Horse Shoe Corner

Notice the fine lines of this exquisite shoe.

Or perhaps, this fine shoe is more to your liking.

Don Kichote wore this shoe under his belt for several days a number of years ago.� When he removed it, (and several others he had stacked against it) he had a very pretty red hoof print on his stomach.� To this day, there is a slight mark on his belt line where the intense pressure had actually cut into his skin somewhat.� Don't believe me?� Ask him for yourself! :)

Don Kichote

Maybe even the plain look?

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Then there's the "old fashion" shoe.

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Whew!� Talk about antique!

I would like to thank "Wodan" for this contribution.

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added 04/20/99

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added 04/20/99
It's a shoe used by a Percheron draft horse that was working in muddy fields. It's German made, forged from 0.5 inch thick, by 1 inch wide, iron bar stock. It weighs 3.25 lbs.
There is a 6 inch ruler in the photo, so you can have some sense of just how _big_ this shoe is. Sure, a Clydesdale shoe is wider, but this one is HEAVY... and the caulks are 0.75 inch tall!

I would like to thank "Jack DeMule" for this contribution.

Got any photos of horse shoes you want to add to this page?� If so, just submit them to Don Kichote and he'll see that they get posted and you receive full credit under the photo.

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