Street Fighter: Evil Ryu

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by Capcom are owned and created by Capcom. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Capcom, they are still owned by Capcom. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank Edxxx for his input in this story. Basically, he made suggestions along the way and I expanded and incorporated them into scenes accordingly.

Feel free to e-mail me at <
[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Street Fighter: Evil Ryu

By: Night Creeper

    Ken Masters wore a Armani suit as he sat in a fancy restaurant.  Seated across the table was his good friend, Ryu.  The Japanese fighter looked greatly out of place as he wore his infamous, yet torn, white gi.  He even wore red bandana on his head.  Of course, he was the only man in the entire restaurant not wearing a suit and tie.  In fact, he was the only man not wearing any shoes.
    “This is ridiculous,” Ryu huffed.
    “I’ll say.  I had to slip the manager money to get you in,” Ken protested.
    “You slipped him money?”
    “Yea.  You think I wouldn’t have to since my dad owns this place.”
    “Alright.  You wanted to talk.  So talk.”
    “Yes here.”
    “I want to know why I can’t get someone like Chun Li to like me.”
    “Simple.  She likes me.”
    “Be serious.”
    “What?  You saying that she doesn’t like me?”
    “I’m asking the questions here.”
    “Okay.  It’s called P.E.P.”
    “I can be lively.”
    “That’s not what it means.  P.E.P. means Potential Earning Power.  I hate to say it, you don’t have any.  Women like men who have a plan.  They don’t like vagabonds.”
    “I’m not a vagabond.”
    “You don’t have a home, Ryu.  You walk around looking for fights.  You might as well carry a bow and wear green tights.  And rob from the rich that is.”
    “Be serious, Ken.”
    “I am serious.  You don’t own anything other than what you’re wearing now.  Your suitcase is a red cloth on a stick.  You’re not even wearing shoes.  What kind of future are you going to give to a woman?  She’s going to come home to what?  You don’t have a house.  In fact, you don’t even have a mailing address.  You always call me since I can never track you down.”
    “I don’t get it.”
    “Of course you don’t get it, that’s why you’re asking about women.  Maybe it’s why you’re in sucha bad move too.  Only kidding pal.  It’s really simple.  Women don’t marry men who don’t have futures.  You don’t have any money.  You don’t have a home.  You don’t have any clothing other than what you’re wearing.  And worse of all, you keep on entering yourself into fighting tournaments.  It’s not a real turn on for women to see guys act like that.”
    “Look whose talking.”
    “I haven’t fought in years.  Besides, women like me because I’m handsome . . . and I have a lot of money.  Don’t forget, Ryu . . . Chun Li hasn’t fought in years either.  Bison’s gone.  She’s trying to continue with her life now.  Not even that blowhard Guile is fighting anymore.”
    “Bison isn’t gone.”
    “He’s not active anymore.  His operation was crippled and he was thrown in prison.  They only let him out since he cut a deal.  Who knew that the insane psycho would doom other would-be dictators.”
    “So how . . .”
    “How are you going to get a woman?  Women don’t marry down, they marry up.  For that, you may want to get a job.  A real job.  One that pays money would be good.  Women want to have families.  You can’t raise a family without money.”
    “That’s sexist.”
    “No it’s not.  I didn’t say that a woman had to stay home and do everything around the house.  I just said that they want to have families.  A husband that fights all day for no money isn’t exactly much of a provider.”
    “Where am I going to get a job?”
    “Do you have any skills?”
    “I can fight.”
    “Any skills other than fighting?”
    “I can walk long distances on any given day.”
    “Wandering nomad does not impress employers.  What about teaching at a dojo?”
    “Tried that.  I lost Sakura to Dan, remember?”
    “Eh.  She grew up without you, huh?  I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later since you’re too busy with training to care about anything else.  She’s in her twenties right?  Must be pretty fine these days.  But she’s with Dan now?”
    “Wow.  Rocking the cradle.”
    “Dan likes younger girls.”
    “How do you know?”
    “You said it.  You said Sakura was dating Dan.”
    “NO!  I meant Dan is her teacher!”
    “Ohhhh . . .  So why did she quit?”
    “I wasn’t around all the time.  Besides, I didn’t really have a dojo.  I had the clearing, which some times became a Tai Qi place every now and then.”
    “An old lady liked to use the clearing for her class.”
    “You lost to an old woman?”
    “I didn’t lose.”
    “You didn’t teach class because she was there.  What would you call it?”
    “Respecting my elders.”
    “Speaking of elders . . . I can ask my dad and see if he has any employment leads.”
    “That would be great!”
    “How about tomorrow?”
    “The day after?”
    “Next week?”
    “What they hell, Ryu?”
    “I have a tournament in Metro City to go to.”
    “Oh for crying out loud!” Ken spoke as he shook his head and raised his arms in surrender, ripping his suit.
    “Still have some muscles, I see,” Ryu laughed.
    “Eliza is going to kill me.  She bought me this suit,” Ken shrugged, ripping the suit even more.


One Week Later

    “Hey Cody,” Ryu spoke as he greeted his old friend.
    “Hey Ryu, what’s shaking?” Cody asked as he slapped Ryu on the back.
    “I’m going to enter this tournament.”
    “Can you believe that the Mad Gear members are forced to participate in these fights to make a living?”
    “They get paid?”
    “No.  They bet.”
    “Haggar lets them do that?”
    “It keeps them off the streets.”
    “Ryu!” Jessica yelled as she hugged the Japanese fighter.
    “Let the man breath,” Cody laughed as he pulled Jessica off of Ryu.
    Ryu saw Jessica’s flowing blonde hair and her red cocktail dress.  The woman was smoking.  “Cody, you are a lucky man,” Ryu finally said.
    “Hey Ryu.  Are you alone?” Jessica asked.
    “Maybe we should set him up with Lucia Morgan or Maki Genryusai?” Jessica asked.
    “Officer Lucia Morgan.  She’s over there,” Cody spoke as he pointed at a woman with short blonde hair.  The woman was wearing a blue sports bar, a brown vest, denim shorts, brown gloves, and tennis shoes.  “Jessica’s father cleared her name and she joined the Metro City Special Crimes Unit.  She’s also a fighter.”
    “But I . . .”
    “Maki is the woman wearing the red ninja garb.  Notice how the outfit has been modified to show her neck and some of her cleavage.  Beneath, she wears a semi-transparent vest.  She also wears arm and leg guards.  And she has those small boots.  She also tends to let her blonde hair grow long into a ponytail.  Her bangs are slightly lighter than the rest of her hair.”
    “How do you know so much, Cody?” Jessica asked.
    “Looks like someone said a little too much,” Ryu laughed.
    “I’m just trying to peak his interest,” Cody smiled back at Jessica.
    “Yea right,” Jessica huffed before turning her attention to Ryu.  “So Ryu, want to meet them?”
    “Who is that?”
    “Her.  She’s bad news.”
    “Ryu is looking at Poison.”
    “Poison has long pink hair.  She wears a black cap, blue cutoff shorts, red high heels, and a tanktop cut just below her breasts.  She wears several armbands around her right arm and neck.  She also has a chains and a pair of handcuffs hanging off of her shorts.”
    “And how do you know that, Jessica?”
    “Cody.  I was kidnaped by the Mad Gear Gang and Poison.  I think I would know these things.  Besides, I can see her from where I’m standing.”
    “So who are you fighting today?”
    “Some guy named Rolento.”
    “He’s a handful.  Be careful,” Cody warned.
    “I will,” Ryu promised.
    “And give us a holler if you want to meet Maki or Lucia,” Jessica smiled.
    Ryu watched his friends leave and was heading out of the arena when he spotted two more familiar faces.  The Japanese man saw Dan Hibiki and his old protégé, Sakura.  “Hey Ryu!  What’s going on?” Dan asked as Sakura ran past Ryu without saying a word.
    “What’s with Sakura?” Ryu asked.
    “She’s got a match,” Dan spoke as he pointed at one of the circles, where Sakura was fighting against Sodom, a member of the Mad Gear gang.
    “Wow!  She’s really grown into a tough fighter,” Ryu commented as he watched Sakura dodge the various attacks from Sodom.
    “Yea.  She’s twenty now, but I can’t get her to ditch that schoolgirl outfit.  She says it gives her an advantage.  I think she does that to show off her legs and chest.  Bet you wish that you were still her teacher.”
    “I wasn’t really her tea . . .”
    “I can see you and her rubbing your naked bodies together.”
    “What the?!” a shocked Ryu blurted out.
    “Yea.  If you were her teacher, you could sleep with her like me.  I’ve been hitting that for a while now.  Granted some of it was pent up animosity towards you being released, but I still prefer to think that it’s all me,” Dan gloated.
    “Dan . . . you’re . . .” Ryu stammered as he felt his fist begin to shake.
    “I’m what?” Dan asked, not even realizing that Ryu was getting angrier with each passing second, especially when Dan placed his hand over his ear and asked Ryu again.  But before Ryu could answer, Sakura jumped into Dan’s arms and gave him a long passionate kiss.  When she broke it, she giggled and asked him to follow her out of the arena.
    “You’re an excellent teacher,” Ryu muttered as he glanced at Sodom, who laid on the mat in a heap.
    “He’s a better lover,” Sakura smiled as she grabbed Dan’s hand and lead him out of the arena.
    “IDIOT!” Ryu snarled as his hands began to glow.


Later that Night

    Dan and Sakura were kissing softly as they waited for their food.  The restaurant owner paid little attention to the pair since he was an avid fighting fan.  He loved the fact that fighters were in his restaurant and had told his staff not to mind.  However, there was another fighter in his restaurant and he minded greatly.  Ryu felt his blood boil as he watched Dan and Sakura’s hands snake across each other’s bodies.  He watched them as they lightly petted each other, he watched them as they sat closer, and he watched them as they made out.  As he watched, he got angrier and angrier, believing that he should be in Dan’s place.  The Japanese fighter didn’t even touch his food as he watched the pair.
    Eventually, Dan stopped kissing Sakura and just asked for the check.  The owner came over and quickly addressed the pair.  “There’s no need to pay.  The food hasn’t even come out of the kitchen yet.  I’m sorry that we are so slow,” the owner apologized.
    “No need to apologize.  We’ll pay for the items.  Just send the food to our room.  Room 369,” Sakura spoke as she ran her hand up and down Dan’s thigh.
    “Room 369 . . . it will be up there in minutes,” the owner spoke as he made his way to the kitchen.
    “Take your time,” Dan spoke as he and Sakura got up.  The pair walked closely together as Dan’s hand reached under Sakura’s skirt and pinched her ass.  The young woman moaned and leaned into him for support.
    “Damn it,” Ryu muttered under his breath.
    “Can I help you sir?” the waiter asked.
    “No.  Just the check.”
    “Was the food bad?”
    “Do you want to take it to go?”
    “Are you sure?”
    “I’m sure.  I’m leaving the food here.  I just want the check,” Ryu spoke calmly as his anger rose.
    “Very good, sir,” the waiter spoke hastily as he retreated to the cash register. 
    The Japanese fighter waited impatiently as he saw the pair enter the elevator.  As the door closed, her heard a hard thud followed by a loud moan from Sakura.  Ryu instantly imagined Dan pushing Sakura against the back of the elevator and ramming his tool into her wet snatch.  “Room 369.  Room 369,” he repeated again and again in his head.


Miles Away

    Rose sat in an leather chair and calmly placed her Tarot cards onto the table.  She was troubled by what she saw.  There were a great of evil and ill-fates on the table.  However, the woman continued to deal the cards.  The more she put on the table, the worse she felt.  Yet, she continued.  It was kind of like looking at a really bad car wreck on the highway.  One always wants to look away, but slows down to look intently anyway.  That was exactly what Rose was doing.
    “That’s odd.  So much evil.  A death card, but there’s resurrection afterwards.  Yet, the cards are still rather dark,” Rose mused.
    This went on for hours, Rose dealt more cards and began to see more players and fates.  She wasn’t quite able to put everything together.  The woman would shuffle and start anew, but always got the same results.  “Bison isn’t capable of this evil,” she thought. 
    Finally, the woman decided that she spent enough time trying to figure things out.  She placed the cards on the table, but curiosity got the best of her.  Rose decided to try again.  But before she could, the woman felt a surge of pain.  “AHHH!  There’s a great disturbance!” Rose screamed.  “I haven’t felt that much power since M. Bison tried to steal the powers of the universe.  But Bison hasn’t been able to fight since his crippling defeat.  This has to be someone else.  But who?  It can’t be Akuma.  I know where he is.  No.  The person that possesses this power is somewhere in Metro City.  I must go there.”


Later that Night in Metro City

    Ryu had snuck into the ventilation system and was spying on Sakura and Dan.  Sakurara had her legs wrapped around Dan’s torso while his member was pumping furiously in and out of her dripping pussy.  Drool dripped from the sides of Dan’s mouth as Sakura gripped his shoulders.  Dan slammed her against the wall as she arched her back.  The man then slobbered all over her heaving breasts as he kissed and sucked on her nipples.
    Dan was more than happy to oblige as he gripped her hips and mashed his chest against hers.  The man increased his speed as he sandwiched the young girl against the wall.  Sakura wrapped her arms around his head, pulling him closer.  Both were panting incessantly.  In a matter of seconds, both of them climaxed.  They both screamed as they slowly sank to the floor, their bodies writhing with pleasure.
    “Oh yea,” Sakura panted as she slowly pulled herself off of Dan.
    Dan wasn’t the greatest fighter, but he turned out to be a far better lover.  The man quickly recovered.  He picked up Sakura propped her against a table with her ass greeting him.  He parted her ass cheeks and teased her pussy lips with his hard cock.  The woman moaned every time his dick touched her lips.
    “Stick it in me!” Sakura begged.  Dan was quick to comply as he rammed his member into her sex.  He pounded her body with reckless abandon as the woman screamed with lust.  Her tits jiggled with each thrust.  His thrusts were so forceful that Sakura thought her breasts were going to pop off.  Eventually, the woman had to grip them to relieve the pain of their bouncing.  And while she did that, she met every one of Dan’s thrusts.
    “Oh yea!” Dan moaned.
    “OH YESSS!” Sakura screamed as she climaxed again.
    Ryu continued to watch and became angrier and angrier with each passing second.  He wanted to burst into the room and he would have if something hadn’t grabbed his ankle and dragged him out of the duct.  As he fell into the laundry room of the hotel, he saw a slender woman with violet-colored eyes.  The woman was wearing a stylized pink trenchcoat with large gold buttons, high heeled shoes, a purple unitard, and a exceptionally long yellow scarf.  Her hair was also black and long, zigging all over the place.  “Who are you?” Ryu asked through his clenched teeth.
    “I am Rose and I sense great evil lurking inside you,” the woman spoke calmly.
    “Evil?  Look lady.  I’m not the one breaking into someone’s room.  I’m just tired,” Ryu replied as he got up from the bed.
    “No.  I sense it in you.  Stay back!”
    “Just get out and let me sleep,” Ryu spoke as he wanted to make his way to the door.
    “Soul Spark!” Rose shouted as she shot a fireball from her scarf, sending Ryu crashing onto his bed.
    “What was that for?” Ryu growled as he leapt to his feet, his white outfit began to turn darker again.
    “What the . . . stay back!” Rose shouted.
    “Why?  This is my room!” Ryu growled as he approached, feeding off of her fear.
    “Soul Spa . . . AHHHHGGGG!!” Rose screamed as Ryu shot a fireball at her.  It only took the woman a few seconds to collect her senses.  But when she did, she saw Ryu gliding toward her.  The man’s outfit was completely grey now and his eyes were burning red.  Rose wasn’t prepared for the onslaught as she felt a series of punches and kicks connected.  She had no idea where the next punch or kick was coming from and was completely defenseless.  Rose heard things rip and could feel parts of her outfit being torn from her body.  Yet, she could do nothing about it.  By the time the onslaught stopped, a dazed Rose, wearing only her torn stockings and heels fell onto his bed.
    Ryu could feel something burning inside him.  His eyes were flaming red as he quickly tore off his outfit and pulled Rose toward him.  He spread them and rammed his hard member into her defenseless pussy.  Rose screamed as she felt his tool enter her.  With her knees close to her ribs, Ryu began to thrust in and out of the woman.  His right hand gripped her heel for support while his left hand slammed into her back in order to make sure that she remained on the bed.
    “Pull it out!  Pull it out!” Rose screamed as her right arm shout back and tried to slap Ryu.  The Japanese man was too quick as he released her heal and gripped her wrist, pinning it against her back.  Then he increased his tempo as his left hand gripped her hip.  Rose hollered in agony as threw her left hand back.
    Annoyed by Rose, Ryu released the woman’s right wrist.  He then wrapped his right hand in her hair and yanked.  Rose screamed as her head flung backwards, off the bed.  Ryu then released her hair and gripped her throat with both hands.  He pulled her back as Rose’s butt slammed against his hips.  The woman’s arms immediately flew to the front, trying to balance herself.  Ryu then rested his chin against her forehead as he pounded into her with reckless abandon.  The man spread his legs in order to increase his thrusts.  Eventually, he was almost standing straight as Rose’s back was painfully arched.
    “Let . . . me . . . go . . . please . . . let . . . me . . . go,” the woman whimpered as tears streamed down her face.  The man’s attack was relentless.  The more she begged, the faster and harder he went.  Eventually, Rose grew hoarse from the begging.  But worse yet, she felt a tickling inside her.  It was small at first, but it continued to build.  She could feel it building inside her stomach and ravaged pussy.  It was picking up steam.  Then without warning, Rose released a loud hoarse scream as her pussy clamped down on Ryu’s dick.  Her body thrashed about wildly as the orgasm tore through her like a runaway freight train.  However, it was her own movements that sent Ryu over the edge.  The Japanese fighter quickly shot his huge load into her pussy causing her to climax yet again.
    “Ahhh,” Ryu panted as he pulled out of Rose with a loud plop.  He then dashed to the front of the woman and raised her head.  Instead of seeing a crying woman, he saw a woman that was desperately trying to catch her breath.  Without saying a word, he rammed his tool into the woman’s mouth.  And to his surprise, she took his member and eagerly sucked on it.  She swirled her tongue over his head and Ryu laughed as he thrust again and again into her mouth.


The Next Day

    “Stand still and stop throwing grenades!” Ryu snarled as he grounded his teeth.
    “What?  You think that I am as lame as your schoolgirl friend?  She might have squeezed her adult body into a schoolgirl outfit and took Sodom off his game, but I’m not . . .” Rolento spoke before a large fireball knocked the grenade out of his hand.
    “ROLENTO WINS!  RYU HAS BEEN DISQUALIFIED!” the referee shouted.
    “Who the fuck?!” Rolento growled as he turned and saw Dan Hibiki.
    “Didn’t you hear, Ryu?  He told you to stop throwing grenades!  Besides!  Projectiles are illegal!” Dan shouted back.
    “No there not!  You’re damn bitch throws fireballs!” Rolento spat.
    “Don’t call her that!” Ryu warned.
    “What the fuck?  The pansy that couldn’t sleep with her is mad.  That’s fucking cute!  You know what.  You kick the shit out of Dan and get your bitch back.  Then we’ll settle our fight.  If not, I’m going to get Dan and you’ll never see her again, because she’ll be too busy crying at his grave site!” Rolento snarled.
    “Go away!  Come back tomorrow at this time and we’ll settle it,” Ryu spoke as he stood between Rolento and Dan.
    “I didn’t need your help!” Ryu growled as his hand clutched Dan’s shoulder.
    “Hands off the merchandise, Ryu.  Besides, you asked for him to stop throwing grenades and it sure looked like you weren’t going to do a thing to stop him,” Dan replied as he tried to lift Ryu’s hand off his shoulder without little success.
    “I didn’t need your help.”
    “You weren’t going to do anything.  Just like when Sakura asked you out.”
    “She was too young back then.”
    “No she wasn’t.”
    “She was fourteen when she wanted me to teach her.”
    “Then it’s really lucky for me that you rejected her for four years or I would be in trouble with the authorities.  Then again, she probably wouldn’t have told anybody.  I doubt she would have turned you to the authorities.”
    “Will you shut the fuck up?”
    “Am I getting to you?  Let’s settle this the old fashion way.  Let’s brawl in the alleyway,” Dan said as Ryu didn’t answer.  Dan was a bit shocked to see an eerie red glow coming from Ryu’s fist.  The man decided to put both his hands on top of Ryu’s, in hope of prying it off his shoulder.
    “You’re not worth it,” Ryu grunted as he released Dan.  “Just don’t interfere in my match tomorrow.”
    “No need to wait for tomorrow!  Let’s do it now!” Rolento yelled as he kicked both Ryu and Dan.  He then took a grenade from his belt.  “The little bitch, Sakura has a nice body.  You can tell that’s a rock hard body with no baby fat.  Too bad, you never got any of it, Ryu!” Rolento yelled as he threw the grenade at Ryu.  However, the man was shocked to see a blue fireball engulf his grenades.  This was followed by a flying fist to his face.  The fist had a great deal of force behind it.  Within seconds, Rolento fell onto the hard ground, totally unconscious.
    “I just lost money!” Sodom growled.
    “Did I lose money?” Hugo asked.
    “Yes!  It’s that new fighter’s fault.  Get him!” Poison ordered.
    “You made Poison mad,” Hugo growled as he kicked Ryu to the ground.  Almost immediately, various Mad Gear members attacked Ryu.
    “Should we help him?” Jessica asked Cody.
    “Ryu can take care of himself,” Cody assured his girlfriend.
    Within seconds, both of them saw Ryu leap to his feet and deliver a Helicopter Kick.  He then followed it up with a series of Dragon Punches.  It almost seemed that he was using the Dragon Punches to get from one opponent to the other.
    “Is Ryu wearing a grey outfit?” Jessica asked.
    “That might be all the dust from kicking all their asses.”
    “Should we help him?” Maki asked as she ran up to the pair.
    “No.  He can take care of himself,” Cody spoke as they saw a large mob wrestle Ryu to the ground and pile on top of him.
    “You sure?” Lucia asked, but before Cody could answer, Ryu exploded from the pile.  Actually, the pile exploded thanks to Ryu firing off a fireball.  Within seconds, he was shooting at everyone.  Once again, Ryu unleashed a series of Dragon Punches.  This time, he coupled them with a series of punches and kicks.  Soon, no one could see what Ryu was doing.  Instead, they just saw a blur and bodies flying everywhere.  They did see Poison and some of the remaining Mad Gear members fleeing for their lives.
    “Wow,” Jessica mouthed as she clapped again and again once the dust cleared.  She wasn’t sure, but Ryu’s gi looked more grey than white.


Hours Later

    Ryu was walking a dark alleyway when the Mad Gear jumped him.  Rolento, Sodom, Adon, and numerous other gang members fought Ryu.  As they fought, they continued to goad him by telling him that Sakura was a little bitch and she was Dan’s.  The idea was to throw off his concentration.  However, it had the reverse effect.  Instead of distracting Ryu, it made him angrier and more focused.  Within minutes, the entire gang was knocked out except for Poison. 
    Poison, a woman with long pink, somewhat rugged, hair, glanced over her shoulder to see if anyone was following her.  The woman wore a black cap, blue cutoff shorts, red high heels, and a tanktop cut just below her breasts.  She also had several armbands around her right arm and neck, and has chains and a pair of handcuffs suspended off her shorts.  The woman had extremely long and smooth legs.  The woman wasn’t a great fighter.  She was more of a handler, which was why she was scared out of her wits when she saw an angry Ryu.  The woman immediately ran as a fireball blasted her against ass.  She flew a few inches and landed on a barrel.
    “Don’t run bitch!” Ryu appeared behind her and slapped her ass.
    “Ouch!” Poison growled as she tried to turn around, but stayed put when a powerful hand gripped her throat.
    “Smart move,” Ryu growled as he ran his other hand up and down the woman’s long legs.  He could feel her twitch as he moved his hand.  “I know you like it rough,” he spoke as he released the woman’s neck and backed off.
    Poison was about rub her throat, but Ryu had a better idea.  The man began spanking her ass.  She cried as she felt her ass turn fiery red.  Then the spanking stopped and she thought she had time to recover.  Unfortunately, she was wrong.  Within seconds, she felt the man’s powerful hands on her hips.  Then she felt his manhood press against her pussy lips.  Before she could object, the man rammed his member into her pussy.  Poison wailed as Ryu’s monster cock pumped in and out of her.
    Ryu gripped the woman’s hips and pumped for all he was worth.  The woman groaned miserably as he thrust again and again.  Within seconds, he could feel her juices against his cock.  He watched as the sexy woman’s tits rocked back and forth with each thrust.  The woman then started moaning as she offered no resistance to stop him.  Ryu wasn’t going to complain as he thought of several carnal things that he could do to such a perfect body.
    “FREEZE!!” a female voice shouted from behind the pair.  Ryu didn’t even turn around as he looked straight ahead and saw a shard of broken glass.  The broken glass gave him a glimpse of  Officer Lucian Morgan, who was part of the Metro City Special Crimes Unit.  Her police outfit consisted of a blue sports bra with a brown vest and gloves, denim shorts, and tennis shoes.  “I said FREEZE!” the woman repeated as she stood just a few inches from him with her gun pointed at his back.
    “No guns!” Ryu snarled as he turned and delivered a Dragon Punch that started from her stomach and ended at her throat.  The woman flew backwards and crashed hard onto the ground.  As she tried to get up, a huge fireball engulfed her and blasted her against the side of a building.  Lucia was dazed as she felt a breeze against the front of her body.
    Ryu noticed that her sports bra and denim shorts were all split down the middle in front.  The man picked up the dazed Lucia and placed her unceremoniously on top of the barrel, next to Poison.  Lucia was still out of it, but the woman shrieked loudly as her body twisted and writhed when Ryu’s hard member violently entered her pussy.  Lucia was in utter pain as she felt her pussy lips being stretched.  She could feel herself being torn as Ryu slid his cock in and out of her.  She had a hard time breathing as Ryu gripped her hips.  “Please noo!” the woman wailed. Ryu paid absolutely no attention to her pleas as he entered her completely.  The pain was excruciating for Lucia, whose head was shaking wildly from side to side.  She could feel her pussy stretching uncomfortably in vain to accommodate his dick.  The young woman thought her pussy was ruined forever.  The pain was so intense that every nerve in her body was burning with pain.  Tears flowed
down from her beautiful eyes as she made one last attempt to escape.
    The woman pulled her legs to her chest and tried to push Ryu off of her.  This only annoyed the man as he shot a fireball at her breasts.  Lucia wailed in pain as all strength left her.  Ryu then began to pulverize her with his powerful thrusts.  The man then placed his hands on her jiggling tits and squeezed until her flesh slid past his fingers.  “Wrap your legs around me!” Ryu ordered.  Lucia in an act of self-preservation did as she was told.  That’s when Ryu increased his thrusts.  Soon, Lucia’s eyes began to roll as every thrust sent a jolt of pain up and down her body.  Drool began to drip from the corners of her mouth as the helpless woman begged for the darkness to engulf her.
    Unfortunately for Lucia, she never passed out.  Instead, she was horrified when she realized that her pussy was reacting.  Her pussy felt hotter and hotter as she began to lubricate Ryu’s member.  Then the heat increased in intensity.  The friction was becoming unbearable.  She realized that she was reacting to the rape.  She was shocked that her body could react in such a disgusting fashion.  The mere thought that her body could get pleasure from this type of treatment unhinged her mind.  That’s when the woman’s pussy clamped down on the dick inside her and grunted with each thrust.  A few seconds passed before she climaxed violently and Ryu held onto her breasts.  The woman felt like her breasts were going to be torn off her body.  Yet, she didn’t care as Ryu’s spunk soaked her pussy.  She was too obsessed with her own climax.  And climax she did.  Her body convulsed violently as she was engulfed by the darkness.
    “Do me next . . . just like that,” Poison panted as she rose up and pressed herself against Ryu as an unconscious Lucia continued to quiver.  The woman saw the man’s red eyes, which matched her own fiery hunger for his dick inside her.


The Next Day

    Maki’s long hair was held back in a ponytail and her bangs were a lighter color than the rest of her hair.  The woman wore a red female ninja garb which showed only her neck and some of her cleavage.  Beneath the garb, she wore a semi-transparent vest.  In addition, she also wore arm and leg guards with small boots.  The woman had just lost an important fight with Ryu in the tournament.  She was putting her equipment into her bag when Dan and Sakura entered the room.
    “That was a tough loss,” Sakura spoke.
    “Yea.  I thought I had him,” Maki replied.
    “I’m going to drain the lizard,” Dan spoke as he headed toward the restroom.
    “Is he always like that?” Maki asked.
    “Eh,” Sakura shrugged.
    “Hi Maki,” Ryu spoke as he entered the room and walked right up to her.
    “Ryu . . .” Maki spoke as he reached down and fondled her breasts as Sakura’s eyes turned into large saucers.  The young woman then froze in place and couldn’t take her eyes off of the pair.
    “Go ahead and take off your outfit for me,” Ryu spoke as his eyes glowed a slight red.
    “Nooo,” Maki replied weakly.
    “Fine!” Ryu spoke as he released her tits and shot a fireball that burned away her clothing.  He then placed her nipples between his fingers, where he squeezed, rubbed, and pulled on them until they were erect.  He then released them and used his fingers to spread her cunt lips before sticking a finger inside.  The woman’s eyes burst wide as she saw him use his knees to spread her legs.  She wanted to scream, but nothing came out when she opened her mouth.
    Ryu’s hands returned to her breasts as his erect member pressed against the woman’s entrance.  With an evil sneer on his face, Ryu rammed his member into her dry pussy.  Maki screamed in agony as Ryu went deeper and deeper inside her.  He watched as tears poured out of her eyes and smiled evilly as he quickened his pace.  Every nerve in Maki’s body was on fire as pain gripped her.  She wanted to push him off, but she couldn’t.  She wanted beg him to stop and she couldn’t.  She could only stand there and take it as the man raped her, going deeper and deeper inside, filling her.  Ryu could see the pain in the woman’s eyes.  This just fueled his lust as he pumped faster.
    After a few minutes, Maki could feel a warmth in her loins.  It got hotter and hotter and began to spread.  Soon, sweat poured out of every pore in her body as passion gripped every nerve.  The woman was baffled.
    “That’s my spunk.  It will make you mine,” Ryu growled as he watched her fearful eyes change slightly.  He could see her mouth slowly turn into a wicked smile.  He was even pleasantly surprised when he felt her legs grip him while her pussy gripped his cock.  The woman began to buck her hips, milking more of his spunk from his dick. 
    “STOP IT, RYU!” Sakura yelled, regaining her senses.
    “NOOO!!  I WANT THIS!!” Maki shouted.
    “I WANT THIS!!  I TOLD HIM TO DO THIS!!” Maki shouted as her body convulsed and she experienced a mind-numbing climax.  Her eyes slammed shut as her body erupted.  The woman thrashed wildly as Ryu pulled her close to him, squashing her heaving breasts against his chest.  He loved how she felt, pressed against his body.
    “WHAT THE FUCK!?!” Dan yelled as he entered the room.
    “Ryu . . . he’s . . .” Sakura stammered.
    “Come on!” Dan shouted as he grabbed Sakura’s hand and lead her out of the locker room, not bothering to watch Maki as she climaxed yet again.


Later that Night

    “I didn’t do anything!” Sakura yelled.
    “Are you telling me that Maki wanted that to happen?”
    “That’s what she said.”
    “You didn’t leave the room?”
    “I didn’t know what was happening!”
    “You lie!” Dan snarled as he slapped Sakura. 
    “OUCH!” Sakura yelped.  The woman would have normally blocked it, but she wasn’t ready for it.  Nor did she know how to react since Dan had never struck her, not even in practice when he tried.  But before she could react, the door to their room flung open.
    “Ryu?!” Dan shouted.
    “Bastard!” Ryu seethed as he charged Dan.  Within the next few minutes.  Dan Hibiki threw furniture around the motel room.  His fireballs, punches, and kicks were totally useless against a foe that was teleporting from place to place.  He could hear the man laugh, but he couldn’t see who he was.  Instead, he could sense that the someone was in the room with him.  It didn’t help that Dan accidentally hit the light switch, cutting power to the room either.  However, the fighter was still intent on fighting off the foe.  He had used all the decorations likes vases and paintings.  Once those were used up, he started with pillows and lamps.  Then, he started using chairs.  The wooden chairs didn’t last long against the walls.  Eventually, he was swinging a coat hanger.  Unfortunately, the coat hanger got stuck in the wall.  When Dan went for another object, a hard uppercut met his face.  This was followed by a kick to the gut and then a series of
punches and kicks that sent the beaten fighter crashing to the ground.
    Sakura watched as he mentor collapsed in a heap.  The young woman took a defensive stance only to see Ryu appear before her.  “S . . . stay back . . . I don’t know . . .” Sakura stammered.
    “Put your hands down and get on the bed,” Ryu spoke as his eyes glowed red.
    “Put my hands down and get on the bed,” Sakura repeated as she obeyed while Ryu closed the door behind him.
    Within seconds, Ryu was on top of Sakura and her clothes were a distant memory.  The man rammed his dick into the young woman’s pussy.  He enjoyed every second of it as he realized that Sakura had really grown in the last few years.  Her breasts were bigger, her legs were longer, but her body was still tight.  The young woman was always quite a spitfire, but her fighting spirit had been extinguished thanks to Ryu’s dick, which battered her will.
    “Oh fuck yes!” Sakura exclaimed as she spread her legs further and further apart.
    “You like this?”
    “Oh yes!  I was a fool to leave you and take Dan as my instructor!” Sakura exclaimed.
    “That was foolish, but now you are back with me!” Ryu yelled.
    “Fuck me!” Sakura begged as her hands gripped the bottom of her thighs, pulling them toward her, giving Ryu more access to her dipping pussy.  She tried to keep her grip, but eventually she had to let go.  It didn’t really matter at that point.  Soon, the woman was gripping her own breasts, pulling them.  She had never felt so good in her life.
    After a few minutes, Sakura gripped Ryu’s broad shoulders and wrapped her legs around the man’s back.  She bucked and rode his dick for all she was worth.  The man had filled her sex with his sperm and now she was filled with lust for him.  And she would do anything in order to quench some of that lust.


An Hour Later

    Ryu quickly opened and closed the door to his room.  A barely conscious Sakura was being carried under his right arm like a hunter returning home with his latest catch.  However, he was shocked to find both Lucia and Poison on his bed, naked.  The two women spread their legs and were rubbing their pussy lips with their fingers while they licked their lips.  “What are you doing here?” Ryu asked.
    “I came here for revenge . . .” Lucia moaned.
    “No she didn’t, Ryu.  I came here for a good time . . . and so did she . . . at least, that’s what she realized after I convinced her.  Seems like neither one of us were able to get your hard cock out of our minds,” Poison panted.
    “You what?” Ryu asked.
    “Let me show you,” Poison cooed as she slipped off the bed.  The woman quickly made her way to Ryu, who was also naked since he didn’t bother dressing after leaving Dan’s room. “What a nice cock,” Posion moaned as she pumped Ryu’s cock with her right hand while she kissed the head with her lips. 
    “Oh yea,” Ryu panted as he stood above the kneeling woman.
    “You like to see my mouth on your cock?” Poison asked without waiting for a reply as she took Ryu’s dick into her mouth.  The woman pumped her head as she never broke eye contact with the Japanese fighter.  Her left hand was playing with her own left breast as she sucked Ryu’s tool.
    “Ohhh,” Ryu moaned as he pulled his dick out of Poison’s mouth right before he dropped Sakura unceremoniously to the ground.
    “No!  I need it!” Poison yelled.
    “You do?” Ryu asked as he sat down on a chair and spread his legs.
    “Yes.  I need you.  Please,” Poison begged as both hands reached out for Ryu.  The woman noticed that Ryu didn’t say no so she crawled to him on her knees and licked the head of his dick.  Seeing that he wasn’t telling her to stop, she started to caress the sides of his dick with her hands while her tongue licked his head.  Slowly, the woman slid his member into her mouth and began to piston back and forth on it.  Her right hand began to play with his balls while her left hand gripped his leg for support.
    Ryu didn’t say anything as he reached down and gripped her right breast.  He pinched her nipple as the woman moaned around his dick.  Then, he released the nipple and weighed her breast with his hand.  “Let’s give these some play,” Ryu smiled.
    “Yes sir,” Poison spoke as she allowed Ryu’s dick to slid out of her mouth.  She then pushed her breasts together with both hands as she spat again and again into the small hole between them.  Poison released her breasts and sandwiched them around Ryu’s dick.  Ryu began to thrust up and down as Poison held her tits together.  “I got them nice and wet.  Fuck my tits.  Oh yea!  Keep going!  I like to work for you!  How does that feel?  You like fucking my tits?”  Oh yea!” Rose moaned
    “Yea.  Feels like fucking your tight pussy.  Squeeze those titties nice and tight,” Ryu moaned as Poison complied.  Eventually, Ryu exploded as his spunk landed on Rose’s throat and dripped down to her breasts.  The woman then used her left hand, collected some of it, and licked it clean off her fingers.  “You like?” Ryu asked.
    “I like,” Poison replied as her eyes glowed red.
    Lucia watched intently as her fingers pumped in and out of her pussy.  The more Ryu fucked Poison, the more she envisioned herself riding the man’s dick.  Her imagination stroked her own lust as she rammed more and more fingers into her pussy while increasing her own speed.  It didn’t take long for the woman to climax either.  She released a long, loud wail as her body shuddered.   The bed rattled as she rode her own climax.
    The noise was enough to rouse Sakura from her sleep.  The young woman tried to stand on her wobbly legs, but found it too hard.  Instead, she crawled on her hands and knees to toward Ryu.  The young woman gripped Ryu’s left leg as she slowly licked Ryu’s balls with her tongue.  She heard the man moan with each lick.  Sakura knew that Ryu was enjoying it.  His enjoyment caused her pussy to stir as small droplets of pussy juice fell onto the carpet.
    “Hello?” a voice meekly spoke, followed by a knock on the door.
    “Who . . . who is . . . it?” Ryu asked, trying to catch his breath.
    “It’s me . . . Maki,” the woman replied.
    “Get the door,” Ryu ordered as Lucia nodded and ran toward the door.  Unfortunately, her climax had left her just as weak as Sakura.  The woman tripped several times before she finally managed to make her way to the door, where she opened it.
    Maki was wearing her red outfit when she entered the room.  The woman wasn’t wearing it long as she quickly slipped out of it when she saw Poison riding Ryu’s dick.  Maki’s pussy began dripping as her hands started to roam up and down her body.  The woman quickly ran toward Ryu and pressed engorged nipples against his left arm.  She then pressed her breasts against his arm and began sliding them up and down.
    Lucia slammed the door shut and immediately did the same with Ryu’s right arm.  “Do me next,” she begged Ryu.
    “No.  Do me,” Maki begged.
    “Why are you here and how did you find me?” Ryu asked. 
    “I’ve been looking for you for hours now.  I found you when I heard all the commotion coming from the room.  I figured this was your room,” Maki panted.
    “Why are you looking for me?”
    “When we met earlier . . . I didn’t want you to touch me . . . but your words . . . they made so hot . . . and your dick . . . your dick made me feel so good . . . I need that feeling again.”
    “Really now?”
    “Yes.  Your words . . . the more you spoke, the more they made sense.  I agree with you.  I need it.”
    “And how do you know that?”
    “I fucked two other people before coming here.  None of them could satisfy me.”
    “No one can satisfy me either,” Lucia groaned.
    “No one can satisfy us except you, Ryu!” Poison screamed as she climaxed.  Her pussy clamped down on Ryu’s dick, causing him to shoot his load inside the woman’s pussy, flooding it. 
    For the next three hours, Ryu fucked Lucia, Maki, Sakura, and Poison.  Afterwards, each one simply begged him for more.  However, the man was exhausted.  Thus, he simply told them that he wanted to rest and that they should go to sleep.  All four women immediately nodded and went to sleep.  That’s when Ryu realized that he had an incredible amount of power over the women.  Then an idea crept into his head as an evil smile appeared on his face.  Ryu had a plan.



    Jessica Haggar wore a body-hugging red cocktail dress.  Her blonde hair cascaded past her shoulders as she walked calmly in her four inched red heels.  She and Cody had just finished dinner and the man had just dropped her at home.  Her boyfriend Cody had driven away the minute he assisted her inside her apartment.  The woman was still slightly tipsy from all the alcohol that she had drank during the dinner.  She slowly made her way to her bedroom, where she flicked the light switch, but the lights didn’t turn on.  The woman flicked the switch up and down several times, cursing her luck.  Suddenly, the lights behind her turned off too.  The woman turned in shock and was met by a glowing fireball that knocked her off her feet and the wind right out of her.  The woman then felt some wrap itself around her waist as the room began to spin.  That’s when she realized that the room wasn’t spinning; she was.
    When she stopped spinning, she was roughly deposited on the floor.  The woman blinked her eyes a few times and realized that she couldn’t see.  It didn’t take long for Jessica to realize that she had been blindfolded and that her hands were bound behind her back since she was quite use to that thanks to the Mad Gear.  But what she wasn’t expecting was someone pouncing on her back.  The woman struggled as she felt her dress being ripped from her body.  Within seconds, the woman was clad in her heels, her red thong, and her bra.  Goose bumps ran up and down her body when she felt a hand caress her naked thigh.  The woman screamed and tried to kick her assailant, but missed.
    Instead, the woman was greeted with a hard smack to the ass, which echoed throughout the room.  She continued to struggle as she felt the hands move up her ribs and to her breasts.  There, the hands roughly squeezed them as if they were trying to milk her.  The woman screamed as she felt her left breast being freed.  But like before, she received a hard swat to her ass.  Then, her right breast was released as a series of light slaps rained down on her face.  The woman screamed with each hit as the slaps got harder.  Then without warning, the slaps stopped and the hands gripped her throat.  The hands gave her throat a hard squeeze, cutting off her air supply.  This caused the woman to struggle even more, but the lack of oxygen stopped that dead in their tracks.  Soon, the woman was fighting for air.  That’s when a gruff sinister spoke into her air, “Don’t fight too much or I will snap your neck.  Then I’ll snap the neck of that useless boyfriend
and musclebound father of yours.”
    Jessica felt a chill go up and down her spine as the words lodged into her brain.  Her kicking stopped and that’s when the assailant started to spank her.  Within seconds, her ass was as fiery as her torn cocktail dress.  The pain was too much as the woman laid still and sobbed.  The attacker then positioned her on her side untied her wrists.  He then laid her on her back and attacked her breasts with his hands again.  Jessica groaned miserably as the attacker bent forward and tried to steal a kiss from her.  His tongue licked her lips and nose as Jessica quickly turned away.  This caused the man to release her breasts as he tried to grab onto her head, but the woman’s hands clawed at the floor, trying to get away.
    The man growled angrily as he slipped his right hand between her legs while his left hand slipped over her left shoulder and gripped her throat.  He then repositioned her so that she was on all fours.  Jessica tried to fight the positioning at first, but held the pose after told her that he would allow her to breath is she complied.  With her ass in the air, the man continued to spank her.  Each one thundering throughout the room accompanied by Jessica’s yelps.  In addition, the man placed his other hand on the nape of her neck in an effort to keep her head down and ass up.  Eventually, he released her neck and the woman shot up in order to protect her ass.  The man ran his left hand across her tits before he tried to kiss her again.  Jessica fought off his face with her hands as she tried to remove the blindfold.  The man angrily gripped her hair and yanked it repeatedly.  Jessica screamed and fell forward.  The man then pinned her head against the
floor as he spanked her some more.  But after a few spanks, he gripped her bra and unclasped it, allowing it to fall to the ground.
    Wanting to protect herself, Jessica spread her arms and allowed herself to fall heavily onto the floor.  The woman even straightened her legs in order to press her tits against the floor and out of the man’s hands.  Unfortunately, she made a grave miscalculation.  She only realized this when the man parted her legs and ripped her thong off.  Within seconds, she felt the man’s powerful hands on her thighs and his teeth on her ass.  He left five sets of teeth marks on her ass before he stopped.  That’s when he started to run his fingers along her pussy lips.  But something wasn’t right.  His hands were burning and the heat was making Jessica hot more ways than one.  Instead of being disgusted by the man’s actions, Jessica found herself enjoying it, even wanting more of it.  In fact, the woman began to coo.
    The man smiled evilly as he laid on top of her and rammed his erect dick into her pussy.  His hands gripped her hips as he thrust again and again.  The woman grunted as she voluntarily got on all fours.  An ecstatic yelp escaped her lips when she felt the man’s fiery hands against her heaving breasts and engorged nipples.  Her body felt so alive as he pumped in and out of her.  And like a steamroller, her orgasm tore through her.  Jessica’s body quaked and shuddered violently for over a minute and the attacker still hadn’t climaxed.  In fact, the woman endured two more mind numbing orgasms before she fell onto the floor.  There, she had her fourth.  It was then that the man pulled out.
    Jessica felt a presence in front of her.  She felt her head being raised as the blindfold was torn off.  It took her eyes weary eyes to get use to the light, but when they did, she was shocked to see Ryu.  The man was naked, but his red eyes caught her attention immediately.  The man’s hands gripped her cheeks and held her head in place as he rammed his dick into her mouth.  She could taste some of his spunk and her own juices as she tongued his cock.  However, Ryu wasn’t interested in that as he without any warning, shot his thick load into her mouth.  His spunk spurted out of her mouth as she continued to drink it, hoping not to drown.  The man’s white spunk dribbled all the way down her heaving breasts, down her flat stomach, and between her legs before it pooled onto the floor.  And when Ryu finally stopped, Jessica wanted more.
    “Not now.  Pack your things and don’t forget your valuables.  You’re not coming back here,” Ryu spoke as Jessica nodded.  The woman didn’t even look at the door when it opened and her old female friends and enemy entered the room.  The other women followed Jessica to her bedroom, where they collected money, jewelry, and clothing.
    As the woman went to the bedroom, the door flung open again.  “Ryu!?” Cody exclaimed.  The man was shocked to see a barely clothed Ryu standing in his girlfriend’s home.
    Ryu’s eyes glowed bright red as he stared at Cody’s wide opened eyes.  “You and Jessica are through.  That’s what you’ll tell Haggar.  Understood?”
    “I . . . I . . .” Cody stammered, unable to pull his eyes away.
    “In fact . . . you are going to rob a convenience store tonight and get yourself arrested.  Understand?”
    “I . . . I . . .”
    “Just do it!” Ryu snarled as his eyes grew even redder until the glow populated Cody’s entire iris.  That’s when the man nodded and left Jessica’s home.


Months Later

    Rose parked her rental car in front of the large cabin in a secluded part of a snowy mountain.  The woman then exited the car and took the bags of groceries with her.  She opened the front door and entered the cabin, closing the door behind her.  Rose then entered the kitchen and placed all the fruit and vegetables inside the refrigerator.  Then she placed her Tarot cards onto the table.  She did a quick reading and found that things were in balance.  The evil that she feared was no longer in the cards.  The woman sighed as put the cards away and glanced at the newspaper on the counter.  Rose didn’t like the fact that Cody was in jail for robbery as well as leading police on a high speed chase, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it since he did steal a car and rob a store.  The woman sighed as she made her way to the bedroom.
    The gypsy woman didn’t say a word as she walked between the bodies on the floor.  She saw Lucia and Poison engaged in a sixty-nine, eating each other’s pussy with energy and vigor.  However, Rose’s attention quickly turned to what has happening on the bed.  The bed was rattling as a buxom blonde ran her hands through her wet hair while her large breasts bounced as she rode Ryu’s cock.  The man’s hands gripped her hips as she slammed herself again and again while he thrust into her.  Rose knew the woman as Jessica Haggar
    “OH YEA!  FUCK!!  OH FUCK YEA!!” Jessica moaned as she humped Ryu’s dick while her tits jiggled about.  The woman was covered in sweat and lust on her face.  Her hands ran through her long blonde hair, almost ripping out various strands before she clutched and squeezed her own breasts.
    “HERE IT COMES!” Ryu grunted through gritted teeth right before he shot his load into the woman’s pussy.  Jessica wailed like a banshee as she climaxed and fell on top of Ryu.  Her body quaked violently as her eyes rolled into the back of her skull.  Drool drenched Ryu’s face as the woman laid on top of her.  He loved the feel of her quivering body on top of his.  But when it was over, the man slowly rolled her off of him.
    “Are you done?” Rose asked.
    “Maybe,” Ryu replied with a smug look on his face.
    “The Dark Hadou no longer grips your soul,” Rose replied.
    “That’s because I’ve been busy,” Ryu laughed as he pointed at the corner.
    The woman glanced at the love seat in the corner and saw a very pregnant Sakura sitting there as Maki sucked on the woman’s right breast.  The gypsy woman felt her pussy tingle as she slowly turned her attention back to Ryu, who laid on the bed with his hands behind his head.  “You’ve found a way to channel it,” the woman softly spoke.
    “Yes I have.  But why are you here?”
    “You know why.”
    “Then get to it,” Ryu replied as Rose nodded. 
    The woman quickly stripped and impaled herself on Ryu’s cock.  She started to bounce up and down just like Jessica before her.  “Oh yes!  Fuck me!  I’ve been thinking of your cock for a week now!” Rose screamed.
    “Then why don’t you live here?” Ryu asked.  Rose didn’t reply.  Yet she knew that she would eventually make the move.  The more she fucked Ryu, the more she thought of him and his cock.  She knew it had something to do with the darkness inside Ryu, but if sex kept it under control, she was willing to make the visits.  Yet, she knew that she would be corrupted by him some day.  And although Rose knew that day was fast approaching, she pushed it out of her head as she concentrated on the cock deep inside her and the pleasure that it gave her.

The End