Connith's Weyr

You walk into a small weyr and realize it is quite empty. You wonder what has become of your friend G'Dren and his dragon Connith. You hear a call from across the hall and wander over. As you walk into the large weyr you notice a large bronze dragon towering over you. "Connith? Is that you?", you ask.

The large dragon streechs his neck and coons. You smile. "Ah Connith it's good to see you." Connith has become a beautiful bronze powerful and strong. The little light in the weyr reflects off his metalic bronze scales which have a tint of copper in them. You pat Connith's neck. "So where is your rider today?", you ask the dragon. From behind the large beast G'Dren appears. G'Dren smiles at you. "Hail old friend!" You smile. G'Dren is becoming a man, yet still very young for a bronze rider, he is now 13. He is ready to take on the responsiblity of any postion in the weyr. "Hail G'Dren!", you say. "It has indeed been a long time. You look to be fully grown." The lad smiles. "I'm far from that," G'Dren admits, "but Connith is. He's even been begging me to let him participate in a flight. I'm not sure I should though. I don't think that I am ready for a flight, but you know Connith knows more about me then even I do."

Indeed this boy has grown in the year since your last visit.

You walk into a small weyr and are started by a large bronze weyrling.

"Hello, my friend." a young voice says,"Its been 6 months since I've seen you. Connith and I have grown haven't we?" The boy smiles. "I'm already training to be a wingleader! Connith can chew firestone and go between now too." You smile and think back to what this boy and his dragon were like on your last visit.

You walk into the small weyr and a small "Squalk answers you." You look down and see a young bronze dragon with a small boy smiling over it.

You regonize the boy. "Ho, Galadren or should I say G'Dren. I see you impressed and a bronze no less." You see the smile in G'Dren's eyes no one will ignore him anymore. "Yes this is Connith. We're going to be wingleaders someday and maybe later on I'll be Weyrleader. Everything is going to be grand. The little dragon squalks in agreement."

You remeber what G'Dran was like just a short week ago and smile for him.

You enter a small weyr. It is empty. You turn to leave and notice a boy sitting over in the corner he seems nervous and scared. The hair on top of his head is bright red and windblown and his skin is dark tan. He wears only a pair of shorts and a small knife (even his feet are bare).

You step toward him and he looks up with wide and somewhat frightened eyes. You smile down at him and he smiles back with dimples in his cheeks. "Hello." he says. "My name's Galadren Welcome to my wyer, or what I hope will become my weyr. I'm a canidate for the upcoming impression. For some reason on of the blues though the I would impress for sure." He shrugs. "I'd never seen a dragon up close until one flew into my fathers came. The rider said they were on Search?, looking for new riders." "I thought I was too young I'm only 11, but the rider chose only me not any of the older boys in the camp." "So here I am in a big empty weyr waiting for the eggs in Karath's Weyr to hatch." You smile at the boy and say "I'm sure you'll impress a bronze.", not really meaning what you say, but wanting to give the child hope. "I hope so!" says Galadren. "If I do impress my name will be G'Dren" You smile "Well I should go now," you say, "and you turn and leave the child dreaming about his dragon."

Owner's Name: G'Dren

Dragons Name: Connith

Dragon's Age: Adult

Dragon's Gender: Male

Parents: Karath

Dragon's mate:

Dragon's Dragonets:

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