

Alas for the loss of Website Number 9! I have searched for old MiSTings that were my favorites, but without Website Number 9 I can no longer seem to find hardly any of them in the vast reaches of the internetz...well, unless I was looking for old Ratliff MiSTings. Thankfully Stephan has made his own webpage to house his stories and the MiSTings of them. Kudos to you Stephan! So I have now pulled any old MiSTings from my hard drive (of the 586 Pentium no less) and am posting them here, along with mine. If anyone else has MiSTings they would like to post, or write then post. Feel free to send them my way and I will post them (with your due credit!)! Due to my time and space constraints I will only be taking X-File, Star Trek, Star Wars, and movie MiSTings. If you have other MiSTings please contact me and we can discuss your situation and how to best get your MiSTing out for the world to see!

Towards the end you may notice MiSTings of my own work. My own MiSTings of my own work. The hazard of writing is that you end up reading your story over and over, this is the cure...and sometimes the only way you can go back and read what you've written. Anyone else who wants to MiST them is free to do so! Just send me 'em when you're done!

MiSTing of The Round Files
David and Gillian suddenly find themselves in the world of the X-Files after a freak elevator accident. What do they do? How do they get home? And how do Mike and the 'bots fare while reading it???

Who Q? Where Q?
Picard, Marissa and Q, oh my!

A Royal Wedding
Marissa is finally getting married!

Star Trek First Contact crossover with The X-Files.

The Vanished
X-Files/Twin Peaks crossover, sequel to "Into the Woods".

The Story Without a Name
An X-Files spoof.

The X-Files: Paper Clip
Transcript of The X-File's episode: Paper Clip.

There's an X-Phile (or Two) in the Basement Office
Two X-Philes end up in Mulder and Scully's world.

Mulder, Scully and Cancerman play "That hilarious bluffing game!"(tm).

Heat Wave
Mulder and Scully investigate unusually warm weather in Minnesota.

Time Zones
A Star Wars, Star Trek Next Generation and X-Files crossover...yeah, really.

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