Street Fighter:  Chun Li vs 12
By Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by Capcom are owned and created by Capcom. And
even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by
Capcom, they are still owned by Capcom. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and
unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal
for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank Eraldo for his input in this story.
Basically, he supplied an outline and idea for the story, and I just expanded on it and wrote the
scenes accordingly, which made things rather easy. Also, he served as the editor for this story
and even supplied pictures that have also been posted.

Feel free to e-mail me at <
[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Street Fighter:  Chun Li vs 12
By Night Creeper

    Chun Li stood beside a podium between two long tables.  On one side of the table were eight Chinese officials.  On the other side were four officials from the United Kingdom and four officials from the United States.  Seated in numerous rows of chairs were reporters from all over the world.  Each one ready to pounce with questions.  The sixteen officials were unable to answer all the questions, which allowed Chun Li to take the podium. “Ladies and gentlemen of the world press, as Mr. Chang and Smith said earlier, Shadoloo is no more.  The evil dictator died in a fiery explosion a few miles off the coast of Hong Kong.  We’ve also captured most of the Shadoloo’s high command.  Sagat was released to the custody of the United States after he deciding to switch sides.  He has offered the Americans very important intel, which has lead to the capture of numerous Shadoloo agents in the United States.  We have seized various Shadoloo accounts and assets.
The entire organization will cease to exist without proper funding,” Chun Li spoke in an even voice.
    “There are reports that an American and British fighter were responsible for shooting down Bison’s transport.  Is that correct?” a reporter asked.
    “We do not have any information of American or British planes flying over Chinese airspace.  The Chinese military informed Interpol that it was a Chinese plane that shot down Bison’s transport,” Chun Li replied calmly as the other officials watched in awe since most of them succumbed to stress and anxiety when answering the questions.
    “What about the rumor that Bison stole countless amount of gold?” another reporter asked.
    “Bison plundered numerous countries, but we were able to recover most of the stolen items.”
    “What about Shadoloo’s operations?”
    “Without funds, Shadoloo’s operations should stop shortly.  There will be some rogue agents, but Sagat has been very instrumental in aiding in their capture.  In fact, I want to take this moment to inform all Shadoloo agents that they should surrender to the proper authorities.  They should make it easier on themselves and surrender.”
    “What about the rumors involving K-Tech?” a young reporter shouted.
    “Ms. Li!  What about Bison’s assassin Vega?”
    “Vega has been apprehended and is currently in a maximum security prison at this time.”
    “What about the rumors involving K-Tech?” the young reporter shouted again.
    “Ms. Li!  There have been reports that Bison has been spotted in Africa.  Is that true?”
    “Shadoloo has operations in Africa, but there have been no sightings of Bison since the explosion of his transport.”
    “What about K-tec . . .”
    “Is there any link between K-Tech and Shadoloo?” another reporter asked, pushing the young reporter aside.
    “K-Tech is currently under investigation.  So far, there are no links between the company and Shadoloo.  It’s true that the company has built powerful chips for various devices, but there’s no evidence connecting them as the supplier to Shadoloo.  Furthermore, the company has been participating in gene therapy and biological research.  That connection is still be investigated as well as its connection to the military.”
    As Chun Li continued to speak, an enraged Cammy watched from the back of the room.  Standing next to her was Guile.  “Can you believe that she hasn’t even mentioned that this was a joint operation?” Cammy fumed even though she kept her voice low.
    “Doesn’t matter to me that she didn’t mention it.  I’m guessing that reporters would be able to infer that after seeing all those officials stumble through the question and answering session of the news conference.  In fact, I’m impressed by her answers,” Guile replied.
    “What about the part where we shot down Bison?”
    “Classified information.  Besides, it prevents us from having to answer stupid questions.  This way, she has to answer them, not us.”
    “She’s hogging the spotlight.  We did just about the same amount of work as her, if not more.”
    “Don’t worry, Cammy.  I’m sure we will both hear something from our superiors.”
    “You don’t get it, Guile!  I was the one that had to infiltrate Shadoloo, using my old connections with the organization.  I had to pretend to serve Bison.  Do you know how depraved that man is?”
    “I’m sure it was hell, but it’s best that the information doesn’t come out.  It protects your reputation.”
    “But I was the one that had to work over a year on the mission.  Chun Li was only brought in the last two months and yet she’s the one on stage.  And she was so bossy at the end!  I could have brought down Bison without giving him a chance to escape.”
    “Probably, but we took him down regardless.  She did catch a slew of Shadoloo operatives before this mission though.  Balrog comes to mind.  Additionally, my superiors told me not to be on stage so I have no complaints.  Speaking of which, I need to head back to base.  It was great working with you, Cammy.”
    “It was great working with you.  Can’t say the same for Chun Li though,” Cammy spoke before muttering the Chinese woman’s name under her breath.  Guile didn’t say anything as he left the room.  With Guile gone, Cammy continued to fume as she watched Chun Li continue with the press conference.  “Bitch!” she muttered.
    “Excuse me,” a deep voice spoke.
    Cammy turned and saw a large, tall man wearing a trench coat.  “What do you want?”
    “Not much.  If you want to get her back, give her this card,” the man spoke as he left.
    Cammy simply glanced down at the card and saw a few words and pictures scribbled on it.  The one word that caught her eye was K-Tech.


Two Nights Later

    Chun Li quietly crawled through the ventilation system of K-Tech.  Cammy had given her the card and she realized that it was her opportunity to catch the officials.  She realized that the pictures was a map and that there was a meeting tonight.  The Chinese woman eventually came to a grate and saw a large man wearing a trench coat standing in the room.  There was a large monitor on the wall, but the man was the only one in the room.
    “Hello.  We will not sell our weapons to terrorists like yourself.  You can forget about the deal,” a voice filled the room as the monitor came to life.  However, there wasn’t a picture of the speaker.  Instead, there was a line that jumped whenever the man spoke.
    “I knew it.  The company is linked to Shadoloo.  They just don’t want to sell!”
    “So leave the premises now and my guards won’t take you into custody,” the line spoke before it faded.  The man in the trench coat stood for a few minutes before heading toward the door.
    “Oh no you don’t!” Chun Li shouted as she kicked the grate open and leapt toward the man.  Within seconds, the woman was tumbling on the floor, wrapped up in the trench coat.  When she stood up and threw the trench coat aside, she realized that the person had disappeared even though he hadn’t opened the door and there was nowhere to hide inside the room.
    A barely audible noise came from the corner.  Chun Li thought it sounded like dripping water, but it wasn’t.  Simply because when she turned, there was no water in the corner.  Then the lights to the room shut off.  Before she could react, she received a flurry of punches.  Each one hit her like a ton of bricks.  She tried to block the punches, but was unable to stop them.  She received blows to her head, chest, stomach, thighs, ribs, and arms.  Then to make matters worse, something wrapped around her neck and started to cutoff her air supply as the punches continued.  The Chinese woman tried to hold on, but she eventually succumbed to the darkness.


A Few Minutes Later

    “Fucking slut,” Cammy snarled as she ran her hands over the unconscious Chinese woman’s naked body.  Earlier, the British woman carefully stripped Chun Li and set clothes off to the side in perfect order while the man in the trench coat placed an oxygen mask over Chun Li’s nose and mouth.  And even though the clothes have been removed, the mask remained on the woman’s face ensuring that she would sleep through the entire ordeal, giving Cammy ample time to do what she needed.
    “Take your time.  I’ll make the necessary arrangements in order for you to get your revenge,” the man in the trench coat spoke as he left the room.
    “Did you hear that, Chun Li?  Of course not.  You’re asleep.  Out like a light and on your back.  How ironic that your legs are spread right now.  Bet you’re use to this position.  How many officers did you screw to get them forget about my contributions to taking down Shadoloo?  You forgot that I was the one that risked her life to infiltrated the base.  Bison touched me.  He ran his sick hands all over me.  You don’t have to worry about his sick attentions, but I swear to you that you feel something just as bad,” Cammy smiled as she ran the razor over Chun Li’s thin bush.  Slowly, but surely, Cammy shaved all the pubic hairs and brushed the remnants off of Chun Li’s moist pussy.  “Whore,” Cammy commented as she tossed the razor aside.
    “Look at these fat tits,” Cammy sneered as she groped Chun Li’s tits.  “You also have a firm ass and now a shaved cunt.  You weren’t designed for fighting Chun Li, you were designed for fucking!  You’re a whore and you should dress like one,” Cammy hissed as she pulled the black fishnet stockings up Chun Li’s thighs.  By the time she was done, Chun Li was wearing a pair of black fishnet thigh-high stockings with a pair of red heels with six inched heels.  Additionally, the British woman had tossed the mask aside.
    “Since you’re designed for fucking, you should look like a prostitute!” Cammy laughed as she began to apply makeup to Chun Li’s face.  The British woman applied a heavy helping of blue eye shadow, which had sparkles mixed in.  She then coated Chun Li’s lips with a heavy coat of red smoldering lipstick.  Cammy also sealed the color in with another layer of lip gloss.  She added pink mascara to the Chinese woman’s cheeks and red rouge to the woman’s nipples.  Cammy didn’t stop there as she secured a large black dog collar with an O-ring in front and several silver studs going all around it.  She then gave Chun Li a large pair of silver hooped earrings and gave Chun Li fake plastic nails that extended for four inches and painted them silver to match the earrings.
    The British woman backed up and smiled before she dressed Chun Li in a short plaid skirt and a tight see-through blue mesh tube top.  “A slutty outfit for a total and complete slut.  Just because Guile was okay with your quickly assembled press conference . . . it doesn’t meant that I was pleased.  In fact, I’m pissed that you would totally ignore my contributions!  I was the one that came up with the plan and if my superiors didn’t cave to your requests, I would have brought Bison down myself.  But since you probably slept with my superiors, I’m going to make sure that you sleep with a whole lot more . . . although, these people can hardly be called superiors.  You should keep the buns just in case people don’t think it’s you,” Cammy smiled as she glanced down at the unconscious Chinese woman.


A Few Minutes Later

    “This can’t be right,” a man spoke in disbelief.
    “The badge says she’s the one,” another replied as he threw the badge at the first man.
    “No shit.  It does say Chun Li.  Then again, you do have those buns in her hair.”
    “And she’s wet too,” a third man spoke as he pointed at the small pool of juice under the woman’s feet.  The three men smiled as they glanced at the quivering body of Chun Li.  The Chinese woman was barely awake as she cooed again and again.  Her wrists were bound together and placed on a hook to keep her upright.  Yet, there was no proof that she could stand on her own.
    “Let’s take a peak,” a fourth man spoke as he raised Chun Li’s skirt.
    “HOLY SHIT!  SHE’S FUCKING BARE!” a fifth man shouted as everyone saw that Chun Li wasn’t wearing any underwear and that her pussy had been shaved clean.
    “Fuck that!” the first man roared as he pulled the tube top toward Chun Li’s neck, baring her tits.  He then grabbed her right tits and began to lick the nipple.  The man trailed his tongue from the tip of her erect nipple all the way around the areola.  Soon after, he tried to take as much of her breast as he could into his mouth.  The man was rewarded by a soft moan from Chun Li, which simply spurred him on as he increased his sucking.  Soon, his left hand was squeezing the woman’s left breast while his right hand trailed down the woman’s right thigh.
    “I have to see this!” the second man smiled as he saw where the first man’s hand was going.
    The first man began to rub and pinch Chun Li’s pussy lips, spreading them.  Soon another soft moan escaped the woman’s lips.  The man was so turned on by the light moan that he simply drove a finger into her dripping hole, slipping inside with little effort.  It didn’t take long for the one finger to become two fingers and eventually three fingers.
    The sudden thrust of three fingers were enough to bring Chun Li out of her stupor.  A loud moan escaped her mouth and she saw the men.  An angry Chun Li was about to unleash untold venom at the men, but that’s when she saw her own reflection in a series of mirrors scattered throughout the room and was shocked by how she looked.  There was complete disgust followed by confusion on Chun Li’s face.  The first man saw Chun Li’s face and sped up his fingers.  “Ahhhhhgggghhhh!” Chun Li moaned.
    “You like this don’t you?” the first man asked with a smile on his face.
    “No,” Chun Li panted in response.
    “Dude!  Give the bitch some more!” the second man yelled.
    “I’ll arrest you all for this!” Chun Li huffed.
    “She sure sounds like Chun Li,” the third one stammered, a little bit scared of what could happen.  The first man pulled away from Chun Li’s breasts, but his fingers remained.
    “It can’t be.  Chun Li would never dress like this,” the fourth man spoke, trying to assure his friends.
    “I wouldn’t!  Someone did this to me!  And if you don’t free me, I’ll beat your asses!” Chun Li snarled.
    “Her mouth was better when you were pumping her,” the fifth man spat.
    “Good point!” the first man yelled as his fingers exploded.  They pumped in and out of the woman in rapid succession.  Within seconds, Chun Li was flailing in her bonds like a fish caught on a hook.  She thrashed wildly and panted loudly too.  Her panting doubled and her struggles declined.  “Boys!  My fingers are covered in her hot juices!” the first man exclaimed as Chun Li began to grunt, groan, and gasp.
    Chun Li tried to fight it, but she couldn’t muster much of a defense.  Instead, she was left wondering how her body could betray her in such a fashion.  The woman didn’t have long to think about it as her body tensed and stiffened.  Chun Li’s mind reeled as her thoughts scattered.  The woman tried to deny it, but failed.  Within seconds, Chun Li was screaming at the top of her lungs.  The orgasm tore through her body and after a few minutes of thrashing, the woman hung loosely in her bonds.
    “Wow!  What a slut!” several of the men shouted with glee.
    “I’m . . . not . . . a . . . slut . . .” Chun Li panted.
    “Let’s see about that,” one of the men shouted as he grabbed her breasts with his hands.  He licked her areolas and nipples, leaving a huge trail of saliva behind as he tried to take as much in his mouth.
    “Bastard!” Chun Li shrieked in a very high pitch voice unable to stop the man.
    “Good damn it,” another man laughed gleefully as he sucked on her dripping pussy with incredible vigor.  His tongue worked the inside of her pussy, playing with her clit while his fingers fondled the folds of her pussy lips. 
    “Aaaaawwww!” Chun Li moaned loudly as her head thrashed back and forth.  Although she tried to fight it, her body responded to their ministrations.  Within seconds, the woman climaxed again.
    “What a slut,” one of the onlookers smiled.
    “Yes she is,” another replied as he saw the two men assaulting her step back.
    “Why don’t you two see if she has another one left in her?”
    “Awesome idea!” the two shouted as they went back to work.  Chun Li whimpered and moaned pitifully as she was brought to another climax in a matter of minutes.  Except this time, the men didn’t stop.  They simply continued.  By the time they were done, Chun Li had climaxed three more times, roughly once every two minutes.
    “Step back boys,” the first man spoke as he pushed the man between Chun Li’s legs away.  He stuck his hand under Chun Li’s gushing pussy and collected her juices in the palm of his hand.  The man then began to smear it over Chun Li’s chin, lips, and nose.  “Smell that?  It’s all you, bade!” the man laughed.


    In a separate room set up by the mystery man known as Q, Cammy watched Chun Li’s ordeal with a great deal of delight.  The room was square, but the image of Chun Li’s ordeal was shown on an entire wall.  Not only did it show the ordeal, but the image was divided into ten equal squares, which showed the action from almost every angle.  There were speakers scattered throughout the room, providing ample amount of sound.  There were also no lights except for the light coming from the image wall.  Unbeknownst to British agent, the deck had been stacked against her.  The room wasn’t just supplying the sounds from Chun Li’s room, but it was also sending subliminal messages to Cammy.  As for the image wall, it was beaming hypnotic images straight to her brain.  The conditioning wasn’t aimed at reducing Cammy to some brainless bimbo.  Instead, it was suppose to triple her hatred for Chun Li.
    “Now you’re going to learn a lesson, you lousy bitch!  You’re going to learn your place!  Shut me out of the conference will you?  Well, it’s time for some revenge!  You think that new look of yours was a mistake?  It’s not.  It’s to help you learn what you’re fucking good for!” Cammy snarled.
    The British woman watched intently as she felt her body begin to heat up.  Slowly, her own hands slid up and down her body as a light moan escaped her lips.  At the same time, a small tendril appeared from the back of the room and moved slowly toward her.  It didn’t take long for the tendril to snake up her leg even though Cammy didn’t feel a thing thanks to the subliminal commands telling her that nothing was wrong and to keep watching the wall.  Once the tentacle reached her sex, it slid under the leotard and past her pussy lips.  The British woman moaned as she tendril snaked further and further into her sex.
    “So slutty,” Cammy moaned as her hands gripped her own breasts as she watched the men molest Chun Li’s body.
    Beneath Cammy’s body, a blob appeared on the floor beneath her with several tentacles coming out from it.  One tentacle was rubbing against her firm buttocks.  As the tentacle slithered closer and closer to her anal opening, small tendrils brushed against her cheeks. The tendril inside her sex sprouted spikes and were pressing against her vaginal walls.  As they made contact, the points of the spikes turned into a ball and began to massage the walls, causing the woman to moan.
    “Oh yes!!  So slutty, Chun Li!  So slutty that it’s making my body hot,” Cammy moaned.
    The blob below her continued its mission.  The tentacle inside Cammy’s sex began to thrust in and out of her while the one in her ass did the same.  Multiple tentacles were now slapping her firm buttocks while others gripped her ankles and kept her legs spread.  Other tentacles snaked up her body and began to encircle her breasts, pushing her hands out of the way.
    “So hot!  Your sluttiness makes me so hot.  You need a big cock inside you, Chun Li!  You always need it!  You need a good fucking!  Always fucking!  Always!”  Cammy panted as more and more subliminal messages bombarded her mind, totally ignoring the fact that tentacles were ravaging her body. 
    The British woman’s eyes were concentrating on the screen and Chun Li’s actions.  But as she watched, her hatred for Chun Li burned.  In fact, the image of Chun Li being abused was scorched into her brain.  Cammy now believed that abuse was the only thing that Chun Li was good for.  And that abuse was something that she was more than willing to dish out.


    “Ohhhh!” Chun Li moaned as the man pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy.  The man watched the Chinese woman with a sadistic smile.  He had been denying her of an orgasm for over ten minutes now. 
    “What a lovely slut.  You like this,” he spoke as he pressed his body against her back.
    “Nnnnnoooo,” Chun Li groaned as sweat poured down her body.
    “Very well.  I’ll just keep going and stopping until you agree that you’re a slut and beg us to fuck you raw.  Picture us fucking you like wild animals.  You know you’d like it.”
    “Nooooo,” Chun Li wailed.
    “I feel your cunt squeezing my fingers.  Don’t you want me to pull them out?  You tell me that you do, but you’re body is telling me something different.”
    “I . . . I . . . AWWWWW!!!” Chun Li wailed as the man forcefully extracted his fingers from her sex.
    “Back up boys.  Let’s watch her shake for a few more minutes,” the man replied as he shook his hand, splattering Chun Li’s juices onto her back.
    “I want to fuck her!” one of the men shouted.
    “In due time.  The slut needs a good reaming.  She knows she wants it.  She’s just too proud to say it.”
    “I . . . I . . .” Chun Li groaned as she desperately wanted to climax.  The woman’s mind was reeling.  She couldn’t understand why her body was betraying her and responding to the men’s vile attention.  Furthermore, she couldn’t believe that her body actually craved more.  But she could see in the men’s eyes that they more than willing to oblige if she asked.  Worse yet, she saw her reflection in the mirror and saw how hungry her face looked when the man was pumping his fingers in and out of her sex.  Shame now engulfed her weakening mind.
    The men on the other hand were hungry, but they couldn’t help but watch Chun Li as she panted for breath.  They watched as her breasts heaved up and down.  They saw her mouth open and close while her nostrils flared.  Each man could feel the pain in their pants as their members struggled for freedom.  However, each one was willing to wait only because of the payoff; the chance to fuck an incredibly horny Chun Li.
    “Let’s see if you like this,” the first man spoke again as he pressed his body against the Chinese woman’s back.  He inserted his fingers back into her dripping sex.  With a wry smile, he began to slowly pump them in and out.  His smile got bigger when he felt the woman’s vaginal walls start to grip his fingers yet again except this time, she was applying more pressure.
    “I have to fight this.  I can’t be succumb to my lust.  The lust is burning.  I need an orgasm.  But it’s not right.  This is wrong.  I must fight,” Chun Li’s mind try to reason.
    The man blew into Chun Li’s ear and nibbled on her earlobe while he pumped his fingers and in and out of her pussy.  He could hear the woman’s moans as she pushed her own body back towards him.  Her cunt muscles were tightening their hold on his fingers as the room was now filled with Chun Li’s heavy breathing, her moans, and the squishy noises coming from her pussy.  Yet, the man wasn’t ready to let her climax.  “You’re the nastiest slut in Interpol!  You want your belly filled with our sperm!” the man growled as he forcefully pulled his fingers out of her.
    “NOOOOO!!” Chun Li wailed, tears streaming from her eyes as her body now burned with the need for sex.
    “Just say the word, slut.  We’ll be happy to oblige,” the man laughed.
    Chun Li took one last long look at herself.  She was panting for breath.  Her head dipped forward and her tongue was sticking out like an exhausted dog.  Her heart was pounding and her body quivered as she hung in her bonds.  Before, she could say anything, the man pounced.  He slammed his body against hers and pumped his fingers in and out of her hot pussy in earnest.  Chun Li’s face then contorted into a look of hot smoldering lust.  “I’m a slut!  I want to feel your cocks inside me!  I need you all to fuck me like a bitch in heat!” the woman screamed, not really aware where the words were coming from, nor did she care.
    The men could care less as they proceeded to find a position while the first man pulled his fingers out of the woman while the fifth man found a knife on the ground and sliced through the ropes binding Chun Li.  He tossed the knife away as he saw Chun Li mount the first man.  The woman screamed loudly as her pussy swallowed the man’s cock.  A few seconds later, the second man mounted her and rammed his cock into her ass.  The third grabbed Chun Li’s right hand and placed it on his dick since the fourth man had claimed Chun Li’s mouth.  “Oh well,” the fifth man sighed as he grabbed Chun Li’s left hand and placed it on his dick.


    A shady figure named Q watched the two monitors in front of him.  One monitor showed Chun Li being gang-banged and the other monitor showed Cammy being fucked by Twelve as she cursed Chun Li.  He could hear the insulting words filled with vile and venom directed at Chun Li.  The man smiled to himself.  He purposely placed Cammy in the special room.  The purpose of the room was recondition her.  The room was full of flashing lights, subliminal sounds, and mind altering gas.  Best of all, Cammy was totally unaware of what was going on.  Instead, her hatred of Chun Li was being magnified and used as a smokescreen to hide what was truly happening to her.  Q smiled as he watched and listened to what Cammy was saying.
    “Fucking bitch!  Fuck you!  Screw me will you!  I’ll watch those men screw your fucking brains out!  But be careful!  I’m going to screw you so hard that you won’t even remember your name, you fucking bitch!” Cammy sneered.
    “Won’t be long now,” Q smiled to himself as he watched the men switch positions on Chun Li.  “The drugs have taken over Chun Li as well.  I guess I should call the proper authorities . . . in a few hours.”


Five Hours Later

    “Get out of the way!” an officer shouted as he pushed several photographers out of the way.  The photographers didn’t really pay that much attention to him as they snapped pictures and tried to get to the large circle of photographers in the front of the room.  The officer had no idea what was going on, but there were currently hordes of photographers, over twenty photographers for every police officer and since there were only four officers, he wasn’t going to arresting any of them.  “Get out of the way!” he screamed again as some photographers ran away from him and headed out the door.
    “What do you think is going on?” another officer asked.
    “I don’t know, but an ambulance just arrived.  Strange,” the first officer replied as he went back to shoving photographers out of his way.
    “Isn’t that the photographer from that sleazy tabloid?” one of the officers asked while the others paid no attention to his question since they were too busy pushing people aside.
    Eventually, the officers reached the very front and had to push ten bunched up photographers out of the way.  With the photographers pushed aside, others were still taking pictures, but none were taking any pictures of the four officers.  Each officer was shocked by what they saw.  On the floor in front of them were five unconscious men, all of them nude.  Then there was the woman that laid in the center of the men.  Almost every inch of the woman’s body was covered in a layer of dried sperm.  Her hair was soaked in the stuff as gooey globs drooled out from her lips and down her cheeks, where it pooled on the ground with the rest.  “Chun Li!” the four officers gasped as they recognized the buns in the woman’s hair.
    “What do we do?”
    “I don’t know,” the first officer replied as he watched the photographers continue to snap pictures.
    “Should we get these men out of here?”
    “I kind of like the scene.”
    “We should put something over her,” one of the officers spoke.
    “Back these people up and put some crime tape around the area,” the officer spoke as the others complied.  The photographers weren’t very happy, but they didn’t fight back since they all could all zoom in.
    Once the photographers were no longer hovering over the bodies, the paramedics arrived.  The two of them were stunned silent as well.  The four officers realized that they’re jobs could be in danger so one pulled out his gun and shot a warning shot in the air.  “Stop taking pictures and don’t you dare take one of us!  Now get the hell out of here!” he shouted sternly as the photographers ran out of the room.
    “Should we have confiscated their cameras?”
    “Too late now,” the officer replied.
    The paramedics placed rubber gloves over their hands and a small white mask over their mouths.  They didn’t want to breath too much of the foul, sex-filled air.  They lifted Chun Li by her arms.  “Fuck me,” Chun Li groaned as more sperm dripped from her mouth.
    “Wait a second,” the first officer spoke as he wrapped police tape around Chun Li’s breasts.  He went around four times and then did the same with her legs in order to cover her dripping pussy.  “Get her to the hospital.  We’ll take care of these five,” the officer spoke as the paramedics nodded and placed Chun Li on the gurney.
    Within minutes, the ambulance was on its way to the closet hospital.  The driver was busy concentrating on the road while his partner was filling out a report.  He wrote down that the woman was covered in sperm, but wasn’t about the measure it.  He also wrote down that woman didn’t even seem to mind.  However, he couldn’t help but watch her hands remove the police tape.  The woman’s hands then snaked up and down her body.  He then saw her lick her lips.  “Fuck me,” she moaned softly.  The man felt his dick harden as he threw down the clipboard.  But rather than pounce of her, he placed a condom over his dick.  He didn’t want to catch anything.
    “What’s going on back there?” the driver asked as he slowed down the vehicle and glanced into the rearview mirror.  That’s when he saw Chun Li on all fours being fucked from behind.  The woman wasn’t humiliated or in any pain.  Instead, she was loving it and begging for more.  Needless to say, the man turned off the sirens, parked by the roadside, and joined in.


Three Days Later

    “You realize that these photographs don’t help.  And I hope you do realize that narcotics were found in your body.  You fucked up big time, Chun Li,” the man spoke sternly.
    “Sir.  I was drugged.  I didn’t take those drugs.  I would never let those men touch me, let alone . . .”
    “Silence!” the man yelled as he stood up and slammed his hands on the table.  “There are surveillance videos of you asking those men to fuck you!  There are videos of you taking hits from the men!  There are thousands of pictures of the aftermath in circulation!  If we had millions of people surfing the Internet right now, they still wouldn’t be able to shut down all the sites that have the videos or pictures of you!  Do you know how bad this looks for us?  Nobody is talking a hero cop anymore!  They’re all taking about a slut who sleeps her way to solving her cases!  People are demanding that we release some of the Shadoloo operatives thanks to a tainted investigation.  People are questioning the evidence!  Do you know how bad things are when honest citizens begin to question the evidence that can be used to bring down terrorists??!?  It means we have no credibility!!”
    “I can prove my innocence, sir.”
    “That may be, but from this moment, you are suspended without pay!!  We’re going to tell the press that you’ve been fired!  Maybe then, they’ll stop calling me!  Now get out!”
    “But sir . . .”
    “Get out!!” the man yelled as Chun Li left the office, shaking her head.
    The Chinese woman returned to her desk.  She was happy that everyone had left the office already.  When she got back to her desk, she spotted an envelop.  She opened it and saw some pictures of her being fucked by the men.  Chun Li wanted to rip the pictures into shreds, but held back as she found a note scribbled on the back of one.  She read it and slammed her hands onto the table.  “I knew it!  It was K-Tech!  You boys want to meet me tonight?  That’s fine!  I’m going to take you all down tonight!” Chun Li snarled.



    Chun Li had no idea what she was fighting.  She was so enraged about what had happened to her that she stormed the building.  She knocked out some guards without any problems, but when it came to the office that she was suppose to go, the woman simply kicked down the door to find a horrified man inside.  Chun Li charged him and grabbed him by the throat.  That’s when the lights went out.  The Chinese woman could see the outside light coming from the doorway, but that was soon slammed shut by a sliding door.  Suddenly, Chun Li felt the man’s skin began to melt.  She tried to look at her hand and that’s when she saw a light blue ooze, which soon slid off her hand.  The woman was bewildered and that’s when she realized that the man was gone.  Then without warning, she started being attacked in all directions.  She tried to block, but suffered several blows just like before.  Suddenly, the attacks stopped and the lights came back on.  Chun Li could
see that the room was completely devoid of everything except for a white floor.
    “Where are you?” Chun Li shouted as a long white tendril lashed out from the floor.  The Chinese woman sensed that it was going after her face so she brought both hands up to block it.  However, the tendril simply turned into a fist and slammed hard into her stomach.  Chun Li fell forward as several more tendrils slammed into shoulders and legs.  The punches hurt more than anything that she had felt in her life.  Sensing that she needed to regroup, the woman leapt backwards, hoping to put some distance between her and her attacker.
    Yet, the minute she landed, a long thick tentacle grabbed her ankle and pulled her back.  She then saw a huge blob emerge from the floor.  It then took the shape of a huge mound and worse yet, a large phallus in the center.  Chun Li screamed as she fought to escape.  Her efforts only increased the size of tentacle and worse yet, the tentacle circled her body all the way to her throat.  Then like a boa-constrictor, it tightened its hold and slammed the woman onto the phallus.  Its aim was impeccable as the phallus burst into Chun Li’s pussy, ripping her thong in the process .  The woman hollered in pain as she was pumped up and down on the phallus for several seconds.  It would alternate between speeds.  Some times fast like a machine gun, other times, it was slow steady pace.  About after a minutes, Chun Li was raised high in the air and forced to dangle for ten seconds.  This allowed the woman to catch her breath.  But the reprieve was short lived as
she was slammed back onto the phallus.  This time, the phallus filled her completely.  The woman shook her head in anguish as she was lifted off of it again.  A whimper escaped her lips as she dangled for ten seconds before being slammed back down.  On and on, the slamming continued.  Chun Li was miserable and crying uncontrollably as the tentacle caressed her cheeks and slammed her again and again.  Eventually, it tired of her and released her.
    An exhausted Chun Li fell to the floor.  It took her several minutes before she regained enough composure to start crawling.  Her actions caught the attention of the blob as it seized Chun Li and lifted her above itself, cradling her back as two tentacles wrapped tightly around her waist.  Chun Li shook her head as she saw a tentacle take the shape of a drill as it hovered above her unprotected pussy.  She shook her head repeated in hopes that she would be released.  Instead, the drill rammed itself into her sex.  A blood curdling scream escaped Chun Li’s mouth as her head flew forward and then fell back.  Her legs flew up into the air and back down again as the drill pumped in and out her.  Chun Li wailed like an infant unable to resist.  Now, she wished she never tried to take down K-Tech.
    Much like before, Chun Li was unceremoniously dropped onto the ground except this time, fear had gripped the woman.  Like a trapped woman, Chun Li was desperate to escape.  She immediately crawled toward the door for all she was worth since her legs were too wobbly to help.  However, she didn’t get far as the blob seized her and rammed its drill into her dripping sex.  And unlike the previous times, Chun Li exploded into a fiery orgasm as the drill entered her.  The woman thrashed wildly as she screamed again and again.  The orgasm tore through her like a runaway train.  Chun Li was barely able to think, let alone think about K-Tech.  She didn’t even realize that the blob had released her, allowing her to writhe on the ground, riding out the rest of the climax.
    By the time Chun Li regained her senses, the door was opened.  The woman tried to crawl on the floor and moved about an inch before she stopped.  She didn’t want the blob to catch her.  Instead, she stayed put and sobbed.
    “Whose there?” Cammy asked as she appeared in the doorway with her gun drawn.
    “Cammy,” an elated Chun Li tried to shout, but found that it came out barely audible thanks to her hoarse throat.
    “Chun Li!  Are you okay?” Cammy asked as she darted toward the woman.  Cammy placed her gun on the floor as Chun Li’s hands shook, trying to warn her.  “What happened?”
    “Get out . . . must escape . . .” Chun Li mouthed unable to produce any sound from her throat.
    “What’s that smell?” Cammy inquired as she took in a deep breath.  The British woman then glanced between Chun Li’s legs and saw a huge puddle underneath.  “Holy shit!  Those men are back!” Cammy spoke as she grabbed her gun.
    “No men . . . monster . . .” Chun Li tried to say as some relief returned since Cammy had drawn her gun.  However, fear gripped her body and her face turned white as she saw the white blob take a humanoid form and stood a few paces behind Cammy.  Cammy saw Chun Li’s reaction.  She gripped her gun, stood up, and turned.  Even though Chun Li wasn’t holding the gun, some bit of hope returned as she saw Cammy standing her ground against the thing.  However, she was perplexed when Cammy dropped her arms and sighed.
    “For a second there, I thought it was someone else,” Cammy sighed as she turned and looked down at Chun Li.  “That’s Twelve.  He was an experimental project created by the U.S. military.  They cancelled the project and tried to cancel him.  They failed though and he’s here with me now.  Don’t be so confused Chun Li.  You use to be so high and mighty, but now look at you.  You’re just some used whore with big tits, swimming in your own juices.  I’m going to have to recommend that you’re fired from Interpol.”
    “Why?” Chun Li mouthed.
    “You’re probably wondering why.  I’m not really sure since it appears that you screamed way too loudly on your last orgasm, but I’ll tell you why.  You forgot to tell everyone that I was the person, who had to sacrifice my body and virtues to Bison in order to catch him.  Granted, I was relieved that you didn’t tell people that I slept with Bison, but you could have informed people of my participation!  You refused!  There wasn’t even a hint of my name during the whole news conference!  Fucking bitch!” Cammy snarled.
    “I . . . I . . .” Chun Li mouthed as Cammy knelt down beside Chun Li and gripped her chin.  The Chinese woman didn’t have any ideas on what she should do now.
    “And because you neglected to talk about me and how I was instrumental to the downfall of Shadoloo, I decided to orchestrate yours.  Did you like the clothes that you wore with the men?  Granted, they didn’t stay on long,” Cammy laughed.
    “You . . .” Chun Li mouthed miserably.
    “After tonight, Chun Li will no more.  Your K-Tech investigation will go south.  They’ll be exonerate on all charges.  They won’t mention you, but Interpol will have to acknowledge your folly.  They will also have to acknowledge that you’ve been fired.  And they won’t come looking for you either since you’re a disgrace,” Cammy spoke as she released Chun Li’s chin and started to strip her.  “I’ve done this before as you can tell,” the British woman laughed.
    “You . . . won’t get . . . away with . . . this . . .” Chun Li’s mouth panted even though nothing audible except a soft croak escaped her throat.
    “Twelve!  Show Chun Li what a slut she truly is!” Cammy ordered as Twelve sprang towards Chun Li.
    The Chinese woman tried to scream, but much like her struggles, it was futile.  Within seconds, Twelve hugged Chun Li’s body, following every sensual curve.  Twelve was now hugging her body, making Chun Li appear as if her skin had turned white, except her face, which remained uncovered.  Then without warning, a small tendril snaked into Chun Li’s sex.  There, it turned into a drill and began to screw her pussy causing the  woman’s body to shake repeatedly.  A few seconds later, a tendril entered her ass and became a drill.  It then began to turn and piston inside her ass.  Chun Li sobbed like a baby as Cammy caressed her cheek. “Shhhhh.  You haven’t felt the best part yet,” Cammy spoke softly as Chun Li could feel her breasts being sucked into something like a cup.  Once inside, she felt millions of little brushes tickling her breasts and nipples causing her body to quiver.  The sensation wasn’t isolated as her new suit came to life with
every inch of her being tickled by the brushes.  Even the drills had brushes now.  Chun Li’s mind and body was quickly overloaded as she climaxed again and again.  The Chinese woman was in hell as she found Twelve moving her legs to be in step with Cammy, who was now leaving the room.  Chun Li’s only silver lining was that no one could hear her scream as she climaxed again and again thanks to her hoarse throat.


Two Weeks Later

    “We are pleased to announce that all investigations of K-Tech have been terminated.  After an excruciating investigation from Cammy, it was discovered that Chun Li was simply trying to get her name in the papers by accusing K-Tech of wrongdoing.  We will begin an immediate investigation to see if anyone else that was charged by Chun Li was wrongfully accused,” an Interpol spokesperson said at the news conference.
    “Is Chun Li fired?” a reporter asked.
    “Yes.  Chun Li has been fired.”
    “Is it true that she’s in hiding since Interpol is investigating her?  What about the warrant?” another reporter asked..
    “Chun Li was called upon to give Interpol statements of her past actions.  She never returned our calls.  She was subpoenaed by the courts and still no reply.  That’s why there’s a warrant out for her.  However, I cannot speculate if she’s in hiding or not.  I can only say that she hasn’t replied.”
    “Do you think her reluctance to speak is an admission of guilt?” another reporter asked.
    “I cannot speculate on that.”
    “I can.  I bet you she’s guilty and won’t show her face since she’s guilty,” the reported added.
    “Show her face?!  There’s pictures of her everywhere,” someone in the crowd joked as everyone laughed.  Even the spokesperson had to fight to suppress his smile.
    “Look at that Chun Li, you’re a laughing stock,” Cammy whispered into Chun Li’s ear, who now laid next to the British woman.  The Chinese woman had been wearing Twelve for two weeks now.  Her voice had returned, but her orgasms had stopped for over a day now.  Cammy had planned this.  She had watched Chun Li writhing on her bed like an animal.  After a day of constant orgasms, she saw nothing but lust reflecting in her eyes.  Then after a day of three or four orgasms, her old self returned as long as she her body wasn’t constantly stimulated.  The British woman knew how to break her, but didn’t want her broken yet.  Instead, she spent her time reading magazines, newspapers, and the internet postings about Chun Li’s incident to the Chinese woman.  Of course, Cammy was instrumental in setting up the news conference.  That’s why she made Twelve kept Chun Li stimulated, but never allowed her to climax in over a day.
    “Please . . .” Chun Li begged.
    “Please what?” Cammy asked.
    “I need it . . . need it so badly . . .”
    “Need what?”
    “Need to . . . orgasm . . .”
    “You can’t orgasm, pet.  I’m not going to allow it.  You still refuse to call me, Mistress Cammy and you are intent as being called Chun Li.  I can’t have that.”
    “I . . . I . . .” Chun Li panted, feeling an orgasm nearing.
    “You what?  There’s no Chun Li anymore.  If my pet wants an orgasm, I suggest that my pet begins to use words like slut, whore, slave, bitch, pet . . . or Cammy’s Bitch.   I like the last one.  Go with the last one.  Of course that also means that Cammy’s little bitch must acknowledge that I’m her mistress and that I’m the only who can bring her pleasure.  I will say that Cammy’s Bitch is a good cunt-licker, but that’s not enough for an orgasm anymore,” Cammy sighed.
    “I . . . I . . .” Chun Li panted as her body tightened.  The Chinese woman’s eyes began to roll back into her head as a smile appeared on her face.
    “There’s that word again.  So sad.  Twelve, stop!” Cammy ordered as Twelve obeyed.
    “Noooo!” Chun Li sobbed miserably as her body stopped just nanoseconds from her impending climax.
    “What is that, the tenth one today that was missing?  So sad,” Cammy snickered.
    “Please . . .”
    “Cammy’s Bitch wants to climax?  I’m afraid that Cammy’s Bitch can’t climax unless Cammy’s Bitch accepts me as her mistress.”
    “Please . . .”
    “Well . . . at least Cammy’s Bitch lost the I now,” Cammy whispered into Chun Li’s ear as she continued to brush her sweaty hair.  “Remember, you are a whore and whores fuck.  You are a slut and should display your body for anyone.  But most importantly, you are my slave and I am your mistress!  Only I can bring you pleasure and you will not get any until you acknowledge that!”
    “Please . . .” Chun Li groaned, still trying to resist.
    “Mistress Cammy owns Cammy’s Bitch!  Mistress Cammy is Cammy’s Bitch’s world!  Mistress Cammy is my world!” Cammy yelled it Chun Li’s ear.
    Chun Li groaned once again and looked at the television screen.  She saw reporters mocking her and her old superiors not even putting up a fight to defend her accomplishments.  She had dedicated her life to fighting crime and she had eliminated Bison, but they didn’t care about any of that.  They only cared about that night with the five men.  Cammy had told her that she was drugged and couldn’t resist those men even if she tried, but it still offered little comfort to her.  Yet, the more she thought about it, the hotter she became.  Then her mind remembered the last few days of constant climaxes.  She didn’t cry.  She didn’t have to hear the taunts.  She didn’t have to hear the numerous headlines about her scandalous behavior or ruined career.  She was in a world of bliss.  And even if she escaped Cammy, she couldn’t return to her old life . . . and those climaxes were so good. 
    “Nothing but pain out there, pet.  Nothing but bliss with me,” Cammy added.
    “Bliss,” Chun Li moaned softly as Cammy’s words repeated themselves inside her mind.
    “Cammy’s Bitch likes pleasure,” Cammy cooed as she slid her fingers inside Chun Li’s dripping overheated pussy.  She slowly pumped them in and out of Chun Li as she repeated her words, slowly so that Chun Li’s mind could absorb every syllable.
    “Pleasure is good . . .” Chun Li panted absent mindedly.
    “Yes.  Pleasure is good.  Only Mistress Cammy can supply pleasure,” Cammy cooed as she pumped her fingers faster.
    “OH YES!” Chun Li shrieked as a smile appeared on her face.  The woman could feel a flood of pleasure enveloping her body.  Her lips trembled and her body began to stiffen yet again.  However, the pleasure was short lived as Cammy stopped pumping her fingers and Chun Li.  “NOOO!” Chun Li wailed.
    “Only a good slave deserves to climax.  If Cammy’s Bitch isn’t good then there’s no climax.”
    “I . . .”
    “There’s no I.  Just Cammy’s Bitch,” Cammy spoke as she waited a few seconds to flick Chun Li’s pussy lips.  The British woman counted for half a minute and would then flick again.  She was very calculating.
    Chun Li gritted her teeth and waited for the flick.  Her body would tingle with each flick and soon her mind would wait for it.  After a few minutes, Chun Li was gritting her teeth.  She wanted more, a lot more.  She struggled with her thoughts.  More and more of it wanted to leave her old life behind.  The internal battle lasted a few more minutes before a low pitiful moan escaped her lips.  “Cammy’s Bitch needs to climax!  Mistress Cammy can only bring Cammy’s Bitch pleasure!  Cammy’s Bitch needs Mistress Cammy!  Cammy’s Bitch is Mistress Cammy’s slave!” Chun Li shouted.
    “Good pet,” Cammy laughed as she pumped her fingers in and out of Chun Li’s pussy.
    “Cammy’s Bitch needs to climax!  Mistress Cammy can only bring Cammy’s Bitch pleasure!  Cammy’s Bitch needs Mistress Cammy!  Cammy’s Bitch is Mistress Cammy’s slave!” Chun Li screamed again and again as her body exploded.  The orgasm that she had wanted for the longest time had overwhelmed her body and her mind.  At that moment, Chun Li’s mind had snapped.  The old Interpol agent was gone and the mantra that she was repeating verbally and subconsciously in her mind had taken hold.  She knew that Cammy would bring her pleasure and that she belonged to her.


Nine Months Later

    The most notable members of the audience were Rolento, Sodom, Hugo, Dudley, Remy, Yang, Yun, Sean, and Alex.  Each one had paid big money to enter the private club and each one wanted to see just how far the Chun Li, who was slowly gyrating on top of the brightly lit stage while the audience sat in darkness, had fallen. The Chinese woman was wearing red fishnets, which encased her feet all the way up to her stomach, allowing everyone to see the black latex thong that covered her shaved sex.  They weren’t stockings, but just regular fishnet that hugged her skin.  A silver metallic belt wrapped around her stomach ensuring that the fishnet didn’t fall off.  She also wore a black latex jacket, which had been opened up and pulled back, allowing everyone to see what the woman had to offer.  Her arms were encased red latex gloves that stretched from her fingers to her elbows, where a large silver ring ensured that the gloves and the jacket were never
separated.  To ensure that her fists remained balled up and close to her hips, a small chain ran from ring and secured itself to a long silver bar, partly supported by the woman’s arms.  Additionally, her wrists had the same silver ring, but with longer silver chains that ran across her thigh, against her latex covered sex, up her buttocks, and to the bar around the middle of her back.  Her bared breasts shot out from her chest due to the fact that silver metallic rings encased the base of her breasts.  Each one ring had two silver chains connecting them to the large silver bar behind her back.  Chun Li also wore a large silver metallic posture collar around her neck with the silver lock clearly visible.  A red ballgag filled her black lips while the black strap cut into her skin.  The back of the straps were held together by a silver bracket that extended from the collar.  Also, the woman’s eyes lashes were long and black.  The buns in her hair
were gone as a black traditional Chinese headdress was on top of her head.  In addition to the headdress, she also had two long pigtails that reached all the way to her ankles.  Her eyebrows were just as black, which allowed her six small silver earrings to be that much more visible on her ears.  Even though she couldn’t move her arms, the woman had no problems teetering back and forth on her black latex stiletto heels with an eight inch heel.  Yet there was no sign of apprehension in her face.
    Standing next to her was Cammy, who retired from service months ago.  Gone was Cammy’s camouflage and pigtails.  Instead, the woman wore an full body outfit made up a thin shiny black material, which resembled rubber.  The outfit left little to the imagination as it hugged every curvature of her body.  She also had boots with six inched heels, which appeared to be connected to the outfit with no breaks.  Additionally, there were no signs of zippers or straps on her outfit.  Her hair was no longer blonde since it had been dyed.  Black was the color of her bangs and short sideburns, but the rest of her hair was a mixture of fiery red and black.  That portion was also incredibly long as it stretched from her head to the middle of her back.  The woman walked nonchalantly toward Chun Li and stood next to her as the music started.
    Smooth jazz music filled the club as Cammy’s outfit began to move.  Small little extensions began to appear.  At first, they looked like the outfit had expanded handles.  But after a few seconds, they looked more like baseball bats.  The crowd was silent as they watched the bats extend and become similar to the arms of an octopus.  Suddenly, the music shifted to hard rock filled with drums and guitars.  That’s when the arms surged toward’s Chun Li.  Two ripped her thong and thrust into her sex while two more circled her breasts.  Chun Li screamed in pleasure as she spread her legs further apart.  Then two tentacles made their way into her ass.  Within seconds, tentacles were holding Chun Li’s body up as she wailed in ecstasy, climaxing again and again.
    The show lasted an hour as the suit created the large phallus on the mound, the chair with the drill, and two news ones.  One was were the tentacles forced Chun Li to lie on her back.  Then a large tongue flicked at her pussy repeatedly.  The second one came at the end as the tentacles encircled the exhausted woman’s body and lifted her a few feet off the stage.  It continued to fuck her holes including her mouth, but the main difference was that the suit was squirting white liquid onto her body.  Although, the crowd wasn’t sure, the white liquid was sperm.  And as the music ended and the lights began to dim, Chun Li began to speak.  “Cammy’s Bitch made for sex!  Cammy’s Bitch likes it rough!  Cammy’s Bitch likes this!” the woman screamed as the crowd roared in approval while Q watched from the very far back of the room.


Two Hours Later

    Q entered a room, which was reserved for staff only.  The mysterious man was flagged by another man, shorter than Q.  The second man was wearing a large hat to cover his face and a large jacket to disguise himself.  The pair made their way through a series of doors and passageways before they arrived at a command center with various monitors overseeing everything in the club as well as away from the club.
    “She has done quite a lot,” Q’s mysterious guest spoke as he examined the individual screens on the wall.
    “Her hatred for Chun Li was easy to manipulate.  With the programming, I was able to totally corrupt her.  She is no longer a British agent.  Instead, she is a valued member of K-Tech now,” Q replied.
    “It looks like my money was well invested in you,” the mystery man spoke.
    “It looks like your money was well invested in everything,” Q spoke as he pointed at the various monitors.
    “Yes.  It was well invested,” Cammy spoke as she entered the room.
    “You’ll also see that I have added two new recruits to your stable, sir,” Cammy spoke as she turned a few dials on a console.  The various monitors merged until there were two large boxes showing two specific scenes.
    One scene had Blair Dame, who was totally naked except for her thigh-high boots and the collar around her neck.  The woman was screaming as her ankles were next to her head.  Several tentacles entwined her legs and stomach, slamming her again and again onto a large phallus, which was stretching her pussy to its limit.  The woman’s eyes were rolled into the back of her head as she moaned again and again.  The blue haired woman had already climaxed several times and her mind was now lost in the constant waves of orgasms assaulting her body.  Her large breasts jiggled with each thrust.  This eventually got the attention of the of the tentacles as a large sucker clamped down upon her heaving right breast, engulfing it.  The woman’s body gyrated several times as she panted for breath.  Then just as quickly, another sucker latched onto her left breast.  Within seconds, the woman was spinning back and forth on the phallus like a washing machine stuck on
its spin cycle.
    In the second scene, Blair’s sister, Sharon Dame wasn’t fairing much better.  The redhead was completed wrapped up in a cocoon.  Although the viewers couldn’t see it, the inside of the cocoon was full of little mouths, which were busy kissing every inch of Sharon’s body.  Unlike Blair, Sharon had experienced zero orgasms.  Instead, she was taken the edge and was never allowed to go over.  She could feel the tentacle inside her dripping pussy, stimulating every millimeter of her vaginal walls and clit.  Each movement sent shivers up and down her spine and moved her closer and closer to an orgasm.  Yet, the nanosecond before it would crash down upon her, the mouths stopped.  They would then totally stop and not start up again for several minutes while Sharon panted and writhed in frustration.  Then when all hope seemed lost, it would start up again causing Sharon to welcome the violation of her body and curse repeatedly when it stopped.  The whole
experience was driving her mad.
    “In an hour or two, Sharon will be practically begging to climax.  At that time, you may enter the room and fuck her senseless.  Afterwards, we will wrap her back up.  The denial of orgasms will keep her weak.  Then you will be able to enter the room and fuck her again.  Her brain will eventually latch onto the idea that you and only you can bring her pleasure.  When that happens, she will serve as your loyal bodyguard just as you requested,” Cammy spoke to the mysterious person.
    “What about Blair Dame?” Q inquired.
    “You both saw the tape that I sent you, showing what happened to Chun Li.  By the time, Blair is done, she will be a groveling animal with sex constantly on her mind.  I feel that it’s only fair for the spoiled little brat to serve others and walk on all fours.  It should easily fit the crime of spurning your advances,” Cammy chuckled.
    “Excellent,” the mystery man smiled.
    “By the way, I have a present for you,” Cammy spoke as a side door opened.
    Within seconds, a slender woman wearing a red leather dress with laces in the back and a zipper in the front.  The leather dress hugged and squeezed her body so tight that the woman seemed to have an hour-glass figure.  The corset also pushed her firm breasts up toward her chin.  She wore a pair of black thigh-high black leather boots with nine buckles on the front of the boots and six inched stiletto heels.  The woman was also wearing a pair of black leather arm-length gothic gloves with black strings pulled tightly long its sides to keep them in place.  The gloves also had some jagged black cloth hanging from them between the elbow and the wrist.  The woman also wore a black choker around her neck as a black cape that stretched from her shoulders to several feet behind her as it dragged on the floor with every step.   She also wore deep purple eyeshadow with the lipstick and lip gloss to match.  Her purple hair with a tingle of red in the front had
been straightened and draped over the cape, but that didn’t stop the woman from wearing a pair of black horns on her head.  “Rose,” the mystery man smiled.
    “Yes master.  I read the cards today and they said that I was going to be your servant forever,” the woman whispered as blinked again and again to show off her purple eyelashes.  She then pressed her against the man and ran her hands up and down his chest.
    The mystery man enjoyed the woman’s affection as he saw Chun Li, still decked out in the outfit that she wore on stage, saunter into the room.  “And here comes the woman who has made this place such a success,” the mystery man proclaimed.  Within seconds, the Chinese woman was standing in front of him, thrusting her chest out.  The man reached out and groped her tits before pulling on her nipples.
    “She really likes that,” Cammy laughed as she saw the lust in Chun Li’s eyes.
    “Yes . . . Cammy’s Bitch . . . likes . . .” Chun Li panted.
    “Not so smart are you now?  I can’t believe that you actually started poking in my business after all these years.  I couldn’t have you ruining my operations.  In a matter of months, my companies will reveal a new breakthrough in medicine as well as a new gun that will stop the emergence of warlords.  Both will bring peace and prosperity.  It’s just that I couldn’t have the world find out how I funded all the research.  That’s why I had to enlist Q, who basically stole 12, and had Cammy stop your investigation,” the mystery man spoke as Chun Li jiggled her tits from side to side.
    “She doesn’t care about K-Tech anymore,” Cammy spoke.
    “Don’t care . . . Cammy’s Bitch . . . loves to fuck . . .” Chun Li panted.
    “She does,” a blonde woman spoke as she entered the room wearing a black latex body-hugging slinky wraparound dress with a triangle cut into the dress right over her breasts.  The dress had white frilly apron sewed into the bottom of the dress.  She was also wearing a pair of black latex boots with six inched heels, which hugger her legs like a second skin.  The woman also wore black latex gloves as well as a black posture collar around her neck.  The posture collar had two O-rings on the sides, which had a long chain connected to them.  This allowed for the serving tray that hung a few inches above the apron to stay put without her hands holding it.  The woman’s long lovely hair was no more since she now wore a headpiece that forced her hair high above her head and spread out like a feather duster.
    “Ah Eliza,” the man spoke as he spotted the woman.
    “I brought your favorite drink,” the blonde woman spoke as she pointed toward the glass filled with red wine on her tray.
    “Delicious,” the mystery man spoke as he drank the contents of the glass before placing it back on the tray.  “No fuss and you didn’t spill it.  A major improvement.”
    “I’m glad you like her improvements,” another female voice spoke as the mystery man glanced at the door.  Standing at the door was a tall sultry woman.  Her legs were encased in thigh-high black latex boots with gold trim around the top and seven inched stiletto heels.  She also wore a black latex chip g-string with gold trimmings along the edge.  The woman also wore an opened grey dress shirt with a black latex waist cincher.  It too had gold trimmings around the edges.  She wore a pair of black latex elbow-length gloves, which were slightly covered by the cuffs of her shirt, which ended around the elbows.  The woman held a black riding crop and a black police officer’s hat on her head, barely covering the top of her flowing pink hair.
    “I like them, Poison,” the mystery man spoke.
    “Consider it my wedding present to you,” Poison replied as she stood beside him, tilted his head, and rammed her tongue down his throat.  The two kissed for a couple of minutes before she broke the kiss.  Both participants were panting for breath by the time they stopped.  But during their kiss, Poison had knocked the hat off to reveal her husband as Ken Masters.
    Ken smiled as he saw Chun Li’s eyes flicker for a second.  The man then pulled on her nipples some more and the flicker was quickly replaced by lust again.  “That’s right Chun Li, K-Tech stands for Ken’s Technology.  I can’t fight forever like Ryu.  I rather enjoy my life, but I also want to improve life for other people.  Th