Street Fighter: A Disastrous Plan
By Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by Capcom are owned and created by Capcom. And
even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by
Capcom, they are still owned by Capcom. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and
unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal
for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: Over the years, I started and stopped several stories.  Some times, I keep some of the parts where I copy and paste them to other stories.  This is one of those stories.  Someone made a mod of new SF game and put Chun Li in a catsuit.  That gave me the idea for this story.  I do not edit my stories so here’s hoping that it makes sense.

Feel free to e-mail me at <
[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Street Fighter: A Disastrous Plan
By Night Creeper

    “Are you okay?” Chun Li asked softly.
    “I’ve felt better,” Guile replied.
    The Chinese woman stood silently and tried to find the right words as she tried not to make eye contact with the injured American.  Guile’s left leg was broken and his arms were heavily bandaged.  He also had several cuts and bruises on his face.  His ribs were heavily taped as he laid on the hospital bed, unable to move.  “This is all my fault!  I should have been there!” Chun Li finally shouted.
    “It’s not your fault and do keep it down.  You’re in a hospital,” Guile warned.
    “My superiors called me away from your investigation and you got ambushed.  If I were there, you wouldn’t be here.”
    “If you were there, we would both look like this.  Bison and his men are bad news.  It’s going to take more than punches and kicks to defeat them.”
    “I’ve trained long and hard!  I can take him!  I have a plan!”
    “I know you’re mad, Chun Li.  I am too.  But you cannot face Bison alone.  You’re barely entered your twenties.  Just because you devoted your life to training doesn’t mean you will be able to handle Bison.”
    “Excuse me, I have to give the man his pills,” a nurse spoke as she placed a few pills inside Guile’s mouth.  She then placed a cup of water against his lips, tilted it slight, and allowed the water to slide into the man’s mouth, where he took a big gulp and swallowed the pills.
    “Chun Li . . . promise me that you won’t go and fight Bison by yourself . . .” Guile spoke as he began to slur his speech.
    “What’s going on?” Chun Li asked.
    “I gave him a sedative and some painkillers.  He’s in pretty bad shape,” the nurse spoke as she headed out the room.
    “Don’t . . . don’t fight . . . Bison alone,” Guile continued.
    “I will avenge you, Guile!”
    “No . . . don’t . . . do . . .” Guile slurred before passing out.
    The Chinese woman’s eyes darted back and forth and spotted a small pile of papers in the corner.  She quickly picked them up and scanned the pages.  She was surprised to see the location of the Shadoloo base scribbled on the paper.  “Guile’s notes.  I can use these to track down Bison,” Chun Li thought as she used her cell phone and took a quick picture.  “Sorry Guile . . . I have to do this.  I will avenge you,” the woman spoke right before she bowed and dashed out of the room.
    An hour later, Cammy entered the room and saw the papers.  She began to thumb through them when the nurse entered the room.  “Can I help you?” the nurse inquired.
    “I’m a friend of the man here.  Did you see a Chinese woman in here earlier?”
    “Yes.  She ran out of here at a very fast pace.  Several members of the staff warned her about running in the hallways,” the nurse replied.
    “Do you know where she went?”
    “I do not.  Guile might be able to help you, but he’s going to be asleep for a while.”
    “No need.  I think I know where she went,” Cammy spoke as she memorized the notes that Guile had written and dashed out of the room.
    “Please don’t run!” the nurse yelled at the British woman.
    “Excuse me,” one of the custodians spoke as he entered the room with a large trash bag.
    “Excuse me,” the nurse spoke as she quickly left the room and allowed the man to clean up.  The custodian emptied the trash, sprayed the window, and cleaned the room.  Then he threw the papers into his bag and left the room.


Hours Later

    “I waited a long time for this!” Chun Li growled.
    “Let me get this straight.  You joined Interpol so you could track my actions.  You broken into my fortress against the orders of your superiors.  All because I killed your father when you were a young girl?” M. Bison sneered.
    “You mock me!” Chun Li snarled as she charged the man, only to have him cross his arms and teleport away.
    “I am flattered that you would devote your entire life to tracking me down.  Sounds a little like stalking to me.  Most stalkers lust for the person that they’re stalking.  Is this your plan?”
    “BASTARD!” Chun Li screamed as she leapt toward him and delivered her Lightning Kicks.  Once again, Bison teleported away.  He reappeared right behind the Chinese woman.  His right hand slapped the thigh of her kicking leg and felt her powerful muscles exerting a great deal of energy to deliver the kicks.  Meanwhile, he reached forward with his left hand and gave the woman’s left breast a mighty squeeze.  Chun Li yelped and stopped her kicking.  The woman then fought free from Bison’s grasp and delivered a fireball.  The vile man simply crossed his arms and teleported behind her.  This time, he slapped her on the ass since it was so high in the air.  “BASTARD!” Chun Li spat as she turned only to have Bison catch her high kick with his right hand.
    “Enough,” Bison growled as his the larger man used his left hand to grip Chun Li’s throat.  He squeezed her throat, closing the air passageway.  Chun Li began to thrash as she slammed her fingers against the man’s hand, trying to pull them apart.  Without saying a word, Bison’s hand glowed as he slammed her hard against the wall.  He then released her leg and punched her in the stomach.  Chun Li would have doubled over in pain if it wasn’t for Bison’s powerful grip.  Then without warning, Bison channeled all his power to his left hand.  The Chinese woman wailed as she felt every nerve in her body explode as Bison sent an overwhelming and constant blast of Psycho Power into her body. 
    “AAAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGRRRRR!!!” Chun Li wailed in pain.
    M. Bison laughed as the Chinese woman screamed.  His other hand caressed the woman’s muscular thigh and ran it toward her crotch.  He jammed his thumb against her panties covering her sex.  The Chinese woman gasped and tried to kick the man, but her kicks were ineffective against the man’s large frame.  Instead, the kicks annoyed Bison, who ran his hand up her chest and ripped the part of her outfit covering her breasts.  His hand then made short work of her bra.  He then cupped Chun Li’s breast and squeezed like a juicer squeezing an orange. 
    “AAAAAARRRRGGGGGG!!” the Chinese woman wailed in pain as she felt her life draining from his iron grip around her throat.
    Bison kneaded her breasts with his powerful grip.  His hands savagely groped the woman’s tits, bruising them while his nails cut into her soft flesh.  As her eyes glazed over, Chun Li thought her tits were on fire due to Bison’s assault.  Hence, the woman almost welcomed the hot saliva and cold air that brushed against her boobs once Bison released his grip and attacked with his mouth and tongue.  The biting snapped her back to reality for a few seconds, but then she started to fade yet again, only to snap back when Bison chomped down on her engorged nipple. 
    The Chinese woman sobbed pitifully as her legs no longer kicked and her hands no longer had the strength to even attempt to pry his hands apart.  The proud female warrior felt defeated as she desperately gasped for breath.  Her arms hung by her sides as her pride vanished.  Chun Li’s spirit was the next to go as her body starved for oxygen.
    “You should have listened to orders and stayed put.  Your foolish pride has proven to be your downfall.  You might be a skilled fighter, but you’re still an amateur compared to me.  You made a grave mistake when you decided to challenge me.  The life that you once knew is over now!” Bison growled as he pulled his face away from her heaving chest.
    “Kill me,” Chun Li gasped, thinking that death would be a release from all the pain.
    “So be it,” Bison replied as he gave her throat another mighty squeeze as he shot another jolt of Psycho Power through the defenseless woman.  But before he gave her the final blow, he loosened his hold and kept his power in check.  “Although . . . killing you would be too easy.  You’re still a young woman.  I can have a lot of fun with your young lithe body.  Your tits are rather large for a woman of your size.  They make you look like you can fall over.  Perhaps I should keep you.  Yes!  You’re not much of a fighter, but you’ll be good for other things!  You’re mine now, Chun Li!” Bison proclaimed as he tore Chun Li’s panties off and dropped the woman to the ground.
    Chun Li crumpled to the ground and gasped for breath.  Her body ached as she made no effort to cover her naked tits and her defenseless sex.  All resistance had left the woman.  She knew she had made a huge mistake in challenging Bison, but it was too late.  “Shouldn’t have come . . . should have stayed away . . . this was a disastrous plan,” Chun Li’s mind groaned.  Soon, the room was filled with Chun Li’s agonizing shrieks.


    Cammy ran through the corridors of Bison’s fortress.  It wasn’t hard to find the path that Chun Li took, she simply had to follow the trail of the fallen guards.  The British woman was the Chinese woman’s backup since no one else even knew where she was.  She knew that Chun Li had disobeyed a direct order when it came to tracking down Bison.  Cammy was hoping that she could get a piece of Bison before Chun Li laid waste to him, which is why she was shocked when she ran into the room that Bison and Chun Li fought in earlier.
    “Cripes!” Cammy gasped as she saw a sweating and panting Chun Li, who was completely nude minus the torn stockings on her legs.  The Chinese woman sobbed miserably as her bruised breasts jiggled back and forth with each thrust.  Her legs were split as Bison held onto her knees and thrust unmercifully into her violated pussy.  The woman’s hands laid next to her head as she did nothing to resist.
    “Let her go!” Cammy shouted as she took to the air.  M. Bison turned his head toward the door and was immediately met with Cammy’s thighs around his head.  The British woman squeezed the man’s head and tried to flip him over, but quickly discovered that she couldn’t.  Instead, Bison’s hands released Chun Li’s knees and grabbed Cammy’s hips instead.  The man’s vile tongue then slipped under Cammy’s leotard and quickly found her pussy lips.  His hands gripped her legs and held her in position as Cammy felt his hot breath against her legs.  Within seconds, his tongue was inside her.  The British woman gasped as she bucked against Bison’s face as he licked her for quite some time.
    “You taste good,” Bison finally spoke as he pulled his drenched lips from Cammy’s sex.
    “No . . . stop it . . .” Cammy panted.
    “No.  Let’s continue,” Bison laughed as he bit down on her thin part of the leotard and ripped it with his teeth.  This gave him better access to Cammy’s dripping pussy.  He then attacked her pussy feverishly as the woman moaned and gyrated, trying to escape his powerful grip.  It didn’t take Bison long to be rewarded by a flood of Cammy’s juices as the woman climaxed.
    “Ahhhhh!” Cammy moaned as her body quaked.  Her legs wrapped around Bison’s head tightly and gave one final squeeze before releasing his head.  The woman then landed hard onto the floor beside the defeated Chun Li.
    Bison pulled his dick out of Chun Li’s soggy pussy and immediately rammed his manhood into Cammy’s quivering sex.  The British woman screamed as she felt Bison’s girth inside her.  The loud scream shook Chun Li as the Chinese woman rolled her head to the side.  “Help me,” Cammy pleaded when she saw Chun Li’s teary red eyes.
    “She can’t, Cammy.  She’s broken.  You should have heard her howl earlier.  She begged me to stop while pumping her body against mine.  Basically, her mouth told me not to continue but her body told me otherwise.  After a while, she didn’t say a word.  Chun Li is ashamed that I brought the inner slut out of her.  The once proud and noble Chun Li is gone.  Just this beaten shell remains,” Bison laughed as he gripped Cammy’s hips.
    “Help me,” the British woman pleaded, but was shocked to see Chun Li turn her head away.
    “What did I tell you?  The slut is ashamed of herself.  She failed miserably and now she’s mine, just like you,” Bison sneered.
    “Nooo!” Cammy moaned as she climaxed yet again.  Her hands shot up to her head and gripped her own pigtails as she rode out her orgasm. 
    With a smile on his face, Bison took the opportunity to release her hips.  His hands then gripped the sides of the leotard above Cammy’s breasts and started ripping away as her body continue to quake.  He was then greeted by Cammy’s bared heaving breasts, jiggling about.  They looked so tantalizing that Bison couldn’t help but plant his hands on them.  He then gripped them tightly as he began to fuck Cammy’s pussy yet again.
    “HOLY SHIT!” Cammy wailed as she found her legs involuntarily wrap themselves around Bison’s body.  When she realized what she had done, she was reluctant to pull them apart.  Instead, she began to thrust back.
    “You’re a slut too,” Bison laughed.
    Cammy wailed as she continued to meet Bison’s thrusts.  Soon, the woman arched her back and came again.  The woman moaned and screamed as pleasure and pain tore through her body.  That’s when Cammy realized that Chun Li must have experienced the same thing earlier.  “This must be how he broke her.  HOLY SHIT!  This is how he’s going to break me too!” Cammy’s mind screamed in alarm while her body failed to do anything about it except follow the current course of action.
    “Almost,” Bison snarled as he continued to pump his dick in and out of Cammy’s sex.  Within seconds, the British woman climaxed again.  This time, her hands lost the strength to hold onto her pigtails.  Instead, her arms landed at her sides while her body quaked.  But Bison didn’t stop.  Even when Cammy’s voice was gone, he was still pumping in and out of her. 
    “Shouldn’t have come . . . should have stayed away . . . this was such a disastrous plan,” Cammy groaned pitifully to herself as she glanced at a sobbing Chun Li, who tried to crawl away.  She then saw Bison grab her ankle and pull her back.  The man’s hand then gave Chun Li’s firm sweaty buttocks five powerful slaps.  The Chinese woman didn’t dare move again as she laid there and sobbed sorrowfully.  However, a mighty thrust brought Cammy’s attention back to her own plight.  And much like Chun Li, Cammy no longer cared.  Instead, she begged for the darkness to claim her for it was something that she eagerly welcomed.


Weeks Later

    “Uggghh!” Chun Li grunted as her fingers gripped the bed.  The Chinese woman was on all fours as Bison rammed his cock in and out of her ass.  Although she still shuddered whenever Bison touches her, the Chinese woman always offered no resistance.  The former proud female fighter was now a shell of herself.  Bison made her walk on her hands and knees and never allowed her to walk upright.  She was severely punished whenever she tried.  To further humiliate her, Bison forced her to eat gruel and drink water from dog bowls.  If she refused to eat or drink like a dog, then she wouldn’t be allowed to eat or drink for days on end.  The Chinese woman made the mistake twice and never made it again.  Now, she would even lap the food and water from the floor if she spilled any.  She was also forced to either sleep on the cold floor beside Bison’s bed or in a cage.  And to cement her status, Chun Li’s legs were squeezed into a pair of skintight six inch
stiletto platform thigh-high boots.  She also wore a pair of fingerless skintight latex arm-length gloves.  Both were colored blue like her old street fighting uniform.  The white buns in her hair were still present.  Her old spiked bracelets were removed and melted down in order to create the black collar that adorned her neck.  Her spikes were smoothed down to nothing more than little round studs that encircled the collar, which had an O-ring for her leash.  This was the only outfit that Chun Li was now allowed to wear.
    “Faster!  Harder!” Bison ordered as he furiously pumped his dick in and out of Chun Li’s ass while his hands reached forward and gripped her large breasts for support.  His strokes were long and violent.  The man enjoyed driving his dick forcefully into her ass while she was on all fours.  It helped reenforce her place in life now.
    It didn’t take long for Chun Li to climax.  The woman bucked as the orgasm ripped through her body.  She could feel the man’s hot spunk fill her ass.  Eventually, the woman slumped onto the bed, tears rolling down her face as she panted for breath.
    Bison pulled out of the woman’s ass and wiped his cock all over her buttocks.  He smiled as he admired his large insignia of the skull with wings tattooed where Chun Li’s back met her ass.  Bison gave her a quick pat on the head as he undid her leash from the bedpost, which allowed him to flip the woman over.  He then pressed his lips against Chun Li’s and drove his tongue deep into her mouth. 
    “Hmmmm,” Chun Li moaned as she submissively allowed the man’s tongue to slurp and press against the inside of her mouth while her own tongue rubbed against his.  She even went as far as wrapping her arms around the back of the man’s neck and brought him on top of her body so she could press her sweaty breasts against his chest.  The woman was trying to do everything to avoid the next position.  When Bison tried to break the kiss, she pulled him back down.  This time, she was the aggressor as she stuck her tongue into Bison’s mouth and wrestled with his tongue.  In fact, the man tried to pull away from her and was thwarted both times.  However, he was successful on the third.
    “Not bad,” Bison spoke as he pressed both knees into the bed and clamped them against her ribs.  The Chinese woman groaned as she placed both hands against her breast.  She pressed them together and Bison rammed his dick between them.  He pumped it back and forth against her sweaty breasts.  Chun Li would tilt her head forward and occasionally spit on the head of Bison’s dick.  Some times, she wold miss and hit her own breasts.  But she didn’t care.
    The only thing that Chun Li really cared about was Bison’s dick.  She tried to do everything in her power to keep it hard.  The woman was disappointed when Bison placed his hands on her wrists and pulled them away from her breasts.  Then with one quick thrust, his dick touched her lips.  He then released her wrists and Chun Li knew what he wanted her to do.  She wrapped her right hand around his dick and pushed it into her mouth.  She bobbed her head on his dick a few times before pulling it out of her mouth.  She then stroked it furiously with her right hand as she spat repeatedly on the head of his dick.  The woman wasn’t trying to get him lubricated.  No.  She was trying to get the smell of her ass off of his dick.  Unfortunately, she couldn’t as Bison rammed his dick back into her mouth, causing the woman’s cheeks to puff up.
Chun Li then slurped the head with her tongue and was forced to lick the sides of his dick as well.  She fought hard against the urge to gag and vomit.
    Once Bison was hard again, he pulled out of Chun Li’s mouth.  Chun Li quickly reached under the pillow behind her and tugged on the chain.  Within seconds, Cammy appeared on the bed.  The woman was wearing an outfit similar to Chun Li’s except the boots were green, the gloves were red, and the collar was red.  She still had her pigtails even though the cap was gone.  And just like Chun Li, Cammy wasn’t tamed either.  However, the woman was so scared of Bison, she wouldn’t even dream of disobeying him, especially since she tried to escape twice and was caught each time and punished accordingly.  The British woman quickly laid on her back and with her own fingers, she parted her pussy lips for Bison.
    The evil man didn’t waste any time as he slapped the head of his dick against her pussy lips.  He didn’t ram it into her.  Instead, she just teased her by slapping at against her thighs and pussy.  Cammy moaned as Chun Li watched on.  A smile appeared on Bison’s face as he watched Cammy’s own pussy begin to overflow with her own juices.  “Do you want it?” Bison asked.
    “I want your cock inside me,” Cammy responded, panting for breath.  Bison didn’t disappoint as he rammed his hard cock into Cammy’s pussy.  The woman screamed as he entered her.  She wrapped her legs around him and met his thrusts.  “Ohhhh,” Cammy moaned as her right arm held onto Chun Li’s leash, pulling the Chinese woman toward her.  Once Chun Li was close enough, Cammy’s left hand quickly found the woman’s pussy.  She then rammed three fingers into the woman’s dripping sex and began to thrust them in and out, much like Bison’s dick inside her pussy.  Each women then gave each other an look of total anguish before they began to mewl and moan liked well trained pets.  However, neither one was really acting as their bodies were responding to the stimuli.  And within a few minutes, Cammy climaxed as her pussy clamped down on Bison’s dick and tug at it while her body twisted and writhed beneath him.  Her fingers also twisted and
writhed inside Chun Li’s pussy, causing the woman to scream loudly.
    Eventually Cammy’s pussy released Bison’s dick.  He then separated  Cammy’s legs and tossed them aside.  With a great deal of speed, he thrust his dick into Chun Li’s mouth and exploded inside her mouth.  Chun Li screamed as the hot torrent flooded her mouth.  The Chinese woman quickly swallowed in order to keep up.  However, she still had some left when Bison pulled out of her mouth.  By this time, Cammy was on her knees, much like Chun Li.
    First, Chun Li hovered slightly over Cammy’s opened mouth.  The Chinese woman cupped the British woman’s cheeks and allowed some of Bison’s spunk to dribble out of her mouth.  It came down in long white strand, slowly at first.  Then the strand got fatter and picked up speed as Chun Li transferred it from her mouth to Cammy’s.  The Chinese woman then took her position as Cammy swallowed.  Both women’s cheeks touched either other as they both kissed and slurped the head of Bison’s dick.  Cammy was on the left and Chun Li on the right.  Both women would alternate between who took the head of his dick into their mouth and which one slid their tongue along the side.  Some times, the women’s tongues would bump into each other as they engaged in a kiss for a few seconds before turning their attention back to Bison’s dick.
    Eventually, Bison laid on his back and clutched the leashes of both women while they continued to jockey for position while servicing his member.  And this time around, Cammy was rewarded with a jet of sperm.  The British woman clamped her lips around his cock and placed her right hand against the base.  Chun Li tried to get in on the action, but was rebuffed by Cammy’s left hand pressed against her face.  The Chinese woman snarled and pressed on, but was pulled back by her leash.  A dismay Chun Li reluctantly pulled back and allowed Cammy to revel in both of their hard work and her success.  The British woman made sure that she swallowed every last drop and had cleaned his dick properly.
    “Very good, Cammy.  Do you want to watch or do you want to return to your cage?” Bison asked.
    “I want to watch,” Cammy replied, knowing that it was what Bison wanted to hear.
    “Excellent.  Remain on the bed.  Chun Li . . .” Bison spoke as he pointed at his pole.
    Chun Li nodded as she made her way to his dick.  Her tongue lapped at the head while her hands gripped and twisted the base for a few seconds.  Once his dick was hard again, the woman spread her pussy lips and slid it inside her pussy.  With the head of the dick inside her, Chun Li quickly impaled herself on Bison’s dick.  She slammed herself against his dick again and again as her tits jiggled.
    “Is Chun Li lucky, Cammy?” Bison asked.
    “Very much so,” a relieved Cammy replied.
    “Tell her then.”
    Cammy walked on her knees and pressed her tits against Chun Li’s back.  The woman the held on as she whispered into Chun Li’s ears.  “Better you than me, luv,” the British woman spoke as she released her grip and fell back onto the bed.  She then maneuvered herself to Bison’s right side as Chun Li planted her hands onto the bed so she could lock eyes with Bison.  The British woman then slid the back of her neck up Bison’s ribs.  She then reach up and began to suck on Chun Li’s left breast while both her hands were busy fingering her own sex.
    Chun Li groaned pitifully as she continued to ride Bison’s dick.  The Chinese woman knew full well that both she and Cammy had been given a steady stream of birth control pills after Bison captured them.  However, he had taken them off of them recently and started giving them fertility pills.  Tonight was the first night that Bison was fucking her pussy and she had lost the contest much like she had lost the battle against Bison.  The Chinese woman cursed the day that she disobeyed orders and stormed Bison’s fortress.  She cursed her inability to defeat Bison.  She also cursed Cammy, who was sucking on her breast, taunting her, reminding her that she would most likely be pregnant by sunrise.  Not only was she Bison’s sex slave, but soon she might be pregnant with his child.  Chun Li prayed that his spunk wouldn’t take and she would be given another chance to beat Cammy and put her in her place.  “I’ll get you,” Chun Li thought as she
glanced in Cammy’s direction.
    Bison chuckled as he glanced at the two helpless beauties before him.  He did not mind the fact that he hadn’t tamed them yet.  Instead, they were mostly naked and chained, constantly shuddering at his touch, but too fearful to stop him.  At first, both women were friends and tried to stop him.  They continued to work as a pair after they were captured.  But recently, Bison noticed that the women weren’t as cooperative with each other.  That’s when he hatched his yescurrent plan.  He was going to turn them against each other.  The man was still giving them birth control pills.  He simply lied, telling them that they were fertility pills.  But the threat of pregnancy was enough to make them turn on each other.  Soon, both women will only want to please him and screw the other.  Without showing any sign of emotion, he planted his right hand on Cammy’s breast and placed his left hand on Chun Li’s.  He then gave each a squeeze and heard both women
moan erotically.  Then a smile appeared on his face as Bison knew that each women could and would be tamed, and soon.


Months Later

    Guile sat in his wheelchair and scurried through his notes.  No one had heard or seen Cammy and Chun Li for months.  Ever since Guile was released from the hospital, the man had worked incredibly hard on trying to find his two female friends.  He contacted Interpol, who didn’t offer any help.  He contacted his superiors and was told that if he didn’t find anything in a few weeks, he should just drop it.  Guile had exceeded his deadline, but continued to work.  He moved his notes to the side and logged onto his PC.  As he surfed for information, a small icon appeared on the lower right hand corner of his screen, informing him that he had a message.  The man clicked on it and a video began to play on his PC that flabbergasted him.
    On the screen before him was Cammy with her back turned.  There was a thin black line of clothing that went from the crack of her ass, up her spine, and around her neck.  She still wore her old boots, red gloves, and red hat.  Her long blonde hair was still in pigtails, but she was sporting a large Shadoloo tattoo on her back.  The eyes of the skull were on each side of her spine and the wings stretched all the way to her shoulders.  She also had other circular symbols tattooed onto her legs.  When the woman turned around, Guile’s jaw almost hit the floor when he saw that she was wearing a sling bikini that, which covered her nipples and crotch and that was it.  The woman then struck a fighting stance.  “Target acquired,” the woman spoke calmly.
    “I’m the sluttiest woman in the world,” a very familiar voice spoke as the camera panned to the right.  This time, Guile’s jaw did drop to the floor.  The man couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  The Chinese woman, who was once his investigating partner still had the ox horns in her hair, but she covered from head to toe in tight black latex.  She basically looked like Catwoman from Batman Returns.  Her face was pale white and she had dark black eyeliner outlining her eyes and bright red lipstick on her lips.  Chun Li’s breasts were larger and were high on her chest as several white stitches ran throughout the outfit.
    “Fight!” Bison’s voice shouted even though he didn’t appear on camera.
    Cammy and Chun Li immediately attacked each other.  Guile could see that Cammy’s moves were fast and crisp, whereas Chun Li’s was slow and cautious.  He had no idea that the Chinese woman could barely walk in her eight-inched high heeled boots.  Nor did he know that the woman was forced to walk on her hands and knees most of the time.  He saw Cammy’s breasts jiggle while Chun Li’s didn’t, thanks to the tight material.  The two women exchanged punches and kicks.  Some were blocked and some connected.  Regardless, Guile was unable to pull his eyes away from the screen.
    “You fat titted cow!” Cammy growled as she wrapped her legs around Chun Li’s waist and squeezed.  The British woman even smacked her open palms on each side of Chun Li’s head. This caused Chun Li to drop to her knees as Cammy continued to squeeze.  Cammy even started slapping Chun Li’s firm breasts.  The Chinese woman started to moan.  “You’re enjoying this?” the British woman asked incredulously.
    “My fat melons are so sensitive . . . nipples so erect . . . feel like exploding,” Chun Li panted.
    “My!  You are a slutty whore, aren’t you?” Cammy smiled as she released Chun Li and kicked her in the back, forcing her to drop on all fours.  The British woman began to spank the Chinese woman’s ass, causing her to pant and moan.
    “Pussy . . . so wet . . .” Chun Li panted.
    “You’re cunt is wet?  Let’s see if it’s sensitive enough to feel my fingers through the latex,” Cammy sneered as she drove her right hand between Chun Li’s legs and rubbed furiously back and forth.
    “You’re not much of a fighter.  You’re only good for being collared and on your knees being fucked from behind, aren’t you fucking slut?”
    “Yes . . . so slutty . . . slutty . . . only good for fucking . . . need release . . . want release . . . live for release,” Chun Li repeated as drool dripped from her mouth and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
    “No Cammy!  Stop it!” Guile shouted.
    “Get ready to lose everything, slut!” Cammy shouted as she doubled her efforts.  Within a few minutes, Chun Li climaxed and shook violently.  Her scream reverberate through the air, permanently ingrained inot Guile’s mind.  The Chinese woman’s quaking body collapsed onto the ground as Cammy stood over the woman and struck a victory pose by turning her back to the camera.  She then planted her right hand on her hip and turned seductively to the left.  “Target vanquished, Master Bison,” Cammy spoke as Bison appeared on camera.
    “Not quite,” Bison spoke as he lifted Chun Li off the ground and deposited her unceremoniously onto a table.
    “I’ve lost Master Bison.  Cammy will be one of your operatives and I will be your breeding bitch,” Chun Li spoke without any tears as she slid off the table.  The woman pressed her waist against the table as Cammy unzipped the material covering her breasts.  Within seconds, the woman’s large mammaries were exposed as Guile felt his pants tighten when the woman turned around to face the camera.
    “What has he done to her?” Guile mouthed in shock as he watched the woman drop to her knees and serviced Bison’s dick with her lips and tongue before sliding him into her mouth.  The American saw her cheeks puff out to accommodate Bison.  He also saw her take his entire member while her nose was pressed against him and her chin against his balls.  He could also see her eyes fluttering as she cutoff her own air supply just to please him.  Drool started to drip down the sides of her mouth.  Eventually, she pulled her head back and allowed Bison’s sperm to splash against her face.  The woman then used her latex covered fingers to gather the spunk.  Then she licked her own hand like a cat until she had completely cleaned her face.
    “Good job,” Bison laughed as he locked a collar around Chun Li’s neck.
    “Fuck your slutty pussy,” Chun Li purred as she stood up and reached between her legs.  She then undid the zipper around her pussy and ass.  A small trickle of juices splashed onto the ground as Chun Li pulled back the zipper.  The Chinese woman then turned to face the table.  Once again, she pressed her hips against the table and spread her legs.  “Fuck your slutty pussy,” she cooed.
    Bison didn’t really need to be told since that was his plan all along.  The man rammed his hard member into the woman’s soppy pussy.  He gripped her hips and slammed into her again and again.  “Guile is watching.  Tell him,” Bison commanded.
    The angle of camera quickly changed as it showed Chun Li from the front.  Her face was clearly visible as were her tits, squashed against the table, sliding back and forth.  “I’m a stupid bitch for challenging Bison.  I was full of pride and arrogance.  I thought I could take him.  I was wrong.  I’m paying for my stupidity now.  For I take Bison all the time . . . in my cunt, my ass, my tits, and my mouth.  I have no more pride or will.  My only purpose is to serve Bison,” Chun Li moaned.
    “She does it quite well too,” Cammy snickered off to the side.
    “What has he done to you?” Guile mouthed as his pants strained to keep his dick from bursting through.
    “I’m going to be a brood mother, siring offspring for Bison left and right.  He already treats me like an animal, Guile.  I’m normally naked and walking on all fours.  I only get to stand upright when I wear this outfit.  Yet, I normally stay on all fours like a good slut pet.  I’m nothing but a worthless pussy; a cunt that is to be used and abused.  OH GOD!  I NEED HIS COCK SO BADLY!!  I CAN FEEL IT IN MY WOMB!!  I’M GOING TO BE PREGNANT!!” Chun Li screamed and climaxed right as Bison shot his load inside her.
    “By the way, Guile.  Your wife and daughter aren’t home right now.  Call your superiors and tell them that the trail for Chun Li and Cammy have gone completely cold.  Tell them that you are abandoning your worthless endeavor.  If you do, I promise you that I will not send Cammy to capture them.  Besides, I’m going to be awfully busy with fucking Chun Li.  Besides, there’s no need to rescue them.  They’re already broken beyond repair,” Bison spoke as he fondled Chun Li’s large breasts as the woman cooed seductively.
    “So broken . . . so wrong to defy Bison . . . so right to serve,” Chun Li panted in a stupor.
    “Just remember to call your superiors within the next half hour or the offer is completely off the table,” Bison spoke as he started fucking Chun Li again.
    Guile sat in his wheelchair in silence, unable to move.  He ran different scenarios in his head, but none of them were very good.  The doctors had already told him that he had a fifty-fifty chance of ever walking again.  Without the ability to walk, he wouldn’t be able to protect his family.  The man sat perfectly still for most of the time and only reached for the phone in the final thirty seconds.  Guile dialed a number and waited for someone to pick up the line.  “Hello sir, this is Guile.  You’re right. My investigation is a waste of time.  The trail has gone cold.  Chun Li and Cammy are dead.  I’m stopping my investigation,” Guile spoke without any emotion.
    “Good,” came the reply from the other side before the line went dead.
    Guile sat in his wheelchair and stared off into space.  Suddenly, a notification popped onto his screen and he clicked on it.  “Good job, Guile.  You made a very smart decision.  Consider your family safe . . . unless you decide to cross paths with me again,” Bison’s voice spoke.  “I also know you don’t like saying goodbye to your old friends . . . that’s why I am sending a link.  It will take you to a site that will document Chun Li’s many pregnancies.  I’m only supplying this link to you . . . once.  Delete it and you will never see it again.  But I do intend to modify the latex outfit to accommodate for her pregnancies.  I think they will look absolutely slutty on her.  However, she’s already a slut so there might not be much of a difference.  Goodbye Guile.”
    Guile continued to sit there for a long while.  His finger eventually selected to delete the message.  Yet, he just couldn’t do it when the confirmation came up.  The man stared at the screen for several long minutes as he remembered Chun Li in the black latex suit and how it hugged every curve.  “Sorry Chun Li.  Your plan was a total disaster.  Such a disastrous plan,” Guile finally spoke as he shook his head and saved the link to his favorites.

The End