Don Kichote's

Video Clips

2002.01.31 - 1 Divx AVI (5 seconds, 360x288) 2410496 bytes

Description: Recorded during my evening training performed 2002.01.26 at winter riding camp at forest. That was first time when horses were trotting over me. It was easier that I thought...
One note about downloading this clip - you have to download all parts to one place at your hard disk, and extract it with Rar compression utility (if you can suggest an utility to cut files that is available for both Mac and PC platform and it is freeware - that would be great!). It should join all parts and uncompress these files to one AVI file (parameters mentioned above) (you can delete an RAR and R00 to R03 files, as you don't need them anymore). Then you can watch this clip. I hope that procedure is not too complicated, but I was forced to store these files in that way, because server is limiting max size of uploaded file to 512 KB (hmm, why it became lower than in previous month?). If you have any problems with downloading that clip - write to me, and I will try to help. If you have problems with Divx codes - see below...

PS. Some people told me that download managers as GetRight had problems with connecting to that server - you should try to download it directly from browser, not using download manager.

PPS. Many thanks to Workaholic74 who provided webspace for that clip.

20020126.rar (512 KB)
20020126.r00 (512 KB)
20020126.r01 (512 KB)
20020126.r02 (512 KB)
20020126.r03 (340 KB)

2002.01.18 - 1 Divx AVI (29 seconds, 352x288) 8572684 bytes

Description: Recorded during my evening training performed 2001.12.20 at local riding club. We had little problems with keeping right track (where horses should walk), but anyway it was quite easy and nice. On that clip horses walked over me 12 times (group of 4 horses passing over me 3 times). One note about downloading this clip - you have to download all parts to one place at your hard disk, then run the first file from there (the only executable in that set): training20011220.exe. It should join all parts and uncompress these files to one AVI file (parameters mentioned above) (you can delete an EXE and R00 to R07 files, as you don't need them anymore). Then you can watch this clip. I hope that procedure is not too complicated, but I was forced to store these files in that way, because server is limiting max size of uploaded file to 1 MB. If you have any problems with downloading that clip - write to me, and I will try to help. If you have problems with Divx codes - see below...

PS. Many thanks to Workaholic74 who provided webspace for that clip.

training20011220.exe (977 KB)
training20011220.r00 (977 KB)
training20011220.r01 (977 KB)
training20011220.r02 (977 KB)
training20011220.r03 (977 KB)
training20011220.r04 (977 KB)
training20011220.r05 (977 KB)
training20011220.r06 (977 KB)
training20011220.r07 (579 KB)

2001.12.28 - 1 Real Media file (64 seconds, 352x288):

description: This time I have a wooden plank on me, and I was trampled by horses 23 times (the last one broke down plank ;-). It was very easy for me, so I suggest that way to any wanna-be trampled by walking horses... Hi-res version is 13 MB long, so I don't have place to upload it :(.

plank.rm (884 KB)

2001.12.18 - 1 Divx 3 AVI:

uwh_bestparts.avi (3 933 KB)
You may need to head to and download the divx package (version 3.22 was used to create that clip)

2001.09.12 - 3 Real Media files:

Mustafa1.rm (262 KB)

sapho4.rm (485 KB)

sapho5.rm (349 KB)

Well, this time only three dark AVI files, but next time it will be much better...

If you have problem viewing those clips ("incorrect endoder") then you have to download new Indeo Video driver from Intel - iv5play.exe (769 KB) from:
North America or Europe or Japan

dk_nov_01.avi (447 KB)

dk_nov_02.avi (1702 KB)

dk_nov_03.avi (1145 KB) - file deleted 2001.12.28 to make place for new clip (it was very dark and poor quality anyway)

This page was visited Counter times since Mar 07, 2003

Page created: Dec 29 , 1998.

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