based book sellers. Copies come up for auction on E-bay from time to time as well.
     The Earth Force Source Book was the first supplement to The Babylon Project role playing game. When the authors of the game wanted to add a ship combat system to the supplement, they turned to Jon Tuffley, the creator of the Full Thrust game system. Jon wrote an adaptation of the Full Thrust rules to produce produce a fast paced system with the flavor of Babylon 5.
    However, this system was not a complete game and was missing a few things that miniatures gamers want and need. This page is designed to fill that need. To that end, it contains rules and new ship designs to build on Jon Tuffley's work. The material here is designed with two ideas always in mind. First, always be as true as possible to the original source material (the tv show and tv movies).  Second, honor the work of the original author.
    That being said I hope you enjoy what I have added to the game system. Please use the links below to find the different resources on this site.


c_c.gif     C & C: Rules for the creation of new ships and game balance. Please check back soon for a new revision.


/user/dock2.gif   Dock: The place to find new ship designs.


/user/Jump2.gif      Jump Gate: Explore other points of interest (links).


/user/mimflt.jpg  Miniatures Gallery: The place to see my painted miniatures. This page also gives tips on  how they were painted.  All these miniatures were painted by my wife and myself.

Comments or suggestions? Please email me at [email protected]


Babylon 5 name, logo and images are Copyright Warner Brothers and Babylonian Productions. The Babylon Project is produced by Wire frame productions and published by Chameleon Eclectic Entertainment.

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