Rumble Rose: Alter Egos

Version 2

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: Characters from the games are created by Tecmo, SNK, Capcom, and Konami are

owned and created by Tecmo, SNK, Capcom, and Konami. And even though I have tampered

with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Tecmo, SNK, Capcom, and Konami,

they are still owned by Tecmo, SNK, Capcom, and Konami. Any resemblance to actual people

are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not

profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank Eraldo Saegusa for his input in

this story. Basically, he supplied an outline and idea for the story, and I just expanded on it and

wrote the scenes accordingly, which made things rather easy. Hopefully, I didn't screw up the

characters too much. Finally, even though there wasn't an editor for this story, he checked the

time-line of the story, and made sure that it made sense. Additionally, as motivation, the

requester has all drawn a series of pictures to go with the story. The pictures can be found on this


Feel free to e-mail me with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Rumble Rose: Alter Egos

Version 2

By: Night Creeper

Doctor Cutter sat behind her desk in a dimly lit laboratory. Most of the light came from

the twenty vertical tubes filled with water, which gave off blue light thanks to the lighting inside.

Two of the tubes each housed a naked women as they floated inside the tube, wearing a gas

mask, supplying them with oxygen. There were also various electrodes connected to their bodies

and their eyes were covered by the gas mask. However, the women weren't on the devious

doctor's mind at the moment. Instead, she was busy thinking about the endless possibilities that

the contracts and documents that were currently placed on her desk would bring. A playful smile

appeared on her face as she took a pen and signed the required documents before she placed the

signed documents into a brown envelope. The woman then sealed it and placed the pen back on

the table. "This calls for a celebration," Dr. Cutter smiled to herself as she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly a figure emerged from the shadows, pulling some chains that were connected to

her wrists since she had ripped them from the wall. Evil Rose was blushing furiously with shame

as she approached Dr. Cutter. The woman was still clad in her red vinyl outfit and her tail was

whipping about behind her. The only real thing different from her current outfit and the one that

she wore to the ring was that her breasts were totally uncovered and bouncing about. The evil

doctor hiked up her skirt and ripped her pink panties off. She then closed her eyes and heard

Evil Rose gasp as she touched the inside of her leg.

Dr. Cutter opened her eyes and looked over her huge breasts to see Evil Rose forcing her

head between the nurse's legs. The evil doctor smile as Evil Rose poked her head up before

diving back in. Evil Rose lunged forward and pressed her mouth to Dr. Cutter's sex, driving her

tongue deep inside the woman, sucking on the folds of her labia and tonguing her clit.

Dr. Cutter bolted upright, clutching Evil Rose's head as the woman frantically pleasured

the nurse. Dr. Cutter body was on fire with lust and Evil Rose was only fanning the flames

higher. Her nimble tongue and succulent lips drawing a near flood of honey from the doctor.

Without even realizing she was doing it, Dr. Cutter pushed her top up, exposing breasts that

nearly matched Evil Rose's in size and bounciness.

The passion possessed nurse clutched her breasts and stimulated them roughly, feeling the

pleasure flooding through her body and pouring out her pussy into Evil Rose's eager mouth. Her

black eyes rolled upward as she tossed her head around, screaming in ecstasy. Dr. Cutter sank

into her chair, one hand caressing Evil Rose's vinyl head, pushing he inward, begging with her

voice and her body for the woman to give her more and more!

Evil Rose slid two fingers into the nurse's soaking pussy and Dr. Cutter came, hard, fast

and screaming lewdly the entire time. She fell back against the chair, limply, her face plastered

with a huge smile. Then Evil Rose stood up, her beautiful face covered in Dr. Cutter's honey.

"You taste delicious……" Evil Rose said hesitantly. Then she closed her eyes and bent

down to kiss the woman deeply. Dr. Cutter closed her eyes and embraced the sweat slick

woman, savoring the kiss.


Mai Shiranui sighed as she stood in the middle of a wrestling ring. The Japanese woman

wasn't a real fan of wrestling, but she did like the roar of the crowd when she walked out from

behind the curtains and entered the ring. Although she wasn't a wrestler, Mai was willing to give

it a try, especially since it was all for charity. She just didn't like the conversation that she had

prior to the match. Mai knew that wrestling for the most part was scripted, but she didn't want to

lose either. However, she did think it was right for her to lose the match to a wrestler since her

own appearance was only for the night whereas the wrestler was making her bread and butter

from the match. And when her opponent's music began to play and her opponent stepped out

from behind the curtain, Mai knew she could lose to the woman wrestler and not feel bad.

Mai watched as Reiko Hinomoto began to walk toward the squared circle. The girl was

five feet and seven inches. She hailed from Japan and was a mere nineteen years old. Mai knew

that Reiko was the daughter of a legendary wrestler. However, that was about all she knew in

terms of the girl's past. She has seen Reiko on various posters as a race queen in Japan and

losing to a fellow country member wasn't that bad. "Could be worse," the female ninja thought

to herself since she could have been asked to lose to a male. So as Reiko made her way, Mai

began to size her up. Mai saw that Reiko was wearing a red and black sports bra, knee-high

boots, and fighting gloves. The teen also wore a pair of red shorts and a red and black choker

tied in the back.

"Hi," Reiko Hinomoto spoke as she entered the ring and greeted Mai. "I don't know if

you're use to wrestling, but I hope we give them their monies worth."

"Don't worry honey. Watching me bounce is worth the price of admission," Mai laughed

as Reiko blushed.

Then the bell rang and the combatants circled each other. Mai fought hard to resist using

any of her usual bag of tricks. She had to avoid using flame, flying fans, and spinning umbrellas.

Mai wasn't sure how she was going to fight the teenager, but she decided that she would make it

really easy. So instead of charging the teenager head-on, Mai retreated and bounced off the

ropes. Reiko quickly fell to the canvas as Mai leapt over the woman. The fans clapped as they

watched the women's bosom jiggle about. They clapped even more when Mai bounced off the

ropes and did a leapfrog over Reiko. The bouncing of her breasts after she landed was enough to

make the crowd happy. Over and over again, Mai either leapt over Reiko or Reiko moved out of

the way. The female wrestler was a bit confused, but she liked the way the crowd was reacting.

"Mother, I am entertaining the crowd. I hope I can make you proud," she thought to herself.

"All this bouncing off the ropes sure is boring, but the fans are eating it up. Too bad

Andy never paid this much attention to me. Well, let's get this over with," Mai muttered to

herself as she ran full steam ahead at Reiko, who quickly used a hip-toss and slammed the

bouncy ninja onto the canvas. She then followed it up with an arm bar, trying to hyper-extend

the arm. Mai pretended to scream bloody murder as she kicked and screamed. Eventually, the

busty ninja tapped out. Mai didn't tap out from the pain, which was present. But she decided to

tap out because she thought it would be bad if she broke out laughing in the middle of the ring.

"I hope you're not injured," Reiko spoke as she helped Mai to her feet.

"No. Not injured," Mai spoke as she held her right arm, selling the move as she shook

Reiko's hand and left the ring.

"Let me help you to the back," Anaesthesia spoke as she walked up to Mai.

Mai sized up the incredibly tan nurse wearing a pink outfit. "You guys are going all out

with this," Mai smiled.

"Whatever works for the crowd," the nurse smiled back.

"Sure then. Help me to the back," Mai spoke as the nurse placed Mai's left arm over her

shoulder and escorted the ninja toward the back while Reiko celebrated in the ring.


At the Concession Stand

"Dude! This is so awesome!" a freckled male teen giggled as he paid for his popcorn and

soft drink.

"I can't believe they pulled this off!" another male teen replied as he grabbed some straws

from the clerk that took the money from the first kid.

"This is so cool!" a teen wearing glasses shouted as he thumbed through his program.

"We're looking at two weeks worth of wrestling! And not just with the Rumble Roses, but with

various fighters. We're talking martial artists and all sorts of background! Hell! I didn't think

half of these women would ever associate with wrestling!"

"Hey kid! Are you going to buy that or are you just going to thumb through it?" an

annoyed clerk spoke.

"I'm going to buy it! I just want to know how they got all these women to participate."

"The matches are for charity. You really think that women fighters are going to reject

something like this? I don't think so. Every penny from the gate and concessions are going

toward various charities and all the participants are getting paid regardless if they win or not. It's

just another payday for some of these girls," the clerk replied as he pointed at the program.

"But it's a tournament right?"

"Beats me. I didn't organize this event. I only work at this arena. All I know is that the

finals might not be here since we have a basketball game. At first, it was going to be a hockey

game, but that fell through. So it's basketball. However, there will be a new program for every

day. It will list that day's matches and participants. Now, if you're done thumbing through that

program, you can put it back or buy it."

"I'll buy it!" the glasses wearing teenager spoke as he handed the clerk his money.

"Dude! Another match is being announced! Let's go!" the freckled teen yelled as all

three ran back into the arena.


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen," the ring announcer spoke as he stood in the middle

of the ring wearing a black tuxedo. "I'm standing in the ring next to Dixie Clemets, who has a

mystery opponent tonight."

"I'll take on anybody!" Dixie exclaimed into the microphone right before the lights

dimmed before a spotlight shined down on the curtains, where Tina Armstrong made her


"Look Dixie Clemets! I don't appreciate how you're stealing my thunder! Everyone

knows that I am the best wrestler in the Dead or Alive Tournament. I don't think for a second

that you can compete with those girls! And I doubt you can compete with me!" Tina yelled.

"Hey girlie! You want to ride this bronco then come on down!"

"Not today!" another woman shouted as the lights to arena came back alive as Rainbow

Mika stood inside the ring. "The Street Fighter Tournament is the place to be and everyone

knows that Zangief was the man who brought wrestling to the people. And tonight, I'm going to

prove myself by slamming Dixie Clemets into the mat!"

"Sugar, since you're in the ring, I'll wipe the mat with you. As for Tina, girl, you're

going to have to wait."

"Referee! Ring the bell!" the announcer spoke as he quickly dove through the ropes as

the bell sounded.

Within seconds, Rainbow Mika and Dixie Clemets locked up in a test of strength, both

trying to force the other down to her knees. Their fingers turned red as they held each other in

death grip, neither one wanting to lose. There arms were parallel to each other as they touched.

This allowed both women to glare at each other as their chests collided with each other,

delighting the crowd. "Want to give up?" Dixie Clemets asked through gritted teeth.

"Never!" Rainbow Mika shouted a few seconds before Dixie Clemets head butted the

woman, forcing her to release her hold. Without any hesitation, Dixie kicked the woman in her

stomach and scooped her up for a bodyslam.

"Time for the pin," Dixie smile as she brushed her hair out of her face.

"Flying Peach!" Rainbow Mika shouted as she stood up and rammed her butt into Dixie,

sending the woman reeling as the crowd clapped. The crowed started chanting the move since

the wanted to see it again. However, Rainbow Mika shook her head and performed Shooting

Peach, except this time, Dixie moved out of the way, where the woman crashed into the mat, butt

first. "Ouch!" she grunted as she stood up and wiped her ass, much to the delight of the fans.

"Down you go!" Dixie yelled as she hit the woman with a powerful lariat, sending

Rainbow Mika to the mat. She then followed it up with a quick cover where the referee quickly

counted to three.

"NO FAIR! THAT WAS A FAST COUNT!" Rainbow Mika screamed as she threw the

cowgirl off of her.

"It was three!"

"It was a fast count!"

"Forget ya," Dixie smiled as she quickly left the ring as four security officers ran into the

ring and pulled Rainbow Mika out of the ring and toward the back, saving the profusely sweating


As the referee sighed, Miss Spencer came down the aisle and approached the ring

announcer. She whispered something in the man's ear, causing him to smile and handed her the

microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry for the interruption, but I am looking for truant

student of mine. Her name is Ms. Welsh. I need her to come out here so I can take her back to

school," the woman spoke politely.

"The school of hard knocks!" one of the fans jeered.

"No! She wants to give her a good spanking!" another one laughed.

"Look! I only want to do the best for the child! A wrestling ring is not the place for . . ."

"Hey lady! Stop with the safety lecture! You want to see Ms. Welsh then you have to

beat me!" Sakura Kasugano yelled from the ring as the crowd cheered.

"Well . . . I never!" Miss Spencer gasped as she adjusted her glasses.

"Security! Security!" the ring announcer called as the four security officers ran out again

and seized both fighters.

"Let go of me, you ruffian," Miss Spencer spoke calmly.

"Neither one of these women are under contract with the Rumble Rose tournament! Get

them out of here! Have them sign a contract if they want to wrestle!" the announcer yelled as the

crowd booed and pelted him with empty cups.

"Wait! All I have to do is sign a contract to teach this disrespectful Japanese schoolgirl a


"Uh . . . yea."

"Then I'll sign one!"

"Bring it on, teach!" Sakura spoke as she stuck out of her tongue.

"Well! Let's go back and sign!" Miss Spencer spoke as she followed the security guards

through the curtain with Sakura and the other two guards close behind.


Later that Night

"Aaaahhhh!" Mai Shiranui wailed as Evil Rose pumped her tail in and out of the

woman's swollen pussy. Earlier in the day, the buxom ninja was helped to the back by

Anaesthesia, but when the got to the back, someone clubbed her on the back of the head as she

pretended to sell her injury. However, the hit to the back of the head was enough to look the

woman loopy right before another hit that knocked her out. When she woke up, she was nude,

seated on a wooden bench, and her wrists were chained to a cold stone wall as Evil Rose

assaulted her sex with her tail. The latex wearing woman had been working Mai over for a good

hour, draining the Japanese woman of her precious energy with each orgasm.

"How is my patient doing?" Dr. Cutter inquired as she entered the room with Miss

Spencer beside her. The teacher's glasses were gone and she had a far-off look in her eyes. The

woman was nude and her chest was heaving as she held onto Dr. Cutter for support.

"Very well, Dr. Cutter," Evil Rose replied as Mai opened her eyes as she saw the tan

woman wearing a red and black dress that started at her breasts and ended just a few inches

below her sex. The cups holding her breasts were black as well as the bottom portion of her

dress while the rest was red. She also wore two silver shoulder pads and a pair of white panties

that were quite visible depending on how she swung her hips. The woman also wore a pair of

black leather thigh-high boots, a pair of black gloves, a white surgical, and a black nurse's hat on

her head. Mai realized that it was the same person that carried her back to the locker room area

earlier in the day.

"What . . . what is . . . going on," Mai panted as she felt another orgasm building in her


"Hurry up with her, Evil Rose. I want you to work on this one before the night is out,"

Dr. Cutter spoke impatiently as she pushed Miss Spencer to the ground.

"Yes Dr. Cutter," Evil Rose spoke as she sawed her tail in and out of Mai Shiranui, going

faster and faster. Mai's breathing became very erratic as her eyes slammed shut. Her dry mouth

closed as she bit her lip, trying to control herself. Unfortunately, the tail was just too much and

Mai exploded in a huge climax. Then her pussy juice burst from her sex and spilled onto the

floor as Evil Rose pulled her tail out of the woman's sex.

As Mai tried to recover, Dr. Cutter removed her surgical mask and began to kiss Mai's

neck as her gloved hands played with the woman's tits. The busty ninja moaned as Dr. Cutter

began to lick the woman's neck with her tongue, lathering it up with a thick coat before moving

onto her breasts. Lick after lick, the woman was like a cat bathing, leaving a trail behind her.

Mai Shiranui felt a great deal of pain and pleasure from Evil Rose's tail, but she was feeling

nothing but pleasure from Dr. Cutter's tongue. And when Dr. Cutter slid her way down Mai's

stomach and eventually went to Mai's sex, the Japanese woman purred, thinking of what was

going to come next.

"Ohhhhh," the woman moaned loudly as Dr. Cutter's skilled tongue lap at the entrance to

her cunt. Her pussy lips was getting thrashed as her clit grew. Once it was swollen, Dr. Cutter

began to lick the entire clit with her tongue, sending shivers of pleasure up and down Mai's

spine. The Japanese woman even spread her legs further and further apart, giving the evil doctor

more room to maneuver. Mai discovered that the more she spread her legs, the further Dr. Cutter

was able to reach with her tongue. And the more cooperative she was, the better it got for her.

Within seconds, Dr. Cutter's skilled tongue dove real deep inside Mai's sex while her hands

reached up and grasped the Japanese woman's breasts. So as Dr. Cutter's tongue delve deeper

and deeper, Mai's breasts were pushed toward her face. Mai was delirious with lust as she began

to tongue her own tits as even more waves of pleasure flowed through her body. It didn't take

long for Mai to climax, splattering Dr. Cutter's face with her honey.

As Mai climaxed, Evil Rose was attending to Dr. Cutter's newest pet, Miss Spencer. The

school teacher moaned as Evil Rose laid on top of her, their breasts mashed against each others

as Evil Rose's tail pumped in and out of the woman's aching pussy. Miss Spencer, a prim and

proper woman had been mentally worn down by the numerous orgasms that she experienced at

the hands of Dr. Cutter's very own strap-on dildo. Now, she almost stuck in an endless orgasmic

state of bliss. Her body was alive and craved release. Thus, when Evil Rose kissed the woman,

Miss Spencer kissed the woman back and began to move her hips, grinding their clits together,

making their bodies tremble with excitement. Miss Spencer was lost and soon she would be

molded into someone new.

Back at the table, Mai wasn't fairing much better. The skilled tongue of Dr. Cutter was

alternating between quick flicks, long licks, and even stabs from the woman's tongue. Like a

skilled safe cracker, Dr. Cutter soon learned Mai's combination and exploited it over and over

again as the woman climaxed and splattered her face with honey. However, Dr. Cutter didn't

mind as she continued to repeat the combination over and over again while the woman tug at her

bonds while she climaxed. The fear and anger in her eyes from earlier were gone. Instead, they

were replaced by lust. And as her loins began to overheat, Mai's sight became blurred as she lost

herself to the constant euphoria that seized her body while her mind thought about thanking Dr.

Cutter once the orgasms stopped.


Three Days Later in Hong Kong

Chun Li sat behind her desk and read the news site on her computer, trying to track down

leads regarding Shadoloo. The woman was working late into the night and most of the other

officers had left the precinct. The Chinese woman's eyelids were getting heavy when she

received a phone call. The ring startled her, but it was welcomed since it woke her up. She

quickly picked up the phone and spoke, "Hello."

"Hey Chun Li, got some news that you might be interested in," Cammy spoke into the


"What kind of news?"

"Good news. It seems that Shadoloo has ceased its operations in Europe. We believe

they might be headed back to Asia. Rose and I checked out an infamous safe house of theirs and

it looks like it has abandoned for months."

"I knew it! Bison is mine!"

"Settle down there. You almost sound like one of those professional wrestlers."

"I doubt that. I did however receive an invitation to participate in some Rumble Rose

Tournament. It's a wrestling tournament of some sort to raise money for charity. I checked on

them earlier and they have been giving quite a lot of money away."

"Where is this tournament?"

"It's in the States. They even offered me traveling expenses. I can get there any way that

I want, stay anywhere that I want, as long as I agree to go and they can use my likeness and name

for advertising. Something about pay per view revenues being able to offset my traveling costs."

"Does it say anything about which way you need to fly or how many airline tickets you

can purchase?"

"Doesn't look like it."

"Since Shadoloo is quiet, why don't you fly over here to England, pick Rose and myself

up, so we can go to America for free. We can catch some wrestling and watch you prance around

the ring."

"Very funny, Cammy. I don't think so."

"I see, Chun Li is scared. If it peaks your interest, some of my informants have said that

Balrog is back in Vegas and Sakura, Rainbow Mika, and some chick by the name of Mai

Shiranui are missing."

"Balrog is small potatoes."

"And just where is this Rumble Rose Tournament?"

"Las Vegas."

"And do you know where those fighters disappeared?"


"Try Vegas after they fought in Rumble Rose or in Sakura's case, she appeared in the

ring, left, and then vanished."

"Are you and Rose ready to fly?"

"Rose and I are always ready to fly on someone else's dime."

"Then back your bags! We're going to Vegas!"


Three Days Later

"Please clap your hands for Helena, who just sang the National Anthem," the ring

announcer spoke as the crowd clapped while the opera singer headed behind the curtain. "And

now folks, we are ready for our opening grudge match. You'll remember that almost two weeks

ago, Tina Armstrong challenged Dixie Clemets. And tonight, you will see that match. In fact,

the fighters are climbing the steps into the ring as we speak. Referee, ring the bell!"

"You're going down, hon," Dixie Clemets spoke as she gave Tina Armstrong a thumbs


"You'll be sucking on that by the time I'm done with you!" Tina Armstrong snarled as

she charged the cowgirl, who quickly ducked and avoided the clothesline. Before Tina could

turn around, Dixie executed a neckbreaker on the woman, planting her back into the mat. Dixie

then went for the cover, but received a stiff elbow to the face as Tina got up and delivered a hard

knee to the side of the woman's head, sending her sprawling. "Taste the humiliation!" Tina


"Takedown!" Dixie yelled as she delivered a football tackle, taking Tina's legs out from

under her. The cowgirl then yanked Tina back up with a handful of hair before delivering a

suplex. The woman held Tina up in the air for over a minutes, allowing all the blood to rush to

her head before she dropped her on her back.

"CRAP!" Tina grimaced as she felt her back tighten when she sat up.

"Not to fast," Dixie spoke as she tried to wrap her arms around Tina's throat, but was

countered by two fists to the face. Tina then got up and executed a pair of Northen Right

Suplexes, followed by a swinging DDT off the ropes. Tina was now ready for the pin, but

something caught her eye.

"What the?" Tina spoke as she walked over to the ropes and saw a blonde woman

wearing an eye patch on her right eye. The woman wore a pair of thigh-high black fishnet

stockings and a pair of black knee-high leather boots. She also wore a red corset with silver cups

for her breasts. The blonde also had black leather gloves that stretched from her fingers to her

elbows as well as a collar around her neck. But it was the riding crop that got Tina's attention.

"Get out of here, Mistress Spencer!" the referee yelled as he approached the ropes.

"Mistress Spencer? Wasn't she that uppity teacher?" Tina thought to herself as she

backed away from the ropes, only to be blind sided by Evil Rose, who took her down with a

thumb to the eyes, followed by a piledriver. Evil Rose then slid out of the ring as Mistress

Spencer directed the referee to turn around. The referee quickly turned and saw Dixie covering

Tina for the pin. He quickly made the three count and declared Dixie the winner.

"What's going on?" the cowgirl spoke as she tried to get the cobwebs out of her head.

"Nothing that you need to worry yourself," Mistress Spencer spoke as Evil Rose slid back

into the ring and pulled the unconscious body of Tina Armstrong from the ring. Then, both

Mistress Spencer and Evil Rose carried the woman to the back as Dixie Clemets shook her head

and wondered what move she used to take Tina down


The Next Day

"Everything is for charity," the ring announcer spoke as he stood in the back, still wearing

his black tuxedo, and talking to Chun Li.

"I don't understand all the hoopla," Chun Li sighed.

"It's very simple. Everyone wants to see a good show. When you pit so many talented

fighters, something is bound to happen. We don't want anyone getting hurt at a charity event.

So instead of allowing people do to what they want, we preplan everything to mitigate the bumps

and bruises. Don't get me wrong, people will have aches and pains afterwards, but we are trying

to avoid broken necks," the man replied.

"I still don't understand why it was so important to get me to come here then. Especially

if everything is predetermined."

"It's all about the ratings and buy rate. You're a big name like Mai. With both of you

here, the orders went through the roof. So, we make sure there's a bit more drama. The fans

absolutely eat it up and the charities benefit. More people watching and paying equals more

donations that come from the revenue."

"Eh," Chun Li shrugged as she saw a Japanese woman wearing a red sports bra and tight


"Excuse me sir. I would like to know who my next opponent is," the woman spoke.

"Chun Li, meet Reiko Hinomoto, one of our prized wrestlers in the Rumble Rose

Tournament," the announcer spoke.

"Wow! Chun Li!" Reiko Hinomoto gushed as she bowed.

"Ladies, if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. The matches are posted on

the bulletin board over there," the announcer spoke as he pointed at the board before he left.

"Reiko Hinomoto?"


"Was your first match with Mai . . ."

"Yes. She was an excellent fighter. I know she's not a wrestler, but she knew how to

play to the crowd. They loved her. I wish I could receive that kind of adulation one day. I know

with hard work and patience, I'll achieve that."

Chun Li liked the teen's attitude and quickly soften to her, ridding herself of the attitude

that she gave the ring announcer. "Do you know what happened to her?"

"I don't know. A nurse helped her to the back. I thought she was hurt so I asked the

security staff, but they told me that she was alright and had left the arena. I didn't know this was

single elimination, but it is apparently."

"Hey Chun Li, whose the friend?" Cammy asked as she and Rose walked toward the two.

"This is Reiko Hinomoto. Reiko, meet Cammy and Rose," Chun Li said politely as she

pointed at the women as she spoke their names.

"Glad to meet you! Wow! I never thought I would get the chance to meet all of you! My

mother told me that with hard work and patience, one's dreams can come true. Already, I have

met Mai and now the famous Street Fighters!" the teen gushed.

"Maybe Reiko knows the answer to this question then. We saw that we have a six

women tag team match tomorrow against Mistress Spencer, Killer Khan, and the Black Belt

Demon. Do you have any ideas who those people are?" Rose inquired.

"I'm not sure. They've never wrestled before. I do know that there has been an influx of

female wrestlers lately. A lot of old faces are going home after they lose and they're being

replaced by new wrestlers. Keeps everyone on their toes."

"Considering we just got here, everybody is a new face," Cammy sighed.

"Hey! Let me show you around then!"

"Why not," Cammy shrugged as she glanced at Chun Li and Rose, who also shrugged.

"Great! I'll show you the gym!" Reiko smiled as she began the tour of the stadium.


Back at the Lab

"There you go. All better," Dr. Cutter spoke as she pampered the nude woman standing

in front of her. Tina Armstrong could see the nude woman standing perfectly still, allowing the

incredibly tan woman to do as she wished. The doctor quickly painted the woman's face ghost

white before applying a heavy layer of red lipstick. Once the lipstick was sealed onto the

woman's lips, Dr. Cutter applied some purple to the woman's eyelashes as well as outlining her

eyes with the same purple brush. Once the makeup was done, Dr. Cutter styled the woman's

hair. She made sure that the woman had hair coming the sides of her face, which extended to her

shoulder blades. The rest of her hair was pulled back and wrapped in a neat bun on top of her

head, which was held together white hair clip and two pairs of black chopsticks. The woman

then tied a white bow around the bun before sticking a single red rose into the bun. Next came

the black choker that went around the woman's neck., followed by the red gloves that bared her

fingers, but kept her hand and wrists covered. Then came the thin red thong, followed by a

single black garter on the woman's left thigh. This was followed by the black kimono with gold

lining plus a green and yellow leaves pattern scattered on the kimono. Dr. Cutter then handed the

woman red sheath with a sword. The woman then spun Mai around, pulled the kimono down a

bit, revealing the left shoulder, where a black tattoo of a Y with a head each on the top and feet

on the bottom while two red dots marked the split. "All done, Geisha Mai," she smiled.

"I serve Dr. Cutter," Mai smiled back.

"What have you done to her?" Tina Armstrong snarled, trying to be brave. The woman

was strapped to a table. Her hands were perpendicular to her body and her ankles were bound

together at the bottom. Clothing, a distant memory as the cold air bit at her skin.

"The same thing that I will eventually do to you. However, I'm sure you know the

following two girls," Dr. Cutter spoke as she snapped her fingers.

"You're crazy!" Tina Armstrong screamed as she saw Mistress Spencer and Evil Rose

enter the room. Each one was wearing a large strap-on between their legs as they hauled a naked

female on their shoulders. There were currently two counters in front of Tina. Without any

hesitation, both women dumped the two naked females onto the table, chest first. With the girls

in position, Mistress Spencer and Evil Rose rammed the strap-on into the females' sex and began

to hump away, causing the naked females to grunt and groan. Before two long, they raised their

heads, displaying their glazed eyes, causing Tina to become even more frightened as she

recognized them. The one that Mistress Spencer was fucking was Lei-Fang and the Evil Rose

was fucking Helena.

"Crazy? Hardly. I'm sure you remember seeing Helena sing the National Anthem. My

security forces or rather, the one that was supplied to me, picked her up shortly after she walked

through the curtains. Lei-Fang on the other hand never quite made it to the public eye. She was

wearing a stunning black dress and I just couldn't bear to have her ruin it, so I asked her if she

wanted to participate in an autograph session. The naive little girl accepted and that's when we

snagged her. Needless to say, those tubes that you see over there that still house a female . . ."

"YOU ARE CRAZY!" Tina snarled, interrupting the doctor.

"I'm brilliant! And soon you shall see! Girls, who do you serve?" the doctor asked.

"Dr. Cutter," all the women, except Tina, replied.

"Hear that Tina, you're going to sound just like them soon," Dr. Cutter laughed as she

approached Tina with a large needle.


The Next Day

"Get that one!" Cammy spoke as she and Rose rushed into the ring. The match had

started minutes ago and Chun Li was blocking Killer Khan's punches and knocking her back into

the corner again and again with her slaps and punches. Sensing that the match may be over,

Killer Khan's teammates rushed into the ring, causing Cammy to order the same thing. The

British agent performed a Cannon Drill and took the legs out of Mistress Spencer. Mistress

Spencer growled as she rolled out of the ring with Cammy close behind her. The woman

regained her legs and stood as she turned around and was punched by Cammy in the gut. The

woman doubled over as Cammy placed her in a headlock.

Back in the ring, Rose squared off against the Black Belt Demon, who charged only to

have Rose elegantly jump straight up and landing with grace. The Black Belt Demon was not as

lucky or graceful. Instead, she hit the turnbuckle post at full throttle, ramming her own head into

the steel. This caused her to tumble through the ropes, landing face first onto the hard concrete

outside of the ring, literally knocking her unconscious. "I guess I'm done," Rose smiled as she

went through the ropes and stood on the apron.

"No hurt," Killer Khan snarled as she brought both her knees to her chest and tried to

kick Chun Li, who quickly countered by performing a Spinning Bird Kick. With Killer Khan

trapped in the corner, she received six kicks against her stomach, which not only knocked the air

from her lungs, but it also took the fight right out of her. Thus, when Chun Li returned to a

standing posture, Killer Khan staggered out of the corner and flopped onto the mat, landing fact


"Pin her," Rose shouted from the apron.

"Right," Chun Li agreed as she rolled the woman over and pinned her for the count of

three. The referee then raised her hand in victory as Cammy released Mistress Spencer, who

quickly ran to the back.

"I guess we won," Cammy smiled as she entered the ring and had her hand raised as well.


A Few Hours Later

"It's not my fault! Those two lost the match!" Mistress Spencer shouted as Dr. Cutter sat

behind her desk with a dazed Lei-Fang and Helena, standing totally nude and still, behind her.

"Killer Khan and the Black Belt Demon were not very effective at all!"

"Silence!" Dr. Cutter snarled. "I agree that those two aren't as useful as some of the

others. However, the point was to have them lose. I want those Street Fighters to have

confidence going into their next matches. And it is good that you ran away. From what I

understand, Reiko has been telling Chun Li that when a wrestler loses, she leaves. I'm sure the

cocky Intepol agent will surely give chase when she sees you back in the tournament."

"Give chase?"

"Yes. She'll want to ask you some questions, but you'll run away. She'll more than

likely follow you, leaving her friends to a tag team match all by their lonesome selves. Once the

lose, we'll bring them here. Of course, she might not follow you since her next match is a tag

match with some familiar, yet not familiar faces."

"I see," Mistress Spencer spoke as she hung her head in shame.

"Don't worry, your pretty head about it. Go into the other room and check up on my

latest acquisitions," Dr. Cutter spoke as she yanked Lei-Fang over by the girl's wrists. The tan

woman then helped the woman to her knees as Lei-Fang crawled under the desk.

Mistress Spencer quickly left the room and entered the lab. Originally, Dr. Cutter had her

office in the lab, but she had to move it because of the noise. Currently, Candy Cane laid on a

cold metallic table, strapped down exactly like Tina Armstrong from a few nights ago. But

unlike Tina, the table was parallel to the floor and Candy Cane was barely conscious, because

Mai Shiranui was busily sawing a strap-on dildo into the girl's dripping pussy. Mistress Spencer

walked to the table and looked at all the drool that was dripping down the sides of Ms. Welsh's

mouth. She then glanced at the tubes and saw that both Sakura and R. Mika were gone. Then

she looked around the room and noticed that someone was missing. "Where's Evil Rose?" she

asked Mai.

"Who knows," Mai grunted as she continued to saw the dildo into Candy Kane.

"Miss Spencer," Candy Cane grunted as she saw her teacher.

"You should have stayed in school," Mistress Spencer spoke right before she slapped

Candy Cane in the face, knocking her out.


Chun Li and Reiko Hinomoto stood in the ring and their jaws were wide open. They

were totally taken back by the announcer's statement that they were taking on Sakura and

Rainbow Mika. For standing before them was the new Sakura. The Japanese schoolgirl had

bronze color skin all over. Her hair was platinum blonde with two sakura blossoms stuck into

the left side of her hair. The area around her eyes were painted a light shade of white as were her

lips. In addition, little white stars decorated the girl's cheeks. Sakura also wore a beige bra that

lifted her tits. The girl also wore a blue and grey striped skirt with a large white belt. The skirt

barely went to mid-thigh allowing people to see her pink panties if she moved accordingly. The

girl also wore a pair of transparent knee-high boots with matching four inch platforms. Sakura

also wore several bracelets of a wide assortment of colors on both her arms, but the main thing

was that she was sporting Dr. Cutter's logo on the palm of her right hand.

A few seconds passed as Rainbow Mika stepped onto the apron and made her way

through the ropes, standing next to Sakura. Rainbow Mika dressed in green instead of blue and

white. The woman now wore green elbow length latex gloves that made her look like some

scientist, ready to stick her hand in some vat full of dangerous liquids. Her shoulders had pads

that looked like the cone that was placed around the head of wounded dogs to keep them from

biting. The only difference was that Rainbow Mika's had white studs around the inner portion.

She wore a green mask that was diamond shaped in the middle, right above her nose. One

triangle on each side with the longer tip extending to the sky at a forty-five degree angle and

pointed at her hair. Her blue eyes and thick eyelashes were appeared through the green mask.

The woman also wore a green corset that was tied in the front and only kept her waist cinched

together. Her breasts were totally exposed with a large red heart pasty covering her nipples and

aureoles. A thin green latex strap ran from the bottom of the corset, between her legs, barely

covering her sex and rode up her butt crack, back into the corset. The strap had a small red heart

in the front whereas her right shoulder had Dr. Cutter's tattoo on it. Finishing off the outfit were

a pair of thigh-high leather boots.

"What happened to them?" Reiko gasped.

"I don't know, but do you think they got the same instructions from the ring announcer as

we did?" Chun Li asked right as Sakura and Rainbow Mika charged them. Sakura went after

Chun Li with a small Dragon Punch that Chun Li blocked, which was a good thing because she

also happened to have blocked Rainbow Mika's dropkick at the same time.

"Don't forget about me," Reiko spoke as she grabbed R. Mika from behind and executed

a German suplex with a release. This pissed R. Mika off as she landed on her feet and charged

Reiko, catching her with a football tackle. The woman then tried to drop an elbow onto the

fallen Reiko, but Reiko rolled out of the way, allowing R. Mika to hit the mat hard, causing her

breasts to jiggle, making the crowd happy. Enjoying the cheer from the crowd, Reiko went on

the attack, hitting the woman with a clothesline when she stood up, and locked her in a figure

four leglock once she was down.

On other side of the ring, Chun Li was still deflecting Sakura's blows. "Sakura! What

are you doing? Better yet, what happened to you?" Chun Li shouted at the young teen continued

her assault.

"No talk! Destroy Chun Li!" the teen roared as she shot a huge blue fireball at Chun Li,

who leapt out of the way as the fireball flew outside the ring, crashing into the concrete floor.

"Are you insane? You could hurt someone in the crowd!"

"Destroy Chun Li!"

Sensing that Sakura was going to injure someone other than the participants in the ring,

Chun Li decided to take action. The woman leapt into the air and delivered a flying kick, which

Sakura blocked. Then Chun Li landed and quickly swiped Sakura's legs out from under her.

The angry schoolgirl fell on her back and quickly bounced right up and charged the Chinese

woman, only to be greeted by a series of Lightning Kicks to the face. Within seconds, the

schoolgirl was lying flat on her back as Chun Li quickly went for the pin. The referee quickly

dropped onto the mat and made the three count. This caused Reiko to release her hold as she

approached Chun Li. The referee raised both of their hands as R. Mika and Sakura quickly rolled

out of the ring like nothing happened to them and dashed behind the curtain. "Let's go!" Chun

Li yelled as she and Reiko chased after them.

"Which way did they go?" Reiko asked as they ran through the curtain and into the

backstage area.

"That way!" Chun Li shouted as she heard footsteps.

The two women gave chase for a few minutes as they ran toward the sound of the

footsteps. As they rounded a corner, they saw both Sakura and Rainbow Mika standing with

Mistress Spencer. "I thought the losers had to leave the arena," Reiko spoke as three women

spotted them and took off in different directions.

"Crap! Where's Cammy and Rose? Something is seriously wrong here and we have to

find out what is going on," Chun Li growled.

"What should we do?"

"You go after Mistress Spencer! I'll go after . . ." Chun Li paused as she saw both

Rainbow Mika and Sakura grabbed a pizza delivery boy and shoved him out of the way. They

then stole his car and immediately sped away from the scene. The teen was not too pleased and

screamed as his partner started laughing from his car. "I'll follow them," Chun Li spoke as she

quickly commandeered the vehicle from the partner and drove off after them, leaving Reiko to

chase down Mistress Spencer by herself.


Back in the Ring

Cammy and Rose were not fairing too well. First, the ring announcer had told them that

they would win, because Mai Shiranui and Tina Armstrong were going to lose to them by

accidentally charging and hitting each other with a clothesline at the beginning of the match.

However, that never happened. Instead, Mai threw her kimono off at the beginning of the match

and threw several sharp fans at the two women. Some of the fans ripped parts of their clothing

even drawing blood as Mai whipped out a large umbrella and threw it at the two fighters. They

were shocked to see large several knives at the tip of the umbrella and they quickly dove away

from the umbrella.

Rose dove to the left and was quick to her feet, but that's when Tina Armstrong, dressed

like a kitty cat, tail in all, grabbed Rose and executed a Death Valley Driver, ramming Rose's

head into the mat. This was followed by a neckbreaker, a swinging neckbreaker, and then Tina

dropped Rose onto the top rope, throat first. The purple haired woman gagged as she clutched

her throat and struggled for breath as Tina caught her in a Camel Clutch, pulling the head back,

and pressing her fingers into Rose's throat.

Cammy didn't fair much better when she dove to the right. Unlike Tina, Mai wasn't

wearing much. In fact, she was just wearing a red thong, white socks, a pair of gloves, and the

head arrangement consisting of the clips, flower, and chopsticks. The only other accessory was

the two fan pasties covering her nipples and aureoles. Of course, her face was still painted white

as she pounced onto Cammy's back, burying her knees into the British woman's spine. Cammy

screamed as Cammy bent down and whispered into her ear. "My fans were tainted. Already, a

potent sedative is coursing through your veins. Rose has it too. You can fight, but it will be

futile," Mai spoke before she bit Cammy's earlobe, causing the British woman to jerk and threw

Mai off of her. However, when the woman tried to stand up, she couldn't help but close her eyes

in pain while her hands gripped the sides of her face as the drug took effect.

"Arrrggghhh," Cammy grunted as she forced her eyes open and saw that Rose was barely

conscious as Tina applied pressure to the hold. The British woman knew she had to do

something and was about to execute a move when Mai stepped into her path, wearing her

kimono. The Japanese woman then spun around, engulfing Cammy in a fall of flame that sent

her crashing into the corner. The fires quickly dissipated as did Cammy's strength, for Mai

simply pulled her out of the corner and made the quick pin.

"The doctor will be pleased," Mai spoke to Tina as security entered the ring and carried

Rose and Cammy toward the back.


A Few Hours Later

A dejected Chun Li returns to the arena and searches for Cammy and Rose, but finds

nothing. In fact, the night was quite late as the fans had already left and the janitorial staff was

busy cleaning up the arena in anticipation for the last day that the Rumble Rose Tournament

would take place. The Chinese woman asked several members of the staff what happened, but

none of them could offer a concrete story since most of them were not at the building at the time.

This is when Chun Li cursed herself for not taping the event and not recruiting someone else to

help in the investigation. As Chun Li continued to search, a familiar voice called out her name.

"Chun Li!" Reiko Hinomoto called out.

"Reiko!" Chun Li smiled. "Did you find anything?"

"No. Mistress Spencer got away when Evil Rose appeared out of nowhere. She called

me by name and told me to go . . . but before I could ask her anything, she ran away. I tried to

chase her down, but she was too fast. By that time, I was too late to watch your friends wrestle.

The crowd loved the action from what I heard."

"Where are they?"

"I don't know. They probably left. The losers of the tournament usually leave."

"Mistress Spencer didn't leave."

"Perhaps she forgot something."

"First off, I doubt that. Second, Rainbow Mika is flashy, but I don't think she would

flash the crowd like that. Third, Sakura does not dress like some horny schoolgirl with a major

tan. And lastly, those changes occurred after they lost. If my hunch is correct, Cammy and Rose

are in big trouble."


"Yes. Perhaps you should heed Evil Rose's advise and leave this place. I'll continued

my investigation and find my friends."

"No. My mother was a wrestler and I'm a wrestler. She was a great wrestler and that's

what I want to be. I will finish this tournament, because that's what my mom would have

wanted. She expects me to be my best and I will win. And during my time here, I will help you

find your friends."

"I don't think your mother would want to see you get hurt," Chun Li warned.

"This is wrestling. People get hurt. But I promise to help you find your friends," Reiko

Hinomoto spoke as Chun Li nodded, thanking her.


Back in the Lab

Dr. Cutter stood with a naked Cammy just outside the laboratory door. The British

woman was nude except for the red vinyl dog collar around her neck. The collar was very simple

except it had layers upon layers of wires inside and a heart on the front. The heart housed several

small batteries inside and was made of metal so Cammy couldn't break it open. The British

woman had tried earlier and was shocked. In fact, the woman tried to attack Dr. Cutter earlier

and was shocked. She even tried to run away and she was shocked. Both times, there was so

much electricity flowing through her body that she almost bit her tongue off as her body

convulsed, totally unreceptive to her commands. However, now that she had control of her limbs

again, the British woman was fearful of another shock, hence she stood by the door and waited

for Dr. Cutter's command. "Ready to step inside?" the evil doctor sneered.

"Do I have a choice?" Cammy retorted angrily.

"Not really," Dr. Cutter laughed as the door opened and Cammy's eyes almost popped

out of her head. On a huge table was Rose, totally naked, and moaning uncontrollably. The

purple haired woman was resting on her head and neck while her body was perpendicular to the

table and her legs spread. Standing over the woman and busily sawing a strap-on into the gypsy

was Rainbow Mika. The British woman had always taken Rose for a prude, which is why she

wasn't able to believe what she saw since Rose cupped her own breasts, thrust them toward her

face, where she licked and chewed on them. Both her face and breasts were white, which

Cammy instantly recognized as sperm. Then Cammy's face turned as white as Rose's as she saw

one of Shadoloo's top assassins, Vega, walked up to the table and pulled his dick out of his

pants. The man never said a word or even flashed his claws. Instead, his facial features hid

behind his white mask, but Rose did not. For Cammy could see the lust in Rose's eyes as the

purple haired woman looked hungrily at Vega's member.

"Cock for Rose to suck!" the woman laughed hysterically before she stuck out her tongue

and lapped the head of Vega's member. The woman kept at it, licking the head like a lollipop

until it was wet with her spit. Once it was wet, she began to swirl her tongue all over the head,

lathering it up even more.

"Ah my little sweet flower, you're going to fit in at Shadoloo," Vega laughed as his right

hand stroked the woman's wet hair.

"Serve, Rose loves to serve," the woman moaned as she opened her mouth wide and

accepted Vega's member. Rose began to bob her head up and down on Vega's member while

her cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk storing food in its mouth.

"What did you do to her?" Cammy spoke as her voice trembled.

"Remember all the things that I did to you earlier? Well, Rose just received more of it

than you . . . for the moment," Dr. Cutter spoke as she pushed Cammy forward toward the table.

As Cammy slowly forced her own legs to move as the frightened woman's heart went

faster and faster, she glanced to her right and saw a blue tube with Tina Armstrong inside,

wearing a mask of some sort. The British woman then turned her head back to the Rose and saw

the busty Japanese woman that Chun Li wanted to find. "Mai Shir . . ."

"Yes. That's Mai Shiranui. She was quite the fuck I must say. Now stand still and

spread your legs," Dr. Cutter spoke as Cammy quickly complied out of fear. Then Mai sauntered

up to them and secured a red belt around Cammy's waist. The ninja then pulled two long wires

from the belt and placed an electrode head at the end of each string. Mai then wrapped the

electrode around the British woman's pussy lips before repeating the process with another set.

After that, she pulled another set of wires and this time, the electrodes were applied to Cammy's

erect nipples.

"Done," Mai spoke as she stepped back and grabbed a strap-on.

"Lie down on the table," Dr. Cutter ordered as Cammy sobbed and obeyed, not knowing

what to expect. The British woman laid down on her back as the table was pushed toward the

one that Rose and Rainbow Mika were on. With the table in place, Dr. Cutter turned a knob on

the belt and Cammy got zapped, both on her pussy and nipples. The British woman screamed in

pain at the shock. "Okay Cammy, this is simple. The belt will shock you over and over again.

The only way to lessen the shock is to have our assistance. Mai will pump the strap-on into your

cunt over and over again. If you want her inside you, I suggest you thrust your hips. If you don't,

then your pussy lips may fry since the strap-on can block out the connection. Also, iIf you don't

want your nipples to fry off then I suggest you lick my pussy as fast as you can. If you do a good

job, I'll play with your tits, making sure that the connection isn't made. Simply put Cammy, the

electrodes won't shock you by themselves. But without a barrier, they will. By the way, this is

how we broke Rose too," Dr. Cutter spoke as she knelt on the table with both her thighs on either

side of Cammy's head while Mai placed the strap-on at the entrance to Cammy's sex.

"Yes and Rose has been so cooperative ever since," Vega laughed as Rose continued to

service his manhood. "You and Rose are going to be the perfect Shadoloo slave sluts.

Congratulations, Dr. Cutter! My employer will be quite pleased by your progress. In fact, he is

coming here to see for himself."

"Bison? So Chun Li's suspicion was correct, Shadoloo is involved," Cammy spoke as

her voice trembled and got softer at the end.

"Involved? We practically wrote, sealed, and mailed the invitation directly to Chun Li,"

Vega laughed.

"This whole thing was a trap!" Cammy realized.

"Oh yes, my little British kitten. This whole thing is nothing more than a ruse for me.

This way I can collect the best fighters in the world and add them to my private collection. Then

when I'm done playing with my collection, I usually discard them. So, you and Rose will be

headed to Shadoloo. However, I do have a schedule to keep especially since my newest business

partner is coming," Dr. Cutter giggled.

"Then why wait any longer? Let's begin," Mai yelled as she slammed her fist on

Cammy's belt, starting things off.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Cammy wailed as the electricity began to fry her. The British woman then

began to lick Dr. Cutter's sex as she spread her legs even more. The moment her tongue touched

Dr. Cutter's pussy lips, the woman's honey began to drip onto Cammy's tongue and face. Dr.

Cutter's hands then reached down and groped the woman's tits. At first, she stopped the flow of

electricity, but Dr. Cutter would often raise her hands, releasing Cammy's breasts, allowing the

shocks to be applied. The evil doctor didn't tell Cammy that every shock would be worse than

the last, thus it became Cammy's best interest to do a good job. Thus, even though Cammy

didn't want to lick Dr. Cutter's pussy, her survival instincts took over and her tongue began to

lap at an incredible fast tempo. While this was going on, Cammy also spread her legs. With her

legs spread, Mai rammed the strap-on into Cammy's pussy, temporarily stopping the flow of

electricity. But unlike Dr. Cutter, Mai didn't do anything on purpose. Instead, she slid the strap-

on in and out of Cammy. Whenever, she came out, Cammy received a shock. Thus, the British

woman simply wrapped her legs around Mai's buttocks and pulled her close, grinding her hips to

meet the woman's thrusts. And that's how Cammy stopped the flow of electricity; she submitted

to the women. At least, that's how she was able to stop it for a little while before exhaustion

took over while images of her and Rose servicing various Shadoloo goons danced in her

unconscious mind.


The Next Day

"You must be Reiko Hinomoto, the daughter of Kamikaze Rose," Dixie Clemets spoke as

she eyed the Japanese girl standing in front of her.

"Do you know my mother?" Reiko Hinomoto inquired.

"Know her? No, I wasn't that fortunate. But she was the one that inspired me to be a

wrestler. I watched and studied all her matches. I wanted to be just like her."


"I'm not pulling your leg if that's what you're getting at. However, you do have my

condolences. I'm sure it hurt to lose her, but I can assure you that I won't be easy on you just

because of your past."

"I wouldn't expect that from you," Reiko replied with a smile.

"Shucks. You ready?"

"Ready," Reiko spoke as Dixie and her locked up. Each girl exchanged a series of holds

and reversals, trying to keep each other on the mat. However, their opponent usually found a

counter within seconds, preventing a three count, and quickly eating up the patience of the

security force. As the men watched from the monitors in the back, Dixie used her strength

advantage to break out of a armlock and executed a sidewalk slam, slamming Reiko's back into

the mat. The cowgirl then went for the pin, but Reiko kicked out before the referee could even

make a count.

"Just like your momma," Dixie smiled.

"My mom would have been impressed by your moves," Reiko complimented as they

locked up again.

"This is ridiculous!" Mistress Spencer snarled as she ran past the security force and ran

toward the ring. The woman then watched the match for a few minutes and waited for the

referee to turn his back. That's when she used her riding crop and nailed Reiko in the back of the


"OWWW!" Reiko shouted as Dixie grabbed the girl and executed a suplex. Dixie then

rolled Reiko up for the pin, but Reiko kicked out at the count of two.

"CRAP!" Mistress Spencer shouted as she pounded the apron before sensing that

someone was behind her.

"You have a reason for being down here?" the person behind Mistress Spencer inquired.

"Not really!" Mistress Spencer growled as she turned and tried to hit the person with her

riding crop, but Chun Li simply blocked her arm and gave a thrust to her gut. The woman with

the eyepatch took two steps back as she clutched her stomach while her crop fell to the ground.

"You won't be needing this," Chun Li spoke as she picked up the crop and tossed it into

the crowd.

"Shit!" Mistress Spencer shouted as she ran around the outside of the ring with Chun Li

in hot pursuit. The woman then hopped over the barricade and was running amongst the crowd

as Chun Li continued to pursue her. Within seconds, both women disappeared from ringside as

they ran through the various parts of the arena.

Back in the ring, Dixie rolled up Reiko, but the Japanese woman reversed the hold,

sending Dixie's shoulders into the mat for the count of two before Dixie powered out, sending

Reiko to the outside. That's when Dr. Cutter ran through the crowd and shot Reiko with a taser

before disappearing through the crowd. "I didn't use that much power to throw her out of the

ring," Dixie thought as she tried to shake the cobwebs from her head while the referee made his

count and eventually got to ten where he counted Reiko out, declaring Dixie the winner. That's

when security came down with a stretcher, placed Reiko on it, and wheeled her toward the back.


"Damn it! I've lost her!" Chun Li snarled as she tried to look over the crowd of fans that

were heading home.

"Hey! That was an excellent run-in! I was so captivated by the action that I didn't even

see Reiko going down. All I saw the referee counting her out," a freckled teen holding a program


"The match is over?"

"It ended a few while ago."

"How long?"

"At least ten minutes. Best tournament I've seen in a long time!"

"Thanks kid!" Chun Li spoke while she cursed herself mentally. The Chinese woman ran

back toward the ring as the janitorial staff was hard at work again. Chun Li glanced around and

saw that none of the Rumble Rose Tournament people were around, so she made a quick dash to

the back, where things were very silent since everyone had packed up and left.

"They're gone," a female voice spoke from the shadows.

"And you know this, because . . ." Chun Li inquired as she took a fighting stance and

clinched her fists.

"I know because I too am late."

"And you are?"

"I am Evil Rose," the woman in red replied as she stepped out of the shadows. "Reiko is

my sister. I have reason to believe that Dr. Cutter is behind this whole thing, but I cannot

remember everything. It comes back to me in dreams, but when I saw Reiko, I remembered her."

"Dr. Cutter?"

"She's the one that caused Reiko to lose tonight."

"And she's the one that is listed as my opponent for tomorrow night," Chun Li spoke as

she saw the names on the bulletin board. "And from the looks of it, we're switching venues to

another arena tomorrow."

"We must go there. We must help Reiko before Dr. Cutter does some bad things to her.

You need to help me to ensure that she doesn't," Evil Rose spoke as she began to shake her head

a lot.

"What kind of bad things and are you alright?" Chun Li inquired.

"Bad things. Dr. Cutter is capable of very bad thi . . ." Evil Rose spoke as her hands

pressed against the mask around her head. "Bad things . . . many bad thin . . ." the woman

mumbled as she collapsed.

"We can continue this later. For the time being, I better get you out of here," Chun Li

spoke as she picked the unconscious woman up from the ground and headed toward her car,

hoping it was still there.


Back at the Lab

Reiko Hinomoto awoke to find herself naked and tied spread-eagle to a metal operating

table. She could see her own reflection on the mirror that hung above the table. The young

Japanese woman saw the manacles around wrists and ankles that held her in place. However, she

wasn't worried about those. Instead, she was concerned about the modifications to her body.

Her black hair was gone and in its place was the same style of hair except it was now platinum

blonde. Also, the woman now had a huge tattooed cobra on her stomach while its body circled

down her right thigh. Her body was incredibly sore and she didn't know why. "What happened

to me?" she spoke as she tested her bonds.

"You're being prepared," a tan nurse wearing a black nurse cap and a white surgical mask

spoke as she stepped into Reiko's view. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Cutter.

You can call me, Mistress, if you like."

"What!?!" an alarmed Reiko shouted in confusion.

"That's what your older sister, Fujiko, once said. Of course, she also said a whole lot of

other things. She doesn't say much now. I usually keep her chained and only free her when I

need her to pleasure me or when I need someone destroyed in the ring. She's quite the hellcat in

that red latex suit that I gave her," Dr. Cutter laughed.

"Evil Rose!" Reiko blurted out. "You changed my sister, Fujiko, into Evil Rose!"

"That's not all I've done. Meet Mai Shiranui," Dr. Cutter spoke as she stood on Reiko's

right, gripped her head, and turned it to the left.

Reiko knew of the name. She had heard the woman's exploits and had caught her picture

in various magazines in the past. The Japanese wrestler remembered all the pictures where the

woman was just ready to burst out of the clothing, but now, Mai no longer had that problem since

she was completely nude. However, the part that got Reiko was the amount of makeup that Mai

now wore, making her look like a geisha. Reiko struggled in her bonds as Mai approached. The

girl knew that Mai was a virtuous person and she thought her struggles would get the point

across. However, after several unsuccessful seconds, the young girl began to voice her request.

"Help me!" she begged.

"Sorry Reiko. Mai Shiranui serves me and she has no intention of freeing you. Prepare

her, Mai," Dr. Cutter ordered.

"As you command, Dr. Cutter," Mai Shiranui replied as her left hand cupped Reiko's sex

while her right hand fondled the girl's breasts, making the nipples erect in the process.

Reiko began to moan and pant as her body was assaulted by Mai's skilled hands. This

allowed Dr. Cutter to obtain some tattooing equipment. "I mark all my toys," the woman

announced as she held the needle above Reiko's face. "I did it to your sister and all my other

toys. I would have done it to your mother, but the bitch died instead."

"Screw you!" Reiko snapped as she spat at Dr. Cutter.

"Insolent little girl!" Dr. Cutter snarled as she wiped the spit from her face. The angry

woman then held the needle close to Reiko's right cheek, making sure that she saw it. "That's

right, Reiko! Your mother is dead. She was injured during her match, but she didn't die until I

moved her to my lab. She just wasn't strong enough, I suppose!"

"You lie!" Reiko shouted, not caring about the needle as she spat at Dr. Crusher yet

again. This time, the spit hit the woman in the eye, which caused her to wince in pain. Not only

that, but Dr. Cutter accidentally dragged the needle across Reiko's face, from below the eye to

the bottom of her cheek, cutting her. This caused Reiko to cry out in pain.

When Dr. Cutter recovered, she quickly grabbed a towel and some alcohol. "You stupid

girl! Now, look what you've done!" Dr. Cutter admonished the girl as she placed the towel on

the girl's face to stop the bleeding. She pressed down for several seconds before lifting the towel

up. That's when she saw that the bleeding had stopped so she dabbed some alcohol on the

wound. "This scar may be permanent, but there's not much I can do about that. Instead, you

deserve to be punished for your rudeness. Lady X!!" Dr. Cutter yelled as another woman

wearing a business suit entered the room.

"What the?" Reiko panted as she saw the two silver plates on the woman's face.

"This is Lady X. She's a cyborg, android, or robot depending on what you want to call

her. She has the combined DNA of all the girl's that I captured. She has Fujiko's and best of all,

she has Kamikaze Rose's DNA. And soon, she will have yours," Dr. Cutter laughed as she

snapped her fingers. Mai Shiranui nodded and sauntered up to the Dr. Cutter, who was now

seated on a chair, leaning backwards, and propping her legs on Reiko's table. Within seconds,

the woman spread her legs, revealing her wet snatch as Mai Shiranui began to lick her sex.

"You placed . . . my mother's DNA . . ."

"Yes Reiko," Dr. Cutter panted. "She has your mother's DNA. Since you were rude and

spat at me, I have decided your punishment. Lady X, take away her virginity."

"NO!!" Reiko screamed as Lady X, unbuttoned her suit and exposed a huge strap-on. At

the same time, the portion of the table between Reiko's legs began to retract, leaving an area

between Reiko's legs for the woman to stand in. Lady X didn't waste and time as she moved

into position, gripped Reiko's moving hips, and rammed the strap-on into her, destroying her

virginity in one violent motion. Then without mercy, Lady X sawed the strap-on into Reiko,

causing the girl to burst into tears. Reiko always wanted her first time to be someone she loved,

not some demonic machine that had the DNA of her deceased mother and her dear sister. The

pain and humiliation was just too much for the young girl to bear as Lady X forced her to climax

within a few seconds.

"By the way, Reiko. You can stop this at any time. Just call me, Mistress Cutter, and I'll

have Lady X stop," Dr. Cutter laughed.

"Never!" Reiko shouted, trying to be defiant as she felt another climax begin to form

inside her body. Never had her body felt like this before. Her pussy was dripping like crazy as

Lady X sawed in and out of her. Reiko knew she should be disgusted, which she was, but she

was unprepared for the feelings that were now overwhelming her inexperienced body, which was

on fire. Reiko's mouth turned into a wide O as she moaned and climaxed yet again.

"Call me, Mistress Cutter," the nurse panted as Mai licked faster and faster.

Reiko sobbed as her chest heaved up and down. She could feel her sex stretching to

accommodate Lady X's strap-on and motion. Worse of all, the orgasms were coming faster and

faster, making it almost impossible to catch her breath. To her horror, she even found that her

hips were involuntarily meeting Lady X's thrusts. The young Japanese woman knew she was

losing and couldn't last too much longer. Thus, she began to call out for help. "Fujiko! Help

me!" she wailed.

"Fujiko can't help you, Reiko. My little hellcat is probably out raping someone now," Dr.

Cutter lied since she had no idea where Evil Rose had disappeared to. The evil nurse hadn't seen

Evil Rose for some time and her newfound allies weren't able to locate her either. However, she

had no reason to disclose such information to Reiko at this time. Regardless, Reiko continued to

call out for her older sister, much to Dr. Cutter's amusement.

Eventually, Reiko experienced another orgasm. When she recovered from it, she felt

another one building, but she tried to hold out. The young woman knew that her older sister

wasn't going to save her, so she clung to last vestige of hope. She cried out to her mom. "Mom!

I know you can hear me! Fight her! Fight her! Help me! Please!" she wailed loudly, putting a

great deal of pressure on her vocal cords.

"Your mother, Kamikaze Rose is gone. Her DNA has been added to Lady X, but I'm

afraid your mother is gone. And if Kamikaze Rose is in there, she is loyal to me and will only

obey me," Dr. Cutter laughed as Reiko had another orgasm.

As Reiko's voice filled the room, the door to the laboratory swung open as Birdie entered

the room with a nude and unconscious Cammy and Rose on his shoulders. The man had them

slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Where do you want them?" Birdie asked Dr.

Cutter as he strolled to the table.

"Go wake them up," Dr. Cutter smile at Mai, who nodded and quickly ran toward Birdie.

Without saying a word, the busty ninja leapt into the air and landed in front of Birdie, where she

slapped both unconscious women on their bared ass, stirring them awake.

"Ohhh, my head," Cammy groaned as she slid off Birdie's shoulder while Rose did the


Reiko glanced to the side and saw Cammy and Rose. She remembered meeting them

when she first met Chun Li. Once again, Reiko was hopeful. "Help me! Help me!" Reiko

shouted with whatever strength she had left before her voice gave out.

"Look Rose, a new slut to join us," Cammy spoke.

"Will she steal all of our cocks, Mistress Cutter?" Rose inquired.

"No. She won't," Dr. Cutter laughed as she sauntered up to the table and peered down at

Reiko, who was totally defeated. "Feel free to pleasure Birdie," the woman laughed as both

women dropped to their knees and fought each other while undoing his belt. Within seconds,

both women were busy slurping the sides of Birdie's member.

The glint of hope in Reiko's eyes had disappeared and her voice was hoarse and

inaudible. Reiko glanced up as she felt another orgasm welling up inside her. She saw Dr.

Cutter's face and although Dr. Cutter couldn't hear it, Reiko begin to say, "Mistress Cutter," over

and over again. The tan woman saw the moving lips and knew what was going on, but she

ignored her and began to grope Reiko's sweaty and heaving breasts. She squeezed with all her

might as if she were trying to extract juice from oranges. Reiko's eyes slammed shut as she

shook her head, trying to fight the feelings inside her. However, it was futile as the damn broke

and Reiko climaxed, except this time, it happened again and again in rapid succession. Within

minutes, Reiko's eyes had glazed over and drool was dripping down the sides of her mouth.

"Lovely," Dr. Cutter smiled as she imagined all the little things that she was going to do

to Reiko.


The Next Day

"Arrrggg!" Dixie Clemets flexed her arms and pressed her arm against Chun Li's throat

even more. The two female fighters had been wrestling for over twenty minutes now. Chun Li

wanted to make the match was long as possible as Noble Rose, the new name that Evil Rose

decided on, could check out the offices in the building. The Chinese woman could hear the

crowd roar with anticipation as they watched her right arm fall for the second time after the

referee lifted it. If it fell one more time, she would lose the match. Which is why, Chun Li

began to shake her arm and slowly rose to her feet when the referee lifted her arm for the third

time. The crowed chanted her name as she struggled back to a vertical base. Her face was

flushed as she clenched her fists and shook her arms. Then she opened her fists and placed her

hands together. That's when she unleashed a hard elbow to Dixie's gut, knocking the woman

back, but not enough to release the hold. So Chun Li tried again and again. On her fifth try, she

knocked Dixie aside.

"This match is over," Chun Li panted as she rationalized that Noble Rose must have had

enough time to discover something by now. Thus, the woman crouched down onto the ground as

Dixie regained her bearings and charged at the Chinese woman. Suddenly, Chun Li leapt off the

mat and performed a Tenshokyaku, an unheard of move in the wrestling ring. Basically, she was

executing a series of spinning high kicks that first hit Dixie on the chin, sending her flying. This

was followed by another kick, then another, before one final kick hit the woman square on the

side of her head, sending her crashing back to the mat. When Chun Li landed, she quickly went

for the pin as the referee made the three count. "Ya tai!" Chun Li panted as she fell back onto the

mat as the referee raised her hand in victory.

"Chun Li! Chun Li!" the fans chanted as the Chinese woman laid on the mat, trying to

recover. As she blinked her eyes, she heard the rumbling of several footsteps as she saw the

security team wheel down a stretcher and were busy trying to get Dixie Clemets on it.

"Let her go!" Chun Li yelled as she got to her knees, but security simply strapped Dixie

onto the stretcher and were about to push her away from ringside when Noble Rose leapt out

from the crowd.

"You will release her!" Noble Rose spoke as she prepared to fight.

"No they won't!" Mistress Spencer snarled as she tackled Noble Rose to the ground. As

both women fell, the Black Belt Demon, Candy Kane, and Killer Khan began to tattoo Noble

Rose's head with their boots. This prompted Chun Li to exit the ring and assist Noble Rose.

With the two women distracted, security was able to push the stretcher around the other side of

ring, where they made their way to the back stage area.

"Wait!" Dr. Cutter shouted as she stepped through the curtains. For the first time, Chun

Li got to see who Dr. Cutter was and she wasn't impressed. To Chun Li, the woman looked like

some freak from a B-movie. However, she was surprised that all the other female wrestlers

pulled back instantly and was standing a good distance from her and Noble Rose. "I see Evil

Rose has decided to leave my gang. No matter. How about a tag team match? Chun Li and the

former Evil Rose will take on my tag team."

Noble Rose panted as she made her way to the ring announcer, where she yanked the

microphone away from him. "The name is Noble Rose! And tonight, you are going to pay for

your transgressions!" Noble Rose snarled.

"Such a bad kitty," Dr. Cutter laughed. "You know what, Noble Rose? You're on! A

tag team match to settle the score. Do you accept?"

Noble Rose glanced at Chun Li, who was making her way toward her. The Chinese

woman nodded as Noble Rose smiled. "You're on!" she spoke as both Noble Rose and Chun Li

entered the ring.


"Come on down and get some retribution," Noble Rose declared.

"Retribution? Come on down? My tag team will. And don't look shocked! I never said

I was going to wrestle. I just said my tag team was going to wrestle. So without further ado,

here's my tag team of Rowdy Reiko and Lady X!" Dr. Cutter laughed evilly as the curtains were

pulled all the way back, revealing her tag team.

First out was Rowdy Reiko. The women inside the ring could see the huge videotron

flash the woman's name. Rowdy Reiko had platinum blonde hair, which was the same length as

Reiko Hinomoto's. The blonde was dressed in a tight black leather jumpsuit that went from her

neck to her upper thighs, where it bit into her skin. The woman had purposely pulled the zipper

from her collar all the way down to her bellybutton. This revealed her ample breasts, which were

covered by the leather on only half of each breast. Dr. Cutter's logo was clearly tattooed onto the

woman's right breast and totally visible to the onlookers. Not only was the logo visible, but so

was the cobra that was tattooed over her stomach. The cobra's coils circled her right thighs and

its tail ended a few inches above the woman's black leather thigh-high boots. Finishing off the

outfit were a pair of black gloves, a pair of dark sunglasses on top of her head, and the white

scarf that was around her neck. Following behind Rowdy Reiko was Lady X, a very tall woman

with a silver mask triangular mask covering her cheeks. She was wearing a blue business suit

and matching pants as she followed Rowdy Reiko to the ring. Both women entered the ring and

stared coldly at Chun Li and Noble Rose.

"What is going on?" Chun Li asked Noble Rose as the woman was stunned to see what

happened to her sister at the evil hands of Dr. Cutter.

"Are you scared to face us?" Noble Rose shouted at Dr. Cutter.

"I'm facing you now," Dr. Cutter laughed as she stood near the ring and heard the bell


"Don't worry about her!" Chun Li screamed as Rowdy Reiko and Lady X charged them.

Chun Li dodged Lady X, but Noble Rose was tackled to the ground by Rowdy Reiko. Before

Chun Li could help the fallen woman, Lady X doubled back and approached Chun Li. "You

want some, come get some"! Chun Li shouted as she unleashed several kicks against the torso of

Lady X. Unfortunately, her kicks had little effect as the woman continued to step closer. Worse

of all, Chun Li's legs were incredibly sore as she small bruises on the parts of her legs that

connected with Lady X's torso. As Lady X got closer, Chun Li took a more defensive stance, but

was totally taken by surprise when Lady X executed a Cannon Drill, sending Chun Li crashing

into the ropes, locking her arms between the top and second rope.

"Lady X, subdue Chun Li," Dr. Cutter ordered as the woman punched Chun Li in the gut

several times before slapping her face repeatedly. The punches and slaps felt like heavy

sandbags hitting her. Chun Li's eyes blurred as her world began to spin. Without even knowing

it, Lady X placed her hands on Chun Li's shoulders and sent a shocking jolt of electricity through

Chun Li's defenseless body. The Chinese woman screamed as she felt the power surge through

her body, frying cells along the way, causing her to go limp, struggling to stay conscious as the

cold brisk air of the arena caressed her skin since her Lady X in one swift motion, ripped her top


On the other side of the ring, Noble Rose was having a hard time countering Rowdy

Reiko's moves. The woman knew that the woman clad in black was her sister, but she couldn't

talk any sense into her. Instead, Rowdy Reiko got angrier and angrier every time Noble Rose

addressed her. And since Noble Rose didn't want to hurt her own sister, she spent her entire time

defending herself instead of going after Rowdy Reiko. This allowed Lady X to sneak behind her

and shock her like she did to Chun Li early. Unlike Chun Li, Noble Rose was able to pull away

from Lady X, but was caught by Rowdy Reiko, who drove her head into the mat via a piledriver.

That's when Killer Khan and the Black Belt Demon rolled the unconscious Noble Rose out of

the ring and strapped her into a stretcher.

"Noooo. Get away. Stay away," Chun Li groaned weakly as she struggled feebly to get

away from Dr. Cutter's probing fingers. The woman's nipples were erect thanks to the cold air

and the electrical shock. Dr. Cutter cupped Chun Li's breasts and weighed them, purring and

smiling while Mistress Spencer got in position. Within seconds, Chun Li's eyes shot open as the

riding crop slammed against her perfectly rounded ass. Again and again, the blows rained down

on her ass as Chun Li screamed and tried desperately to escape the ropes. She even asked the

referee to assist her.

"No one can help you, Chun Li. This isn't the same arena anymore. In fact, this is a

private party. I'm sure you know some of the guests," Dr. Cutter spoke as she videotron showed

several faces from the crowd that Chun Li instantly recognized. She saw Shadoloo members like

Vega, Balrog, Birdie, and Adon to name a few. She even saw nude girls like Sakura and

Rainbow Mika standing next to them, often busily rubbing their bodies against the men. "Those

women are former participants in the festivities. I'm sure you've wondered what happens to the

losers. Well, let's just say that I modify them a little. Not to mention, I sample some of their

DNA and add it to the mix of Lady X, turning her into the ultimate fighting machine!" Dr. Cutter

laughed evilly.

"You're insane," Chun Li panted.

"And you're in trouble," the woman laughed as she pointed at the videotron again.

Chun Li's eyes almost popped out of her head as she saw the skybox. Dancing inside the

skybox was Cammy with a whole new look. The British woman wore a blue shirt that resembled

the blue uniform of an U.S. Marine. The only difference was that Cammy's shirt only stretched

from her neck where the collar was, all the way down to a few inches below her breasts. Not

only that, but the shirt didn't come straight down from the collar. Instead, it branched out in a V

shape, revealing more and more of the woman's skin. In fact, there was even a circle cut out of

the back that revealed the woman's red sports bra that she tucked under her breasts in the front,

pushing them further up and barely covered by her shirt. In addition to the shirt, Cammy wore

black fishnet stockings that stretched a few inches past her knees as well a pair of black knee-

high military boots. She also wore a pair of white gloves and blue thong. Gone was her red beret,

which was replaced by a black hat with Dr. Cutter's logo in front. Of course, the same logo was

tattooed onto her right ass cheek. The only thing close to her old self was the blonde hair and

pigtails, except the pigtails were much longer since they hung past her butt.

Dancing next to Cammy was Rose, who was wearing a black shoulderless dress that

basically starts at her breasts and stretches to her upper thighs. A strap was tied around her neck

and stretched to the middle of the of her breasts, where a clip keeps things together. Also, there

were a straps going across the dress as they held several vibrators and dildos, pressing them

against the fabric of the dress. In addition, Rose also wore a huge rhinestone collar around her

neck. Instead of full stockings, she wore thigh-high black fishnets and a pair of knee-high black

boots with laces and rhinestones on the front. Finishing off the outfit was a black mobster hat

and a pair of sunglasses that hid Dr. Cutter's logo that stitched over her left eye.

Both women were dancing around the man that Chun Li hated the most, M. Bison. The

man had a smile the size of the Cheshire Cat's on his face as Cammy and Rose began to take off

their clothing until they were both naked. Then they knelt in front of the man and undid his belt

and quickly undid his pants. Cammy was the first to start as she licked her lips and made them

nice and moist. She the flicked her tongue at the head of his member until it was wet. Then she

took the tip into her lovely mouth, where she pressed her lips lightly against Bison's manhood.

The woman then kissed it again and again before sliding her tongue down the entire length of his

rod like a girl licking a lollipop. She went all the wall down to his balls before she reversed her

direction on the other side. Once she was done, Rose repeated the same motions as they two

women alternated between themselves. After a while, both of them licked and kissed Bison's

member as they knelt before him, Cammy on his right and Rose on his left. Bison continued to

smile as he lowered his hands and cupped the women's sweaty breasts and gave them a good

squeeze. Not once did the women resist him.

"You'll be joining them soon," Dr. Cutter spoke as Lady X approached Chun Li and

shocked he again. Except this time, the pain was so great that Chun Li shot forward and freed

her arms from the ropes. She fell onto the mat, panting and unable to move. That's when

Rowdy Reiko grounded the heel of her boot into Chun Li's stomach as the referee counted to


Then Chun Li was taken out of the ring by Rowdy Reiko and strapped to a stretcher as

well. "Please Reiko . . . we're friends . . . help me," Chun Li begged with her remaining strength.

"Yes we are. And soon we're going to be very close friends," Rowdy Reiko laughed as

she rammed her fingers into Chun Li's sex and began to pump her fingers in and out of the

exhausted woman. Chun Li's face was flush with embarrassment as she heard the crowd

chanting her name, knowing what they wanted to see. And to make matters worse, her sex was

leaking. The Chinese woman struggled in vain to free herself as she felt Reiko's fingers dig

deeper and deeper inside her. Her breathing became ragged as her body was slowly engulfed by

small tremors that caused her to shift over and over again in her bonds. Chun Li's eyes began to

open and close as her head sank into the stretcher while she gasped. Her cheeks were red as tears

flowed from her eyes. The woman knew that it was only seconds before the crowd would see

what they wanted to see, something that she didn't want to show them. Thus, with a one last

burst of energy, Chun Li begged Reiko to stop, but the woman simply pumped faster until Chun

Li climaxed on the stretcher, right before it was pushed behind the curtains, allowing everyone to

see right before the arena erupted into cheers for M. Bison, Chun Li's most hated foe.


In the Lab

"Oh god!" Chun Li moaned as she struggled weakly, a token effort and nothing more

since her wrists and ankles were chained to the table. She was nude, on all fours, and covered in

sweat as Rowdy Reiko and Dr. Cutter fingered the woman's aching sex while their free hand

gripped and squeezed the woman's ample breasts. Chun Li was totally humiliated as she

climaxed so many times that she had lost count in front of M. Bison, who was seated in a chair

with Cammy and Rose licking his member, staring straight at her. And even though she didn't

want to believe it, part of her knew that soon, she would be joining Cammy and Rose at the evil

man's side. Not wanting to think about it, Chun Li pulled her eyes away from the scene directly

in front of her and glanced at other parts of the room.

To Chun Li's immediate right was Noble Rose, who was lying down on a table much like

Chun Li's. However, the woman's legs were forced over her head as Rainbow Mika wore a huge

strap-on and sawed it in and out of the woman's stretched sex. Noble Rose's eyes had glazed

over as she panted and moaned while drool dripped from the sides of her mouth. Her hair was

soaked and clung to her face as Rainbow Mika continued to have her way with the woman's

defenseless body. Not wanting to see the scene anymore, Chun Li turned her head left.

On the woman's left was Dixie Clemets, who was worse off than Noble Rose. Unlike

Chun Li and Noble Rose, the woman was hogtied with a spreader bar between her ankles. Her

arms were secured on of her back as several different cords of ropes looped and crossed her

body. Much like Chun Li and Noble Rose, her body was covered in sweat, but unlike them, there

was one heavy rope that connected to the others and secured her to the ceiling, allowing her to

sway when bumped into. And bumped into Dixie, people did. In fact, Sagat was busy pumping

his meat into the woman's sex while his hands gripped her thighs. Directly in front of Dixie was

Adon, who had rammed his member into the woman's mouth and pumped furiously into her.

Both Muy Thai fighters were competing with each other to see who could break Dixie first as she

bounced between them. The woman was in a great deal of pain as the ropes also cut into her skin

and with the extra movement, things were simply much worse. Chun Li could see the despair in

Dixie's eyes as she turned her gaze back toward Bison. But instead of looking at him, she looked

at the scene behind him.

There see saw Helena and Lei-Fang, both nude and busy servicing a Shadoloo agent.

Earlier, Dr. Cutter had informed Chun Li the girls' names before they were claimed. She also

mentioned that Lei-Fang was quite busy since she too was Chinese and that some of the agents

purposely fucked her and referred to her as Chun Li. The mere thought of the young girl being

abused on her account devastated Chun Li since an innocent individual had to suffer because of

her. However, the girl didn't look like she was suffering at the moment. In fact, she looked like

she was enjoying the moment as Birdie wrapped his chain around her neck, binding her hands in

front of her throat as she sucked on his member. Sitting across from Birdie was Vega, who had

Helena bobbing her head furiously on his member while his claw slowly cut through the white

bow in her hair. Both girls had a smile on their face as they serviced the vile men.

"Just so you know, Chun Li. Lady X is a cyborg. She is very powerful, but she will be

even better once I add your DNA to it. This tournament was a huge ruse to bring the best fighters

around and to capture them so I could use their DNA," Dr. Cutter laughed. "When I am done,

Shadoloo will have an army of these unstoppable cyborgs. And the best part is that they don't

care who the donors are."

"You'll . . . never . . . get . . . away . . . with . . . this," Chun Li panted.

"Sure I will. Who is going to stop me? For not only will I be supplying cyborgs to

Shadoloo, but my donors will provide much needed pleasure to various Shadoloo agents. In fact,

I might even expand. I'm sure Geese Howard would love to get his hands on Mai. And there's

always more girls that I can ensnare with this gimmick. Sure, I have to donate some money to

some worthless charities to make things seem legit, but the payoff more than makes up for it. By

the way, I haven't decided where to tattoo my logo onto your magnificent body."

"Nooo . . . Reiko, help . . . help me," Chun Li groaned.

"I am helping you. Fujiko is my sister, but she is now Evil Rose or will be shortly. My

mother is Kamikaze Rose, who is now Lady X. Soon, we will be a family again. Mother will

help Shadoloo and we can be like sisters," Rowdy Reiko spoke calmly as she continued to finger

Chun Li's sex. She even gripped Chun Li's nipple and tugged on it to add some emphasis to her


"My god! You . . . you're . . . a monster!" Chun Li groaned at Dr. Cutter as the laboratory

door opened and in came Mistress Spencer, the Black Belt Demon, Killer Khan, Sakura, Mai,

Sodom, and Balrog. Within seconds, the Black Belt Demon and Killer Khan were servicing

Balrog's large cock as he sat back on a steel chair and placed his hands behind his head. While

that was going on, Sakura leapt onto Sodom's dick and was riding him for all she was worth.

The scene was just too much for Chun Li as she felt the two women pump their fingers in and out

of her sex even faster.

"Don't fight it, Chun Li. Surrender instead," a nude Mai Shiranui spoke as she sauntered

up to Chun Li, gripped her cheeks and kissed the woman passionately on the lips as her own

tongue grazed the Chinese woman's teeth before releasing the kiss, leaving a long strand of spit

that dangled between Mai's and Chun Li's lips. Then the busty ninja moved aside, revealing

Cammy and Rose, who were standing behind her, their bodies covered and dripping with Bison's

sperm. Mai then joined Mistress Spencer behind Chun Li and began to spank the woman's ass.

Rose and Cammy began to grope Chun Li's breasts allowing Dr. Cutter and Rowdy Reiko to

concentrate on Chun Li's dripping pussy.

"Soon Chun Li, soon," Bison spoke as he stood in front of Chun Li and smiled at her.

Chun Li wanted to scream a retort, but her sex became inflamed. The woman began to grunt and

moan uncontrollably as tears burst from her eyes. The Chinese woman shook her heads for

several seconds as she gritted her teeth and slammed her eyes shut. Bison chuckled as he gripped

her chin and moved his head towards the woman. His hands then squeezed until Chun Li's lips

were forced open like a fish. Once again, Bison chuckled to himself before planting a wet kiss

on Chun Li while forcing his tongue into the woman's mouth. That's when Chun Li's eyes flew

open and saw what was going on. The Chinese woman was disgusted by what was happening,

but was helpless to stop it. In fact, the other women increased their activities, forcing Chun Li

over the edge. Her body then shook violently as Chun Li climaxed and screamed into Bison's

mouth. As the orgasm continued to course through her body, the last vestige of strength was

sapped from her body. And even before the climax stopped, the Chinese woman blacked out, her

last image was Bison's triumphant face and the last sensation she had other than the orgasm was

all the hands groping and fondling her body, with her mouth firmly connected to Bison's.


Four Hours Later

"Ohhhh!" a nude Chun Li moaned loudly as Rowdy Reiko and Mai Shiranui held her

arms, holding the woman up while their free hand fingered the woman's dripping sex. The

Chinese woman was too weak to fight due to the abuse that she had endured at the hands of

Rose, Cammy, Mai Shiranui, Rowdy Reiko, Mistress Spencer, Sakura, Rainbow Mika, and Dr.

Cutter. However, the women weren't assaulting her body now. Instead, it was Bison's turn and

the evil dictator was savoring every minute of it. He ran his all over Chun Li's back as his lips

pressed tightly against Chun Li's, ramming his tongue deep within her mouth and almost cutting

off her air supply, forcing her to breath through her nose. Eventually, Bison released the

woman's mouth as she gasped and panted for air while Bison slid down her face, planting kisses

and licking the sweat off her body along the way. He moved from her cheeks, to her chin, down

her neck, past her shoulders, and eventually to her heaving tits. His hands then returned to the

woman's front where he gripped Chun Li's right breast and sucked her erect nipple into his

mouth. Bison sucked on it like a hungry child for a long time before releasing it. He could see

the look of disgust on Chun Li's face and relished the moment, especially when he licked the

woman's nipple, causing her facial expression to change as she moaned in pleasure. With a big

smile on his face, Bison began to nibble on the nipple for a few seconds before running his

tongue all over it, drenching it in a coat of saliva before repeating the process to Chun Li's left

breast. While Bison was busy with Chun Li's breasts, a hungry Rose was busy slurping his

member with her tongue, cleaning the head while she held the base with her right hand as

Cammy kissed the man's balls, preparing his member.

"Release her and move out of the way," Bison ordered as he pulled his mouth away from

Chun Li's dripping breasts. Cammy, Rose, Rowdy Reiko, and Mai all moved out of the way,

allowing Bison to grip Chun Li's arms, right above the elbows. Bison saw the look of dread on

Chun Li's face, but he could see the lust in her eyes. The evil man wasn't sure what Dr. Cutter

had done to the woman, but he approved of her methods. In fact, the man was positive that he

would invest more money into her research and facilities. However, it was time for him to enjoy

his prize, which was why the evil dictator turned Chun Li to the left, and unceremoniously

dropped her onto the an old mattress.

"No . . . please . . . don't . . . do . . . this," Chun Li panted and closed her legs, trying to

recover as she saw Bison lick his lips and stare hungrily at her sweaty body. However, a reprieve

was not something that she was going to get from Bison and Chun Li closed her eyes. With her

eyes closed, Chun Li felt Bison's right leg slip between her legs, forcing them apart before his

left leg was also able to slip in. From that moment on, it was just academic. The Chinese

woman was too exhausted to struggle and within seconds, her legs were spread akimbo with

Bison's member pressing against her pussy lips. "No," Chun Li mouthed as she felt the man's

fingers spread her pussy lips. She knew she couldn't stop him and reluctantly accepted her fate

as her body surged further up the mattress when Bison thrust his member into her. Within

seconds, the man was pumping his member in and out of her sex as he laid on top of her,

crushing her breasts with his chest. In addition, the man's mouth was busy planting kisses all

over her neck while his tongue often slid across and caressed her soft skin. He even whispered

things into her ear that sent shivers up and down her spine as he described how great it felt to

fuck her. Yet, Chun Li couldn't deny the conditioning that Dr. Cutter and her slaves had done to

her body. Instead of being totally disgusted or even taking some time before it became

pleasurable, her body was already overwhelmed by pleasure and her pussy was on fire. Hence

the woman's legs were wrapped around the man's buttocks while her hands wrapped themselves

around the back of the man's neck, pulling him closer.

"Are you enjoying this, my little pet? Because I am! You may have dedicated your life

to destroying me and Shadoloo, but now it will be rededicated to serving me and furthering

Shadoloo's goals," Bison whispered into Chun Li's ear right before he started to nibble on the

woman's earlobe.

"Uuuhhhh! Uhhhhh!" Chun Li grunted. The Chinese woman pulled the man closer to

her instead of pushing him away. She could feel her orgasm just seconds away now. Her

powerful thighs clenched and pulled Bison closer as she felt his member slide deeper inside her,

sending pleasure throughout her body. She felt the air in her lungs escape as she screamed loudly

and allowed the pleasure to envelope her body, sending her over the edge.

"Oh yes, Chun Li. That's exactly what all the men will say when they fuck you. I have

plans for you. You spent most of your life fighting crime. Now you spend the rest of your life

supporting crime and the people that engage in crime. You're going to becoming a Shadoloo

Stripper. You'll dance and fuck. And if you do a good job, I'll fuck you once in a while as a

reward," Bison spoke as continued to thrust into Chun Li while the woman rode her climax.

"That sounds just lovely," Dr. Cutter spoke as she plopped herself onto the bed and

propped her head up by her placing her chin on her knuckles and using her elbows as support.

"It does and it's all because of you," Bison smiled.

"Perhaps I can offer you another idea," Dr. Cutter spoke as she stared into Bison's eyes.

"I now have control of the entire Rumble Rose roster. Mai could be the key in obtaining more

fighters. Rose, Cammy, and the other fighters from your tournaments can also recruit more

women. In fact, I would be willing to share my wrestlers if you provide the resources for me to

obtain those women. My wrestlers can even strip and release the stress of your patrons as long as

you support my research. I'm sure it will be very beneficial to your empire and I could make it

worth your while to support me," Dr. Cutter purred as she blinked her eyes, making her long

lashes flutter about.

"An interesting offer," Bison grunted. "You did tell me that Chun Li was concerned for

Mai Shiranui's welfare when she first arrived."

"Cammy did that while I was breaking her," Dr. Cutter laughed.

"And what a job you did on her," Bison complimented the woman. "But I believe she

also befriended Reiko."

"Alas, she did befriend my naughty patient's younger sister," Dr. Cutter sighed.

"Although, that does give you quite a pair of stage if you wanted it. Cammy, Rose, and Chun Li.

Or you can do, Mai Shiranui, Rowdy Reiko, and Chun Li."

"I like the way you think," Bison grunted as he gave a few powerful thrusts into Chun

Li's sex. "How does that sound to you, my little fucktoy?"

"Oh fuck . . .can't think . . . so horny . . . pussy on fire . . . need to fuck . . . fuck . . . need

to fuck! Chun Li needs to fuck!" Chun Li screamed as her eyes opened. No longer was the

woman's eyes the only part of her that flashed lust. Instead, Chun Li had a sexy smile plastered

onto her face while her eyes burned with lust.

"I will definitely support you," Bison smiled back at Dr. Cutter as both of them laughed

evilly in unison. The evil dictator no longer needed to thrust his member into Chun Li since the

Chinese woman was busy humping his member, trying desperately to climax again.


Six Months Later

"You're such a prude, mother! I can date who I want, when I want!" Rowdy Reiko

decked out in her black leather biker outfit screamed.

"Please daughter, keep your voice down," the mother begged.

"I will not! It does not mean that I am under the man's thumb just because you're his

trophy wife!"

"Please keep it down. He'll hear you," Mai Shiranui begged as she was decked out in her

geisha outfit with white face paint.

"I'm not scared of him! He doesn't scare me! I can take care of him!"



"You don't have to worry about my husband since he likes you. But it's his new

disciplinarian that you have to fear. Now, please keep it down."

"Fuck you! And fuck the new disciplinarian!"

"NO! Fuck you!" a female voiced boomed as the door to the room flung open. Both

Rowdy Reiko and Mai Shiranui paused with mouths wide open as Chun Li stood at the doorway.

Quickly, the woman stepped into the room and allowed the door to close behind her. The

Chinese woman approached and was quite a sight, gone was blue Chinese dress, which was

replaced with an outfit that was silver, light brown, black, white and yellow. Chun Li now wore

a custom silver and very shiny bra made out of chain-mail that hugged her breasts perfectly,

leaving little to the imagination of just how big and round they were. Not only that, but the inner

part of the bra made a huge parabola, allowing anyone to get a view of the canyon between her

breasts as well as the inner curves of her breasts. Although her old blue tunic was gone, the

collar of the tunic still remained, but it was now light brown with yellow trim. The collar

branched in front with two V's that draped past her collarbone as the points were secured to the

bra while in the back, it was long flowing cape that stretched from her shoulders all the way to

the ground. The woman's midriff was bare except for Dr. Cutter's tattoo that adorned the area

right above her navel. Also gone was blue cloth that stretched in the front and back. Instead, it

was replaced with a light brown one that was clipped on the sides of her hips by yellow buckles.

In front, Dr. Cutter's logo was stitched onto the cloth. Adorning the woman's powerful legs

were a pair of light brown thigh-high boots with yellow trim on top with several black loops.

The woman wore black gloves that stretched from her elbows to the end of her hand, allowing

her fingers with their four inch yellow talons to be uncovered. Chun Li still wore her spiked

bracelets which were now silver while the spikes were ivory white. And like her old outfit, the

woman still wore her white buns on the sides of her heads, except now, the ribbons were longer

and they were yellow. The woman's eyes lashes were also as dark as night while her eyeshadow

was pink and painted very generously around her eyes. Chun Li's lips were blood red and her

eyes were very angry.

"Chun Li?" Rowdy Reiko stammered as her legs began to shake.

"I see my reputation proceeds me," Chun Li snarled as he pointed at Mai and then at a

bench. Mai Shiranui quickly nodded and skittered on her wooden clogs, taking gingerly and

graceful steps, yet with a sense of urgency.

"Reputation?" Rowdy Reiko spoke, trying to regain her composure. "Everyone knows

that you were some hotshot Interpol agent, but those days are gone! I can take you!"

"Then try me," Chun Li spoke as Mai moved the bench from the far wall, closer to where

Chun Li and Rowdy Reiko were.

"Then take this! Grim Reaper!" Rowdy Reiko shouted and charged, only to have Chun

Li step forward and slap the biker girl across the face before kneeing her repeatedly in the gut and

then delivering a chop to the back of the head, sending the girl crashing to the ground.

"The bench," Mai spoke as she set it down behind Chun Li and bowed.

Chun Li sat down on the bend and spread her legs. Without hesitation, Mai picked up the

groaning Rowdy Reiko and placed her stomach on Chun Li's left leg before taking her place on

Chun Li's right leg. "The master of the household likes to have tranquility in his household.

When the peace breaks, he becomes happy. Thus, it is my job to ensure that peace remains

regardless how weak the mother is. Therefore, both of you need to be disciplined. I prefer cross

punishment. Whenever either one of you disobeys or acts out of line, both of you will be

punished," Chun Li spoke as she Mai raised her kimono so her butt was exposed. The Chinese

woman then smiled and slapped both women hard across the rear.

"You wretch!" Rowdy Reiko blurted out, only to receive several more hard slaps across

her ass, which was barely covered by her leather outfit especially since Chun Li had hiked it up.

While Chun Li punished Rowdy Reiko, she was also hitting Mai Shiranui with equal force,

causing the woman to sob softly.

"You will learn to bite your tongue even if it means that you will have to bite it off

today!" Chun Li snarled as more slaps rained down upon Rowdy Reiko's ass until the girl no

longer struggled. Eventually, Chun Li lessened the severity of the hits. "Now, the master of the

household has been paying for both your lavish lifestyles, but he no longer wants such a burden.

And since you both fight, it is no longer possible to keep both of you. It is my job to determine

who he should keep. So an inspection is needed. Disrobe now!" Chun Li ordered.

Mai Shiranui quickly got to her feet and took the kimono off, revealing that she was wore

nothing underneath and that her sex was already moist. At the same time, Rowdy Reiko was

slower to get to her feet and she slowly unzipped the front of her leather outfit. Once the zipper

was pulled all the way done, the girl sobbed and paused for a few seconds until Chun Li flashed

her a dirty look. That caused the girl to push the leather outfit down her legs and stepped out of

them. "Please," Rowdy Reiko sobbed.

"This is your test. If you fail, you have to leave and fend for yourself. Now, the lord of

the household wants his wife to act like a bitch in heat. So place yourself on my leg and hump it

like a bitch in heat!" Chun Li ordered as both women hung their heads in shame and approached

Chun Li. Mai took the right leg and Rowdy Reiko took the left one. Both women had their legs

spread as they rubbed their sex all over Chun Li's thighs. Mai kept a stolid face with an

occasional smile breaking through while Rowdy Reiko groaned and was quiet unhappy by the

turn of events as Chun Li groped both their breasts. Chun Li marveled at how both women's

cunts were reacting quite quickly as their honey streaked down her thigh and dripped onto the


After a few minutes, Chun Li glanced down at the puddle beneath both women. She

could tell easily that Mai had more. "Mai Shiranui is the winner," Chun Li declared.

"No fair!" Rowdy Reiko spoke only to receive a hard slap from Chun Li.

"Silence!" Chun Li growled as she stood up cupped Rowdy Reiko's breasts with both her

hands by wrapping her arms over the girl's. This forced the blonde girl to keep her hands down

and unable to attack Chun Li's face. Deciding to advance her lead, Mai Shiranui knelt between

the girl's legs and began to kiss, suck, and lick Rowdy Reiko's sex. Within seconds, the girl's

pussy juice was dripping all over Mai's white face as both women moaned while Chun Li licked

the girl's left ear over and over again.

The attack was just too much for Rowdy Reiko as she tried to hold back, but was unable

to stop the dam from breaking. "OHHHHHHH UHHHHHHGG!!" the blonde girl moaned

loudly as she exploded all over Mai Shiranui's face, drenching her as Chun Li held the girl close.

Rowdy Reiko's body convulsed and shook as the girl screamed and moaned until she finally

came down from her ride and panted while her chest heaved.

"I think the master should be wise to keep you both if you perform like that," Chun Li

spoke as turned Rowdy Reiko's head and gave her a long wet kiss on the lips. Slowly, Mai

Shiranui came out from between the girl's legs and stood up, wiping the girl's juices with her

fingers into her hungry mouth. That's when Chun Li released Rowdy Reiko, who fell onto the


"ENCORE!! ENCORE!!" the crowd erupted as the lights various lights on the stage

came alive. The lights lit up the stage and not only showed the three women, but they also lit up

the cages that housed some partially naked dancers like Helena, Tina Armstrong, Cammy, Rose,

Rainbow Mika, and Mistress Spencer. The dancers were also clapping as well as Candy Kane,

Sakura, and Lei-Fang, who were wearing their schoolgirl outfits while taking orders from crowd

of miscreants.

"I'm sorry folks, but that's the only show that Chun Li is going to perform tonight on

stage. However, M. Bison has decided that Shadoloo's Number One Slut Slave should have

much bigger tits. So to get that done, Chun Li needs to make the necessary funds. So folks, only

one dollar for a blowjob. You can register your names with one of our three cute waitresses. It's

all electronic and if any of you argue with them about your spot, Balrog and Vega will be happy

to listen to your complaints. But don't worry folks, I promise that Chun Li will service each and

every one of her customers before the end of her shift, which will occur only when she is done,"

the announcer spoke as his voice blared from the speakers in the club. At the same time, up on

the stage, Chun Li removed her bra and cape and ascended from the stage. Sakura then took her

hand and led her to a round table filled with Triad members that Chun Li had busted in the past.

Without hesitation, she crawled under a table and was directed to one of the men by Sakura.

The women quickly unzipped his pants and began to service his member as her face filled the

large monitor on the screen, garnering another round of cheers.


Meanwhile in M. Bison's bedroom, the evil dictator's clothes laid discarded on the floor

as he laid on the bed as Dr. Cutter slowly slipped her g-string down her legs, inch by inch, as she

rocked her hips from side to side. A sly smile appeared on her face as she watched Bison's cock

jerk from side to side as it increased its length. "Excited?" she taunted as she crawled onto bed

and between his legs, cupping her ample breasts that she had freed from her corset earlier.

"Always," he replied as he watched her spread his legs out, giving herself more room.

"Stop watching that cunt, Chun Li," the woman cooed as she sandwiched his member

between the canyon of her breasts.

"Very well," Bison replied right before he felt the vice like grip of Dr. Cutter's smooth

skin, sandwiching his member, trying to squeeze the seed out his balls. The sensation of his

wife's breasts around his member was just too much as he groaned and a trickle of his seed

began to emerge from the head.

With a giggle, Dr. Cutter playfully licked the head of his member, taking some of the

excretion into her mouth, while the rest of it splashed onto her breasts and dripped down the

sides. She continued to lick as her breasts forced even more of Bison's seed to the surface. As

more an more of his seed leaked out of the head, Dr. Cutter was incessant of keeping her slow

undulating movements, trying not to rush things. In fact, she purposely kept her methodic pace

even though it was obvious that Bison wanted to rush things along. That's why she smiled

seductively at him before she wrapped her ruby lips around his member, and began to bob her

head, ever so slowly.

The man groaned as he slammed the back of head into the pillow again and again. He

then saw the reaction on the woman's face and knew exactly what to expect. So, he watched her

cheeks hollow in and out as she went down the entire length of his member and back up again,

while a bit of his seed dribbled out of the sides of her mouth.

"Hhmmmmppphhhttt," Dr. Cutter moaned as she gripped Bison's member with her right

hand, feeling the layer of wetness covering it. She knew that it was a mixture of his seed and her

saliva as she stroked the entire length of his cock, while her tongue licked at the head, making

him moan and quiver every time her tongue touched the pink skin of his head. Suddenly, the

brunette shifted her body so that her breasts were still pressed against his member while her

mouth once again, engulfed his penis as she started to bob her head furiously on his rod.

Bison moaned and wanted to hold onto her head, but he gripped the bed sheets instead.

He couldn't really make out the woman's facial expressions anymore as her red hair, bounced

and flopped about, covering her beautiful face. "AAHHHHH!" he moaned.

"TAKE ME!" Dr. Cutter moaned as her hands gripped her thighs and she lowered herself

onto his huge member, forcing it in with one huge thrust.

Bison's hands immediately shot up and began to fondle her sperm covered breasts,

kneading them with his powerful hands.

"OH GOD YES!!" Dr. Cutter moaned as she began to bend her knees more, squatting

over him, driving herself up and down. Her hands gripped her knees as her tits flopped up and

down in unison with her thrusts. She could even feel Bison's balls slapping against her own skin

while her own juices gushed out of her sex and flowed down on both her thighs and his dick.

"Maybe I should pull out," Bison taunted.

"No!" Dr. Cutter screamed. "Don't pull out! Keep it! Shoot your load inside me!

Please, please, please, please! Shoot your stuff in my pussy! Oh, please!"

Her pleas were enough to send Bison over the edge as he shot his load into her sex. He

filled her sex with his seed as Dr. Cutter twisted and moaned on his rod, which was as wet as her

drenched pussy-flesh. Her husband then rolled over, so Dr. Cutter was on her back, allowing him

to pump his entire load into her sex.

"Yes!" Dr. Cutter yelped as she used her finely tuned muscles and milked his cock,

trying to get every drop as Bison laid on top of her, filling her with his sperm.

As the Latin woman continued to milk Bison's member, Bison glanced at the screen and

saw Chun Li take another money shot to the face. He liked seeing the once highly feared Interpol

agent become the plaything of the criminals that she sought capture throughout most of her life.

Now, the only thing she was catching was the men's sperm. "You're right. Having Chun Li act

like a receptacle is quite enriching and a beautiful sight to see. You are an evil and twisted

woman," Bison laughed.

"Look who is talking. You're the one that wanted me to get Sakura to suck all of Ryu's

sperm from his dick after Lady X defeated him in combat. The look on face was priceless. In

fact, he still has that face in my lab right now," Dr. Cutter laughed.

"You're sure that Lady X will be able to take male DNA."

"Of course. In fact, I am making three different models now. One that uses only female

DNA, one that uses male DNA, and one that uses both male and female DNA. If you thought

they were effective against your current enemies. Just think what they can do when the roll into

some unsuspecting country with regular soldiers instead of fighters."

"You're truly evil," Bison laughed.

"And so are you," Dr. Cutter smiled back as she reached up with both her hands and

clasped her fingers around the back of Bison's neck, pulling him close. Then, the two kissed

passionately as their tongues wrestled for control while the diamond ring on Dr. Cutter's sparkled

from the light from the screen that showed Chun Li receiving another money shot from another


The End