Wonder Woman: Servicing Joker with a Smile

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: Characters from this story were created by DC Comics are owned and created by DC Comics. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by DC Comics, they are still owned by DC Comics. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

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Wonder Woman: Service with a Smile

By: Night Creeper

    “You’re not going anywhere!” Wonder Woman shouted as she tossed her lasso to her right.  Within seconds, she had captured Harley Quinn, the Joker’s assistant and confidant.  She then looked around and saw Batman, Robin, and Batgirl defeat the rest of Joker’s henchmen.
    “Looks like we caught them all,” Batgirl smiled.
    “All but the Joker!” Robin spoke as he slammed his fists together.
    “It’s okay, Robin.  Let’s tie these crooks up and for Chief O’Hara and the Gotham Police Department to round them up.  Then we’ll go after Joker,” Batman spoke calmly.
    “What about her?” Wonder Woman asked as she led Harley Quinn to the other crime fighters.
    “The Chief will have a cell waiting for her Arkham as well,” Batman replied.
    Somewhere off in the darkness, far away from the action, the Joker watched the crime fighters tie up his gang.  “I’ll get even with all of you,” the Joker snarled as he disappeared into the darkness.
    “I think I saw something over there,” Batgirl shouted as she ran away from the group.
    “Batgirl!” Robin shouted as he darted after the woman.
    “Do you want to wait for the police?” Batman asked.
    “Go ahead.  I’ll undo my lasso and tie Harley up.  I’ll find you in a few minutes,” Wonder Woman spoke.
    “Just remember to be careful.  There’s no telling what kind of diabolical traps the Joker has created in this demented fun house,” Batman spoke as ran and disappeared into the darkness.


    “Where is everyone?” Wonder Woman thought to herself as she continued her search for the Joker and the rest of the Bat group.  The longer the woman walked alone, the more traps that were sprung on her.  Laughing clowns with guns, dumbbells falling from the sky, walking and exploding chattering teeth, and balloon bombs.  The woman had evaded them all.  “Batman was right!  Joker is a deranged lunatic,” the Amazon thought as she reached a door.  She placed her hand on it and was immediately greeted by a strong electrical jolt.  The jolt sent her flying backwards.  She then landed on the floor, where it opened and swallowed her, dropping her into a black pit before closing.
    “Welcome Wonder Woman!” the Joker laughed after the woman landed with a thud.
    “Joker!” the Amazon snarled.
    “Tsk.  Tsk.  Tsk.  So angry.  Let’s put a smile on your face,” the man laughed as gas began to fill the pit.
    “Great Hera!  Gas!” Wonder Woman shouted in the darkness of the pit.  The woman braced herself and held her breath as she jumped high into the air.  The woman would have broken through the trapdoor if it wasn’t for the electrical current in front of it.  Like before Wonder Woman was shocked and sent crashing to the ground.  Except this time, her lungs filled with gas when she screamed.  The woman felt her lungs burn as she hit the floor.  Yet, she couldn’t help but smile.  The woman continued to breath the gas until she felt the warmth engulf her entire body.  She then began to twitch as her facial muscles involuntarily forced her to smile.  Within seconds, Wonder Woman was laughing as she breathed the last of the gas.
    With the gas gone, the Joker entered the room.  “You won’t need these,” Joker laughed as he took the woman’s power belt and golden lasso.
    “Stop . . . haha . . . hehe,” Wonder Woman started to laugh as she fought to suppress the laughter.
    The Joker smiled as he sat on the floor and pulled Wonder Woman over his lap.  The mam then began to spank the woman’s muscular ass while his other hand patted the top of her breasts.  “Bad Wonder Woman!  Bad!” the Joker laughed manically as he spanked the woman’s buttocks again and again.
    “Noo . . . hahaha . . . stop . . . . hehehehe . . . oh Hera . . . hahahaha,” Wonder Woman laughed as she wiggled on the Joker’s lap.  Tears dripped down her cheeks.  The Amazon never felt so humiliated and weak at the same time.  Yet, one couldn’t tell since she was laughing gleefully.
    The Joker wasn’t content with just spanking Wonder Woman’s covered ass.  Instead, he tugged and pulled on her bottom until her ass was bare.  The man then continued to spank her until her bottom was red.  With a huge smile on his face, he stopped the spanking and jerked the Amazon’s top down, allowing her giant breasts to pop out.  That’s when his smile got even larger.  “YES!” the man gleefully shouted.
    “No . . . hahahaha . . . please . . . hehehehe . . .” Wonder Woman continued to laugh, making her unable to stop the clown from pawing her body.
    The Joker grabbed the lasso and tied it around Wonder Woman’s neck.  He then threw her off his lap and quickly landed on top of her back.  His legs forced hers apart and he drove his dick into the woman’s defenseless pussy.  “SO TIGHT!” the Joker laughed as Wonder Woman groaned in pain before laughing again.  The villain reached under the Amazon and gripped her large breasts.  He laughed hysterically as he began to fuck her long strokes while clutching her breasts and pulling her close.
    Wonder Woman continued to laugh as real tears of pain and humiliation cascaded down her face.  She could feel the man’s dick stretch her pussy as he claimed her virginity.  Worse yet, it was giving her unwanted pleasure.  However, the woman couldn’t stop him.  Instead, she just kept on laughing.  However, the woman was gripped by fear when she felt another warm surge of energy engulf her body.
    “Does your lasso compel one to tell the truth?” the Joker asked.
    “Hahahaha . . . hehehehe . . . yes . . . oh . . . hahahaha!” Wonder Woman replied.
    “Then is it true that your magic lasso will allow me to give you orders that you must obey?”
    Wonder Woman wanted to lie or at least not reply.  As she closed her mouth, her lungs began to burn even more as her body wanted to laugh.  Worse yet, she felt an insane throbbing in her head as the lasso was compelling her to answer the question.  She could feel her resolve melt away as her lips loosened.  The woman laughed for a good minute before she could form any type of words.  “OHHHHH!!!  HAHAHAHAH!!  HEHEHEHE!!  YES!!!  OHH!!  HEEHEHEHE!!” Wonder Woman laughed.
    “WONDERFUL!!” the Joker laughed.  “FUCK ME BACK!!  FUCK ME BACK WITH ALL YOU’VE GOT!” he ordered.
    “AHHHHH!!” Wonder Woman groaned loudly as the lasso forced her to obey.  Within seconds, the woman met each one of the Joker’s thrusts.  Yet, she quickly surpassed the man as she bucked underneath him like a wild horse.  Wonder Woman sobbed and laughed uncontrollably as she pushed herself toward the edge.  Then she wailed while her body quivered before the orgasm shook her body like a violent earthquake.  Her pussy even clamped down hard on the Joker’s dick causing him to climax and shoot a large load of sperm into her overheated pussy.  That was enough to cause the woman to climax yet again.
    It took Wonder Woman over ten minutes to come down from her orgasms.  When she did, her body had burned the gas from her body.  The woman no longer had the urge to laugh.  Thus, she was groaning miserably as the Joker laid on top of her and continued to grope her large breasts.  Wonder Woman cringed when she felt the Joker’s hot breath against her neck.  Then she groaned in despair as the Joker whispered into her ear.  “You captured Harley and she’s probably locked in a cell somewhere.  Oh well.  I guess you will have to replace her then!  You’re mine now, bitch!  You belong to me, Wonder Whore!  Isn’t that right, my smiling sex slave?  Service with a smile?” the man asked before he nibbled on the woman’s ear.
    “Yes,” Wonder Woman groaned as a surge of heat engulfed her body.  Worse yet, she had a huge smile on her face.  That smile stayed on her face even when the Joker rammed his hard dick into her virgin ass.   This was excruciating for Wonder Woman since she had never been fucked in the ass before.  She felt her bruised breasts scraping against the floor as the Joker held onto her waist.  The man’s thrusts was pulverizing her ass before she felt a tug on the lasso, followed by her body heating up again.  Wonder Woman knew that the Joker must have said something as her breathing became ragged and her body tensed.  That’s when Wonder Woman realized she was about to climax and climax she did.  The woman screamed at the top of her lungs while her body quaked.  Once it was all done, she could feel his spunk dribbling out of her ass and down her legs.
    “We’re not done yet,” the Joker laughed as he flipped woman onto her back.  The man then sat on her stomach and mashed the woman’s large heaving tits together.  With a maniacal laugh, the man crammed his dick between her tits and used them to pleasure his manhood.  Wonder Woman glanced up at the laughing man.  She saw the lust in his eyes, which was indeed a contrast compared to the look of despair on her face.  It only got worse for Wonder Woman as the Joker climaxed and shoot his load all over her breasts, throat, and face.
    “Ahhh,” Wonder Woman panted as the Joker grabbed the lasso yet again.
    “Don’t clean yourself off.  Leave it.  From this day forth, you will remember that you’re Wonder Woman, but you will always obey me.  You’ll do anything to please me and you’ll never run away.  But you’ll always remember your old life and what I’ve done to you.  And even when you have your belt and lasso, you will never do anything that will allow you to return to your old life.  You are now and forever, mine to command.  Understand?” the Joker asked.
    “Yes master,” Wonder Woman groaned as the lasso compelled her to obey.
    “Excellent!” the Joker laughed triumphantly as he got dressed.  Once he was dressed, he tapped on the wall.  The doorway opened as he gripped the lasso again and lead Wonder Woman out of the room.
    The defeated Amazon then saw an unconscious Batgirl lying on the floor.  The Joker had stripped the woman, leaving only her cowl.  The woman’s hands were bound tightly to her body by a series of ropes.  She also had a ball-gag in her mouth.  Her body was covered in the Joker’s spunk.
    “Don’t just stand there!  Pick her up!  We still have a few more to collect!  It’s time to start a new career path!” the Joker laughed as Wonder Woman was forced to obey him.  Within minutes, the trio disappeared into the night.


Six Months Later

    Commissioner Gordon sat behind his desk and watched the security camera footage again and again.  It was like the last twenty robberies.  The Joker didn’t even bother busting Harley out of prison.  Instead, he simply picked a new assistant.  His new assistant was tall and strong.  Like Harley, she wore a red skin-tight outfit that clung to her like a second skin.  In fact, her nipples and pussy mound were clearly visible.  The woman had long black hair that went all the way down her back, but her face was always painted white.  She also wore jester’s cap while wearing long red boots with eight inched heels.  The man could never figure out the significance of having a few stars on the boots.  Instead, he watched the woman threw his officers around like rag dolls.  And just like all the previous robberies, the Joker and his assistant were able to escape.
    “Any leads, Commissioner?” Chief O’Hara inquired.
    “None.  Any word from Batman?”
    “What dastardly plan has the Joker unleashed on Gotham City?”
    “I don’t know sir . . . but . . .”
    “But what?”
    “But overall crime is down, sir.”
    “It’s down?  I guess it has.  Other than these bank robberies, there hasn’t been much crime.”
    “Yes sir.”
    “Must be Batman.”
    “Right, Commissioner Gordon!  Batman has arrested countless villains like Riddler, Penguin, and Two-Face.  However, he hasn’t caught the Joker and his new assistant yet,” Chief O’Hara spoke.
    “He must be saving the Joker for last.  Take your men and make sure that the First Bank of Gotham isn’t robbed.  It’s one of the few banks that hasn’t been hit.”
    “Yes, Commissioner Gordon!” Chief O’Hara spoke as he ran out of the room.
    With the man gone, Commissioner Gordon went back to watching the tape.  He played it two more times before he paused and blew up portions of the video.  The old man couldn’t take his eyes off the Joker’s new assistant’s nipples.  The man sighed as he switched windows on his monitor.  He was no longer watching the security tapes.  Instead, he was watching Batgirl strut around a stripper pole.
    Batgirl wore her cowl while strutting around on a pair of seven inched purple stiletto heels.  Loud music blared in the background as her body followed the beat.  She cupped her own breasts and gave them a squeeze.  The woman then pulled on her nipples and began alternating between squeezing her breasts and pulling on her own nipples.  The woman even pushed her tits toward her face, where she licked them again and again.  Thus, her nipples were long and hard in no time while she continued ti dance.
    Eventually, Batgirl released her tits and began to masturbate.  Her fingers pumped in and out of her pussy until they were covered in her juices.  Faster and faster they went until her hands were nothing but a blur.  The woman moaned loudly as she panted for breath.  Her eyelashes fluttered rapidly as her eyes started to roll to the back of her head.  Then the woman screamed as loud as she could while her body shook violently.  Within seconds, she laid on the ground while her body flopped about like a fish out of water.
    As the woman tried to recover, three nude masked men marched into the screen.  They picked up the woman groped her body while the woman cooed in response.  That’s when Commissioner Gordon’s monitor went black.  A small box appeared on his screen.  The man immediately typed his credit card number into the box and paid about $500 for a thousand Heroine Credits.  Once his payment went through, the screen came alive as Batgirl was now riding the dick of one of the masked men.  His cock was pumping in and out her of pussy while another one hovered over back while his dick was lodged deep in her ass.  The woman wasn’t moaning since her mouth was stuffed with the dick of the third man.  The camera zoomed in on the woman’s face, which was plastered with lust.  Commissioner Gordon watched as she pushed the cock out of her mouth with her hands and licked the head right as the man climaxed.  His load splattered against her cowl, but she continued to
service him.  And right then and there, Commissioner Gordon blasted his load into his pants as well.  “I could watch her all day.  Thank goodness Barbara isn’t like that slut,” the man panted as he picked up a wad of tissues from his desk.


At the Batcave

    The Joker watched the monitor with glee as the Boy Wonder, Robin, continued to record Batgirl and his three henchmen.  He was sitting quiet comfortably inside the Batcave while seated in the same chair that Batman sat in, when he was busy keeping Gotham City safe at night.  Batman still patrolled the streets of Gotham City, but it was at the Joker’s whim.  The Joker had converted parts of the Batcave into a porn studio with soundproof walls.  That’s where Batgirl and Robin normally stayed, making him millions on the Internet.  He chuckled as a man approached and stood just inches from him.  “Your drink sir,” the man giggled.
    “Thank you, Alfred,” the Joker laughed as he glanced at the prim and properly dressed butler.  He couldn’t help but chuckle every time he saw the man’s wide smile.  It looked so out of place on a man dressed as a butler.
    “Do you need anything else, sir?”
    “Where’s Batman?”
    “He’s defeated the Mad Hatter and is on his way home, sir.”
    “Good.  Once he’s eliminated all my competition, Gotham City will be mine!”
    “Anything else, sir?”
    The Joker said nothing as he glanced at another screen on the Bat-computer, which showed that Commissioner Gordon had paid to extend his membership on his site.  The man chuckled as he realized that the old man had no idea that Batgirl was really his daughter, Barbara Gordon.  Joker than glanced down between his legs and saw the nude Wonder Woman, smiling and sucking on his dick.  The woman’s face was painted white and he couldn’t differentiate where the paint started and his own sperm ended.  He could see his drying sperm on her hair though.  “Maybe . . .” Joker spoke as the Batmobile roared into the Batcave.  The man then switched to another screen.
    He couldn’t help but chuckle as he saw Batman with a new recruit.  Both Batman and Huntress were laughing hysterically as Batman dragged the Huntress out of the car.  “Come along, hahahaha . . . Huntress,” Batman laughed.
    “Noo . . . hahahaha . . . please . . . Batman . . . hehehe . . . let me go . . . this is wrong . . . hahahhehehehe,” the Huntress pleaded as she continued to laugh, offering minimal resistance. 
    The Joker glanced down at Wonder Woman again and saw the lasso by her feet.  “No Alfred, I think I’m good.  You can turn in, my pet will assist me with our guest,” he laughed as he reached down and took hold of the lasso.  Wonder Woman allowed his dick to fall out of her mouth.  Her hand then gripped his member as she slid her tongue from the base of his penis all the way to the top.  She did with a smile on her face and a slight giggle in her voice.  Something that she always did thanks to Joker’s commands.  The Joker smiled and patted his pet on her head.  He then thought that all his slaves should always have a smile.  “Service with a smile,” he thought, knowing full well that Gotham City would soon be his and that was nothing to laugh at. 

The End