Three Insomniacs Productions

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
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Last Updated:  October 7, 1999

BS00554A.gif (2792 bytes)KathBS00554A.gif (2792 bytes)
Send feedback to Kath ([email protected])

The Dance September 1999
(Pre-TPM) When a plague infects a colony world, Qui-Gon is force to make a painful decision.

Wonderful Knight September 1999
Following The Phantom Menace, Obi-Wan gets a lesson on life from a mysterious stranger.

BS00554A.gif (2792 bytes)CompilationBS00554A.gif (2792 bytes)
Send feedback to Kath ([email protected]) or Sheena ([email protected])

In Praise of Change by Kath and Sheena October 1999
(Pre-TPM)  When Qui-Gon is captured during a seemingly boring mission to a new Republic world, Obi-Wan must trust a stranger to help him find his master before it is too late.


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