Untouchable Love

by Rod Hunsicker

The bar smelled of smoke, beer and perfume. It was still early so more people were coming in than going out. King Arthur�s Court was targeted by people of all ages, though usually its patrons were in their middle thirties or younger. There was a dance floor, a real live band, and a grill in the room adjoining the bar. In the back there were pool tables and the other games that littered most bars. Even further in the back, behind locked doors, was a gambling room where unlucky people played cards into the late hours of the night.

Most of the men looked at her when she came in. Sleek, slim and pretty with large breasts bound tightly in a thin tee shirt. Nobody remembered what design was on the tee shirt, just her breasts underneath. She wore black stretch pants that revealed every curve of her ass and legs. Her reddish brown hair was combed back wetly, except for the white tuff above her forehead. This blazed out like a star.

�Hey, Angie,� drawled a low voice, �take a look at this broad.�

A large man sitting at the bar turned at the suggestion of his friend and added his stare to all the others. He ran his eyes up and down her body until his mouth curved into a smile. �Yeah, Goody, that�s a bundle of joy. Never saw her in here before.�

�That�s because she ain�t been in here before,� remarked the other man. He was of average height and built. He was about 30 years old though he looked older. He was called Goody because he had a good memory. A good man to have at the races because he remembered everything about every horse.

�Well, she�s here now and she�s making a hell of an impression,� observed Angie. He was quite a bit better looking than his friend. Tall, dark and handsome fit him. �And she�s looking for something. Not someone, something.�

Goody laughed. �Whatever could that be?� he asked mockingly.

�What do all the broads look for in a place like this, dressed like that with no date on her arm,� said Angie. �Maybe tonight is her lucky night.�

�Maybe its yours too,� added Goody.

Angie watched the girl stroll across the room. She was letting everyone know she was there. Already a couple of guys were closing in on her. Angie sat back and waited. He was interested in seeing how she reacted.

�How you doing tonight?� said a young stud. Long hours in the weight room and a small fortune spent on gold jewelry backed up his advance. The girl gave him a moment of her time and then brushed him off. She did the same for the next four guys. Eventually she sat down at the bar only a few stools down from Angie.

�You gonna go for it, Angie?� asked Goody with a lecherous sneer.

�What do you think?� replied the big man. Having said that he got up and sat down next to the new girl. He didn�t say anything; he just sat there for a few minutes. She had been sipping on her drink during that time when he turned and smiled at her.

�Nice gloves,� he said.

At first he had thought the girl had been wearing a tee shirt. Now he saw that it was a full sleeved shirt. And on her hands she wore a pair of pure white gloves. In fact, now that he was looking for it, Angie noticed that the only part of her body where the skin was showing was from the neck up.

A pair of beautiful green eyes met his. �Ah think so too.�

�What�s your name?� he asked mildly.

�Don�t have one. Not here.� She stared at him closely until her eyebrows met in a frown. �Ah think Ah�ve seen yuh before.�

Angie laughed. �Wasn�t I supposed to say that?�

�No, Ah really mean it. Something about yuh is familiar. What�s yur name, sugah?� she asked.

�Angie Bain. I own this little piece of paradise,� he said. One of his favorite songs was being playing by the band. He reached over and lightly touched her gloved hand.

�Feel like dancing?� he asked.

Fear crossed her pretty face. Not of Angie, but something else deep inside her. She masked it quickly.

�Ah just came to watch,� she admitted, dropping her eyes to her drink.

�That�s a shame. A real shame. Come on, let�s dance. I thought all you southern belles liked to dance. I promise nothing bad will happen. If it does we�ll just stop.�

�Yuh don�t know what ya�ll are getting into,� she warned, half rising from her stool. She allowed him to gently guide her to the dance floor where they started to move with the music. They didn�t touch as they danced through three fast songs. Then the band played a slow song. Angie stepped close and put his arms around the girl. She tightened up. Angie felt steel hard muscles ripple beneath her shirt.

�Easy, I won�t hurt you,� he said softly.

�Yeah, but Ah might hurt ya�ll,� she whispered in return.

�No, you won�t,� Angie said positively. He drew her close until her face was just beneath his. There was power in her aura. Angie adjusted his force field and laid his face against hers.

She backed off as if slapped. Her bold green eyes widened in surprise. Something she had expected to happen, didn�t. Pretty red lips rounded into an oval.

�Who are yuh?� she stammered. When he touched his hand to her face she cringed in expectation of something that never came. �This is impossible.�

�I told you everything would be all right. Just relax and enjoy the night. You are too beautiful a woman to fear a man�s touch,� said Angie.

Thoughts of Remy and Magneto spun through Rogue�s mind. Two men she longed to touch as this man was so flagrantly touching her. Years of needing to be touched by a man melted her resolve, and she followed Angie�s lead as they danced for almost an hour. When he kissed her, she pressed her lips back on his. It had been so long.

�Ah can�t believe this is happening,� she murmured when he led her upstairs to his office. �Yuh must tell me who yuh are.�

�I am Angie Bain. A mutant, like yourself. You are safe with me. Here, in this room there are no boundaries. No reasons to hold back. Let me please you as I so desperately want to do,� he said, kissing her again.

�Ah don�t know. We just met,� she protested. Powerful conflicting forces rose in her. Desire battled decency and caution.

�We are meant to meet. Tonight. In this place. Let me make love to you,� he said as he kissed her neck and ran his hands down her back to her buttocks. �It is really very simple.�

When he brought his lips up to hers, Rogue decided. Emblazed by passion she returned his kiss savagely. He laughed and picked her up and carried her to his bed in the next room.


They rolled on the bed like beasts. He took her over and over until she lay exhausted on the damp sheets. Her arms were laid out at her shoulders and her legs were slightly spread. Across the room he sat on a chair and watched her through brooding eyes. When some of her modesty returned, she raised herself up on one elbow and curled her legs together.

�Tell me now. Who are yuh?� she asked quietly.

�I am Unus the Untouchable. Like I said, a mutant like yourself,� he said boldly.

�Unus! Of course, I thought I knew yuh. Muh Gawd, I�ve been sleeping with the enemy,� she exclaimed.

�Hardly. I�m not in the enemy business anymore. I�ve grown up,� said Unus with a smile.

�How did you do it? Stop my power from working?� Rogue was a mutant with the power to absorb memories and powers from any individual through touch. The power worked without control which meant that she could never touch another human being without using it. Unfortunately the power was detrimental to its victims, leaving them drained and unconscious.

�My control over my power has grown. For years I�ve been studying it and developing it into the complete power it should be. Now I have the ability to stop individual things from touching me, and let other things come in. I just identified your power and then made myself untouchable to it. The rest was history,� explained Unus.

�What else can yuh do?�

�A lot more than I could before. But I�ll keep that to myself,� he said with a warm smile. �Tell me, are you satisfied?�

Rogue lifted into mid air, hovering over the bed as she narrowed her eyes at the Untouchable Man. �Sexually--yes. But what we did wasn�t luv.�

�No, I guess not. But who else could have satisfied you as I did. Perhaps my power was made to counter and compliment yours,� suggested Unus. It was not just his ability to separate himself from her draining power, it had been his ability to protect himself that enabled him to satisfy her. He remembered a time during their lovemaking when his head had been between her legs and in her orgasm she had brought her legs together with enough force to crush concrete. His force field had come in handy then.

She dressed quickly. Embarrassed, she was eager to leave. Before she did he spoke to her again.

�Don�t hesitate to call again. My club is always open to you.�

Rogue tossed her head and literally flew out the door.

The End

Rod Hunsicker comments
copyright by Rod Hunsicker 3-20-1998
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