Three Insomniacs Productions

The West Wing

Last Updated:  January 4, 2001

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Send feedback to Vicki ([email protected])

Dawn April 2000
A very short vignette written in response to a challenge on the Josh/Donna fanfic list to have Josh and Donna wake up married.

Tuning In May 2000
Donna decides it's time to turn a new page in her relationship with Josh.

From the Ashes May 2000
An emergency situation forces Josh to revisit a past trauma.

Without and Within May 2000
This takes place immediately following the events in What Kind of Day Has it Been. Donna reacts to the shooting.

Right Before My Eyes June 2000
At the end of the Bartlet administration's term of office Josh reveals his feelings for Donna to her. But is it too late?

A Time to Every Purpose January 2001
What took place after Donna informed Josh that his father had died, as seen in the episode In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, Part Two.


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