WindThane's Eyrie

Greetings all. I know it's been a long time since I've updated my homepage. Almost forever, it feels like. Things have changed for me, and I've been very busy time-wise. I'm going to be working on a total redesign of this site.

What I'll be doing is actually something useful for my webpage (rather than just wasting space). I'll be highlighting my hobbies. Mostly that consists of Warhammer (mostly Warhammer Fantasy, but I've been painting a Warhammer 40K army) and some stuff on karate. A large bit of the Warhammer stuff will be my painting and army ideas.
Which means you'll actually get to see how I am at painting little figurines. Sound boring? Well, it's a lot better than what I do have right now. I'll probably be keeping some of the other things I have here right now, but the main focus of this page will be my Warhammer addiction ... I mean my figurine painting hobby.

As soon as I can start to get some pictures of my figurines, I'll start posting them, and I will be working on pages to highlight some specifics of what I do with my free time.

Comments and/or Suggestions?
Email windthane.geo AT yahoo DOT com. Mail WindThane

Last updated 28/9/04
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