Disclaimer: If for some reason I thought I was Chris Carter, they would put me in a room with padded walls. Since padded walls do not appeal to my aesthetic sense very much. I have decided to just borrow Mulder and Scully for the time being. Thanks in advance for not sueing. (seriously though, any copyrighted material mentioned in the fanfic is used without permission, and no infringement is intended.) Rating: G Gossamer: S=story Summary: It's one of those nights.... Thanks: To Shadow, my loyal Beta reader and for all her great feedback!!!! Author's note: The end part about the radio is a true story! Dedication: To all the Philes out there who have had something like this happen to them. Title: It's one of those Nights By: Happy Scully's Apartment 11:08pm Scully was once again up late doing paperwork. Stretching and rolling her head she felt a satisfying crack from her neck. It was quiet, a little too quiet for her liking. "I've been hanging around Mulder too much." she thought "His paranioa is begining to rub off on me." She stood up walked over to the radio and flipped it on. "For all the *truth* that you made me see." came Celine Dion's clear strong voice. Somewhere in the back of her head a little voice remarked on how ironic this was to Scully. She turned to a new station. "Isn't it ironic?" came the upbeat peppy song. Feeling a rather unsettling feeling in her stomach Scully turned it again. "How bizzare! Doo, do, doot, doo, do, doot, doo, do, doot. How bizzare, how bizzare!" "Weird." she said and turned off the radio. She grabbed the remote control and clicked on the TV. "You are entering another dimension" said Rod Sterling "A demension not of sight and sound, but of the mind. You are entering....The Twilight Zone." She turned off the TV in disgust. After her shower Scully plopped into bed. But for some reason she just couldn't fall asleep. Rolling over she clicked on her lamp and pulled the book off her nightstand. She would voyage a bit with Ishmael before going to sleep. She had only read a few seconds before she put the book back down on the nightstand with a thump. St. Elmo's Fire. Of all the times to come apoun it! If one more weird thing happened that night she would.... As if in response her cell phone rang. "Scully." she said "Hey Scully it's me." said a familiar voice on the other end. "Mulder?" "Yeah?" "Ever have that feeling that the universe is out to get you?" He laughed. "All the time, why?" She sighed. "Been one of those nights?" "You might say that." she said with a tired smile. she thought and walked over to the radio. She turned it on, and nearly dropped the cell phone as the music came on much higher than she was ready for. She quickly turned down the volume to nothing. "What was that?" asked Mulder "My stereo." she said turning the volume up slowly. "Um, Mulder?" "What?" She kept turning it up. Nothing. "Stereo not working now?" he asked "Nope." she said looking for the little red light. It was dark. She looked at the switch that was in the "on" position. Mulder chuckled quietly on his end then began to softly hum the Twilight Zone theme. "Not funny Mulder." said Scully as she looked for the plug. It was unplugged and she *knew* there were no batteries in it. "Sorry," said Mulder. He was enjoying this. She could tell. Plugging it back in she listened as the radio came back to life. "Well, it still works." said Mulder "Are you bored Mulder?" "Yes, why do you ask?" She shook her head and pulled the plug out of the wall. The music played for an extra second or so before stopping. Mystery solved. "That's one less X-File we have to worry about." she said "You discovered where that missing sock in the wash goes?" asked Mulder "Scully I'm impressed!" "No, but maybe that should be our next case." she said ruefully. "Old radio?" asked Mulder "Old enough," said Scully "Good night Mulder." "Good night." END     [ y    > t   , f         $ 8 : x z           ' ) [     O }      Q S        . 0 u     G      Q  O w y  & ( J L Y [ x z 2 l    ) + O Q  $ & j     & ( M O i k        J L        A C R T Y [   [ #     [ $ % & ' ( )  QuickType N F 6 ʫo^ _>  C o m p O b j    E