Street Fighter: The Dorai Dilemma (V1)

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by Capcom are owned and created by Capcom. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Capcom, they are still owned by Capcom. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank qrfalpha for his input in this story. Basically, he supplied an outline and idea for the story, and I just expanded on it and wrote the scenes accordingly, which made things rather easy.

Feel free to e-mail me at <
[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Street Fighter: The Dorai Dilemma (V1)

By: Night Creeper

    Inspector Dorai watched with pride as his officers led the dreaded M. Bison away in handcuffs.  “You won’t get away with this,” Bison growled as the guards loaded him into the armored transport.
    “You can rot in a cell next to your henchmen, Vega and Sagat,” Dorai replied as the doors to the transport slammed shut.
    “Is it over?” a Chinese woman inquired.
    “No.  It’s not over yet.  Shadoloo is still out there.  Balrog is still on the loose.  However, we’re on our way,” Inspector Dorai replied.
    “I’m so proud of you, father,” Chun Li smiled as she gave her father a hug.
    Inspector Dorai glanced at his daughter’s smiling face and couldn’t help but swell up with pride.  She was barely twenty-one and she had surpassed most of his senior officers in fighting ability.  Not only was she a great fighter, but she was an excellent detective.  She had aided him in the capture of Bison and his cohorts.  “Don’t forget . . . you helped with the capture of Bison,” he replied as he hugged her back.
    “True . . . but you were the one that bested him in a fight,” she replied.
    “Let’s get out of here and watch them lock Bison up.”
    “Sounds like a plan,” Chun Li replied happily.
    “Inspector Li!  Congratulations!” another officer spoke as he ran towards the pair.
    “Jimmy!  How are you?” Inspector Dorai greeted the young officer.
    “Great!  Especially after seeing your persistence search for justice paying off,” the young officer replied.
    “The night isn’t mine alone.  You and your unit contributed by raiding that club.  Chun Li defeated some of Bison’s dreaded henchmen.  And let’s not forget all the brave officers that helped me tonight.”
    “Don’t be so modest sir.”
    “Inspector Dorai.  We’re ready to go,” another officer spoke as he approached the trio.
    “Very good.  I’ll join you shortly.”
    “Yes sir,” the officer replied as he headed back toward the slew of police vehicles.
    “I should be going to,” Jimmy Lee replied.
    “That Jimmy is a nice boy.  Top of his class.  An excellent marksman.  Great penmanship.  He respects and still takes care of his own parents.  Pretty good catch for any single woman,” Inspector Dorai informed Chun Li once he was gone.
    “Maybe you should marry him then,” Chun Li replied dryly with her arms crossed.
    “Okay.  I’m going to escort the armored transport.  I will meet you at the station?”
    “See you at the station,” Chun Li replied as she watched her father board a police car.  The Chinese woman saluted her father, who saluted back.  She then watched as the car drove off with numerous police cars following it.


Weeks Later

    Inspector Dorai entered the secured room and saw M. Bison dressed in an orange jumpsuit seated on a simple grey metal chair behind a square table.  There was only one other chair in the room and it was directly across from Bison.  Dorai was furious, but he kept his cool and sat down.  The man seethed with anger, but took a deep breath to calm down.  Then he watched his words carefully.  “There’s a message for you on my cell phone.  Just hit play,” Inspector Dorai spoke as he handed his cell phone to Bison.
    Bison played the video and smiled the entire time.  Once the video was done, he handed the phone back to the man.  Then he leaned back in his chair and said nothing.  Yet, he grinned the entire time as the two men stared at each other in silence.
    “Where is she?” Dorai asked after a couple of tense minutes.  The man used every bit on willpower to control his voice.
    She’s safe.  It appears that Balrog was able to capture her.  You shouldn’t worry about her at the moment.  You should worry about all the moles that you have on your force.  Corrupt officers are very hard to deal with,” Bison snickered.
    “If it were up to me, you would get the chair.”
    “I’m already sitting in a chair and so are you.  I’m sure you’ve heard their demands.  There actually my demands since I’m the ones that supplied them.  Don’t worry though.  If you cooperate, Chun Li will be released unharmed.”
    “I want a guarantee.”
    “She’s just tied up, Inspector Dorai.  They haven’t done anything to her yet.  They have their orders.  However, I cannot guarantee her safety once the deadline has passed.”
    “I can’t get you out of here in the next two days.”
    “That’s not my problem.  If you fail, I’m sure some corrupt officers will help me escape.  That doesn’t save Chun Li though.  In fact, Chun Li will die if they break me out of here before you do.”
    “You wouldn’t.”
    “I can’t at the moment.  I’m stuck in this cell.  Since you’re talking to me like this, I’m sure the surveillance equipment is currently off.  That means in three days, Chun Li will die if I am still in this cell.  Remember, I can only tell them not to kill her if I’m released.  But if you wish to assist me in getting out of here without raising too much suspicion, you may want to visit Hanger 13.”
    “We’ll be in touch!” Inspector Dorai spoke as he snatched his phone back from Bison and left the room.


One Month Later

    Inspector Dorai entered Bison’s command room with Vega and Sagat flanking him.  “I’ve done what you asked!  Now free Chun Li!” the man snarled as Bison’s guards readied their weapons, but quickly relented when Bison waved them off.
    “Dorai . . . you’ve been instrumental in helping Shadoloo in the last month.  You’ve replaced Sagat and Vega with my monitor cyborgs.  Even I have one in my cell.  Interpol doesn’t suspect a thing,” Bison spoke calmly.
    “Free my daughter!”
    “I have not harmed your daughter in any way.  You’ve seen the pictures.  She is free to wander a safe environment with plenty of food and shelter.”
    “You monster!  Free my daughter!  We had a deal!”
    “The deal is constantly changing.  We agreed that if I was freed, your daughter would live.  We also agreed that if you freed Vega, I would release Chun Li from her bonds.  Then we agreed that if you help Sagat escape his cell, I allow Chun Li to live freely in a luxurious room.  In a show of good faith, I did that even before you helped Sagat,” Bison spoke as Sagat smiled.
    “You said you would free Chun Li if I freed you!  Then it was Vega!  Now, it’s Sagat!  Yet, she’s still a prisoner!”
    “Dorai.  You need to calm down before you die of a heart attack.  I have one more mission for you.  If you complete it, I will release Chun Li.”
    “I don’t trust you!”
    “It’s a simple task.  You will accompany Vega to a party.  There, you will fuck a very important woman while Vega films it.  With the video and pictures, I can blackmail someone else and receive immunity.  Once I have that, I will free your daughter, Chun Li and yourself.”
    “I . . .”
    “Can’t find the words to thank me for my generosity?  You don’t have to.  Just be ready in a month.  Vega will contact you.  Now go!” Bison ordered as Dorai clenched his fist and stomped out of the room.
    “Are you really going to release, Chun Li?” Vega asked as the doors closed.
    “No.  I have plans for Dorai’s daughter.”
    “Dorai kept on mentioning that you tie him to a chair and have guards point guns at him.  They threaten him as well.  Is there a reason for the theatrics especially since you haven’t killed him yet?” Sagat asked.
    “Theatrics?  Hardly.  The video and pictures of him tied in the chair are essential to my plan.  Just meet Balrog in the conference room in four hours.  He will debrief you two,” Bison spoke as he stood up and marched out of the room. 


Miles Away

    A very jittery teenager enters the dark alley.  He’s wearing designer clothes and has a very expensive watch.  He also has the newest cell phone that isn’t even being sold to the general public yet.  The young man looks over his shoulder several times before coming up to a metal door.  He knocks on it five times and a small hole in the door opens up around his stomach.
    “What do you want?” a female voice asked from the other side of the door.
    “My name is Eric Li.  My friends told me that I could buy some stuff here,” the young teenager replied, trying to hide the shaking in his voice.
    “What kind of stuff?”
    “You know.  It makes you feel like you can takeover the world.  You can do anything once you have a hit.”
    “The hits are costly.”
    “I have money.”
    “Money is not my concern.”
    “Are you aware of what this does to your body and mind?”
    “I . . .”
    “This hit will practically destroy your life.”
    “No it won’t.  It’s perfectly safe.  My friends have been using it for weeks.  Nothing has happened to them.  It even raised their grades.  I need it.  I’ll pay double!”
    “Are you a good student?”
    “Yes.  Top of my class.”
    “Then you don’t need it!”
    “I’m so confused.  Are you going to sell it to me or not?”
    “I shouldn’t.”
    “Fine.  I’ll take my business elsewhere.  I think that boxer is around here somewhere . . .”
    “Fine.  Place the money on the metal slab.”
    “Here!” the teen spoke as he placed several bills on the metal slab.  He then saw some vials of green liquid appear.  He quickly snatched them up and ran off.
    The opening in the door then closed.  The seller inside curled up and placed her head against her knees and pulled her legs close to her.  She tried not to cry.  “Pull yourself together, Chun Li.  Shadoloo wants you to sell these drugs.  They’ll destroy lives, but you’ll save your father’s.  And you heard that kid, he said his friends are okay after several weeks.  Maybe his grades will become even better.  He might even get in a better school.  He could be improving his life.  Maybe this is like one of those energy drinks without the crash.  That’s it.  Keep it together.  Do it for father,” the woman told herself as she stood up and waited for the next customer.


    “Let me get this straight.  Bison is using the pictures and videos of Inspector Dorai tied up in a chair to blackmail his daughter, Chun Li?” Sagat scoffed.
    “That’s right,” Balrog replied.
    “Is it working?” Vega inquired.
    “Have you seen her at the station or heard anyone talking about her?” Balrog asked.
    “When I was in my cell, I heard several officers complaining that her old man, Inspector Dorai had approved a long paid vacation for her.  They didn’t seem very happy about that,” Vega replied.
    “It’s a trick.  Dorai wants to convince the other cops that is nothing is wrong.  If that goes south, Bison has already informed him that he will kill his daughter.  On the flip side, if Chun Li doesn’t cooperate and do as she is told, she’s been told that we would kill her father,” Balrog snickered.
    “That’s sick,” Sagat muttered.
    “It’s Bison’s plan.  He formulated the plan while he was in his cell.  Apparently, Chun Li was instrumental in his capture.  And although he had plans to catch her and kill her . . . he felt this a was better alternative.”
    “But is it working?”
    “Oh sure.  I have the little tramp selling drugs from a secured room in an alleyway.  She’s made money.  Sounds like a fucking camp counselor before every sale though.  I intend to change that.”
    “And this party?”
    “That’s part of Bison’s master plan.  He wants no mistakes.”
    “There won’t be any,” Vega smiled evilly from behind his mask.


A Week Later

    “I’m here to buy more,” Eric Li spoke to the metal door.
    “Just put the money on the metal slab,” the female voice answered back.
    “I don’t have any more money.”
    “Do you take credit cards?”
    “Look kid . . . go home.”
    “But I need it . . .” the teenager pleaded as he sobbed.
    “Go home.”
    “I can give you my cell phone or how about my clothes.”
    “Go home.  It’s cash or nothing.”
    “But . . . I need it,” the teen sobbed he pounded on the door.
    Chun Li sighed heavily as she reminded herself that she had a quota and that she was only doing this to save her father.  The woman took a deep breath before saying her next sentence.  “Look kid.  I only take cash, but if you don’t have any . . . there’s a pawn shop a block away that will gladly give you cash for your stuff.”
    “AWESOME!!  I’ll be right back!” the teenager replied as he ran off.


Later that Night

    Chun Li’s four inched heels clicked on the stone floor as she walked down the long corridors of the dungeon.  The woman was completely nude as she entered the cell and saw the large latex tarp laid on the floor for her.  Once inside, the door slammed shut behind her.  Chun Li didn’t even care about the door as she saw the items next to the tarp.  There were also several bottles of baby oil on one side of the tarp.  The Chinese woman’s head was covered by a black bondage hood.  The hood had a hole in the back.  The woman’s hair was pulled into a long ponytail, which went through the hole in the hood.  One could see her eyelashes, eyebrows, and eyes since there was a cutout for them.  There was even one for her mouth, but not her nose.  The woman walks toward the side with the oil, steps on the tarp, and kneels down.
    Almost immediately, the woman grabbed one of the baby oil bottles and popped the top off.  She squirted the contents of the bottle all over her throat and breasts.  The Chinese woman felt the oil drip down her body as she continued to squeeze the bottle until it was completely empty.  Once empty, the woman tossed the bottle away and began to spread the oil all over body.  In her mind, she reminded herself that she had to do this or they would kill her father.  Thus, she tried to remember all the moves that the females in the porn videos that she was forced to watch as she stayed in the safe room while selling drugs.  Thus, the woman licked her lips with the tongue and paid extra attention to her breasts, kneading them and pinching her own nipples.
    Not wanting the oil to dry, Chun Li opened another bottle and began to douse her body with its contents.  This time, she stood up and slid her hands up and down her legs.  She even slapped her own ass with her oily hands before tossing the latest bottle away.  But she wasn’t done yet.
    Grabbing another bottle, Chun Li aimed it at her pussy, drenching the little bush that she had.  She could see little droplets on the hair.  She felt disgusted, but continued since she wanted to save her father.  The woman kept picturing him tied in a chair with a gun pointed at his head, ready to go off at any second.  So, she stuck her right hand between her legs and began to spread the oil.  The woman even closed her eyes and licked her lips for added effect.  After a few seconds, the current bottle was empty so she stopped.
    The Chinese woman then knelt back on the tarp and grabbed the last two bottles of oil.  This time, she completely unscrewed the caps and poured them both onto the tarp itself.  Once the bottles were empty, she tossed them.  Then she laid down on the tarp and began rolling back and forth to ensure that her front, back, and sides were covered in oil.  When completed, she stood up and began posing.
    Chun Li struck numerous poses.  Some were upright, some were bent, some were seated, some were kneeling, and some were lying down.  The woman even lost track of how long she had stayed in the room.  All she knew was that she had to keep applying oil to herself to keep her body glistening.  Thus, she would pick up copious amounts of oil from the tarp and apply it over her body regularly.  Eventually, the door opened and she stood up and walked out of the room.
    “That was quite a show,” Balrog spoke once Chun Li exited the room.
    “You got what you wanted.  Let my father go,” the woman replied softly.
    “No dice.  You still have quite a lot of tasks to complete before that becomes a reality.  By the way, Bison said you can keep the hood on for now.  Don’t want everyone to know that one of Interpol’s best agents just spent over three hours making a video and getting pictures taken of her naked body.”
    “I . . .”
    “No need to thank me or Bison.  Just follow me,” Balrog spoke as he turned and walked away.
    “Don’t worry.  As long as you have the hood, no one will know it’s you.  Besides, I have to comply in order to save my father.  Don’t worry, father!  Your daughter will not fail you,” Chun Li said to herself as she started following Balrog.


The Next Night

    Chun Li wanted to die as she once again stood on the tarp inside the dungeon cell.  The Chinese woman was dressed in a black leather corset that hugged her stomach and ribs, but showed off her ample breasts. Basically, the corset ended below her breasts while two triangles extended upward, covering her nipples and had a hard time of covering up her breasts.  Chun Li was also wearing a black collar with an O-ring in front that had to straps that connected to the triangles that covered her nipples. In the front of the corset, four buckles and a slew of string kept the corset nice and tight on the woman before it ended in a V-shape, revealing the thin black leather thong that covered her sex. The woman's thighs were bare except for the black leather stiletto boots which matched the woman's black elbow-length gloves.  Right below Chun Li’s eyebrows was a bright yellow line of makeup, just barely visible thanks to the hood.  In the woman's hands was black
riding crop.  Chun Li slapped the crop into her left palm a few times as she reminded herself that she was doing all this for her father’s sake.  Thus, if it wasn't for her father, she would have never became agreed to this, let alone wear such a vile outfit.
    Beside Chun Li was a woman with brown hair.  Metal shackles were secured tightly around her ankles, keeping her legs in place.  A spreader bar was also connected to the shackles around her ankles.  Her arms were pulled above her head and her wrists were secured to shackles hanging from the ceiling.  She could see a large wooden crate stood up vertically with a monitor divided into eight blocks.  The woman also saw video cameras seated on top of tripods, all of them pointing at her and giving her a clear view of her predicament.  So even though she couldn’t see behind her, she had the monitor to assist her.  The woman pulled at her bonds and found that she couldn’t move.
    Chun Li walked up to her and used the crop to spank the brunette’s ass.  The brunette bit her lip and endured each smack.  However, Chun Li was relentless.  She kept smacking her again and again, causing the woman to shake in her bonds.  The Chinese woman even smacked her crotch with the handle a few times.  Eventually, the woman couldn’t stand it anymore.  The brunette was sweating profusely and her ass was red even though her suit hid it.  However, she was now sobbing and screaming with each smack.
    “This is for my father.  This is for my father,” Chun Li’s brain reminded her again and again as she repositioned herself.  The hooded woman moved in as the brunette sobbed.  Chun Li dropped the crop and gripped the woman’s face.  She then kissed her long and hard while she pulled and twisted her nipples.  Eventually, Chun Li broke the kiss.  She then pressed her tits together and slobbered all over them.  She roughly played with them as the brunette became wet against her will.
    “Please stop!” the brunette wailed.
    “No!” Chun Li growled in a deep voice, trying to hide her true voice as she continued to molest the brunette’s body.  Within seconds, her mouth was biting and chewing on her nipples after she sucked and kissed them.  She also bit her breasts as they swelled and ached causing the woman to thrash her head from side to side.  By the time Chun Li stopped, the woman’s breasts were covered in teeth marks.
    “Nooo!” the woman screamed as she saw the hooded woman grab the crop while her eyes grew as wide as saucers.  “ARRRGGGGHHH!!” she screamed as the crop landed on her aching and painfully chewed on nipples.  Blow after blow rained down upon her tender nipples.  This was followed by blows to her breasts and even her ass.  Yet, the crop didn’t stop there.  Instead, almost every inch of her body except her shaved pussy was hit.
    “Hmmm,” Chun Li purred in a deep voice as knelt in front of the woman.  She then took the handle of the crop and rammed it into the woman’s pussy.  The brunette climaxed right then and there, convulsing in her bonds as the crop flew out of her pussy as her own juices gushed out of her pussy.
    The Chinese woman gave one last kiss to the brunette and exited the room.  She closed the door behind her and once again, Balrog was there to meet her.  The Chinese woman leaned against the wall and tried to collect her thoughts.
    “Good job,” Balrog spoke.
    “She did all the work.  I guess she rehearsed.  Hopefully that camera caught all of it.”
    “Rehearsed?  Hardly.  She didn’t even know that it was coming.  She just knew to keep her mouth shut, which she failed.  But I don’t think it ruined the session.  As for the camera . . . it was just a prop.  You should know by now that the room is has several cameras built into the cell.  They captured it all from every angle,” Balrog laughed.
     “You told me that she was a willing participant and that she had volunteered . . .”
    “I lied,” Balrog scoffed as the Chinese woman dropped the crop and fell to her knees.  Tears streamed out of her eyes as she shook her head.  “Think of it this way . . . at least you guaranteed that your father will see the next sunrise.  Otherwise, we would have capped him tonight.  Now, stay there and cry and force my hand or come along like a good girl.  If you do decide to stay, your father might not see the sunrise,” Balrog spoke as Chun Li quickly collected herself and followed.
    “I will save you father.  I will,” she told herself as she tried to hold back the tears.


Three Days Later

    “Please . . . I beg you . . . I need another hit,” Eric Li begged.
    “Look kid, I don’t have time for this.  You either pay or get lost,” Chun Li replied.
    “But I’ve pawned most of the good things that I have.  The old guy doesn’t want to buy the rest of my stuff.”
    “Then borrow from your friends.”
    “I can’t . . . they died.  They took two many hits and wandered into the street, where they were hit by a bus.”
    “And yet you still want a hit.”
    “I won’t be like them.  I will stay inside.”
    “That’s not the point kid.  Go home and stop this foolishness.”
    “NO!  Either fork over the cash or get lost!”
    “I have no money.”
    “Then scram!” Chun Li hissed as she slammed the hole shut.  She then glanced at the monitor that showed the teenager crying as he laid on the filthy pavement.  Chun Li felt a great deal of sorrow as she watched the kid suffer outside.  She wanted to help him, but she knew that if any of the drugs were given away, she would be severely punished and her father would pay the ultimate price.  Thus, the woman eventually turned her attention away from the monitor.  She could still hear the kid wailing outside.  So the woman picked up a pair of headphones and placed them over her ears.  Then she watched the porn intently, trying to drive all images of the sobbing teenager, who looked nothing like the day he first arrived.  Chun Li simply didn’t want to deal with the ugly truth that people were suffering as she tried to save her father.


Later that Night

    Chun Li was dressed in the same outfit that she wore when she abused the brunette.  And like the brunette, Chun Li’s current playmate, a redhead was secured the same was the woman with brown hair.  The only difference was that Chun Li knew that the woman was not a willing participant.  However, she had to save her father so she was more than willing to abuse the woman.  Thus, she walked up the redhead ad used the crop to spank her ass.  The redhead bit her lip and endured each smack.  However, Chun Li was relentless.  She kept smacking her again and again, causing the woman to shake in her bonds.  The Chinese woman even smacked her crotch with the handle a few times.  Eventually, the woman couldn’t stand it anymore.  The redhead was sweating profusely and her ass was red even though her suit hid it.  However, she was now sobbing and screaming with each smack.
    “This is for my father.  This is for my father,” Chun Li’s brain reminded her again and again as she repositioned herself.  The hooded woman moved in as the redhead sobbed.  Chun Li dropped the crop and gripped the woman’s face.  She then kissed her long and hard while she pulled and twisted her nipples.  Eventually, Chun Li broke the kiss.  She then pressed her tits together and slobbered all over them.  She roughly played with them as the redhead became wet against her will.
    “Please stop!” the redhead wailed as the hooded Chun Li continued to molest the redhead’s body.  Within seconds, her mouth was biting and chewing on her nipples after she sucked and kissed them.  She also bit her breasts as they swelled and ached causing the woman to thrash her head from side to side.  By the time Chun Li stopped, the woman’s breasts were covered in teeth marks.
    “Nooo!” the woman screamed as she saw the hooded woman grab the crop while her eyes grew as wide as saucers.  “ARRRGGGGHHH!!” she screamed as the crop landed on her aching and painfully chewed on nipples.  Blow after blow rained down upon her tender nipples.  This was followed by blows to her breasts and even her ass.  Yet, the crop didn’t stop there.  Instead, almost every inch of her body except her shaved pussy was hit.  And just like before, Chun Li rammed the handle into the woman’s pussy causing her to climax, where she convulsed violently in her bonds.
    The Chinese woman gave one last kiss to the redhead and exited the room.  She closed the door behind her and once again, Balrog was there to meet her.  “Good job,” Balrog spoke.
    “I know.  My father will see the next sunrise,” Chun Li replied as she leaned against the wall.
    “He will, but one Eric Li’s friends won’t.”
    “I thought you would be nicer to the kid since he shared the same name as you.  Turns out that he robbed one of his friends.  The cops don’t know he did, but one of my sources pegged him as the burglar.  Beat his friend silly too.  He might not make it.”
    “No,” Chun Li sobbed as she sank to her knees.  She buried her head against her legs as she sobbed uncontrollably.  “This can’t be happening.”
    “It can and it is.  But I’ll leave it up to you.  You can sit there and cry while I go and tell a trooper or two to end your father’s life because you’re worried about total strangers rather than your own kin . . . or you can stop crying, get up, and I spare his life for now.  What’s it going to be?”
    “I’m getting up,” Chun Li spoke as she sniffled.
    “Good girl.  Daddy’s little girl is a strong one.  I’m sure he would be so proud of you,” Balrog spoke as Chun Li felt like she had just been slapped.


The Next Day

    “I’m here!  I have money this time!” Eric Li spoke happily as he banged on the metal door.
    Chun Li reluctantly opened the opening.  “Where did you get the money?” she asked.
    “I got it.  Does it matter where I got it from?”
    “Rumor has it that you beat up your own friend for it.  Is that true?”
    “Does it matter if it is?”
    “Let me ask you this then.  How is your life?”
    “It’s great when I get a hit.”
    “And without it?”
    “It sucks!”
    “How was it before this started?”
    “What are you, a shrink?”
    “No.  I just want to know what’s going on inside your head.  You told me that you were a good student.  I don’t hear stories of good students beating the crap out of their friends to get money.  You could have asked for it instead.”
    “That asshole wasn’t going to give it to me!”
    “And if I do sell you drugs today . . . how are you going get money for your next hit?”
    “I’ll find a way.  Are you going to sell to me or not?”
    “Only if you promise not to beat up your friends or family for money.”
    “I promise.”
    “You know what to do then,” Chun Li replied as Eric placed the money on the metal slab.  The Chinese woman collected the money and then placed the drug on the slab.  Eric quickly snatched it up and quickly ran off.  “Shit!” Chun Li snarled as she realized that the little twerp had underpaid.


That Night

    Chun Li’s whole body was covered a by a slick sheen of baby oil.  Even her pussy was soaked with baby oil.  She had just spent a good two hours being recorded and having pictures taken of her.  The Chinese woman was ready to leave when the door flung open and M. Bison came storming into the room.  Chun Li had never seen the man face to face since being captured.  Balrog was her only Shadoloo contact.  In fact, she had no idea that the man was even free.
    Bison walked up to the woman and grabbed one of her butt cheeks and a breast with the other.  He pinched her oily flesh like a shopper trying to buy fruit at a supermarket.  “Put your hands above your head and spread your legs,” Bison ordered as Chun Li complied.
    Once her hands were above her head, Bison ran his hands up down her body.  He caressed every inch of her body and purposely lingered around her pussy and breasts longer than any body part.  In fact, he even gripped her left breast with his left hand as he smacked her butt a few times.  Then the man changed breasts and slapped her ass with his other hand.  Each slap caused Chun Li to whimper as she felt like a common criminal being illegally disciplined during an arrest.
    “You are a very sexy young woman,” Bison spoke as he stopped spanking Chun Li and cupped her breasts.  He massaged them and groped them before he started to pinch and pull on her nipples, making them long and hard.  “Oh yes, Chun Li . . . you have a very slutty body.  A nice set of tits and strong powerful legs.  I can’t wait for you to ride while wrapping your legs around my body while your tits heave against my chest,” Bison laughed.
    “Please . . . I’m wearing this hood . . .”
    “Don’t worry.  I have no attention of pulling the hood off at this time.  I’m also not recording the audio in this room.  However, I have learned that you sold some of my drugs at a loss.  That’s not good business,” Bison spoke.
    “I’m sorry.  The kid dropped the money, took the drugs, and ran.  I couldn’t stop him.  I didn’t want him to see me naked.”
    “Perhaps you should count the money before giving out the drugs.”
    “He had a large bill wrapped around smaller ones . . .”
    “Pathetic excuse.  Perhaps I should punish your father for your lack of common sense.  Maybe your tits are too big and they dampen your brain.”
    “Please Bison . . . don’t punish my father . . . punish me,” Chun Li begged.
    “It’s your father’s fault for raising a dumb big breasted bimbo like yourself.”
    “No sir . . . it’s my fault.  Please punish me.  Please punish this dumb big breasted bimbo,” Chun Li pleaded.
    “Very well!  On your hands and knees, now!” Bison demanded as he sat down and Chun Li quickly complied.
    Once on all fours, Chun Li felt the man run his hands up and down her butt.  Then she heard the man take off his belt.  A bolt of pain then shot through her body as Bison started whipping her ass with his belt.  Chun Li screamed and sobbed as each lash rained down on her defenseless ass.
    “Are you going to give my drugs away for free ever again?” Bison snarled as he continued to discipline the woman.
    “No sir!  I will never give away your drugs for free!” Chun Li yelled.
    “Why did you give away my drugs for free?”
    “I made a mistake!”
    “Why did you make a mistake?”
    “I . . .”
    “Because you’re a dumb big titted whore who doesn’t know any better!”
    “Yes sir!  I’m a dumb big titted whore who doesn’t know any better!  That’s why I did it!  It was my fault!  It was all my fault!  I’m just a dumb big breasted bimbo!”
    “Thank you, sir!  Please punish this big titted bimbo!”
    On and on, the blows rained down on her defenseless ass as she was placed over Bison’s lap.  And on and on, Chun Li would continue to verbally insult herself as she begged to be punished.  She did this to save her father of course.  She didn’t want Bison to punish her father.  At first, she thought that Interpol still had Bison in captivity, but with Bison free, any vile fate could befall her father at any time.  Thus, she had to cooperate.  In fact, the woman had almost screamed herself hoarse when Bison finally stopped.
    “Get up and put your hands on the wall.  Spread your legs and stick out your ass,” Bison ordered.
    “Yes sir,” Chun Li sobbed as she quickly got into position.
    “I’m going to whip your ass.  I want you to beg for each stroke and tell me why you deserve it.  Convince me that you deserve it and want every stroke.  If not, I’ll try this on your father.”
    “Please punish this worthless bimbo, sir!” Chun Li sobbed.
    “Good!” Bison laughed as he slammed his belt against Chun Li’s angry red ass.
    The pain was intense as Chun Li sobbed.  “Thank you, sir!  May this worthless slut please have another!  Please sir!  I need to be punished!”
    “Of course you do!” Bison hollered as he hit her again.
    “OH YES!  Please give me another sir!  Make this big titted slut smarter with each hit!  Teach me!” Chun Li screamed as she arched her back.  The woman took a step out of her own body and saw herself.  She couldn’t believe that she was allowing such a vile and despicable man to whip her like a worthless animal while she begs it while launching a barrage of insults against herself.  Yet, she complied.
    By the time Bison stopped, Chun Li’s muscular legs felt like jelly.  In fact, the woman collapsed the second Bison stopped whipping her.  The man knelt down and picked Chun Li’s head off the ground so that she could see him.  “Balrog will show you to your new room tonight.  You will not sell any drugs tomorrow.  In fact, you won’t be leaving this facility at all tomorrow.  You will watch porn and take copious notes, because you’re going to act just like the women in those videos.  Why?  Because we’re going to have sex tomorrow night.  If you don’t impress or please me, I’m going to make sure that your father is a dead man,” Bison snarled.
    “Yes sir.  This big titted slut won’t disappoint,” Chun Li replied as Bison dropped her head and walked out of the room.


The Next Night

    The doors opened and Bison could see Dorai’s daughter, Chun Li, seated on a plush sofa.  She was watching porn on a large screen TV.  As the doors slid shut, Chun Li pulled her eyes away from the porn.  “Master Bison,” the woman spoke demurely.  The woman was wearing a blue tunic that hung down in front and back, slit up to her waist.  The top was embroidered.  Her hair was tied up in two white buns on either side of her head.  She also wore a pair of high-heeled white boots.
    “How are your studies?” Bison asked as he sat down on the sofa next to her.  The man was speaking like a concerned father.
    “I have done what you asked,” Chun Li replied.
    “Yes you have.”
    “Then free my father.”
    “In due time,” Bison spoke as he gave her thigh a squeeze.
    “Free him.”
    “I will, but you will have to perform a task for me.”
    “What is it?”
    “There is a party in three days.  I need you to have sex with an important diplomat at a party.  Vega will film the entire thing so I can blackmail him into giving me immunity.  Don’t worry about your face since you will be wearing a mask.  It is a costume party after all.  Once I have my immunity, I will free your father.  You can also leave here too . . . if you want,” Bison spoke as he gave her thigh another squeeze.
    “I want to leave.”
    “I understand.  You would have never agreed to this if I didn’t have your father in a cell with a gun to his head.”
    “I would not.”
    “I know and I can kill him at any time if you disobey.”
    “I know,” Chun Li spoke as she stood up from the sofa.  The woman then dropped to her knees between Bison’s legs.  She undid his belt and then his zipper.  The woman pulled out the man’s dick as she licked her lips, making them moist.  She kissed the head of his dick several times before she licked the entire length of his rod, including his balls.  Chun Li had never given a blowjob before she was captured, thinking that only sluts did something so degrading.  However, she was doing this to save her father’s life.  Thus, she reasoned that it was perfectly fine.  That’s why the Chinese woman continued to slide her tongue up and down his shaft even after the man’s dick was covered in her saliva.
    Bison loved the feel of the woman’s tongue and lips against his dick, but he preferred having it inside her mouth.  Thus, the man tapped her on the head.  The Chinese woman then licked the head of cock before she wrapped her lips around it.  The woman then started to bob her head up and down on his member as gagging sounds would occasionally escape her lips.  She had to rest her hands on his body as she worked.  As the woman worked for quite some time, she eventually had to grip his pants tightly as he shot his load into her mouth.  Chun Li didn’t struggle as she relaxed her throat muscles and drank every last drop of Bison’s hot spunk.
    Once she was done, she stood up and disrobed.  The young woman was stacked better than most Asian woman and was still a virgin.  And Bison would be her first since she had to save her father.  The woman positioned her shaved pussy over Bison’s dick as she pressed her breasts against his chest, soaking his shirt with her sweat.  She felt Bison’s hands on her hips as she stared into his eyes.  The woman could see the gleam in his eyes and knew that he was enjoying it.  She took a deep sigh and held back the tears.  “For you, father,” she said to herself as she impaled herself on Bison’s dick, shattering her hymen.  The woman’s head flew backwards as she arched her back.  A loud scream followed by pitiful whimpers escaped Chun Li’s mouth as she slowly rode Bison’s dick.
    “Did you start your pill regiment?” Bison asked.
    “Yes sir.  I’m on birth control pills just like you requested,” Chun Li replied, trying desperately not to cry.
    “From this moment forth, you are mine.  You will live with me in my room.  You will eat, shower, and even sleep with me.  Understand?”
    “Yes sir.”
    “We will also need improve your wardrobe as well as your makeup.”
    “Understood sir.  This big titted bimbo needs to look like a proper bimbo.”
    “You learn fast, Chun Li.”
    “I aim to please you, sir.”
    “Then increase your speed.  Fuck me for all you are worth.  Fuck me until I fill your worthless cunt with my seed.”
    “Yes sir,” Chun Li panted as she increased her speed and pressed her breasts tightly against the man’s chest.  The woman could feel something building inside her.  She wanted to stop it, but then she remembered her father.  She had to save him.  Thus, the woman wrapped her arms around the back of Bison’s neck and went for broke.  Chun Li used every muscle and moved up and down as fast as a spinning coin before it stops.  That’s when it happened.  Her first orgasm.  The woman screamed and convulsed against Bison’s body as she held him tightly.  It hit her like a train.  Her pussy clamped down on Bison’s dick, twisting it and pulling it until he shot his hot spunk deep inside her.  The heat was enough to spur another orgasm.  This one ripped through her just like the first.  But since the woman never came down from the first one, the second one almost caused her to blackout.
    “Nice slutty bitch,” Bison whispered into Chun Li’s ear as she laid on his shoulder, unable to move.  Instead, her chest heaved up and down as she panted for breath.  Her saliva was drooling down her lips and chin.  The woman’s body was covered in sweat as Bison stood up and held the woman while his dick remained lodged in her pussy.  He made his way to the bed, laid down, laid down and waited for Chun Li to return to reality.  The man waited for some time as he listened to woman’s heart beat and her lungs struggling for more air while her body continued to quiver.
    Eventually, the woman came too and saw Bison’s smiling face next to hers, which is something that she never wanted to see, but was unable to prevent now.  Neither one said a word as Chun Li painfully forced herself upright.  The woman knew that Bison’s dick was still inside her.  Thus, she slowly oscillated on his dick.  Bison smiled as he gripped the woman’s wrists.  In a matter of seconds, Chun Li’s hands were pulled between her legs.  Bison held her wrists while she rode his dick.  Her breasts jiggled with each thrust.  Chun Li knew that it was going to be a long night.


Three Days Later

    Chun Li was clad in what might have been a leotard at one time.  However, between the fact that it was studded latex, the cutouts that exposed her massive breasts to the world, and the accessories that she also wore, any resemblance to the original garment was coincidental, at best.  A pair of  platform latex high-heeled boots added to her slutty image, while a pair of matching studded elbow-length gloves had been tied together and padlocked at an awkward angle, leaving her bent over painfully as her arms stretched out above her.  Despite the agony that her now-unsupported breasts were inflicting upon her stretched back, Chun Li couldn't scream since a studded leather choker held a  matching ballgag in place, leaving her to simply moan in pain.  But most importantly, the woman wore a black hood that covered her entire face except for the gag around her mouth.  Her ankles were cuffed to the floor and various ropes hung from the ceiling, connecting them
to her collar and wrists.
    Inspector Dorai followed Vega into the bedroom of a large mansion.  The man saw the bound woman.  The man wore a blue dress shirt, black slacks, and blue sports coat.  The only thing that seemed out of the ordinary was the black box that he wore over his throat.  The box was secured into place by two tight straps that circled her throat.  Following Vega’s gestures, the man was lead right toward the bound woman’s butt.
    “Go ahead.  You know your lines.  Just remind yourself this is to save your daughter’s life, if it makes you feel any better,” Vega whispered into the man’s ear.
    Dorai took a deep breath and pulled a regular belt from under his sports coat.  Without warning, the man began to whip the bound woman’s bare buttocks.  He could hear the woman scream with each lash, but he didn’t care.  He was doing to save his daughter’s life and Vega had insisted that the woman was completely willing to participate.  In fact, the back story was that the woman wanted a special evening with specific requests that were intercepted by Shadoloo.  Thus, Shadoloo was going to make them all come true and use the video to blackmail the woman.  Thus, the woman was asking for it and he was doing nothing wrong, Dorai rationalized.  That’s why he was whipping her savagely.
    “Holy shit!” Chun Li screamed into her gag unable to see or hear anything.
    “Fucking bitch!  Fucking big titted cow!  You deserve to be punished!” Dorai yelled as his voice sounded more like a robot than his own.
    “Oh shit!  This hurts!” Chun Li screamed, hoping that whoever was whipping her could hear her through the gag.  The Chinese woman tried to move her body to avoid the shots even though she had no idea when they were coming.  However, the bonds kept her immobilized and unable to avoid the swats.
    The shots rained down on Chun Li’s ass until they were nice and red.  Although Dorai didn’t know it, Chun Li was sobbing and mucus had slowly dripped out of her nose and down her hood.  The woman was whimpering as Dorai placed the belt on the woman’s back.  He then started to play with the woman’s clit, rubbing it again and again.  Dorai saw the woman’s pussy glisten before he even started.  The man was disgusted when he saw the woman’s pussy slowly drip.  “She’s a real slut.  No self-respecting woman would shave her pussy bald like this,” Dorai thought to himself as he shook his head.
    “Nooo,” Chun Li wailed into her gag as she felt herself building to an orgasm.  The woman tried to fight it, but she couldn’t.  She didn’t want to climax with a stranger playing with her clit.  In fact, the woman even thought it would be okay if it was Bison playing with her clit rather than a total stranger.  She wasn’t sure if she could live with herself if it was a stranger.  However, that’s when she remembered that she was doing this to save her father’s life so she pretended that it was Bison playing with her clit.  Unfortunately, after spending three days straight with the man, satisfying his sexual urges, Chun Li found herself building even faster toward her orgasm.
    “You little whore!  You climaxed without permission!” Dorai yelled as he saw the woman convulse as her juices gushed out of her pussy and deluged his hand before splashing all over the floor.  “You definitely are ready for my hard cock,” the man spoke, following the script that had been provided for him.  He unzipped his pants and pulled put his member.  The man stroked his dick several times with his hand before he was hard.  Once he was set, he aimed his dick at the woman’s dripping pussy and rammed his dick into her.
    “HOLY SHIT!” Chun Li screamed into her gag as her body surged forward.  She then felt hands on her hips as the dick pumped in and out of her pussy.  The woman’s pussy also felt stretched, not as much as the times when Bison was inside her, but stretched nonetheless.  Chun Li tried not to think as she concentrated on the dick inside her body.
    Dorai reached forward and gripped one of the woman’s breasts.  “What a cow!” Dorai thought to himself as he released the woman’s breast and gave it a light slap, quickly followed by another one.  Then he felt the woman’s pussy squeeze his dick as he retracted his hand and placed it back on her hips.  The man then held on as the woman climaxed.  He felt her pussy clamp down on his dick like a vice.  The pressure caused him to blast his load into the woman’s pussy.
    Several minutes passed before Dorai pulled his slowly deflating dick out of the woman’s pussy.  He then wiped his dick all over the woman’s butt and legs in order to clean his dick before he tucked it back into his pants.  The man then zipped up his zipper and gave the woman a good hard slap on her ass.  “Shadoloo Slut,” the man sneered as he gave her another slap before leaving the room with Vega.  The Spaniard made sure that the door was locked once they left.
    A few minutes later, Bison entered the room through a secret passage.  The man walked toward Chun Li and quickly cut the ropes and removed them from Chun Li’s body.  He could hear the woman groan as he removed the gag, followed by the hood.  “Good job, slut.  Let’s get you cleaned up.  However, you will wear this outfit tonight as you pleasure me in bed,” Bison spoke.
    “Yes master,” Chun Li panted as Bison helped Chun Li toward the secret passageway.  The woman hobbled in her boots, still bent over.  Chun Li could feel the spunk dripping out of her pussy, some of it still slowly sliding down her thighs.  She was just glad that her father hadn’t seen her in this humiliating outfit or seen her getting fucked by some unknown stranger.  Those two thoughts were going to keep her going as she endured another exhausting night in Bison’s bed.


The Next Day

    “I demand to see my daughter,” Dorai growled as he stood before Bison, who wasn’t even paying much attention to the man.  Instead, he was standing behind the same woman that Dorai fucked the night before.  The Interpol Inspector could easily tell.  The woman was still in the same outfit except her hands were now secured to her sides.  The hood and gag as well as heels and everything else were still in place.
    “Come here, Dorai.  I want you to see just how compliant this slut truly is,” Bison spoke.
    “I demand to see my daughter!” Dorai growled as he was just inches away from the woman.
    “This big titted bitch is someone’s daughter, but you’re going to make her climax like a common whore while I hold her by her large tits,” Bison calmly spoke.
    “You’re disgusting!”
    “You’ll never see your daughter with that attitude.”
    “Fine,” Dorai sighed as he kneeled in front of the bond woman.  Her legs were spread so it wasn’t hard for him to slide two of his fingers into her pussy while he gripped her clit with two fingers from his left hand.  The man squeezed and pulled before rubbing.  He rubbed as fast as he could like a camper trying to start a fire with sticks.  And indeed, he did start a fire as he heard the woman moan pitifully into her gag.
    “Listen to her moan.  What a slut, don’t you agree?”
    “She is someone’s daughter.  You should never talk about someone like an object.”
    “She is an object.  I own her and she will do anything that I ask.  And if you know what’s good for you, you will see her as an object as well.”
    “Don’t count on it.”
    “Very well, Dorai.  Do you think Chun Li would ever stand here in front of me and let me fondle her breasts like this?” Bison asked.
    “You bastard!”
    “Dorai!  I’m just trying to make conversation.  Don’t make me give orders.  You never know, but I may just order my men to kill your daughter . . . or maybe I’ll just have them fuck her to death instead!”
    “So answer my question then.  Do you think Chun Li would ever stand here in front of me and let me fondle her breasts like this?”
    “She wouldn’t.”
    “She has pride and dignity.  And she’s no slut like this . . .”
    “In that case . . . I want you to make this whore climax ten times.  You work on her cunt and clit and I’ll make sure that she stays on her feet by holding onto her tits.  Got it?”
    “Bison!  I have had enough of your games!”
    “In that case, I have no need to keep your daughter alive and breathing!  Vega!”
    “Vega!  Go to Chun Li’s cell and stay there.  If I don’t call you within an hour, kill her,” Bison spoke as the masked Spaniard extended his claw and left the room.
    “Please Bison . . .”
    “Make this slut climax ten times and your daughter lives.  But continue this insolence and I might just change my mind.”
    “Don’t worry, Bison!  I’ll make this slut climax ten times in less than an hour!  Come on slut!  It’s time for your to climax like the whore you are!” Dorai yelled as he rammed even more fingers into the woman’s pussy and pumped like a madman.
    “HOLY SHIT!!  HOLY SHIT!!” Chun Li screamed into her gag as she felt the fingers inside her..  Her legs quivered as she tried to close her legs, but Bison kicked her boots and the woman had to force her legs to stay open.
    The first climax didn’t take long as Dorai was like a man possessed.  His fingers pumped furiously, never getting tired as he heard the woman’s breathing become labored as her body convulsed and shook.  “Come on slut!  Climax!” he screamed as he doubled his efforts.
    In the darkness that was now Chun Li’s word, all she saw were flashes of light as her pussy sent shockwaves throughout her body.  The Chinese woman could hardly think straight as the fingers in her pussy forced her to climax again and again.  By her third climax, Chun Li no longer had to fight to keep her legs spread.  Instead, she had lost most of her strength and her legs didn’t even want to close since they were lifeless.  The only reason why she was still standing was because Bison was holding her up.
    A great deal of time passed and the floor below the woman was covered in her fluids.  Even Dorai’s clothes were drenched in her fluids as she sprayed him again and again.  By the time she had her tenth orgasm, Dorai’s hands were already cramping up.  The relieved man slowly retracted his hands and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had just saved Chun Li’s life.  A life that he put in jeopardy by not watching his mouth.  “Call off Vega, Bison.  Please,” the proud man begged.
    “Sagat!  Summon Vega and tell him to spare Chun Li’s life for now,” Bison ordered.
    “Than you,” Dorai spoke as he heard Sagat conversing with Vega through the intercom system.
    “Don’t thank me yet, Dorai.  I’ve changed my plans regarding your release,” Bison laughed as Balrog slapped a large chloroform soaked rag over the man’s face. 
    “Bison!  You bast . . .” Dorai tried to yell as his eyes rolled back.  Since the man was so exhausted from fingering the woman, he barely struggled as he slipped unconscious.  That’s when Bison released him and the man crumpled to the ground in a heap.
    Bison then released Chun Li’s heaving breasts as she too, collapsed onto the ground.  The only difference was that Bison purposely made her fall on top of her own father’s body.  “Such a delightful family reunion.  Chun Li’s so giving, she’s sharing her own juices with her father,” Bison laughed evilly.


Three Days Later

    Dorai was tied to a wooden chair as he was forced to watch video after video.  The man could hardly believe his eyes as he saw his own daughter on the big screen, punishing other women and selling drugs to teenagers.
    Currently on the screen, Chun Li was dressed in a black leather corset that hugged her stomach and ribs, but showed off her ample breasts.  Basically, the corset ended below her breasts while two triangles extended upward, covering her nipples and had a hard time of covering up her breasts.  Chun Li was also wearing a black collar with an O-ring in front that had to straps that connected to the triangles that covered her nipples.  In the front of the corset, four buckles and a slew of string kept the corset nice and tight on the woman before it ended in a V-shape, revealing the thin black leather thong that covered her sex.  The woman's thighs were bare except for the black leather stiletto boots which matched the woman's black elbow-length gloves.  Right below Chun Li's eyebrows were a bright yellow line of makeup while a pair of bright yellow earrings in the shape of paddles adorned her ears.  In the woman's hands was black riding crop.  Chun Li
slapped the crop against her hand impatiently.
    Soon, another female quickly appeared.  He was completely naked and her body was covered by angry welts.  There was no mistaking who was the dominant woman and which was the submissive.  The woman was totally naked as she dropped onto her knees and spread her legs, plastering her breasts against the floor.  Her body was very low, but Dorai could still see a good portion of the woman's bouncy breasts that were pressed tightly against the floor.
    Without saying a word, Chun Li kicked the woman in the ribs.  Then with another deep breath, she pressed the heel into the woman's right tit, causing her to scream in pain.  Chun Li
grounded her heel into the woman's breast even more.  A few seconds later, she stepped off the woman's breast.
    Chun Li then picked up the woman.  This was followed by a loud slap as she slammed the crop against the woman’s breast.  Tears flowed from the naked woman’s eyes as held up her breasts and presenting them for punishment.  The Chinese woman was relentless.  She beat the woman until she was unconscious and then continued to beat her some more before she finally stopped.  “Pathetic,” she snarled as she gave the woman a kick to the ribs for good measure.
    “This can’t be.  Not Chun Li,” Dorai spoke as he shook his head while tears streamed down his face.
    “She has quite the mean streak, doesn’t she?” Bison asked as he gave the bound woman beside him a squeeze on her ass.  The woman was Chun Li of course and she was still in the same bondage outfit from the night before.  However, the hood had been replaced by one that had eye holes and holes for her ears.  Yet Chun Li wished she didn’t have either of those at the moment.
    “You brainwashed her!”
    “I did nothing of the sort.  She likes torturing other women and selling drugs.”
    “You bastard!”
    “Slave!  Calm him down!” Bison commanded.
    Chun Li nodded and knelt in front of her own father.  The woman was happy that Bison had kept the hood on.  She then unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick.  The Chinese woman then jerked her own father’s dick as she watched his rolls roll around.  She knew she had to keep eye contact or else Bison would kill Eric Li, the teenager that had bought all the drugs from her.  Chun Li tried to help him, but Bison had cameras in the alleyway and he immediately knew who had underpaid.  Thus, he sent Balrog to capture the teenager.  Currently, the scared and beaten teenager was barely conscious in another room.
    “She’s good isn’t she, Dorai?” Bison asked.
    “I . . . I . . .” Dorai panted, trying to keep his dick from expanding. 
    “Even if you want to tell me that you aren’t enjoying this, I can tell that you are.  Don’t worry Dorai.  Just sit back and relax.  We have a long night.  She’s going to make you squirt all over her tits, again and again,” Bison laughed.
    Several minutes later, Dorai groaned as he shot his load.  The hooded woman leaned her breasts forward and caught most of his spunk.  She then used one hand to jerk the man off while she used her other hand to spread the sperm all over her tits.  This whole process repeated again and again for a good hour before the woman finally stopped.
    “This slut is very talented, Dorai.  Rest and she will come entertain you again tomorrow,” Bison laughed as he walked out of the room with Chun Li slowly lumbering behind him.
    Once the door closed, Chun Li fell to her knees and sobbed.  A river of tears streamed down her face and slowly mixed with the drying sperm on her heaving chest.  The woman’s hands were planted on the floor between her spread legs, supporting her.  Her head shook as she cried.
    “Don’t cry, Chun Li.  You saved your father’s life and Eric’s life as well.  But I’m not going to free either one.  Young Eric is currently in a cell tied to a chair.  Since you’ve complied with the first task, I will have the guards remove the noose around his head.  Of course, that still leaves the poison in the room as well as the armed guard with the gun.  Each one will be removed only if you comply with the second and third task,” Bison spoke as he knelt down in front of Chun Li and raised her face by gripping her chin.  The man wanted to see Chun Li’s wet and very red puffy eyes.  “Of course if you don’t comply, I will have to kill him.  It’s not personal.  It’s business.  He stole from me and you let him,” Bison snarled.
    The Chinese woman took several minutes to stop crying as she stared into Bison’s evil eyes the entire time.  She knew that he would kill the teenager without hesitation just like he would kill his female captives and even her father.  Thus, the Chinese woman slowly nodded her head.  “I will comply with the assigned tasks only if it saves the teen and my father’s lives,” she panted.
    “You are in no position to bargain with me, Chun Li.”
    “Please . . . Master Bison . . . show mercy,” the woman begged.
    “I have an idea,” Bison spoke as he stood up and walked toward the corner.  He entered an empty cell and returned in a matter of seconds with a long metal chain.  The man walked up to Chun Li, holding the chain in front of him as he knelt down in front of her.  “I’m going to connect this to your collar and I’m going to walk you around this complex like the bitch that you are.  If you agree, I will spare both their lives if you comply with the tasks,” Bison spoke as he held the chain in front of the woman’s red puffy eyes.
    Chun Li stared at the chain for a long time.  “He wants to use it as a leash.  He’s not even going to treat me like a slut, but more like an animal.  If I don’t agree, he’s going to kill my father.  I can save Eric by submitting to his requests, but it might not save my father.  Then all of this would be for nothing.  NO!  I have to do this!” Chun Li thought to herself as she steadied her breathing and continued to look at the chain.  Then the woman had a look of determination in her eyes and she stared right into Bison’s dark soul.
    “You don’t want it?  Such a shame,” Bison spoke as he prepared to toss it away.
    “WAIT!” Chun Li yelled as she grabbed one end of the chain.  Bison raised an eyebrow as he saw Chun Li’s facial expression.  The sadness was gone.  However, she didn’t look defiant either.  Before he could say anything, Chun Li slowly searched and found a self-locking hook at the end of the chain that was in Bison’s hand.  She slowly slid her hand toward his.  “I need this hook,” she spoke as Bison smiled and released his hold on the chain.  The Chinese woman then took the chain and hooked it around the ring on her collar.  She then released the hook and heard it close around the ring, locking it in place.
    “Come along,” Bison spoke as he tugged on the chain.
    “Yes, Master Bison,” a leashed Chun Li replied as she walked a few steps behind Bison with her own father’s sperm, slowly drying on her tits.


The Next Day

    Dorai watched as Bison paraded the bound woman, who he had become quite familiar with by now.  The woman was still bound, but now she was being lead around on a chain leash.  She also licked her lips repeatedly.  The man had no idea that the woman was really his daughter and her behavior had been coerced.  Basically, she had to perform or he and Eric would die.  However, she did notice that the noose around Eric’s neck had been partially undone and was now used to secure Dorai even more to the chair.
    “Slut!  Jerk Dorai’s dick like you did last time.  Make sure that he covers your fat tits with his spunk,” Bison ordered as the woman nodded.
    “Please don’t!” Dorai yelled as the woman knelt in front of him and began to jerk him off.  Like before, she spent a great deal of time jerking his dick and just like before, his spunk gushed from his cock and onto her tits.  The man then watched as the woman licked her lips as she spread his sperm all over her tits.
    “I’m doing this to save my father and Eric.  I’m doing this to save my father and Eric,” Chun Li reminded herself again and again, knowing that she was going to have to do much more and soon.  But first, she had to jerk her own father off for a good hour.  Thus, she had more agonizing moments before the inevitable.
    By the time Chun Li was done, her breasts were coated in a thick sheen of white.  The woman was disgusted with herself, but she continued with her task even when Bison started talking.  “Not only are her hands talented, but her mouth and tongue are even better,” Bison spoke as he unzipped his pants.  Dorai watched as the hooded woman serviced Bison’s dick with her mouth and tongue while she continued to jerk him off.  She only worked them over for about five minutes before stopping.
    “No!  Stay away!  Keep the slut away from me!” Dorai yelled as he saw the woman stand up, place both her hands on the knees of his spread legs.  She kissed the top of his dick until he was hard again.  A trail of the woman’s saliva slowly meandered down the sides of his dick as Bison stood behind her.
    Within seconds, the woman pounced on Dorai’s dick while Bison rammed his cock into the woman’s pussy form behind.  He fucked her as he held onto her hips.  Chun Li tried desperately to refrain from crying, but she couldn’t help herself.  Here she was, sucking on her father’s dick while the man that they both despised was fucking her pussy from behind.  Bison was treating her like a complete slut and her own father had called her one.  A part of Chun Li died as the next hour became a blur to her.  She had no idea how many times her own father blew his load into her mouth or how many times blew his load into her pussy.  All she knew was that her own father had called her a slut and she was acting like a one.
    When Bison was done, he pulled out of Chun Li’s pussy as a glob of spunk immediately gushed out of the woman’s pussy.  “Holy shit!  She is a slut,” Dorai panted as he saw the glob crash onto the floor.
    “A very well trained slut,” Bison spoke as he took a vial filled with a blue liquid inside.  The man handed it to Chun Li, who was now on