Voltron - Allura, A Doomed Slave

Ending 2

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by World Events Productions and Toei Animation are owned and created by World Events Productions and Toei Animation. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by World Events Productions and Toei Animation, they are still owned by World Events Productions and Toei Animation. Any resemblances to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: This story is based on the pictures I commissioned years ago. The artist stopped taking commissions and the pictures were never finished and the story that the pictures were based on, was never finished as well. I’ve been staring at the story for a few years now and after some prodding from Newguy, I finally finished the story. This version is based on Newguy’s ideas. He also edited the story.

http://us.mc328.mail.yahoo.com/mc/[email protected]\\hich\\af2\\dbch\\af31505\\loch\\f2Finally, this is a parody, a work of fiction, all characters and fictional situations are adult in nature, no money or any financial gain comes from this story, if you are below adult age in your country of residence close your browser now or delete this fiction from your hard drive, By reading this disclaimer you agree to take full and complete responsibility both legal and social if you continue reading: Basically you continue reading you are responsible for your actions.If you like, you can e©mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, critiques, and ideas.


Voltron: Allura, A Doomed Slave

Ending 2

By: Night Creeper

"Please be careful and wait for the others, Princess," Koran spoke into the microphone.

"Don’t worry, Koran. It’s not a Ro Beast just some of Lotor’s ships. I’ve already destroyed five of them," Princess Allura responded as she tore through another ship with her Voltron Blue Lion.

"Princess please . . . Keith and the others are in . . ."

"Koran! There are over one hundred warships from the Drule Empire on Arus right now! I can either fight them or wait for the others. By the time they get here, Arus will be on fire!" an agitated Princess Allura shouted back.

"Is she going to be okay?" Nanny asked.

"I hope so. She’s right. The others are busy fighting the others ships," Koran spoke, making sure that the microphone wasn’t on.

"KORAN!! WHAT’S THAT?!?!" Nanny shouted as she pointed at the monitor.


"I see them!" Princess Allura shouted as she tore through another ship. Except this time, the other ships immediately opened fire on her. The lion took the blast and the woman fought hard to regain control as she soared through the sky. The woman fired a shot and damaged a ship before she righted the lion and stopped it from spinning. She then charged the lion and tore through the ship. The woman silently cheered, but the smile on her face quickly disappeared as another blast rocked the lion.

"Princess! Get out of there!" Koran shouted.

"I can handle this . . . AHHHHHH!!" Princess Allura shouted as all the remaining ships shot the Blue Lion and sent it spiraling out of control as it hurled toward the ground.

"PRINCESS!!" both Koran and Nanny shouted as the monitor of the Blue Lion went dead.

"We have to alert the others!" Nanny shouted.

"The ships . . . they’re pulling back . . ." Koran said in surprise.

"Koran! Have you heard anything from the Princess?" Keith asked over the intercom.

"No Keith."

"Lance! Pidge! Hunk! Forget the ships! We need to check on Allura!" Keith shouted as all the remaining lions flew toward the sector that Allura was patrolling earlier. It took the lions several minutes before they arrived at the scene and when they did, the Blue Lion was on fire and covered in large holes. The Voltron pilots tried to get close, but the fire was just too great.

"You have to put out the fire!" Nanny shouted as she watched the monitor and saw what the lions saw.

"I don’t think anyone could have survived that," Pidge muttered.

"Hunk! Lance! Fly toward the lake and get some water! We need to put out that fire!" Keith ordered.

"Right!" Lance and Hunk replied as they flew their respective lions away.

"You have to save her!" Nanny shouted into the microphone, but only Keith could hear her.

"We’ll do our best, but Pidge might be right. I don’t think anyone could have survived that," Keith replied weakly as he fought back the tears.

As the Voltron force tried to put out the fire, Prince Lotor had a huge smile on his face. The man was not in the control room of the main ship. Instead, he had retired to his quarters as the armada headed back to Planet Doom. Lying on the bed, completely unconscious was Princess Allura. She was still dressed in her pink pilot uniform, which hugged every curve of her delicious frame. Her chest rose and fell as she slept with her helmet on. She was completely unscathed by the fire, but Lotor knew full well that her condition would change dramatically once they landed back on Planet Doom.


Hours Later

Princess Allura was horrified as she stood on a walkway high above the slave pens of Planet Doom. She could see numerous women in various stages of dress but that wasn’t what horrified her. Instead, it was the fact that all the women were fucking and sucking numerous guards. The princess gasped and tried to turn away only to have Prince Lotor grip the woman’s arms and turn her back towards the view.

"Many of those slave girls are from royal families. Others are simply captives from conquered worlds. They exist in a state of starvation and lust, pathetically begging for cock since the discharge is their sole source of nourishment," Prince Lotor spoke as Princess Allura cringed.

"No," the woman cried as she held the guardrail and shook her head in disbelief.

"Believe it, Allura. The slave pens are in your future. I’ve even had the guards prepare a straw bed for you down there," Lotor spoke.

Princess Allura shook in fear as saw a woman on her knees, sucking a guard’s dick while jerking two others off and riding the dick of another guard who lay under her. Allura closed her eyes and imagined herself naked and in the same situation. A tear ran down her left cheek as she started shaking her head. "No . . . please . . . don’t . . . send me . . . down there," a scared Allura stammered.

"You’ve spurned me numerous times, Allura. You deserve to be down there," the man snarled as he gripped her arms tighter and turned her more to the right.

Princess Allura gasped as she saw a woman on all fours with a guard kneeling behind her. The guard’s dick was pumping in and out of her ass while the guard slapped her hanging breasts. The woman made no effort to stop the guard. Instead, she simply met his thrusts and demanded very vocally for the guard to fuck her harder. Allura then watched the guard’ head arch backwards as white liquid gushed out of the woman’s ass. The guard then pulled out of the woman’s ass and the woman quickly turned to face him. She then gripped his manhood and took it into her mouth, where she cleaned it. Her left hand gripped his member while her own right hand rested between her legs. After a few minutes, she freed the guard’s penis and then she pulled her right hand to her face, where she slurped down the guard’s sperm that had just dripped out of her ass. Allura’s body trembled in fear. "No . . . please . . . don’t," Allura begged.

"Oh yes, Allura. The guards have already lined up around your new bed," Lotor spoke as he turned her to the left.

Allura saw that there were twenty guards lined up around a dirty pile of straw and leering at her lustfully. The woman’s legs became weak as she was stricken with fear. She didn’t want to be sucking and fucking the guards. The very notion scared her and she wanted to avoid the slave pen at all costs. That’s when Allura remembered how in the past Lotor had requested marriage from her and that she had rejected him each time. Now however, as the princess’s courage failed her she was willing to bargain with him. "I’ll marry you, Lotor. Just don’t send me down there," Allura said sombrely.

"Why would I want to marry you, Allura?" Prince Lotor sneered as he released her arms.

"I . . ." Allura stammered as she tried to turn around and face Lotor.

"Stop! Do not look at me. Only look at the whores in the slave pens or this conversation is over and your next words will be spoken inside the pens," Lotor ordered.

Princess Allura stopped dead in her tracks and swallowed hard before she looked at the women below her in the slave pens. "I was a fool to spurn you," Allura spoke as she felt Lotor’s hands sliding up and down her body before he stopped his hands on her breasts, which he started to squeeze and fondle. "I want to marry you, Lotor," the blonde woman added.

"I don’t want you, Allura. I want you in the slave pens where you belong."

"I don’t belong down there, Lotor!" Allura sobbed. The woman was willing to do anything to stay out of the slave pens. She was gripped by fear whenever she thought about it. "Don’t make me suck and fuck the guards," Allura begged.

"Are you saying that you’re willing to become my slave, where you will only suck and fuck me whenever I want in order to stay out of the slave pens?" Lotor asked as he gave her breasts a squeeze.

"Yes, Lotor."

"Yes what?"

"I will suck and fuck you if I can stay out of the pens," Allura happily agreed since it was a better fate.

"You have to be much more convincing."

"I don’t know what you mean."

"You better figure it out and quick, Allura! Or else you will spend the rest of your miserable life rotting and fucking like those whores!" Lotor spoke as he released her breasts.

Princess Allura quickly grabbed the man’s hands and placed them on her breasts. "Please Lotor, don’t let go. Run your hands all over the body of your newest slave. I will be obedient and obey your commands. I will do whatever you want. Just don’t put me in the slave pens," Allura begged.

"If you displease me just once, you will immediately join these whores. Understand?" Prince Lotor asked.

"I understand, master," Allura quickly replied, willing to do anything to avoid that fate. Immediately, Lotor flung the woman over his right shoulder. He then slapped her ass as he made his way off the walkway. As he made his way toward his bedroom, he slid his hand all over her ass. Allura did nothing to stop him as she tried and failed to hold back her tears.



A smug Prince Lotor sat on his throne as Princess Allura slowly stripped and danced in front of him. Allura was not yet a skilled stripper and so she only managed a gently swaying from side to side but the woman’s natural beauty and her humiliation pleased Lotor. The woman’s helmet was already off as she tried to hold back the tears. Allura’s hands dropped to her waist and undid her belt, which quickly fell to the floor with her empty holster. Her hands then trailed up her body and behind her neck, where she slid the zipper down the back of her suit. Allura’s hands then peeled the suit from her shoulders and pushed it down to the top her of her breasts. The woman paused briefly and took a deep breath before she continued sliding the suit down her arms and chest, revealing her white bra. She the removed her gloves in order to buy time, but she eventually had to continue her strip performance. The woman hung her head and again tried to keep the tears from flowing. Princess Allura took another deep breath and pushed the suit down, revealing her flat stomach and continued to undress. Within seconds, she had her suit down to her hips but this time, she paused and couldn’t continue.

Lotor gritted his teeth, he was so close now to achieving his goal. The man had dreamed of this moment for quite some time and wasted countless Ro Beasts on planet Arus in order to achieve it. He could simply threaten the woman again, but then he realized something, he liked this. He could feel his cock growing harder as she watched the woman’s humiliation. Thus, Lotor didn’t raise his voice or pick up his gun, he simply sat there and enjoyed it. Then in a soft voice, he said, "Go on, Allura."

The blonde woman slowly raised her right leg and loosened the boot until it fell off. The woman then did the same thing with the left boot and then once again, she paused. This time, she wasn’t able to hold back the tears and Allura openly sobbed as she quickly pushed her suit below her hips and down to her thighs. Lotor reveled at the sight of Allura’s white panties and the tears that flowed down her cheeks as the woman moved her legs until her suit bunched up around her ankles. With a few kicks, the suit was completely on the floor and there was nothing protecting her body from Lotor’s gaze except for her bra and panties while she continued to sway from side to side in an amateurish yet erotic manner.

Lotor then stood up and pulled Allura to him. The man’s lips pressed against hers while his tongue forced its way into her mouth and then rolled across her teeth before it jammed into her cheeks and then tried to force its way down her throat while Allura weakly tried to pull away. Lotor felt Allura’s chest heave mightily as she fought to breathe. When Lotor finally broke the kiss, Allura desperately tried to catch her breath. Prince Lotor then poured some wine and handed Allura a golden goblet, clanging his own goblet with the woman’s before they both took a drink. The goblets were both emptied and Lotor tossed his to the ground and swiped the other one out of Allura’s hand as the alcohol burned its way into the Princess’ empty stomach, leaving her light headed. He then grabbed her hands and pulled her close before he started to dance her toward a large tub in the floor filled with bubbling warm water.

Allura quickly slipped into the tub when Lotor released her, happy just to have a moment’s respite from him. Prince Lotor quickly disrobed and joined her in the tube and made his way to Allura, where he then grabbed the woman and pulled her close again. Allura didn’t even try to wiggle free from his grip and didn’t even fight when Lotor ripped her panties and bra off as he pushed her against the side of the tub. The woman gasped as Lotor turned her around and then pulled her close and kissed her agin, but unlike before the now tipsy Allura kissed the man back.

Lotor turned her around again and pressed her against the side of the tub, leaving the princess’s breasts resting on the outside of the tub as Lotor reached down and fondled the woman’s ass. The princess moaned as Lotor’s hands roamed all over her naked body, she felt Lotor’s hot breath against her neck right before he kissed her. The woman moaned again as her left hand reached up and grabbed his hair. It was good thing too since Lotor parted her legs and rammed his hard dick into her pussy, breaking her hyman in one savage stroke. Lotor pumped in and out of the woman as he gripped her breasts taking Allura’s virginity while the woman met his thrusts and moaned like a bitch in heat.

"Ohh . . . feels so good . . ." Allura moaned.

"I ‘ve dreamed of this for so long and your cunt is so tight . . . so tight . . . wrapped around my cock," Lotor smiled.

"Ohhhh! Sooo full!" Allura moaned.

"You’re mine now," Lotor grunted as he pushed Allura out of the tub and rested her on her side. He lifted the woman’s left leg into the air and allowed it to rest of his right shoulder while he continued to fuck her pussy with his dick. The man was in heaven as he watched the woman feed her own tits to her face, where she licked the top of her breasts while her own hands fondled them.

The pair continued to fuck for a few more minutes before Lotor repositioned the woman and pulled her body toward his. The woman wrapped her legs around his torso and rested her hands on his shoulders as she rode his dick. Her hands eventually gripped the sides of his face as she pulled him close and kissed him on the lips. The woman rammed her tongue into the man’s mouth their tongues becoming entwined for several seconds before Allura pulled her head back. The lust that burned through her body was too great as she rode the man for all she was worth, desperately trying to climax.

"Looks like the princess wants to cum," Lotor grunted.

"I need it . . ."

"Go ahead, Allura. Say it."

"Noo . . . so wrong . . ."

"Are you telling me that you don’t want to cum?"


"If that’s what you want, you’re going to have to say it."

"I . . ."

"You’re no longer a princess. You’re a sex slave just like all those women down in the pens. You’re mine to do as I please. If you don’t agree, it’s off to slave pens," Lotor grinned.

The last few words from Lotor’s mouth were like a slap across the woman’s cheek. Allura quickly remembered her place and agreed with Lotor. "Yes master! Your slave needs to cum! I NEED TO CUM!!" the woman screamed as her body shook violently. The orgasm tore through Allura like a speeding train that just derailed. It was like nothing she felt ever before, she saw flashes of light and her nails dug into Lotor’s shoulders while her legs squeezed the man even tighter. It was like she was floating in space, surrounded by euphoria. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head while her eyelashes fluttered rapidly and saliva flowed down the side of her lips as she almost slipped into unconsciousness. Allura’s head landed on Lotor’s shoulder as her heaving breasts were pressed tightly against Lotor’s chest as he held her.

Prince Lotor moved to another part of the tub, where there was another golden goblet on the side of the tub except this one was bubbling like the water. "This goblet contains an aphrodisiac created by Haggar, which will cause you to lose all of your inhibitions and make it easier to train you for your new role in life. Drink it, Allura," the man spoke as he took the goblet and placed it in the woman’s trembling right hand.

Princess Allura knew what Lotor had said and that there was no going back once she drank the concoction but the woman also knew the consequences of not drinking it. She knew that Lotor would send her to the slave pens if she disobeyed and that fate scared the crap of out her. She dared not disobey the man and risk the chance of spending the rest of her life being the sexual plaything of the Doom army. Thus, after a brief moment of hesitation, Allura drank the entire potion. The blonde woman immediately felt lightheaded as she used her pussy and clamped down on Lotor’s dick as she slowly rode him, her speed and intensity increasing with each moment as the potion began to effect her.

"You’re mine now, Allura," Lotor whispered to the fallen princess as he shot another load into her, bringing Allura to another climax. Lotor smiled to himself as the gasping princess started to fuck him yet again as he knew that he had defeated her and that all of his carnal dreams of Allura were about to come true.


Princess Allura slowly opened her eyes and found the light absolutely blinding forcing her to tightly shut them again. The woman rubbed her forehead and felt a jolt of pain which eventually died down and became a steady burn like a bad hangover. The woman groaned in pain and took a deep breath only to gag slightly due to a heavy pungent odor. Allura slowly moved her body and felt things prick her body causing her great discomfort that was compounded by all of the aches and pains throughout her body. The woman slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was in a small cell and lying on top of a heap of straw. "What happened?" she mumbled as she rubbed her forehead.

"The slut is awake. Summon Prince Lotor," a guard spoke from outside Allura’s cell.

"What is going on here?" Allura muttered as she slowly picked herself off the straw bed only to fall back onto it as her strength deserted her. She then spent the next ten minutes moving slowly on top of her prickly makeshift bed and trying to figure out the source of the foul odor.

Eventually the cell door opened and Prince Lotor entered the cell. The man was completely dressed unlike Allura and he was followed by two guards, one who was carrying a full-length mirror and the second who carried a small black chest. "You didn’t bathe her before summoning me?" Prince Lotor asked.

"I apologize, my lord. We forgot."

"No matter. It wouldn’t have made a difference, the whore hasn’t bathed in months," Lotor said with a smirk.

"What is going on?" a very sore Allura spoke as she opened her eyes and again attempted to pick herself up.

"Take a look at yourself, Allura," Lotor spoke as he pointed at the woman’s reflection in the mirror. Princess Allura gasped as she saw her blonde hair was almost completely white thanks to all the dried sperm in her hair. Her body wasn’t much better as almost every inch of her was also covered in dried spunk. "You remember the goblet, right? The aphrodisiac created by Hagger, it turned you into a wanton whore without any inhibitions. I used you to quench all my lusts but after two months I found that I had grown bored of you. I nonetheless gave you that drug everyday for about a year, only stopping two weeks ago. But for that year I left you in this cell and allowed my loyal guards to fuck you however they saw fit," Lotor spoke as he pointed at the mirror.

Allura gasped as she saw the mirror showing her on her knees while a rock hard dick pumped in and out of her pussy. Another guard was fucking her ass while another one rammed his dick into her mouth. In addition, her hands were busy jerking two other guards off. There was lust in her eyes as she begged for more. Worse off, there was a line of guards waiting for their turn. "Ohhhh noooo!" the horrified woman gasped.

"This particular session with the guards continued for days. One on occasion you were even able to go a week in one position. Of course, that’s just with the guards, I was certain to have had the first use of your once precious holes before I gave you over to them. Though it doesn’t really matter anymore since after I was done with you thousands of guards have used those same holes," Lotor scoffed as he changed the scene in the mirror.

Allura gasped as she saw herself completely nude, standing on the edge of a walkway with her hands resting on the guardrail while Lotor fucked her from behind. The blonde woman was screaming at the top of her lungs, begging the man to fuck her. Below her were the other women in the slave pens and numerous guards looking up at her, the women with resigned looks of understanding and pity while the guards looked on with lust and anticipation. The words coming from Allura’s mouth in the recording cut the woman, tears flowed down her face as she watched in disbelief. The woman couldn’t believe how she was acting and talking like a whore. It was so unbecoming of a princess. "No . . ." she mumbled as she closed her eyes.

"Is this bringing back any pleasant memories?" Lotor mockingly asked as Allura held her head in shame.

Much to the princess’s horror the images were causing memories to resurface. It was if she was waking up with a bad hangover and remembering what drunken antics she had performed the night before. Except in Allura’s case she was remembering a year’s worth of events and they were incidents that would haunt the woman for the rest of her life. Allura remembered being mad with lust and unable to stop herself as she fucked and sucked a seemingly never ending hoard of guards and soldiers. The princess also remembered masturbating furiously whenever the guards weren’t fucking her and calling out to them begging them to fuck her again. Worse off, she remembered being lead into the Ro Beast pens and servicing them. The same beings that wrecked havoc on her planet and throughout the galaxy were all rewarded by her body. Fucking Lotor was one thing, servicing the guards was worse, but fucking Ro Beasts was just too much for Allura. She remembered Ro Beasts with multiple dicks and tentacles fucking her while she enjoyed every second of it all, going beyond what Lotor had demanded of her and not just allowing the Ro Beasts to fuck her but seducing the beasts and driving them to even great acts of depravity in their use of her. Allura knelt on the floor with her face in her hands and sobbed uncontrollably. She had agreed to be Lotor’s sex slave in order to avoid being turned into a whore for the guards, but not only had she failed to avoid that fate she had sunk to even greater depths that she had thought possible, by fucking the Ro Beasts she had become even less than a whore.

"Things have changed, Allura. Not only did you fuck the entire Doom army, but Planet Arus has changed as well," Lotor spoke as the image in the mirror changed again, cutting into Allura’s misery and gaining her attention. This time, it showed four Voltron lions fighting off numerous Doom spaceships. The lions were losing, but the Blue Lion appeared out of nowhere and destroyed several ships and soon, the lions routed the invading force. "As you can see, the lions have become more efficient and the Voltron force has moved on after your supposed death," Lotor spoke.

"No . . . that can’t be . . . who is piloting the . . ." Allura mumbled as she watched in disbelief as her old lion performed feats that she had not thought possible. The mirror then showed the original pilot of the Blue Lion prior to Allura, Sven. Then she watched as all the pilots cheered and congratulated each other for their victory, praising Sven for his skills. Allura shook her head in disbelief, before she had assumed the role of the Blue Lion’s pilot she had been treated by everyone like a defenceless child incapable of accomplishing anything worthwhile by herself. Once a member of the Voltron Force, Allura had been free to extract revenge from the invading Doom fleet and Ro Beasts. For the first time in the princess’s life, she didn’t feel like a useless captive but instead she had felt free and had reveled in the exhilaration that came with being a pilot and defending Arus. Now though Allura had just seen how easily she had been replaced. Her absence hadn’t crippled the Voltron Force or Arus, if anything they were now even better protected. The one thing that Allura had ever done that had allowed her to feel satisfied that she had accomplished something, was a role that she now realised she had always been inadequate in.

"By the way, Allura, I may have lusted for you the minute I saw you, but I’ve grown tired of you after having my way with you for so long. You were so obedient, so willing to please but the novelty has faded. Hell even the guards have started to grow tired of you, I don’t think they would mind if I return you to Arus." Lotor spoke.

"Home!" Allura gushed happily, images of Arus’ wide fields and glorious towers filling her mind. A place where she could eat real food again and sleep in a real bed, where she could laugh with her friends and pretend that the last miserable year had never happened.

"Yes. Home. But if I send you back to Arus I’ll also make sure that everyone sees the recordings that I made of your escapades over the last year. Everyone on Arus will see you Allura for what you truly are, a depraved slut instead of the saint that they made you out to be after they thought that you had died. Won’t they be surprised to see their pure and noble princess on her knees begging for the cocks of their most hated enemies? Or you can stay here and become a permanent sex slave for the rest of your life and I’ll make sure that no one sees the recordings," Lotor laughed.

Allura’s happy mental images of herself back on Arus were replaced with something out of her nightmares. Allura pictured herself back home, an object of disgrace and ridicule. Arus’ citizens mocked her and spat at her, cursing her name, accusing her of rewarding the invaders who had destroyed their homes and families and forced them to live in fear. Then Allura pictured her former teammates refusing to even talk to her, shunning her at every opportunity. The worse was the look of disgust and contempt in Keith’s eyes as he walked past the fallen princess. Even the mice ran away from Allura and she eventually retreated to a dark room inside of the castle, away from everyone. Allura’s mind then raced and she saw herself on Planet Doom in the slave pens. The princess saw herself being surrounded by guards and used as they spit upon her and mocked her as they fucked the blonde whore. Allura had little to imagine as she had already experienced this horror in the past year. After a few minutes of weighing her options Allura let out a quiet sob as all of her hopes for returning home were squashed. Allura had already become a whore to the Doom army, the only thing she had left was her image back on Arus. She didn’t want her degradation over the past year to become known on Arus especially her fucking of the Ro Beasts. In Allura’s mind, fucking the Ro Beasts was the worst thing that she could have possibly done and if it was ever discovered on Arus she would never recover her reputation. Future generations on Arus would learn about the shame that had been brought upon the planet by her and Allura would do anything to prevent that, even if that meant she had to stay on Planet Doom as a sex slave. If she stayed on Planet Doom, her friends would never know what she had done and what she had become. Besides, Allura miserably realised that her body was becoming hot as she thought about her future of sexual abuse and humiliation, the last year had changed her on a fundamental level and there was no way she could ever go back to her old life. As she realized that, the woman broke down and sobbed uncontrollably. As she did so, she gripped her own breasts and squeezed as she spread her legs. "Fuck me! Fuck the newest Doom sex slave!" the blonde woman begged as a guard complied with her wishes as Lotor smiled, knowing that he had won.


Weeks Later

King Zarkon sat on his throne, leaning forward as his right hand gripped the goblet filled with his favorite drink. King Zarkon’s eyes were transfixed on Allura, who was performing a strip tease while dressed in a slave outfit that consisted of a white loincloth between her legs and over her ass held together on her waist by a series of golden links that formed a belt. The woman wore silver plates that covered her breasts that were also connected by gold links. She had also worn several silver bracelets around her wrists, but they were all on the floor now. The slave’s outfit was completed by a golden collar around Allura’s neck. The woman also had five shirtless guards behind her whom the princess danced around and rubbed her body against. Allura slid her body up and down their guards’ bodies using them like stripper poles, which caused King Zarkon to grin in pleasure.

"Keep watching, father. Allura has learned quite a lot," Prince Lotor spoke as he stood behind his father. His left hand was placed on his father’s right shoulder while his right hand slowly moved in his pocket.

It didn’t take long for Allura to remove the silver plates from her tits, revealing her breasts which stood high on her chest with no sag. She then dropped to her knees and spread her legs while she cupped the bottom of her tits and pushed them toward her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Her smoldering eyes locked on Zarkon’s as she lustfully licked her tits. Soon, little strands of spit connected her tongue to her tits as she squeezed them. While she did this, the guards moved forward and made a semi-circle around the woman, making sure not to block King Zarkon’s view.

Lotor watched Zarkon move even more forward as Allura released her tits and stood up. The woman turned to face the guards as she undid their belts, her shapely ass skillfully swaying from side to side as she did this. Once the belts were undone, the guards removed their pants and Allura stood upright and undid her own belt, baring her nude ass to Zarkon as her loincloth fell onto the ground. Allura then quickly turned and spread her legs, her hands shot between her legs and parted her pussy lips in order to reveal her pussy to Zarkon who licked his lips as Prince Lotor pulled out a small packet from his pocket and then quickly poured the contents into Zarkon’s goblet.

Allura leaned forward and ground her ass against the crotch of the guard immediately behind her. Her hands reached and gripped the cocks of the guards at her sides and she jerked them off until they were hard. The two guards were then replaced by the two remaining ones. The guards with the hard cocks then moved into position and began to slap their cocks against her ass. Once all the guards were hard, Allura dropped to her knees as all the guards slapped their hard dicks against her face. The woman opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, allowing the guards to hit it with their cocks as well.

A few seconds passed and the woman stood up and raised her right leg. One of the guards walked up to her and thrust his dick into her pussy. Allura howled in pleasure as they started fucking. Another guard grabbed her ass and rammed his cock into ass. The pair acted like lumberjacks sawing Allura in half. Her hands gripped the cocks of two guards as the guards ensured that they didn’t block Zarkon’s view.

"Allura would have made a great wife if she didn’t turn out to be such a slut," Prince Lotor spoke as he watched the bubbles in Zarkon’s goblet disappear, returning the drink back to its natural look.

"Maybe if you didn’t drug her, Lotor. You could have broken her, but you decided to jump several steps. That’s why you weren’t able to conquer Planet Arus. We have waged war on numerous other planets and have won," Zarkon spoke as he sat back in his throne.

"Arus had Voltron!"

"Voltron wasn’t the problem. The problem was that you were in a hurry to conquer the planet. You wanted to prove to me that you could be king. Your strategy was flawed from the start. When I conquer a world, I find allies in their own ranks. I exploit it. When it comes to sharing power, I renege."

"A cunning move, father."

"Yes it is. You could have done the same thing. You could corrupted someone like Koran or put your own spies into the general populace and turned them against Allura. Yet, you decided to attack the planet repeatedly. The peasants grew angry and refused to submit. Thus, they rallied for Voltron instead of against. That’s why took you so long to win and yet, you haven’t conquered Arus," Zarkon scoffed.

"But I have their princess!"

"Yes . . . let’s celebrate your victory," Zarkon spoke as he reached with his left hand and pulled a goblet that was resting at the foot of his throne. He then handed Lotor the drink that was on his throne. "Let us drink to your victory!"

Lotor balked for a second as he glanced at the drink. However, Zarkon clanged the goblets together and drank his. Once he was done, he looked at Lotor, expecting him to drink his as well. Lotor held the goblet to his lips and didn’t drink. Instead, he pulled it away. "To King Zarkon! The wisest ruler of Planet Doom!" Lotor exclaimed as he shot his arm forward and high in the air.

"Thank you, son," King Zarkon replied.

"Holy shit! Look father!" Lotor exclaimed as he pointed at Allura, who was on all fours with a guard underneath her, fucking her pussy. Another guard was fucking her ass while another one was fucking her mouth. The other two guard were still being jerked off by the princess’s hands.

"That’s nice. Go ahead and drink."

"But Allura . . ."

"Allura can wait. Besides . . ." King Zarkon spoke as he motioned his right hand and four guards came up behind Lotor and grabbed him. The goblet fell onto the ground and liquid ate away the carpet. "Poor planning seems to be your greatest weakness! Take him away and take those five guards away too!" Zarkon barked as the throne room was now flooded with armed guards.

"FATHER!" Lotor exclaimed as he and his men were pulled from the room in shackles.

King Zarkon then stood up and walked up to Allura, who was on the floor, masturbating and rubbing the spunk that Lotor’s guards had discharged onto her before they were pulled off of her. "You have fallen quite hard, haven’t you, Allura?" Zarkon asked mockingly.

"Please . . . I need to cum . . ."

"I’m not going to sully my hands by touching you, Allura. I’m sure that Lotor has told you that he had recorded all your sessions and that he wouldn’t share it if you became his slave. If he were me, I would have just used those recordings to blackmail you instead of drugging you. But he decided to jump the gun and drug you. You’re now addicted to sex," King Zarkon scoffed.

"I . . ." Allura mumbled.

"I know Lotor hadn’t broken you completely, but I will finish the job now, Allura. You can either return to Arus or you can stay here in the slave pens. If you decide to stay, you will fuck and suck all of the soldiers in my army. You will also demonstrate how a proper slave girl should act when we introduce new whores to the slave pens and you will participate in their breaking. You will also fuck and suck each Ro Beast before we send the beast on a mission. That will be your duty for the rest of your life. But I’m guessing that it would be better than going back to Arus, a total disgrace and shunned by everyone especially after everyone there sees the recordings," Zarkon spoke coldly.

Allura didn’t even cry as she heard those words. She knew that her whole life had been a total waste. She had wanted to gain credibility and stop the Doom army from attacking her planet by joining the Voltron Force. Instead she had proven to be a sub-par pilot and had gotten captured proving to everyone that she was useless. She had agreed to become Lotor’s sex slave, sacrificing her body and dignity in order to avoid the slave pens. Instead she had sunk lower than any of the other whores in the pens. All Allura had left was her image, it would ensure that her friends and subjects would remember her well. They would never accept her if they saw the recordings and discovered what she had become, there was no choice. "I will stay on Planet Doom. I agree to all your terms, King Zarkon," a numb Allura agreed.

"Guards! Take this pathetic whore back to the slave pens!" Zarkon roared as the guards obeyed.


Years Later

"Please . . . please let me suck your cock," Allura begged meekly as she slowly moved towards the guard while on her knees. The guard didn’t pay much attention to the nude woman. The years hadn’t been kind to Allura as her once pristine skin was now covered in bruises. The woman had lost a great deal of weight and her young face was now covered with heavy bags under her eyes and crows feet. Her blonde hair was now reduced to a very short buzz cut. The woman was weak and completely exhausted, but also hungry as hell and starving for cock. "Please sir . . . let me suck your cock . . . I promise to be quick . . ." the woman groaned.

"Whatever," the guard snorted.

Allura quickly unzipped the guard’s pants and reached into them, gripping the guard’s member and stroking it a few times before pulling it out. Allura immediately stuck out her tongue and licked the head while she grasped the guard’s member with both hands. Her hands stroked the cock’s base while her lips wrapped around the head of the cock. She then slid up and down the member as her fingers would tickle his balls. After a few minutes, the guard shot his load into Allura’s mouth. The blonde woman greedily swallowed every drop before she opened her mouth and began to lick his cock clean.

"Looks like King Zarkon has taken over another new planet," the guard spoke as a side door opened and several nude women were pushed into the slave pens.

Allura slowly got to her feet and walked up to the group. She saw the fear in their eyes and although Allura was sympathetic, she didn’t express any empathy. "Welcome to the slave pens of Planet Doom. I was once known as Princess Allura, the ruler of Planet Arus. I am now a slave, who services the brave warriors of Planet Doom including the very Ro Beasts that invaded your planets. You too will be asked to service the guards. That’s your purpose in life now," Allura spoke calmly as she watched the women scream in fear while others stared daggers at her. While she talked, her hands were busy squeezing her own tits.

"Take them away!" shouted the guard, who Allura had serviced earlier. The other guards obeyed and ushered the new slaves away.

"But King Zarkon said I had to show them what to do," Allura spoke as she turned and looked directly at the guard in confusion. She hated whoring herself out to the guards in front of new slaves, they always looked at her with such disgust and hatred but she knew the alternative to be far worse.

"Not today. This is the first batch of slaves to be taken from your sector of space in a decade, King Zarkon has finally decided it’s tactically efficient to direct his forces from other sectors to finish what Lotor should have completed years ago. You have a special guest, who deserves your entire attention," the guard spoke as he pointed toward the door.

Allura turned her head and became as white as a ghost. The woman gasped as she saw her own cousin, Princess Romelle. "Romelle . . ." the woman spoke.

"Shut up, slut! Don’t come near me!" Princess Romelle shouted angrily.

"Romelle . . ."

"You don’t need to show me what a slave girl needs to do! I’ve already watched countless hours of you degrading yourself! I didn’t believe it at first, but I realized that you actually enjoyed being treated so roughly! Your behavior was a disgrace to our royal line!"

"You’ve watched the recordings?"

"Of course I watched! Everyone in the known galaxy was forced to watch the broadcasts where you begged to be used and abused! At first, it was recordings but later the broadcasts were live and showed you disgracing yourself in the pens. The recordings were constantly played after Zarkon conquered our planet! And it’s all your fault we were conquered! The Voltron Force refused to leave Planet Arus after you were captured in order to ensure that your planet’s populace wouldn’t be enslaved, sacrificing the rest of us!"

"But . . ."

"You don’t deserve this crown!" Princess Romelle snarled as she dashed toward Allura and ripped the crown from Allura’s head and tossed the tarnished crown onto the ground. The crown had lost its luster years ago and looked more like a rusted piece of metal covered in dry spunk.

"Cousin . . ."

"Don’t talk to me! I have to service my masters now!" Princess Romelle shouted her eyes now wide with horror as well as anger, as she dropped to her knees and performed just like Allura had done earlier with the head guard.

Allura watched for hours as Princess Romelle serviced guard after guard, her mind reeling from Romelle’s revelation. Zarkon had lied to her, he had probably broadcast the recordings of her the moment she had been dragged off to the pens. Her only comfort for the last decade that she had spent in the pens was that no one would see the recordings and know what she had become. Now the fallen princess realised that all of her years of sexual servitude and sacrifice had been for nothing, everyone she had known knew she was a whore and had watched her descent over the last decade. The woman would have cried if it wasn’t for the fact that she was too dehydrated to muster any tears. Allura looked at her tarnished crown, once lustrous and beautiful an object of desire and awe, now a worn out piece of garbage to be discarded and forgotten about, just like her. The former princess looked at Romelle enviously as she swallowed another load of semen, Allura’s deflated stomach and wet pussy reminding her that it had been a long time since the guards had paid her that much attention, and then she slowly made her way back to her cell. Once inside, the woman lay down and realized that King Zarkon was far more ruthless than Prince Lotor had ever been. Zarkon had taken everything away from Allura, her dignity, self-respect, health, her very life. Then when Allura thought she had nothing left to lose Zarkon had crushed the last point of light and hope in her life, leaving her completely and utterly broken. Allura curled up on the prickly pile of straw that made up her bed and closed her eyes to try and sleep, she needed to be in top form if she was going to convince any of the guards to let her suck them off tomorrow. As she fell into a fitful sleep the former princess’s starved and dehydrated body managed to drain itself enough for a single tear to fall from her closed eye.

The End