The Big Chill

This spring, I had the pleasure of seeing this film. I was completely blown away by it. I could say all the traditional stuff about how I laughed and I cried, but in this case it would be inadequate, as all of those terms are certainly used too much. It is at the same time darkly humorous and hope-inspiring.

Jeff Goldblum's role in this movie is Michael, a writer for People magazine who tends to be a little clueless, a little gauche sometimes, but who never looks out of place in the group. His character gets most of the funny lines in the movie, and his acting is brilliant as usual, though diehard Jurassic Park fans will be surprised at the contrast between a young actor just starting out and the man who now costars with amazing special effects and makes millions from each picture. This movie hasn't got aliens or dinosaurs; only the most capable cast ever assembled on one screen coupled with a plot that moves even the most hardened cynic to tears. The story is very simple- seven college friends reunite at the funeral of their eighth friend, Alex (played by Kevin Costner, whose part was cut out of the movie, with the exception of the opening scene). Each one has different motives, secrets, and problems. The viewer becomes so wrapped up in the lives of the characters that they become almost like family members. This movie was released in 1983, but surprisingly, it's not dated at all. Usually in 80s movies, I find myself saying, "What is she WEARING?" at the most poingant parts, but aside from a few bad perms, this one isn't bad at all. And I haven't even mentioned the soundtrack, which consists of 60s Motown tunes that everyone's hummed at some point in their lives.

So please, rent this movie if you can. You won't be disappointed.

Big Chill Links

Voyager Co, a site with a short review and a downloadable QuickTime movie. You can also order the laserdisc here.

Another Big Chill worship site. This one operates out of Australia and contains a cast photo with a review. 1

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