A Street Fighter Story

Part 5

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by Capcom are owned and created by Capcom. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Capcom, they are still owned by Capcom. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I like to thank One Sandman for all his ideas and a constant flow of e-mails which made it easier for me to write. Not only was I motivated, but the critiquing was very helpful. Some if not most of the role-playing ideas were further developed by him as were some of the scenes. So a big round of applause please. Please note that nothing is wrong with roleplaying between two or more consenting adults. In no way shape or form should the elements of this story be thrust upon an unwilling party. Also, a huge round of applause is in order for Boon, who actually took the time to edit this huge poorly written monstrosity of mine. While I am at it, a big thank you goes out for all those who wrote comments good and bad to me.

Feel free to e-mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


A Street Fighter Story

Part 5

By: Night Creeper

"I can't believe I am doing this," Chun Li said to herself as her hands rested on the marble counter while she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The young Chinese woman looked tired and she felt it too, but there wasn't much she could do about. As she stared at her reflection, she pushed reality aside and began to recount some of the events of the last couple of days.

Chun Li's thoughts drifted to the first morning when she woke up and her room smelled of sex. Poison had untied her and taken the visor off, but left the earphones in. The vibrator was still in place, but set on a really low level, keeping Chun Li stimulated, but far from orgasm. When Poison presented her sex to Chun Li, and promised her release if the female cop ate her out, Chun Li readily agreed. Within minutes, both women climaxed, and Chun Li's face was covered in Poison's juices until she was allowed to go take a shower.

The rest of the morning was uneventful until Chun Li left for work. There, she had an uncontrollable urge to stick her fingers into her crotch and assist the vibrator, which was in her sex, but not really turned on. Chun Li met up with Cammy for a few minutes before excusing herself, where she ran into the restroom in hopes of alleviating the desire to climax. She only masturbated for a few seconds before Poison's voice came over the earphone, telling her that she was not allowed to do that. Furthermore, she was to request a leave of absence, and rush home.

Chun Li did as she was told and rushed home. Once she was through the door, Poison was there waiting for her, next to the pole with the three dildos. Juli closed the door as Chun Li virtually fell to her knees and engulfed the smaller of the three. Loud slurping sounds quickly filled the room as both Juli and Poison watched. From there, she was forced to repeat the same routine that she had done the night before with all three dildos.

By the time that Chun Li was finally able to stop, her clothes were completely soaked as well as the carpet below her. She was then guided to the couch where Poison and Juli critiqued Chun Li's performance as they watched a tape recording--all the while groping and fingering Chun Li's body. Chun Li's body trembled with pleasure as the two women complimented her new attitude and gave her tips on how to improve. The young Chinese woman took in all the information that was given to her.

The rest of the day was taken up with the dildo training and watching it on the VCR afterwards. When night eventually fell, dinner was served and consumed, which lead to more time spent in front of the TV afterwards. Instead of watching herself blowing the dildos, Chun Li watched several porno movies, where she was asked to critique each women on TV and suggest techniques that would have given their lovers more pleasure. All the critiques were offered in first person as if Chun Li was the one blowing each and every guy.

That night, Chun Li lay on her bed for a good hour or two while Poison licked her to orgasm again and again before strapping Chun Li in for the night. Throughout the night, Chun Li had wild, erotic dreams, where she engaged in acts that she would have never thought were possible. Worse, each dream made her hornier and hornier. By the time she to woke up, Chun Li was more than willing to participate in anything that Poison and Juli ordered her to do, except they simply had her repeat the same routine as the day before.

Chun Li was relegated to servicing the dildos on the pole, which she now referred to it as the Dildo-Pole, and servicing the two females. The young female cop found it incredibly hard to think about anything other than sex. Unfortunately for Chun Li, her mind was so overwhelmed with the thought of sex, she didn't even consider what was happening to her. All she could think about was following their orders so that she could climax. Not once did she think about the drugged food that she was given to eat, nor the drugged drinks that she was given to drink. As the days went on, Chun Li was thinking more and more about sex, and less about anything else.


"I'm not sure if I can."

"Stop stuttering!" Bison shouted into the phone. "It's very simple, Sam. The only way to get rid of Guile is to have him totally fail, so that he is thrown out of Hong Kong. Once that happens, there won't be anyone capable of stopping me. The surveillance team is being recalled today. Chun Li will be accompanying you while I am leading Guile and Cammy on a wild goose chase. She is to do whatever you see fit. I have already informed her off this and she has agreed. Normally I would bring her along or place her in someone else's care, but for this to work, I need the help of my cohorts. Thus, you're the only one left. Besides, in the area where you live, they won't care if they see Chun Li, because they are all too busy trying to make ends meet. So just take Chun Li to your basement home under the shop and keep an eye on her."

"But what about the radio?"

"The radio? If you are talking about the transmitter, there seems to be something wrong with it. The signal died for some unknown reason. Juli is working on it, but it happened again today, so it's not very useful right now. In fact, it's not even on at the moment, but Chun Li doesn't know that and you are not to tell her. Understand?"


"For two weeks, she will not have to return to Interpol. I am hoping that my little ruse will only have to last about three weeks. Regardless of how long it takes, I will check in with you from time to time. Do not fail me or you will regret it!"

"I understand."

"Good, I will call you on the cell phone that I supplied. I have given you enough batteries that it should always be on, in case I need to reach you. Never call me unless it's an emergency. I intend to play with my prey and I don't want the damn thing ruining my plans."

"I understand."

"Good boy. Bison out," Bison said as he hung up the phone.

"Who was that?"

"That was Bison," Sam replied. "He was making sure that you had sent the other women home for the day."

"Of course I did," Chun Li replied. "I would never think about breaking the rules sent forth by Bison."

"You don't have to say that anymore. The transmitter is broken, Bison can't hear you anymore."

"Then does that mean that you'll agree to my offer that I gave you last time before his phone call so rudely interrupted us?"

"I can't do that. Bison would kill me if I betrayed him like that."

"You said the transmitter was broken, he'll never know. I certainly won't tell him."

"I can't. My dad and I only have limited access to Bison's empire. It would be suicide."

"I'll make it worth your while," Chun Li purred. "Just think, we can spend two weeks together. You can help me gather information about Bison's operations in China and in exchange, I'll wear whatever outfit you want me to, and I'll jack you off as many times as you want me to."

"I . . . I can't."

"Sam. You said you liked to see me on my hands and knees. I am currently on my knees and don't tell me that you don't like what my hands are doing with your cock right now. I know you like how my hands glide across your tool. I know you like it. If you didn't, you wouldn't have ejaculated so many times in my hands. I know you like it a lot since you lost yourself numerous times during your phone conversation with Bison."

"She's trying to play me," Sam thought to himself. "But this feels so good. Two weeks of this . . . Fucking sweet!"

"Come on girl, don't stop now," Chun Li said to herself. "His sperm is disgusting but he should be easy to control. Besides a few hand-jobs, tit-fuck, and having his hands run all over me, can't be nearly as bad as having Bison doing it. It's the lesser of two evils. It'll be okay. He can't be as bad as Bison. An 18 year old can't be as bad as Bison."

"I can't Chun Li," Sam finally replied.

"Please," Chun Li purred as she batted her eyes-lashes. I'll wear whatever outfit you want me to wear."

"I . . . can't. Bison would kill me."

"I'll protect you," Chun Li said as she gripped his cock and began to jerk him in earnest, basically massaging his sperm into every pore of her hand.

"Protect me. Bison has . . . OHHHH!!"

"See Sam. You do like it. You just shot another load."

"I am risking too much," he grunted.

"Help a lady in distress," Chun Li cooed as she continued to move her hands up and down on his shaft.

"Promise that you'll do whatever I want and wear whatever I want."

"I'll wear whatever you want."

"You'll do whatever I want?"

"Hand-jobs, tit-fuck, and free groping of my body at any time."

"Sounds good," Sam groaned. "My cock is feeling a bit deflated now."

"Let me get that for you," Chun Li cooed as she made sure that it was getting rigid again. "Is it a deal?"

"It's only a deal if you wear whatever I want and do whatever I want until Bison returns. Otherwise, no deal. I don't want you to run away when Bison comes back, risking the lives of myself and my dad."

"I told you I would protect you. I would also protect your father as well."

"I can't . . ." Sam groaned as his hands turned the dial on the remote and a loud buzzing sound filled the room as the vibrator in Chun Li's pussy came to life.

"Please Sam!" Chun Li yelped as her sex gushed with excitement. Her breathing became erratic as the vibrator was driving her wild with lust, making it harder and harder to carry out her well thought out plans.

"Please Chun Li, promise me you'll do whatever I want and wear whatever I want."

"No Sam!" Chun Li shrieked as she felt him slow the vibrator. "Must climax. Need to feel release," her mind shouted. "He's just a boy, he can't be bad. Need to climax. Need to release. He's just a boy, he can't be that bad. Need orgasm. He's just a boy. MUST climax!" Chun Li's mind shouted.

"Please Chun Li, I'll be your spy just as long as you do whatever I want!" Sam groaned as he felt Chun Li's hands tighten on his cock like a death grip.

Chun Li shock her head frantically, sensing the vibrator's speed decreasing while her lust was increasing. Suddenly without any thought, Chun Li screamed, "Yes! Anything! I'll do whatever you want! Just let me climax!"

Within seconds, both individuals laid on the ground totally satisfied and moaning in pleasure. Chun Li could feel the vibrator buzzing softer and softer inside of her, while Sam laid on the ground, wishing that he had a girlfriend back on those lonely nights instead of a magazine. Both were totally unaware of the gravity of their agreement.


"What kind of information would you like?"

"What ever kind of information that would help me cripple Bison's drug trade and remove the strangle hold that he has on Hong Kong. But a smart boy like you already knows that," Chun Li purred as she cupped her breasts and massaged Sam's cock between them. The young teen straddled her chest like a conquering hero as Chun Li laid nude beneath him, staring up seductively, licking her lips whenever Sam looked at her face. It was enough to drive the teen over the edge as he shot another load all over Chun Li's breasts.

"I can definitely supply you with information of Bison's factories, supplies, pushers, and all that, but you have to make it worth my time and risk," Sam groaned as he leaned back and felt his dick began to deflate.

"Bison has ordered me to stay with you until he returns. He has instructed me to obey your every command, which I have agreed to."

"Yes you did. In fact, you will obey me and follow my every command, right?"

"Yes of course," Chun Li replied, disgusted at herself for manipulating a teenager.

"Good," Sam said as his cock began to harden when he thought about what Chun Li had agreed to, for he was going to have lots of fun with her.

"You're getting hard again?" Chun Li asked.

"Yes I am. Your slutty body, especially your fat tits can keep me going all night long," Sam groaned.

"I don't want!" Chun Li's mind screamed even as she attempted to keep a seductive smile on her face. The Chinese woman was trying really hard to sway the boy's thoughts so that he would be more sympathetic to her. "I guess my body can have that affect on people," she giggled like a schoolgirl.

An idea popped into Sam's head and an even larger smile appeared on his, but Chun Li was unable to see it due to the fact that Sam's head was bent backwards right and to the side as he shot another load onto Chun Li's breasts. When the teen composed himself and pulled himself upright, he slid off Chun Li and laid on his bed.

Chun Li grabbed a towel off the night-stand and wiped the teen's sperm off of her breasts, belly, and neck. When she was done with herself, she cleaned his cock with the towel. Once that was done, she flung the towel to the floor, and was about to get off the bed and shower, but Sam stopped her.

"No shower tonight," he said weakly. Chun Li nodded and got back on the bed. Sam rolled over so his face was no longer buried in the pillows. "You are so fucking beautiful," he spoke.

"Uh, thank you," Chun Li replied.

"You said something about Poison showing up at your apartment a while back. I'm sure she gave you some toys and instructions before she left."

"She did."

"You're to keep those orders. Understand?"


"Then grab your bag and strap yourself in."

Chun Li nodded as she reached for the bag on the night-stand and pulled out the rest of its contents out on the bed. Sam watched with a huge smile on his face as Chun Li inserted a vibrator into her shaved sex. Then she wore a black leather thong to keep the vibrator trapped in her sex. With the vibrator in place, Chun Li placed the VR unit on her head, but was unable to fasten it, so Sam had her lie down next to him and assisted her.

"A slight change of plans," Sam said before he sealed her ears with the headphones.

"What kind of changes?" Chun Li tried to ask calmly, even though she was scared.

"No handcuffs or restraints for tonight."

"Thank you!" Chun Li replied happily.

"You're welcome. Now why don't you show your gratitude by sleeping on top of me tonight? I want your tits pressed against my chest, your head nuzzled next to my neck and chin, and your hands are to be entwined with mine."

"Sam . . ."

"Chun Li, you agreed."

"Very well, Sam."

"Oh, the vibrator will be set to random tonight. So at certain times in the night, you will climax whereas others, you won't. It should be rather fun."

"Sam . . ."

"It will be fun."

"Yes . . . it will," Chun Li spoke meekly as she laid on top of Sam, pressing her breasts against his chest. She planted a kiss on his neck before snuggling up to it as Sam lowered the phones and covered her ears. Her left hand reached for his right and in a matter of seconds, their hands locked together. The teen set the remote for the vibrator and tossed it aside as they locked their other free hand. Chun Li was already regretting her decision as her vision was bombarded by carnal sights with the soundtrack to match, booming in her ears. She also felt the tingle in her sex which quickly erupted as the vibrator shot up to its highest setting, causing the woman to seize and shake all over Sam's body.

"I'm going to enjoy this so much," Sam said as he closed his eyes and heard the whining voice of Chun Li, begging him to do something about the vibrator. However, he had no intention of doing so, and in a matter of minutes, Chun Li fell unconscious as the ripples of her multiple orgasms continued to shoot through her body. Sam could feel the vibrator slowing down as he planted a kiss on Chun Li's forehead. " Yes sir, I am going to enjoy this so much," he smiled as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, dreamy of all the things that he could do with Chun Li while she stayed in the basement of his dad's store for two whole weeks.

Day One

"What a difference a day makes," Sam thought. Yesterday, he was lusting after Vanessa since he thought he would have no chance with Chun Li, but today, things were totally different. Chun Li, the woman he thought was untouchable, was anything but that at the moment, for Sam's hands were busy roaming Chun Li's nude form, applying a thick lather of soap all over it, as she stood with her legs spread and hands plastered to the back of the shower, like some fugitive being frisked by the arresting officer. Such irony was not lost on the teen as even newer ideas popped into his head.

The irony wasn't lost on Chun Li either as she realized that this teenager knew her body more intimately than most of her boyfriends, for the teen had already had his fingers dwell inside her sex, and bring her to a forceful climax which had her voice reverberate in the shower for some time. Every inch of her body had been explored and groped by the teen except for the skin beneath her feet, mostly because he didn't want to touch it, yet. He even planted kisses all over her body before he applied the soap and even that was more than most men had ever done. Such thoughts plagued Chun Li's mind as she tried to convince herself that the situation was perfectly acceptable since she was going to gain the information that could and would topple Bison's evil empire, and that was something she wanted and would do anything to see. Thus, she allowed the young man's hands free reign over her body.

"Bison said you watched that carwash video. Do you remember the shower scene?" Sam asked mischievously.

"Yes," Chun Li groaned as Sam's fingers continued to pump in and out of her sex.

"Good, because when I pull my fingers out, you'll lick them clean, and proceed to lather me up, so we can shower together."

Chun Li felt his fingers retract as a hard slap smacked across her ass, which made her jump, due to the treatment she received the night before. She then opened her eyes for the first time since she entered the shower. Chun Li could see the massager head, busy shooting out water into the tub, which made their feet wet, but virtually allowed the soap to remain untouched by water on their bodies. The Chinese woman engulfed Sam's fingers and was rewarded with a salty taste hitting her tongue. She would have cringed or wretched if it wasn't for her willpower to resist such a thing. Instead, she faked an adoring look on her face as she licked Sam's fingers clean. "Would you like me to lather you up now?" Chun Li cooed.

"By all means, my little slut."

"I hate it when he calls me that. He sounds almost like Bison. Come on Chun Li, control yourself. He's just a teenager. He doesn't know any better. This must be his favorite wet dream come true. Just remember, Bison's empire will crumble. Bison's empire will crumble," Chun Li's mind repeated again and again, as she hugged Sam, crushing her breasts against his chest. The Chinese woman's face was just inches from his and she licked her lips, much to his approval. Then she wrapped her right leg around the back of his left leg and began to slide it up and down, making sure that her leg went the length of his. Chun Li then repeated the same thing with her left leg on his right leg.

"Such nice legs you have Chun Li. I can't wait to feel them wrap around me when I hump you like a bitch in heat," Sam said as his hands gripped the sides of Chun Li's head, making sure that her eyes were looking straight at his.

"What?!?" Chun Li gasped.

"You heard me."

"I don't think so! The deal is off!" Chun Li screamed as she pushed him away from her.

Sam's back crashed into the porcelain wall with a thud. He quickly regained his composure, rubbed his back, and said, "That's fine with me. I guess stopping Bison isn't important after all. I guess you want him to spread Doll all over the streets of Hong Kong. Then again, Doll is minor to some of the stuff that he's created in the past few weeks."

Chun Li, who was about to step out of the shower, turned her head and looked at the teenager with fiery eyes and look of disgust. "When I agreed to your de . . ."

"You agreed to my deal? Yes, you did. You said that you would protect my family. You said you would wear whatever I wanted. Most importantly, you said you would do anything that I wanted. And guess what Chun Li, it's not hard to know what I want."

"I thought you wanted to fondle and grope me. I was willing to let you do that. I even allowed you to take pictures of me, but what you're asking is too much!"

"Even if it means saving the citizens of Hong Kong from a total life of dependence and wasting away from the inside out?"

"You're a kid!"

"I'm eighteen!"

"You're sick and you need help!"

"Actually, I don't need help. Ryu might need help! And so will Guile and Cammy!"

"What do you know about them?" Chun Li asked, her face no longer as stern.

"I know that Bison's two weeks away from you has something to do with them. However, I have no real reason to dig for that information since you're basically going to leave right now."

"I wasn't going to leave," Chun Li said softly as she softened her look yet again.

"Whatever," Sam refuted. "You might as well leave since you're not exactly a person of her word. Fuck, I think Bison is more honest than you. He at least keeps his promises."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Bison told me that I would be rewarded if I kept your friends company during their stay. Turns out that he had sent someone to talk to my school and it appears that all the bullies who used to pick on me are now going to leave me alone, and all the work I missed, I don't even have to make up. He's even given me a whole shitload of money to pay for my father's medical bills. That's more than anyone in Hong Kong has done."

"Bison's just using you."

"Like you using me?"

"No. That's not tr . . ."

"Not true? You think a wink here and your tongue flicking your lips is going to con me. Forget that, sister, I've been living in this part of town all my life. I know how things work."

"Look, we might have gotten on the wrong foot here," Chun Li spoke even softer as her hand released the shower curtain and she made her way closer to him. She pressed her breasts against his chest and began to rub his back like a concerned mother for a child. "I'm sorry about that push. I hope you're alright."

"I'll be okay," Sam replied as his voice became softer once he felt Chun Li's breasts against his chest.

Sensing that the boy's hormones were in control, Chun Li pressed her breasts firmly against him, rubbing them up and down his chest. "Is this better?" she purred.

"Ummm . . . yea, I guess so."

"That was somewhat unconvincing," she giggled. "How about we forget what just happened? I'll continue with the shower. Afterwards, you can start gathering information, while I pleasure your tool with my breasts? How about it?"

"No thanks!" Sam said as he shook his head. "You're just going to go back on your word!"

"No, I won't," Chun Li purred as she batted her eyelashes and rubbed harder.

"Then promise me that you will do whatever I want."

Chun Li paused for a few seconds, thinking about her options. "Damn! This boy is smarter than I thought. Come on girl, think! There has to be a way to do this without having him engage in intercourse. There has to be a way!" her mind yelled.

"Promise me, Chun Li."

"Crap! He looks more focused now than a few seconds ago. This kid isn't playing around. Maybe if I gave him . . ."

"Guile, Cammy, Ryu. All of them might be in serious danger and you're going to sacrifice them all? How about I make it easier for you? One week is all I ask. You do everything I want for one week. Nothing spectacular. Just some outfits every day, you follow Poison's routine that she left, and I get to do whatever I want with you. No back talk or refusal, unless I tell you that you can, but of course, it will all be part of the game. Consider it roleplaying. Just one week."

"I . . ."

"It'll just be between you and me. I won't ask for something outrageous like killing someone or anything. Come on Chun Li. I'm risking my life and my father's livelihood here. He worked all his life for this, a porn shop. That's all he was able to do. It's not much but at least he can provide for his family. I'm risking everything! I'm the one who has to go through some nefarious people to get you your information that you want! I'm the one risking my life!"

"You're sure that you can find out about . . ."

"Your friends? I promise that I will give you information about them. Unlike you, I keep my promises."

Chun Li bit her lip for a few long seconds before she replied, "Alright then. You promised. Remember that?"

"I remember and I do promise that I will supply you information about your friends."

"Just one week?"

"That's right. Those terms for one week."

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise."

"Alright then," Chun Li replied reluctantly. "I will do whatever you require of me."

"Then lather my back."

"Yes Sam," she replied as she spun him around and pressed her breasts against his back, massaging it as she went while her hands roamed across his chest.

"Such nice tits. By the way, you will refer to your breasts as tits from now on. No more of this clean language shit. I want you to talk like the women in those videos. Got it?"

"Got it," Chun Li replied with trepidation. She was disgusted with what Sam required of her and she was frightened by the fact that she had totally misjudged the teen. Even so, a voice in the back of her mind continued to reassure her that everything would be fine as long as Bison and his empire were destroyed.


"Look at all that oil in the pan," Sam cooed as he stuck his hand under Chun Li's arms and kneaded her breasts. "See how it makes all the food cook faster. I bet the oil would look quite exquisite on your body later."

"Hot oil?!?" Chun Li questioned as she jumped.

"Not hot oil. Now if the oil becomes hot after you apply it, because of your body, that's different. You see Chun Li, I just want you to apply oil over your body when you exercise later. Got to keep that gorgeous body of yours nice and fit."

Chun Li sighed and reluctantly nodded, sensing that the teenager had more in store for her than she could ever have imagined. Never did she think that the boy could come with some of the ideas that he had told her of, nor did she think that he would have her only wearing a clear plastic see-through apron, while cooking. The apron pressed tightly against her breasts, which excited her nipples and made them erect every time Sam pulled on the apron or when Chun Li moved her legs. One reason for this was that the apron, although it covered her upper body, covered less and less as made a V towards Chun Li's sex where it basically encased it in plastic. Of course, that wasn't the only thing as a long elastic cord snaked between her two butt-cheeks and up her spine, where it connected to the collar of the apron around Chun Li's neck. However, the main reason was the two elastic cords which hooped around her thighs and connected themselves to the lower portions of the apron, making it rub her nipples every time she moved her legs. Sam also played a part as he stuck his hands underneath the apron since the apron offered no protection to Chun Li's sides or her bare back.

"Good girl."

"Good girl," Chun Li mouthed silently, remembering Sam's exact words when he forced her to wear the apron. She remembered how vehemently she refused as Sam pleaded and begged her to, before he just stopped, collected his wits, and smiled. Then he offered a solution which was the information that Chun Li wanted about Bison's plants and warehouses. However, he would only collect that information if she agreed to the apron and the rest of festivities that he had planned, which did not involve fucking. Only then did Chun Li reluctantly agree. Now, she was standing in front of a stove, making lunch for the teen as his hands hungrily roamed her body, foraging for things to grope and pinch, hoping she would be allowed to call Peter Lee at Interpol with some useful information.

"Thank you, Sam," Chun Li moaned as the eager teen sucked and groped her breasts, which was his reward for giving the Chinese woman the locations of two drug factories. Chun Li was able to phone the locations in to Interpol, one earlier in the day, and one after the porno session, while she was recovering from her series of orgasms. One of the raids was very successful and outcome of the other one was yet to be determined since it had not occurred yet, but Chun Li had high hopes for it. To show her gratitude, she allowed Sam to insert a mechanical dildo in her sex. The dildo continued to pulse and grind itself against the inner walls of Chun Li's sex, causing her to climax intermittently. To prevent it from falling out, Chun Li wore a pair of black latex panties that were rock hard in the front, which kept the dildo firmly in place, yet the back was soft and pliable enough for Sam to feel the curvature of her ass while getting to her flesh when squeezing it, which was easy for him to do since he was lying on his back and Chun Li was hovering over him.

Although Chun Li allowed the teen the liberty of dressing her and free reign over her breasts, she couldn't help but recoil in disgust whenever she felt his warm tongue slide against her skin. Nor could she avoid cringing whenever his tongue lapped at her erect and blood-gorged nipples, even though his constant pulling on her nipples with his teeth wasn't that much better. However, making the whole thing worse was her traitorous body that caused her to orgasm from a combination of Sam's mouth and tongue as well as the dildo. All the while, the only thing preventing Chun Li from breaking down and sobbing was the knowledge that her actions would eventually bring down Bison.

"I hope you like licking my breas . . . my tits," Chun Li tried to say as seductively as she could at the moment. Even though the Chinese woman had convinced herself that such an act was okay under these conditions, she still couldn't prevent herself from shuddering when she looked to her left and saw the video camera aiming right at her. Nor could she shake the bad taste in her mouth whenever she had to say the word, "tit." Of course, all this was something she was going to have to get used to if she wanted to continue to get information from Sam. Sam, regardless of the stuff that he had pulled so far, couldn't be corrupt as most men, thus he would be easier to manipulate. In the end, perhaps stuff like this would keep him happy enough and content, so he wouldn't even think about acts like penetration. That was Chun Li's hope and a goal that she was striving for.

Sam wasn't really paying attention to what Chun Li was saying. He didn't care that one of her hands was running itself in his hair, brushing it back at times. All the teen cared about right now was the two huge breasts in front of his face. The teen was too caught up with flicking his tongue at the woman's swollen nub while his hand stroked her other throbbing nipple. Of course, taking as much tit flesh into his mouth at once was also distracting him quite a bit, so much that he had already lost track of time, forgetting part of his plan for the evening. He finally remembered as Chun Li's body shook violently, causing Sam to lose his grip on her breast for the first time since they started.

It took Chun Li a few minutes to come down from her orgasmic high. When she did, her eyes met Sam's. Chun Li was unsure of the glint in Sam's eye, but she knew what he wanted her to do when he told her to sit. The Chinese woman nodded, slowly raised herself up, and repositioned herself over Sam. With her knees bent, Chun Li's sex was positioned around the teen's hips, as she waited for Sam's command.

"Actually my dear," Sam uttered. "I would prefer it if you sat beside me right now."

"Why did I assume this position when he said sit?" Chun Li thought to herself as she repositioned herself, yet again, and sat next to Sam.

"Do you remember that scene from the video where the American serviceman enters the Shanghai brothel and sees his toy for the night?"


"Remember what she was doing?"

"She was fingering herself while smoking a cigarette."

"Did you think that was an erotic scene as the woman pleasured herself in front of the man while smoking?"

"Not really."

"Well, I DID!"

"I'll watch it again tomorrow then."

"Yes, you can watch it tomorrow, but I had another idea," Sam said as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his under his pillow. He made Chun Li hold a cigarette, which she reluctantly did. Then he lit it and said, "Smoke it."

Chun Li looked at Sam and then at the cigarette. She kept glancing at the two for some time, hoping that she wouldn't have to put such a disgusting thing in her mouth. "Please," Chun Li spoke softly.

"I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that cigarettes are disgusting. But from what I heard, you thought sticking dildos into your mouth was disgusting too. However, you do that will no protest at all now. So, just put it in your mouth, take a few puffs, and then you can extinguish it," Sam prodded.

"No," Chun Li said meekly.

"Come on, Chun Li. I am risking my life to get you the information that you want. Bison might not kill you if he finds out, but I can assure you that my dad and I will be dead if he finds out. Already you have given me trouble even though you said you wouldn't. Kind of makes me wonder about the rest of your promises."

"Alright," Chun Li whimpered. The Chinese woman took a long, hard stare at the cigarette and placed it in her mouth her. She took a puff and could feel the nauseating smoke burn her windpipe and then her lungs, causing her to cough and gag. However, knowing what was expected and the outcome if she didn't smoke, she continued to take another puff. The same thing happened again, and after more prodding, she took another and another. By the time she took her seventh puff, the gagging and coughing had diminished a bit. Not only that, but there seemed to be some kind of side effect from smoking. Instead of just feeling her lungs and nose burn from the smell, she could have sworn that her mind was also being affected by the smoke. Chun Li felt a little light-headed.

Sam's tool grew and hardened as he watched Chun Li take puff after puff. He couldn't help but knead Chun Li's ever-inviting breasts as he continued to watch.

Chun Li could feel Sam's hand on her breasts and maybe it had something to do with the fact that the smoke was fogging up her mind as well as her body, but in the fog, she could almost swear that she had become more in tune with her body. It was like the sensations from Sam's hands on her breasts were magnified and a lot more pleasurable, which was a good thing since the dildo in her sex had long stopped before she took her first puff. Chun Li was a bit disappointed when the fog cleared and the cigarette burned itself out. "Crap!" Chun Li's mind screamed as she realized that she had smoked the entire thing instead of just a few puffs.

"Good girl," Sam said as he took the butt and rammed it into the ashtray next to the bed. Then he secured the VR unit on Chun Li's head and had her lay on top of him. As Chun Li's world faded to black, she could feel the pulsating dildo in her sex. Then the darkness was broken by the scene of a smoking Asian woman, seducing an American serviceman, and then screwing him. The memory of smoking came back to her mind as her body was engulfed by a powerful orgasm, which was quickly followed by another and another as the dildo shot into high gear. Before long, Chun Li passed out to the moans of the video, her own, and Sam's, who was busy enjoying her rocking body on top of his.


"Thank you, Sam," Chun Li moaned as the eager teen sucked and groped her breasts, which was his reward for giving the Chinese woman the locations of two drug factories. Chun Li was able to phone the locations in to Interpol, one earlier in the day, and one after the porno session, while she was recovering from her series of orgasms. One of the raids was very successful and outcome of the other one was yet to be determined since it had not occurred yet, but Chun Li had high hopes for it. To show her gratitude, she allowed Sam to insert a mechanical dildo in her sex. The dildo continued to pulse and grind itself against the inner walls of Chun Li's sex, causing her to climax intermittently. To prevent it from falling out, Chun Li wore a pair of black latex panties that were rock hard in the front, which kept the dildo firmly in place, yet the back was soft and pliable enough for Sam to feel the curvature of her ass while getting to her flesh when squeezing it, which was easy for him to do since he was lying on his back and Chun Li was hovering over him.

Although Chun Li allowed the teen the liberty of dressing her and free reign over her breasts, she couldn't help but recoil in disgust whenever she felt his warm tongue slide against her skin. Nor could she avoid cringing whenever his tongue lapped at her erect and blood-gorged nipples, even though his constant pulling on her nipples with his teeth wasn't that much better. However, making the whole thing worse was her traitorous body that caused her to orgasm from a combination of Sam's mouth and tongue as well as the dildo. All the while, the only thing preventing Chun Li from breaking down and sobbing was the knowledge that her actions would eventually bring down Bison.

"I hope you like licking my breas . . . my tits," Chun Li tried to say as seductively as she could at the moment. Even though the Chinese woman had convinced herself that such an act was okay under these conditions, she still couldn't prevent herself from shuddering when she looked to her left and saw the video camera aiming right at her. Nor could she shake the bad taste in her mouth whenever she had to say the word, "tit." Of course, all this was something she was going to have to get used to if she wanted to continue to get information from Sam. Sam, regardless of the stuff that he had pulled so far, couldn't be corrupt as most men, thus he would be easier to manipulate. In the end, perhaps stuff like this would keep him happy enough and content, so he wouldn't even think about acts like penetration. That was Chun Li's hope and a goal that she was striving for.

Sam wasn't really paying attention to what Chun Li was saying. He didn't care that one of her hands was running itself in his hair, brushing it back at times. All the teen cared about right now was the two huge breasts in front of his face. The teen was too caught up with flicking his tongue at the woman's swollen nub while his hand stroked her other throbbing nipple. Of course, taking as much tit flesh into his mouth at once was also distracting him quite a bit, so much that he had already lost track of time, forgetting part of his plan for the evening. He finally remembered as Chun Li's body shook violently, causing Sam to lose his grip on her breast for the first time since they started.

It took Chun Li a few minutes to come down from her orgasmic high. When she did, her eyes met Sam's. Chun Li was unsure of the glint in Sam's eye, but she knew what he wanted her to do when he told her to sit. The Chinese woman nodded, slowly raised herself up, and repositioned herself over Sam. With her knees bent, Chun Li's sex was positioned around the teen's hips, as she waited for Sam's command.

"Actually my dear," Sam uttered. "I would prefer it if you sat beside me right now."

"Why did I assume this position when he said sit?" Chun Li thought to herself as she repositioned herself, yet again, and sat next to Sam.

"Do you remember that scene from the video where the American serviceman enters the Shanghai brothel and sees his toy for the night?"


"Remember what she was doing?"

"She was fingering herself while smoking a cigarette."

"Did you think that was an erotic scene as the woman pleasured herself in front of the man while smoking?"

"Not really."

"Well, I DID!"

"I'll watch it again tomorrow then."

"Yes, you can watch it tomorrow, but I had another idea," Sam said as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his under his pillow. He made Chun Li hold a cigarette, which she reluctantly did. Then he lit it and said, "Smoke it."

Chun Li looked at Sam and then at the cigarette. She kept glancing at the two for some time, hoping that she wouldn't have to put such a disgusting thing in her mouth. "Please," Chun Li spoke softly.

"I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that cigarettes are disgusting. But from what I heard, you thought sticking dildos into your mouth was disgusting too. However, you do that will no protest at all now. So, just put it in your mouth, take a few puffs, and then you can extinguish it," Sam prodded.

"No," Chun Li said meekly.

"Come on, Chun Li. I am risking my life to get you the information that you want. Bison might not kill you if he finds out, but I can assure you that my dad and I will be dead if he finds out. Already you have given me trouble even though you said you wouldn't. Kind of makes me wonder about the rest of your promises."

"Alright," Chun Li whimpered. The Chinese woman took a long, hard stare at the cigarette and placed it in her mouth her. She took a puff and could feel the nauseating smoke burn her windpipe and then her lungs, causing her to cough and gag. However, knowing what was expected and the outcome if she didn't smoke, she continued to take another puff. The same thing happened again, and after more prodding, she took another and another. By the time she took her seventh puff, the gagging and coughing had diminished a bit. Not only that, but there seemed to be some kind of side effect from smoking. Instead of just feeling her lungs and nose burn from the smell, she could have sworn that her mind was also being affected by the smoke. Chun Li felt a little light-headed.

Sam's tool grew and hardened as he watched Chun Li take puff after puff. He couldn't help but knead Chun Li's ever-inviting breasts as he continued to watch.

Chun Li could feel Sam's hand on her breasts and maybe it had something to do with the fact that the smoke was fogging up her mind as well as her body, but in the fog, she could almost swear that she had become more in tune with her body. It was like the sensations from Sam's hands on her breasts were magnified and a lot more pleasurable, which was a good thing since the dildo in her sex had long stopped before she took her first puff. Chun Li was a bit disappointed when the fog cleared and the cigarette burned itself out. "Crap!" Chun Li's mind screamed as she realized that she had smoked the entire thing instead of just a few puffs.

"Good girl," Sam said as he took the butt and rammed it into the ashtray next to the bed. Then he secured the VR unit on Chun Li's head and had her lay on top of him. As Chun Li's world faded to black, she could feel the pulsating dildo in her sex. Then the darkness was broken by the scene of a smoking Asian woman, seducing an American serviceman, and then screwing him. The memory of smoking came back to her mind as her body was engulfed by a powerful orgasm, which was quickly followed by another and another as the dildo shot into high gear. Before long, Chun Li passed out to the moans of the video, her own, and Sam's, who was busy enjoying her rocking body on top of his.

Day Two

"Do you like?" Chun Li asked meekly as she tried not to cough. The Chinese woman was standing, her entire body encased in a body-hugging, black latex cat-suit with six zippers on it. Three were visible in the front and three more were only visible from the rear. The five of the six zippers gave easy access to Chun Li's private areas as they allowed whomever to unzip the covering, while the last zipper, which stretched from the tail of her back all the way to the back of her neck, kept the suit together. All the zippers were zipped as the suit clung to every curve of her body, from her globes to her hips. Adding to the outfit, Chun Li wore thigh-high black boots with seven-inch stiletto heels, which caused her to teeter about as she stood in place quite uncomfortably.

"I like," Sam replied as he snapped another picture. The teen admired the outfit and loved how Chun Li's hair was pulled back into a ponytail while large silver hoops hung from her earlobes. Her lips were lathered in a thick dark mocha lipstick while red blush was painted onto her cheeks. And even though some of her lipstick stained the cigarette in her hand, the lipstick on her mouth was still thick and smooth. The teen knew that a heavy layer of eyeliner and long lashes were hidden by the pitch-black sunglasses adorning her face, but she was quite lovely even if he couldn't see them. Chun Li appeared just the way he wanted.

As the teen continued to survey the outfit and move about, taking pictures from various angles and sides, Chun Li stood there, unmoving. The Chinese woman tried to push out all the memories of the various outfits that he had her try on before this one, everything from French maid outfits to things that dominatrixes would wear. There were the schoolgirl outfits too. Hell, Sam even made her dress up like a pop star from a music video, not to mention Sakura, the Sailor Scouts, and even a few outfits that would be simply banned to the shortness of the skirt and the amount of cleavage shown. Of course, there were even outfits that most Japanese cosplayers would envy. Almost each one had a name or number assigned to it, which meant that any time, Chun Li would be called upon to wear the specified outfit and play the role. Sam spent a great deal of time explaining each outfit and the role associated with it. The teen spent so much time that most of the morning had passed already. Regardless, Chun Li still couldn't get over the idea of having to wear all the outfits, nor could she accept the roles, but she knew she had to.

Day Three

"Where is he?" Chun Li thought nervously as she sat upon a mannequin. The mannequin wasn't the same as the regular ones in a shopping mall. Instead, it was made of metal and coated in a layer of shiny silver paint. Not only that, but it wasn't even a complete mannequin, for it only had the parts above the knees all the way to the neck, and there was no head. Furthermore, the legs were straight, but the waist was bent backwards, slanting the mannequin backwards, while the hands stretched straight down from its side to the floor. The mannequin's breasts were big and round, giving Chun Li a perfect place to sit.

Chun Li, who was sitting on top of the mannequin, had her legs covered in a pair of shiny silver knee-high boots, a shirt skirt that hugged her hips and barely covered her shaved sex, and a gold metallic bra that a huge slug-like creature would have been envious of. Her face was coated with a layer of heavy makeup. The Chinese woman's entire eyelids were painted in the same metallic silver color of her boots with a streak of blue, while her lips bore layer upon layer of purple lipstick. All the while, the woman's hair cascaded down to her shoulders, as she was careful not to have any of it cover her face.

Chun Li had spent a good hour perfecting her look to Sam's specifications since Sam had left a manilla envelope next to the bed. Turned out, the teen had to go back to school, and had left Chun Li a series of tasks to perform. Most of the tasks were the usual variety of things set up by Poison. Sam just changed it a bit. For example, Chun Li had to do all her exercises while watching a projector displaying a series of lewd sex videos on the wall. Another change was the addition of earphones, playing a CD of a woman and man's conversation as she gave him a blow job, while she serviced the three dildos on the pole. The new things added into the day was that she had to study the tapes played on the projector and to prepare herself for Sam's return after school. Of course, Chun Li was a bit reluctant to do all the things listed on the sheet, but also attached to the sheet was the location of even more factories and warehouses and the promise of Sam obtaining the time and location of major trades. Chun Li decided to verify some of the locations from the previous night by reporting in to Interpol and found that so far Sam was right on the money. An elated Peter Lee asked for her to continue to push her sources for more information since it was widely speculated on the streets that Bison's operation in East Asia would be crippled if a dozen more places were hit. That was more than enough to seal the deal for Chun Li, who spent half the day watching the videos over and over again, taking notes and remembering the dialogue. She even as far as dressing herself up in some of the costumes that Sam picked out for her while she watched. In fact, Chun Li even smoked two cigarettes like Sam requested, even though it still burned her throat and lungs every time she took a puff. However, the fact that she was so close to ruining everything for Bison was enough incentive to keep to the list. Chun Li had spent the entire day meeting everything on the list, except Sam wasn't home yet for the next part.

"Where is he?" she said to herself. She hoped that nothing had happened to the teen. She didn't want to wait all night for him, standing on top of a naked mannequin. Especially if Peter or anyone else at Interpol decided to page her. A huge mess would ensue if she had to go back to Interpol and Sam came back to the basement of his dad's store and found Chun Li missing. "Where are you?" she sighed.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Sam came huffing and puffing through the door. The teen tossed his backpack onto the floor and slammed the door behind him. "I can't believe the school principle! He actually wanted me to stay for detention because I missed all those school days when I had to takeover the store!" he yelled angrily as he kicked at the ground. Chun Li dare not say a word, but kept silent while Sam continued to blow off steam. Finally, when Sam calmed down, he took a long look at Chun Li, and could feel his pants instantly become a size too small in the front. "Did everything?" Sam finally spoke.

"Yes," Chun Li purred.

"Good girl. I need to make a few phone calls for you. Hopefully, I can get some drop points confirmed for you. While I make the calls, can you prepare dinner?"

"Sure," Chun Li said as she slid down from the mannequin. However, she noticed Sam's disapproval facial expression and slid back on the mannequin.

"You did everything?" he asked.

"Not everything," Chun Li apologized as she spread her legs. Her hands pulled up her skirt and revealed her sex to the teenager. "However, I want to finish everything on the list."

Sam smiled as he grabbed a bag behind the mannequin. He placed the bag on a tall stool next to mannequin. Then he went and retrieved his camera. Once he had his camera, the room was engulfed in bright flashes and the clicking of the camera as it took picture after picture. Chun Li was busy posing for the teen, striking a variety of poses, trying to emulate some of the women on the tapes she watched earlier. After about two rolls of film, Chun Li was instructed to lose the bra, which she did. She then reached into the bag and pulled out a small pink vibrator. She ran the tip of her vibrator over her nipples again and again, until they became hard. Then she traced the vibrator all the way down to her sex, where she positioned it on her lips. Chun Li could see Sam's approval as he zoomed in and took a constant flurry of pictures. The Chinese woman, sensing that she had Sam's complete attention, kept the vibrator on her lips as she slowly slid her own fingers into her sex. First one digit, then another, going in and out of her sex like a piston of a finely tuned car engine.

Sam wanted to do anything but take pictures as Chun Li slid the vibrator inside her sex with her two fingers. The small pink vibrator joined her fingers inside her, which freed her other hand, so she could fondle and knead her breasts. Of course, that wasn't the only thing she did. Chun Li went as far as to pinch and pull her own nipples. She even cupped her breasts, bent her head down, and licked them a few times. This was almost too much for Sam, who could feel his prick pulsate. Luckily for him, Chun Li couldn't keep her orgasm pent up, and when she came, Sam found it as the perfect excuse to have her rest and cook dinner, while he went to take a shower and clean himself up, especially his pants.


"Did you like the videos I selected today?"

"Yes," Chun Li lied as she entered the room after taking a shower, yet her face was painted like earlier in the day. The Chinese woman glanced over at the TV and saw that the it was still playing a video of a woman servicing multiple men, five to be exact. One man was reaming her ass, another man was pumping into her sex, and another man was busy ramming his tool into her mouth, while the woman's hands were busy servicing two other men. Chun Li cringed when she remembered Sam's words from earlier. The woman shook as she remembered the words that she was forced to say while a camcorder recorded her comments. She remembered how much she begged for Sam to treat her like that. Worse yet, she watched women participating in various acts enduring various forms of punishment that made Chun Li squeamish, especially when she pictured herself as the woman.

"Sit on the couch, Chun Li," Sam ordered.

Without saying a word, Chun Li obeyed, knowing what was coming next, hoping that it would never come. However, after a look from Sam, Chun Li knew what was coming, so she spread her legs as she leaned back into the couch. Then she took a cigarette from the table, lit it, and began to smoke, trying desperately trying not to gag and throw up, while she began to masturbate in front of the teen.

"Did you watch the first video that I assigned you for today?" Sam asked he licked Chun Li's nipples repeatedly until the were shooting out like torpedoes. With that accomplished, he placed a clamp on each nipple, causing Chun Li to squirm in her seat as she yelped in pain.


"How many times did you watch it?"

"I watched it four times."

"Did you like it?"


"How many times did you climax while watching it?"

"Several times."

"Did you wear the headphones today?"


"Did you orgasm while you listened to the tape and serviced the dildos?"


"Are you ready to play?"



"Yes son."

Sam smiled at the words and fell to his knees. Within seconds, he buried his face between Chun Li's legs. Opening his mouth wide, Sam stuck his tongue out as far as he could and probed straight into Chun Li's sex. His tongue went in and the teen immediately began to taste the salty overflow. Sam drank it into his mouth as his tongue continued to probe further and further into her. Sam was lapping at the roof of his Chun Li's sex; setting off millions of tiny erotic sparks inside Chun Li, making her mind explode with lustful desire, much to her dismay. His tongue darted out and lapped at her swollen and erect clitoris protruding from its sheltering hood.

"You like to eat your mommy's pussy don't you?" Chun Li moaned.

After hearing Chun Li talk, Sam became even more excited as he licked Chun Li's clitoris repeatedly, feeling her jump each time. Then he began to suck on his Chun Li's sensitive clit like a newborn trying to get milk, sending unbelievable sensations to the Chinese woman. Not satisfied with just sucking, Sam bit down on it and began to chew on her clit.

Chun Li screamed aloud, the sharp pain in her clitoris combined with the excruciating pain suffered by her stretched and clamped tight tender nipples almost unbearable to Chun Li. Suddenly, Chun Li's entire body started to shake uncontrollably as a blast of her juices plastered Sam's face. The woman couldn't stop herself from exploding again and again, even though she wanted to hold back. In fact, she wanted to crawl under a rock and die since the person causing her to experience all this was a mere boy in her eyes. However, that didn't stop jet after jet of her juices going into Sam's eager mouth.

Chun Li was in a state of shock. Her beautiful face turned red and she dropped her head in shame. She couldn't believe the fact that a teenager with his tongue was able to bring her to such a powerful orgasm, yet she knew that it did happen. In fact, the power of the multiple orgasms almost caused her to black out, and that scared her to death. The Chinese woman never felt so humiliated and degraded. The worst part was that she didn't know when this game was going to end.

When Sam had finished lapping up the excess around Chun Li's cunt-lips, he pulled back, ran his hands over his face, collecting as mush juice as possible. Then he reached up and began to smear it all over Chun Li's breasts, making the woman even more disturbed. Of course, Chun Li almost freaked when Sam began to smear it on her face, but she was still in a state of shock from the previous incident to do much about it. In fact, she didn't even shake her head.

Once Sam had gotten most of Chun Li's juices and applied it to other parts of her, he too, sat on the couch. He placed his hands on the clamps, clasping down with his hands, he pulled them off, applying just a bit of pressure to open them a bit. Chun Li screamed as she was brought back to reality by the pain associated with Sam's violent yanking of the clamps.

"You taste good," Sam cooed as he began to lick her breasts like a small child licking a lollipop. He stuck his tongue out and slid along the complete curve of her breast, before coming back to where he started, and repeating it.

Chun Li wanted to die as her face turned even redder, although it was a bit hard to notice due to the smeared makeup on her face. Thus, she whimpered to show her disapproval as Sam began to massage and squeeze her firm tit flesh. Chun Li knew the teenager wasn't going to listen to her. In fact, he looked a bit annoyed with her. Therefore, it wasn't a shock to her when she felt a sharp pain, and saw that he was pinching and twisting her nipples. Her nipple was suddenly wet and warm as Sam sucked vigorously on her tit, his tongue swirling about as his lips pulled at her hard nipple.

"Please, please." She begged. "This isn't right." Sam paid little attention to Chun Li's pleas. Instead, he continued unabated as he stuck two fingers into Chun Li's sex and began pumping them in and out, causing the woman to buck and squirm on the seat as she took one last drag from the cigarette, which almost burned itself out during all this, and tossed it into the ash tray.

"What, mother?" Sam finally said as he removed his mouth from Chun Li's breast, leaving a trail of saliva from his mouth the her breast. "You know you like it when I go down on you and eat your pussy. That's why you didn't stop me earlier. Your tits aren't that bad either. See? I knew it. Don't lie, mommy, I can hear you moan. You like it when I play with your pussy, don't you? That's why your hand is around my wrist, making sure that my fingers pump you nice and deep. Look at your other hand as it guides your waiting tit to my mouth. I'll tell you what, I'll lick your tit if you use that lovely mouth of yours to encourage me," Sam said as his mouth engulfed Chun Li's erect nipple.

"You like mommy's big tits?" Chun Li purred as she forced more of her own breast into Sam's mouth. "I don't mind at all. That's why mommy is guiding your hand and helping it finger my pussy. It's already wet and moist, but the excitement that you bring me is orgasmic," Chun Li moaned as her eyes shut and was lost in the moment as she felt the warmth of Sam's mouth on her breasts and the ever-nearing climax about to beset her loins.

"Such a slutty mother! I can't believe what a hot body you have!" Sam said happily as he pulled away from Chun Li's body, causing the woman to wait for her orgasm.

Chun Li was in agony as she felt her body so near the peak, yet so far. "How can this teen know how to push my buttons so well? He spent the last few days humiliating me, making me obey his perverse desires. I can't believe that I agreed and performed all those obscene acts! I can't believe that I climaxed so many times in front of him! I can't believe that his tongue was enough to get me off! What is happening to me and why am I waiting for him to touch me again?" Chun Li attempted to reason in her mind.

"She looks so fucking hot!" Sam's mind screamed. "Look at her! Her mouth is wide open, just ready to scream, her nipples are sticking out like rockets, and her pussy is virtually gushing! Alright Sam, it's now or never, it's time to bone Chun Li!"

Chun Li felt Sam's hands on her body and then suddenly, she plummeted into the seat as Sam pushed her down. "What the hell?!" Chun Li blurted out as her back slammed into the couch. The woman's eyes flew open as she saw Sam part her legs. She could see his hands fly to his erect member and Chun Li instantly knew that Sam had in mind. Without any hesitation, Chun Li closed her legs, sat up, and quickly slapped Sam in the face.

Sam was shocked by Chun Li's reaction, but was also stunned from the hard slap delivered to his face. The slap was totally unexpected and the teen cowered in the corner of the couch because of it, trying to regain his bearings and courage. "You can't do that to me!" Chun Li scolded and she meant every word of it as she remembered what had transpired over the last few days. However, the softer side of Chun Li won out when she saw the tears in his eyes, and she reminded herself that Sam was just a teenager with the same hormonal instincts as the rest. Remembering what Sam wanted at the onset, Chun Li, to reassure the cowering teen, slowly inched her way towards him and said, "What's got into that nasty mind of yours?! I'm your mother for crying out loud!"

Sam, not knowing what to expect, rubbed his reddened face and attempted to hold back the tears, successfully restraining himself after a few long seconds. However, the teen still couldn't make his himself move from his safe haven on the corner of the couch.

Chun Li slid off the couch and knelt beside it. Her hands stroked his hair and face, hoping to get the teen to stop cowering like a little baby. The Chinese woman forgot about the previous days as she slowly pulled Sam towards her and continued to rub his face where she slapped him. "My poor boy. Mommy's sorry. Mommy will never hit you like that again," Chun Li said as she got back on the couch and pulled Sam onto her lap, almost cradling the young teen. "There now, don't cry, baby. You can play with mommy's big tits."

Sam, still unsure of what was going on, had yet to react, so Chun Li lifted up his chin, wiped away the lingering tears, then seductively licked her fingers clean. She grabbed Sam's hands and placed it on her tits, encouraging him to explore. "Go on, don't be afraid. Be mommy's big boy. Make mommy happy."

Sam, still unsure of what was happening, began to move his hands over Chun Li's breasts. The fact that Chun Li's hands guided his over her breasts caused the teen to regain some of his confidence. The teen stuck out his tongue, and licked her nipple, making Chun Li coo in pleasure. Gaining more courage, Sam shifted his body on Chun Li's lap in order to gain better access to Chun Li's tits. His hands began to knead her breasts with vigor as his the constant smacking of his lips filled the room as he planted kisses all over them. With every kiss, Sam's tongue licked the skin of Chun Li's tits. When he finally raised his lips off her tit, a trail if saliva connected Sam's tongue to her tit, before settling back down upon it.

"Yes, honey. That feels good. I know you like my tits, so . . . ahhh!" Chun Li moaned as Sam's courage returned and began to chew on her nipples until she was jerking and squirming uncontrollably. Sam took in as much of her breast as his mouth allowed, hallowing his cheeks and filling the room with even more wet smacking sounds, while his hands mauled her tits, filling Chun Li with both pain and pleasure.

"Kneel," Sam finally uttered when he released Chun Li's breast, only to renew his attack afterwards.

"Yes son," Chun Li moaned as Sam slid off her body, but never releasing her tits. This gave Chun Li enough room to slowly slide off the couch. Sam repositioned himself by lying on his side while Chun Li knelt next to the couch, giving him easy access to her tits while she stroked his hair. However, Chun Li's hands didn't stay there long as she pulled her right hand away, slid it into her dripping sex, and began to finger herself, while Sam entertained himself with her tits. As for Chun Li's left hand, it slowly moved down to Sam's crotch, where she wrapped her hand around his dick, began to stroke it and asked, "Would you like mommy to play with your big cock?" Chun Li was already lost in the lustful haze that clouded her mind, thus no reply was needed as she proceeded to give Sam a hand-job. This continued for a few minutes before Chun Li climaxed with Sam's mouth firmly around her breast as her body quaked in release, causing her to fall on top of Sam.

"You can stop kneading and sucking on mom's big tits now Sammie," Chun Li panted.

Sam reluctantly pulled away. He could still feel Chun Li's hand on his organ as he reached for a pack of smokes on the table next to the couch. The teenager pulled a cigarette and lit it. He faked a puff and gave it to Chun Li. "Here you go, mom. I think you'll need this," he smiled.

Chun Li was still on auto-pilot, trying to come down her orgasmic high, thought nothing of Sam's statement or her dislike for cigarettes for that matter. Instead, she simply took it from Sam's hand and began to smoke. Over the course of the last few days, Chun Li had grown more accustomed to the smell, and although she didn't smoke before meeting Sam, the videos that she was forced to watch had smokers in them, thus Chun Li was holding and smoking like a pro, with an occasional cough. However, none of the coughs made the haze in her mind disappear any faster as her body continued to experience a few aftershocks.

When Chun Li eventually shook all the cobwebs from her head, she realized that she had almost smoked the entire cigarette without batting an eye. "What happened?" Chun Li asked as she moved her left hand from between Sam's legs and instantly became disgusted with herself.

"Mommy, why don't you go get dressed," Sam spoke.

"Huh? What?"

Sam smiled and pulled out a folder from under one of the cushions of the couch and handed it to Chun Li. Then he took another cigarette and lit it. Once again, he handed it to Chun Li, who reluctantly took it. "I believe you always smoked after entertaining dad. Since he's not coming back tonight, I think it would be nice if you got dressed. I have the perfect dress in mind, a picture of it is in the folder. In fact, I would love it if you dressed up and applied your makeup like the picture. Besides, it is a picture of you to begin with," Sam said as he slid off the couch.

Chun Li slowly got up. Her legs were weak, causing her to wobble a bit. However, she didn't get far before she stumbled and flew down, dropping the manilla envelop in the process. Since Sam didn't seal the large envelope, the contents spilled onto the ground. Chun Li, realizing her blunder, quickly attempted to collect the glossy pictures which spilled up. Due the fact that Chun Li landed on her face, her ass was high in the air, wiggling about as she frantically collected the pictures.

Sam stared in a hypnotic gaze as Chun Li's ass swayed about. The teenager couldn't help but become hard again as he walked over and gripped Chun Li's hips. Chun Li, much like earlier, reacted instinctively, pulled away, turned around, and was about to strike. The sudden movement was enough to send Sam crashing onto his back, even though Chun Li held her fist and didn't strike. However, that didn't help the teen's confidence as he covered up his face. Chun Li sighed, collected the pictures, and crawled towards Sam.

"Don't be scared, honey. Mommy isn't going to hit you," she purred as she pried his hands away from his face while she towered over the teen.

"But . . . but you . . ." Sam stuttered.

"You can't stick your cock into mommy. Only daddy can do that."

Sam didn't reply as he saw Chun Li's knees beside his face while her glistening sex was just inches away from his face. Suddenly, his hands went into action as they gripped her thighs, and his mouth and tongue went for Chun Li's sex. Sam licked lightly at first, then gingerly sucked them into his mouth as Chun Li's eyes widened with pleasure. "Goddamn! You taste delicious, Mom!" Sam blurted out as Chun Li's body seized and tensed, unable to pull away. The eager teenager began to lap at Chun Li's pulsing pussy, first starting off slowly, but as Chun Li's moans grew more intense, he began to lick harder, giving special attention her clit.

Chun Li was in heaven as Sam licked and nibbled at her pussy and clitoris with increasing intensity, and waves of warm pleasure pulsed through her body. The Chinese woman knew it was wrong the first time to let Sam eat her, and she did say that it would be a one-time thing, but the pleasure overcame her thoughts. Chun Li quickly extinguished the cigarette after taking a long drag and mashed it into the table next to the couch. Then her hands began to massage her breasts. "Thank you, darling. You are magnificent," Chun Li moaned as she cupped a hand under each boob and pushed them together.

"They're so big and sensitive," Sam uttered as he pulled away from Chun Li's sex, his face covered in her juices. "I know since I already tasted them, causing you to climax again and again. If you want me to continue to eat your pussy, then stick your nipples into your mouth and get them nice and hard."

Without thinking, Chun Li pushed her left breast up toward her face, popped the nipple into her mouth and began to suck. A huge smile appeared on Sam's face as he dove back into her delicious pussy. Chun Li released the nipple from between her lips and immediately placed her right nipple in her mouth and began to give it a sucking and licking, all the while pulling at the already engorged one. The Chinese woman moaned loudly and began to grind her crotch up against Sam's frantically licking.

Sam probed the folds of Chun Li's cunt, trying to push his tongue inside her, making Chun Li moan in appreciation as she released her nipple. "Ohhhhh, Sam, my baby! You make Mommy feel so goooood" Chun Li said, pulling hard on both of her nipples. Her fat tits shook like sacks of gelatin as she did so. She released one nipple and moved her delicate hand to the back of Sam's head. She began to massage his scalp with her fingernails, and pushed his head hard up against her undulating crotch. "OHHH YESSSS...Eat me! Suck my clit! I'm close honey, help me! Help Mommy come ooooOOOHHHH YESS!!!!!!"

With a final thrust of her crotch and Sam's tongue, Chun Li's orgasm crashed down on her like a torrent. She saw stars and pushed her his head into her crotch as if she was trying to push him inside her. He continued to thrash his tongue about her clit as she writhed in ecstasy for what seemed like an eternity. "OOOhhh, Sam, my little boy" Chun Li said, her voice a husky whisper.

As the tension of the orgasm faded, she released her grip on Sam's head. He raised his face from her crotch, chin dripping with her pussy juice. "You taste so good, Mom. Did I make you feel good?"

"Yes," Chun Li gasped.

"Then it's time to return the favor. Go get dressed," Sam spoke as he reached for something under the couch. The teenager pulled out a box and opened it. "Mom. It isn't right for you to walk naked to your room since I know your fingers are just going to be pumping into your cunt. So here," Sam said as he presented Chun Li a shiny thong with a dildo attached to it. Chun Li took it as Sam lit another cigarette and handed it to Chun Li. The woman reluctantly slid the thong up her long legs as she held the cigarette between her lips. She then inserted the dildo inside her pussy lips before pulling the thong into place. Immediately, Chun Li knew this was no ordinary thong since it was hard as plastic and bit into her skin. "Do what you need to, mom. I'll be out here waiting. Don't worry either, that dildo won't cause you to climax, but you wished it would. Hurry back and we can alleviate that," Sam said as Chun Li felt sex-sending currents of pleasure throughout her body as the dildo sprang into life. The Chinese woman gasped and quickly made her way to her room, clutching the folder in one hand, and trying to drive the dildo deeper into her sex with no success.

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