Infernal Destiny Book 8: Temptation

by Tantric Legion

[email protected]

Disclaimer: This story should not be read by any person not of the age of majority in their country. Anyone who may be offended by the horrific depiction of a war between good and evil, including gratuitous sex and violence, should not continue. The author is not responsible for either any actions taken by persons who read this story or for the general social problems of our planet.  

Chapter VIII


Above the Northwest

            Jane and a short brunette flight attendant held down a struggling blond woman as a dark fleshy broodling extended a bundle of thin tendrils between her legs. The gag the two women had placed in the blond’s mouth muffled the tall woman’s cries of panic after two strange women forced her into the plane’s galley and after gagging her pulled down her pants and placed a strange egg like pod between her legs.

            Jane and the flight attendant exchanged a smile as the tentacles reached the blond business woman’s cunt and went to work with a rhythmic series of soft wet sounds.  After a few moments of the creature’s attentions the blond moaned and relaxed as her hips began moving in time with the tendrils.  Once her lovely blue eyes went hazy with pleasure the two women restraining her released their grasp.

            Now free, her hands immediately found their way to her groin where rather than tearing off the broodling, which was beginning to insinuate itself into her body, began to massage and urge it forward, pressing it deeper into her dripping slit, desperate to feel more of the incredible pleasure flooding through her body.  Now the gag suppressed moans and cries of sexual pleasure rather than terror as the demonic broodling took her.

            Jane stood up and pushed the pretty brunette who had assisted her back against the galley’s counter.  Shortly after takeoff she had pushed the young flight attendant into the cramped airliner’s bathroom and forced a broodling into Kylie’s tight cunt.  After being possessed by the demonic creature Kylie had helped Jane enslave four other women.  Now Jane plundered the shorter woman’s mouth with her tongue as her fingers darted beneath the young woman’s skirt and rubbed Kylie’s dripping slit, rewarding the enslaved girl for her work.  The pretty brunette closed her eyes and whimpered softly as the added thrill of knowing that unsuspecting passengers sat mere feet away heightened her pleasure.  The sweet faced flight attendant scrunched her face up in an expression of sexual bliss before letting out a soft cry of pleasure as she came.

            After thoroughly coating her fingers in Kylie’s honey Jane withdrew them from between the girl’s thighs and both women licked them clean of juices.  While they shared the sweet fluids they watched as their newest victim as she stiffened in pleasure when the broodling finally reached her womb and bonded itself to the blond woman’s nervous system, causing her to collapse back to the floor in relief.  When her eyes reopened they were the same vivid green that Kylie’s had become and she arched her back as she sensed the changes which had taken place within her.

            As the fasten seat belts sign lit and the pilot’s voice came over the intercom to announce the landing Kylie helped the lovely blond to her feet and guided her back to her seat.  With a wicked smile Jane watched them go before returning to her own seat.  In the past she had always dreaded these long flights, they had always been so boring.  Now though she regretted how soon it was ending.  Dismissing the momentary pang of disappointment she returned to her seat and buckled in.  After all, it had been a long time since the pretty corporal had been home to see her family, and several more broodlings waited expectantly in her duffel.  It should be a very interesting vacation.



            Jennifer slept peacefully with a slight smile on her pretty lips.  It had been quite a night.  Her older sister had hung out with her and her friend Amy who was sleeping over.  They had talked and talked together, laughing and joking until the early hours of the morning.  Jennifer couldn’t remember when she had last felt so close to Jane.  Since Jane had enlisted in the Army Jennifer hadn’t talked to her very often and when they had it seemed strained as if both felt guilty for how distance had grown between them but neither had any idea how to bridge the gap.  As she slept the bedroom door opened quietly and a shadowy figure slipped into the room.

            Jane stood silently in the dark bedroom, looking at the sleeping forms of her sister and Amy.  Both teens were in a deep slumber and Jane’s silent movements hadn’t disturbed their sleep.  As she stood above them the oblong egg-like mass of a demonic broodling filled her hands.  Her sister’s room contained two single beds, a legacy of the past when Jane and Jennifer had shared a room before their older brother moved out and Jane inherited his room.

            Jane carefully walked to the bed where Amy was sleeping.  Jane’s breathing quickened and she felt a hot burst of arousal between her legs as she looked down at the teen.  Their houseguest was a cheerleader whose Mediterranean heritage was obvious in her long silky black hair and smooth olive skin.  Amy was tall girl with a developing body who was well on her way to becoming a very voluptuous woman.  Already her teenaged frame was ripening into a pleasing hourglass form.  Her breasts were large but still high and firm and her long tanned legs were well toned from exercise.

            Wearing an evil smile Jane lifted the broodling in front of Amy’s face and felt it throb as it sensed a nearby host.  With a soft wet sound the slit at the top of the broodling dilated open.  The broodling pulsed in Jane’s hands as pheromone sacs blew a musky mist over the sleeping girl’s face and her soft breathing drew it into her lungs.  Moving over to her sister Jane repeated the procedure.  Now that both girls had been heavily dosed with pheromones Jane placed the broodling on her sister’s night side table, within easy reach, before sitting on the edge of Jennifer’s bed. 

            She didn’t have to wait long before the girls began to respond to the demonic pheromones coursing through their blood.  After a few minutes the girls began to show the first times of agitation.  Beginning to stir slightly they twisted in their sleep until their covers had been pushed to the foot of their beds.  As the two attractive teens came deeper under the influence of the arcane taint they had unknowingly inhaled they began to pant and make small sounds in their sleep.

            Soon they became more active, running their hands up and down their bodies.  As Jane watched both girls lifted their nightclothes upwards, revealing their bodies in the dim light of the bedroom.  In the soft moonlight the girls’ skin soon gleamed with perspiration as they writhed about on their beds.  Soon they began to press their fingers between their legs, pressing and rubbing them against their aroused pussies.  Sitting just inches from Jennifer, Jane examined the stirring teen with lustful eyes.

            Her sister Jennifer was a sweet natured girl with a cute upturned nose and bright blue eyes.  She almost always wore a friendly smile and viewed the world with an energetic optimism.  Still in high school she was a diminutive teen with firm apple sized breasts which were tipped with pointy nipples.  Jennifer’s hair was a sunny golden blond which she wore loose over her shoulders.  As she writhed in pheromone induced lust stray locks of soft hair fell across her face and she moaned softly in desire.

            Jane reached down and rubbed her dripping slit as she watched her sister’s innocent features twist into a look of need and lust.  Deciding that her younger sister was ready Jane reached out and shook Jennifer awake.  After a moment of confusion at the sudden awakening the young teen’s eyes betrayed a growing hunger burning within her as the demonic pheromones did their work.

            “Hey little sis, wakey wakey.  Looks like you’ve been busy.”  Jane chuckled as the shocked look on her sister’s face.  Her smile widened when despite the teen’s surprise at finding her sister in her room Jennifer didn’t remove her fingers from her crotch.

             “What’s happening to me?”  Jennifer gasped.  “I’ve never felt like this before.”

            Jane didn’t reply and only pushed her sister’s hands away from between her hips before beginning to rub and stroke Jennifer’s crotch.

            “No.  Stop it!  This is wrong.” Jane’s sister protested as she twisted and gasped under her older sister’s skilled fingers.

            “Don’t you like it?  Doesn’t it feel good?  I bet when you touch yourself it doesn’t feel like this.  Admit it Jen, you like what I’m doing to you.”  Jane could feel just how soaked her sister already was as she rubbed the younger girl through her panties.

            “No, we have to stop.  I don’t like girls.  You’re my sister!”  Jennifer exclaimed as disgust warred with arousal on her face.  The teen knew that she shouldn’t be doing this, shouldn’t be allowing her sister to touch her like this, but the feelings in her body could not be denied.  Against her will she knew that she was pressing her hips forward, grinding her heated cunt against Jane’s fingers.

            Jane smiled as despite her sister’s protests the teen still lifted her tight ass off the bed to allow her older sister to remove them before opening her legs to give Jane better access to her dripping pussy.  She briefly dipped her fingers inside, jacking them between the teen’s legs making the girl pant and buck her hips in time to the wet sliding motion, before turning away.

            “I have something you’ll like even better.”  Jane lifted the broodling from the bedside table and placed it against the warm wetness of her sister’s soft inner thighs, watching as the creature claimed its host.

            Jennifer arched her back and moaned as the broodling extended its tendrils into her sopping slit and went to work.  With white-knuckles she grabbed her bedposts and held on as she trembled through a series of overwhelming climaxes as the demonic creature assaulted her virgin cunt.  In the supercharged state of arousal the pheromones coursing through her blood had placed the teen in each orgasm only increased her desire.  An expression of need twisted her face and she could only let out incoherent animal sounds of pleasure and lust.  When Jane straddled her face Jennifer didn’t hesitate and began lapping away at her sister’s cunt, tasting a woman for the first time.  Jane moaned and panted as the frenzied girl’s enthusiastic licking delved deep into her sensitive sex sending sexual pleasure coursing through her body.

            Reaching down Jane laced her fingers through her sister’s soft hair and ground her cunt against Jennifer’s eager mouth.  Looking back she watched with a smile as her sister’s broodling slowly pulled itself inside the teen’s young pussy.  The pulsing demonic mass never ceased its constant ministrations as it expertly manipulated the girl’s wet vagina and delved deeper into the fleshy passage as it worked towards her womb.  Jane rode her, clinging to her sister as the teen bucked her hips in time to the pulsing movement of the vile creature pulling itself into her body.

            Without warning the door to Jennifer’s room was thrown open.  Roused by the noisy moans and cries of the girls their mother Diane barged into the room to a shocking sight of Jane grinding her pussy against her younger sister’s mouth while a bizarre *thing* pulled itself into her youngest daughter’s virgin pussy.

            “What in the world is going on here!”  Their mother’s outraged shout made both sisters freeze.  “You didn’t wait for me Jane!  You said you wouldn’t take Jennifer without me!

            “I know Mom, I just couldn’t wait.  I saved Amy for you though.”  Jane’s smile was both relieved and sheepish.  She was glad that she had taken care of her mother in the afternoon before her sister returned from school.

            “Mmm.  She’s cute.  I guess you can make it up to me later.”  Diane quickly stripped while Jane continued to ride her sister’s tongue.

            Tears of frustration flowed down Amy’s face.  No matter what she did she couldn’t relieve the burning need in her loins.  Her entire body was flushed with arousal and she had never felt anything like the primal lust which coursed through her.  Amy looked up as Diane slid into the bed beside her and let the older woman’s fingers replace her own without protest.  As Diane’s fingers delved deep into the wet folds of her sex Amy leaned forward and buried her face between the heavy mass of the woman’s breasts.

            When Diane began to pump her fingers in and out of the teen’s pussy the girl arched her back and gripped the sheets as she let out little shrieks of pleasure.  The older woman smiled wickedly as she tormented the aroused teen, enjoying the sense of power as she roughly jacked two fingers deep into the wet heat of Amy’s tight teenaged cunt, sending the attractive girl into paroxysms of excitement.

            Across the room Jennifer had her face buried between her sister’s thighs, hungrily licking up her sweet juices.  As the broodling forced itself through her cervix and into her young womb she jumped slightly and let out a muffled whimper.  She felt the broodling settle itself against the back of her uterus and then strike out, sending tendrils burrowing toward her spinal cord.  Jennifer screamed as a red-hot stab of pain wracked her belly.  After a moment the pain ended as the broodling finished linking itself to her nervous system.

            She suddenly felt a presence within her body, something ancient and irresistibly powerful.  With a whimper she felt herself open up and give everything she was to her new master.  Given the opening the presence swept through her with a flood of darkness corrupting every corner of her soul and filling the young teen with new lusts.

            Jane helped her sister stand.  The girl’s legs were still unsteady as she crossed the room to where Amy lay.  Bending down the newly possessed girl kissed her friend passionately, allowing the frantic teen to taste Jane’s juices on her tongue.  As she kissed Amy she felt her mother press the warm mass of another broodling into her hand.  Breaking the kiss she moved down her friend’s body, kissing and licking the teen’s sweet tanned skin until she finally reached Amy’s well trimmed bush of black pubic hair and the swollen mound below.  Spreading Amy’s labia lips she tasted the pink flesh inside, moaning in delight as she ran her tongue along the bucking girl’s clit before plunging it into Amy’s passage.  Lifting her head from Amy’s crotch Jennifer licked the cheerleader’s juices from her lips and smiled happily.

            “Oh Amy, I can hear our master’s voice in my head, whispering to me.  Just wait until you feel his presence, it feels so good.”  Jennifer’s voice was low and husky with arousal, her tones trembling slightly with anticipation.  “I can’t wait to bear his children and soon you will too.” 

            With a wide grin she brought up the broodling and rubbed it up and down the girl’s trembling slit, grinding it firmly against Amy’s prominent clit.  Looking up she watched her friend’s face as the raven hair girl flushed with pleasure, her face scrunching up and her breath coming in short gasps while she let out irregular squeals of pleasure.  Diane and Jane watched proudly as Jennifer pushed the tip of the broodling between Amy’s wet lips, idly fondling each other while they looked on.

            Amy gasped and jumped as she felt the exquisite sensation of a dozen tendrils writhing and caressing every inch of her pussy.  The texture sent waves of pleasure flooding through her being, the sexual pleasure welling up and cresting over and over.  As it slowly burrowed into her body Amy experienced one shattering orgasm after another.  Jennifer affectionately stroked the broodling as it took her friend, smiling as she watched Amy’s corruption even as her own broodling pulsed softly in her belly.

            “You’re a good girl Jennifer.”  As the last of the broodling’s dark demonic flesh disappeared between Amy’s puffy nether lips Jennifer smiled, she knew it wouldn’t be long now.  The oblong shape of the broodling was just barely visible as a small bulge in Amy’s flat belly, slowly moving toward her ripe womb.  Sounds of sexual ecstasy continued to come from the teen’s mouth as she lapsed into a barely conscious state of bliss.

            Finally the broodling settled in her womb and bonded with her.  Amy sat bolt upright and screamed in a mixture of agony and pleasure.  Falling back to the bed she shook and convulsed several times before becoming still.  After a moment she stirred, regaining consciousness with a soft moan, and opened her eyes, revealing that they had changed from brown to a bright green.  Looking up she met Jennifer’s expectant gaze and pulled the smaller girl down into a close embrace, both teens pressing their sweat-soaked bodies together as they kissed enthusiastically.  As they wantonly ground their dripping slits together the corrupted girls felt Jane and Diane join them on the small bed.


Washington, DC

Agent Sterling awoke to a thick, bitter liquid being poured down this throat.  Murmured chanting accompanied the liquid and as the incantation built to a peak he felt the potion become hot in his belly and spread outwards with a tingling almost electrical feeling.

New energy surged through him as the spell purged all traces of the poison from his body and full consciousness returned.  He awoke to find himself in a somewhat seedy motel room.  Sterling turned his head and saw his savior's face.  The black mask of his rescuer had hidden an Asian woman in her early twenties.  He gasped.  She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.  She turned forward, regarding him with icy dark eyes.  "Don't even think about it."  The thinly veiled menace in her voice both startled and confused him.

"Um... Think about what?"

Narrowing her eyes she didn't answer but merely pointed to his pants, which were tented by an obvious erection.  Reddening in embarrassment Sterling stammered for a moment before she smiled and held up a hand to stop his explanation.  "It's a side effect of the potion but we have much more important things to discuss." 

"My name is Lin.  Now, are you recovered enough to talk business?"  She raised a dark eyebrow inquisitively.

"Sure.  Thanks for saving me.  They call me Agent Sterling of the FBI.  After what happened back there I think that it might be hazardous to show up at the bureau again though. "  Sterling sat up against the headboard, wincing slightly at his still tender wounds.

"Your encounter convinced me that we share a common enemy."

Sterling's eyes hardened.  "Demons."

"Yes.  Demons."  Her tone managed to convey a depth of hatred, anger and disgust.  “A demon lord has brought himself into our world.  He will gather slaves and take over this planet unless we stop him.  What resources do you have?"

"Just myself.  They appear to have penetrated deep into the military and I don’t know who would believe me within the agency."

A wry smile washed across her face.  "Yes, I fear we cannot know how far the Demon Lord’s influence has spread."

"What about you?  Do you have an army of ninja warriors waiting?"  Sterling said half in jest although expectant hope tinged his words.

"No.  I am the last of my clan.  Humanity has lost their belief in the existence of true evil.  With the modern sciences dominating our perceptions and ridiculing the existence of the supernatural few know that there are battles which must be fought.  Their world view has narrowed to include only nature and man.  With each generation the numbers of those who devote their lives to defending humanity have dwindled."  The ninja’s gaze sharpened, “It appears that the demon lord has come to Earth at our most vulnerable time.”

            “I still have trouble accepting that they truly exist, even after all I have seen everything I have learned in my life tells me that the supernatural is imaginary.”  Sterling’s lips twisted in a wry smile, “Most people would call the men with white jackets if I told them demons are trying to take over the planet.”

            “Well you know they exist.  Disbelief is the monster’s greatest advantage.  The demon’s entire nature is geared towards subverting the will of humans and turning them into his helpless and loyal slaves.  He uses their bodies for reproduction and reaps great power from corrupting them.  The greater the defilement of a woman the greater the energy the demon gains.  This power allows him to work magic, if he gathers enough power he may tear open the gates to the realms of demons and monsters.  Should this happen nothing could save our reality, Earth would simply become another hell among many others.”  Something about the way Lin said hell, like she really meant it, sent a cold shiver through Sterling.

            “As long as no one knows or believes that they are here the demons are free to spread and reproduce. Once they are numerous enough it may be too late to stop them as they exponentially breed.  What can we do?”

            “I had hoped to catch the demon lord early enough so that I could simply kill him myself and then take care of any left over servants.  Unfortunately as you have seen the demons have been breeding.  I suspect that his female slaves have been bearing demonic offspring for some time.  If we are unable to track down them all the infestation will remain and grow again.”  Fear and determination mixed in her eyes.  “We cannot give up no matter how hopeless it seems.  If the demon lord wins then the entire human race will be condemned to a hell that even death is no escape from.”

            Sterling smiled.  “Then we won’t fail.”  In his heart the confidence of his words and smile was nowhere to be found.



"We're going on a field trip."  Ms. Clark smiled at her class.  “There is a system of caves off Route 87 which have historical significance.  I’m sure that visiting them will give all of you a greater appreciation of the power of ancient things.”  Serena added with an air of melodramatic mystery.  A room full of bright eyes stared back at her and a few scattered girls giggled at the drama.  Most of the girls thought that the caves would be boring no matter what their teacher said to make them sound more attractive, but also looked forward to the trip as it would at least get them out of class for a day.

            Already, mere hours after her rape, Serena felt the dark life growing in her belly.  It would be at least two weeks before it was ready to emerge, hungry for a host and filled with a burning lust for new innocent girls to defile, but already a small but heavy mass of demonic flesh churned and writhed within her womb.

The teacher smiled happily as she imagined her class, their bellies distended by the slowly pulsing mass of demonic offspring as they happily serviced Armakoth and his minions with their eager young mouths and hungry pussies.  At the mere thought of their corruption the beautiful woman felt herself moistening, the damp dew of her excitement soaking her panties.

Ms. Clark’s smile broadened as she picked up a sheaf of papers.  “All students attending the trip will be required to have their parents sign these permission slips.”  As she passed the forms out to her young students Serena was already imagining their cries as they discovered what awaited them in the caverns.


Washington D.C.

Major Cynthia sat impatiently outside General Stewart's office.  At his assistant's desk the young female lieutenant tried to ignore the waiting officer.  She kept noticing that the shapely Major seemed to be watching her with what appeared to be an expression of open lust.

Cynthia shifted in discomfort.  Within her belly her child shifted again.  The spawn that Armakoth had planted within her body was ready to emerge and was unhappy at being forced to wait.  After the two week incubation period her belly had swollen rapidly in the last hours as the embryonic demon underwent its last stages of growth.  For now carefully holding her leather attaché case in front of her had allowed the corrupted officer to conceal her pregnancy.  While that was a charade which would not last long it was almost time for the birthing.  General Stewart was the head of the Unified Military Intelligence Office and knew about every black op and intelligence operation both inside and outside the country.  Finally the assistant’s intercom buzzed and Cynthia was waved into the inner office.

Cynthia walked confidently into General Stewart's office.  Closing the security door behind her with a small grunt of effort she proceeded across to where her superior waited for her.  The heavy door Cynthia had just shut was soundproof and designed to block any electronic surveillance.  What went on in this office would go both unheard and unobserved.

            “General, I have something urgent for your attention.” Cynthia said breathlessly, her excitement momentary overcoming her reserve.

            “What is it Major?”  Stewart regarded his subordinate levelly with his steel grey eyes.

            “A new development in the Richards’ case that I wanted to bring to your attention.”  Cynthia reached into her attaché case.  Instead of the expected file she drew out a heavy black box and pointed it at the General.  His eyes began to widen in surprise and he instinctively began to order Cynthia but before he could say a word she pulled the trigger.  The small box fired two small darts trailing wires which struck the General in the chest.  Pressing the button on top of the unit Cynthia laughed as the TASER poured electricity into her superior’s body.

            As he shook and convulsed from the high voltage current Cynthia relentlessly continued the assault until the TASER’s power pack was almost depleted.  As the general slumped unconscious the shapely major sank to the floor as her legs gave out.  Almost without warning the demon growing inside her had announced its attention to emerge and her belly clenched and strained with a massive contraction.  Cynthia grunted and moaned as she went into labor.  She could feel the demonic embryo pushing its way out into the world as her own muscles worked to birth it.  Under the accelerated pace of the demonic birth the major could only writhe and cry out in periodic pain as her body and the larval demon within her belly took away all her control.  Soon the effort of bearing Armakoth’s offspring had Cynthia’s athletic body covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

            With each wave of contractions she gritted her teeth and pushed hard, allowing the heavy mass of her master’s offspring to move closer to freedom.  As her belly pulsed and rippled Cynthia cried out from the stress of the demonically accelerated birthing.  With one final surge of movement her child almost tore itself free from her body, expelling itself with a rush of slime, and fell to the floor between her legs with a wet smack.

            The monster which had filled her belly was a slime covered mass of green flesh.  Its red eyes immediately swiveled to lock themselves on General Stewart’s unconscious form, immediately recognizing its goal.  With a wet tearing noise two thin tentacles extended themselves from the top of its body and with a wet slithering noise reached out to the man’s body.  Wrapping themselves around his neck and right arm they began to retract, slowly dragging the larval demon towards the waiting host body.

            It extended two bone tipped mandibles and tore open his flesh, quickly sliding into his chest cavity.  The horrendous wound finally brought General Stewart back to consciousness but it was already far too late to save himself.  He screamed over and over at the torturous pain of the possession as the demonic larvae rent his flesh and took over.  The soundproof walls of his office absorbed his cries, allowing the demon to proceed uninterrupted.  Once it had fully entered his chest it nestled among his organs and quickly began taking control of the officer.  His merely human flesh and tissues stood no chance against the demonic invader and it quickly owned his mind and body.

            The General’s tall muscular body stretched and grew.  Muscles bulged outward and limbs thickened as the demonic possession subsumed his human flesh.  His skin split and tore, revealing green leathery skin laced with black veins.  Black horns grew from the sides of his head and his skeleton distorted, becoming hunched over and animal like.  The demon’s eyes opened, revealing the black orbs which were lodged deep in its skull.  The beast opened his mouth and roared, revealing razor sharp teeth and a long writhing tongue.

            The skin of the demon’s belly began to stretch outwards as something distended it from within.  When it finally gave a thick bundle of phallic tentacles dropped to the ground, dangling loosely from the demon’s abdomen and pulsing in time to its heartbeat.

            When the transformation was finished the new demon stood over eight feet tall.  It stretched and rolled its head, quickly growing used to its new body.  For a few moments it stood silently, absorbed in exploring the knowledge of the host body’s mind, its supernatural mind learning at impossible speed.  After only a brief moment the new born demon knew everything the general had and it quickly turned its attention to more pressing needs.  His heavy skull quickly noted the attractive Major Griffin where she lay sprawled on the floor, still unconscious from birthing him before swiveling to the office door.

            The demon hissed as it sensed the presence of General Stewart’s assistant beyond.  In a flash everything the General had known about the young woman flooded through the new demon’s mind.  Lieutenant Jessie Washington was a young black woman in her mid-twenties.  Jessie was slender and athletic with the body of a marathon runner.  Very determined and strong-willed she was a rising star in the military and was serving briefly as an aide on her way to greater things.  Despite some rumors spread by those jealous of her beauty and seductive looks the demon knew that her relationship with General Stewart had been nothing but professional.

            Viewing the General’s memories of Jessie quickly had the newborn demon’s lusts raging.  With a low hiss the demon extended his tongue, sending thick strings of sticky drool falling to the floor, and his phallic tentacles rose upwards.  The slithering appendages began to pulse in anticipation and green semen drooled from their slitted tips.

            The demon was a supernatural being and at will it called upon its mystic powers.  Though it could have easily assumed the form of General Stewart again, and would have to when it assumed his identity to further his father’s plans, the demon didn’t want to take the time.  Instead he simply wove an illusion of General Stewart over his true appearance, concealing the horrifying truth of what the General had become.  At the same time he cast a matching illusion over the office, concealing Cynthia and the pools of slime and blood which covered the floor.

            “I require your assistance Lieutenant, bring your notepad.”  Once the young woman had scrambled out of her seat the General’s image stepped back and motioned her into his office.  Across the office Major Griffin stood motionless by the map table with her hands clasped behind her back and staring off into space.  Jessie went to walk over to the table but felt the General’s hand close around her forearm, stopping the young woman in her tracks.  She felt herself lifted into the air and dangled there by her right arm.  Twisting about she looked into Stewart’s grinning face as he held her suspended, apparently without effort.

            Jessie gaped in surprise as the door shut itself and the security locks slammed home, securing the office from the outside.  Unknown to the young officer the demon masquerading as her commander had used several of his tentacles to shut the portal, locking her in the office.

            Helplessly kicking and struggling she gasped as before her eyes the room shimmered and swam dizzily as the illusion fell away, revealing Cynthia lying comatose on the floor in a pool of fluids, with her legs parted to reveal her inflamed slit and slime covered inner thighs.  The demon waited until she looked at him with a fearful, confused expression before discarding the illusion he had cast over his true form.

            “I am Jacutha.”  The demon’s voice was a menacing rasp from deep within its cavernous chest.  “You belong to me now!  When I’m done you’ll want nothing more than to serve me.”  With that pronouncement it plunged a tentacle into her warm mouth, gagging her.  Jessie bit down hard but found that she couldn’t damage the leathery flesh.  In response the demon pumped the tentacle down her throat, making the attractive girl gag and choke as it made her struggle to breathe.  The sensation of the forced blow job quickly made Jacutha’s tentacle swell larger, painfully stretching Jessie’s jaw wide as the demonic appendage pumped between her lush lips.  As she fought for air tears ran down her gorgeous face as she slowly began to understand what was happening to her.

            Ignoring her struggles the demon began stripping her, revealing the nubile young body beneath her uniform.  With a single slash of his deadly claws he shredded her jacket and the shirt beneath, coming narrowly close to gouging her skin.

            As the torn tatters of her attire were still fluttering to the floor he grabbed her yellow lace bra and roughly tore it away.  Freed from their restraint her large breasts bounced as Jessie continued to struggle uselessly.  The monster began salivating as he looked greedily at the heavy mounds with their large pink nipples contrasting strikingly against her ebony skin.  He roughly squeezed and fondled Jessie’s breast, massaging the fleshy orb and pinching her sensitive nipples with his claws until they became hard and erect.  Her eyes squinted from the pain and a low animal moan of suffering was barely audible around the tentacle in her mouth.

            Turning his attention to the charms hidden by her pants the demon stripped them off, pulling them down her long slim legs and tossing them away.  Jacutha chuckled as his victim’s struggles redoubled as her struggles redoubled as he began to rub her crotch through her skimpy panties.  Yanking the flimsy underpants away he discovered that Jessie kept her mound shaven.  Dipping his fingers between her nether lips he explored her exposed pussy with his fingers, briefly teasing the hard nub of her clit before lifting her crotch level with his mouth.

            Jessie shuddered and closed her eyes in shame as the demon plunged his tongue into her cunt with a hungry growl.  Disgust and fear filled the young officer as she felt the demonic tongue twist and turn as it delved into her tight passage, exploring and tasting her most intimate place.  Jacutha increased the violation by using the narrow tip of his long tongue to tease at her cervix, alternately pressing against it and lightly flicking and teasing it. 

            Truly beginning to get into the rape the beast continued to lick the beautiful young woman’s cunt but also loosed the eager phallic members to explore her ripe young form.  The demon ran the oozing tips of his rampant tentacles all over her coffee colored skin, covering her lithe body with green cum.  As he became more excited he became more aggressive with his tongue, tasting every inch of her velvet inner flesh.  At the same time he pumped his tentacle harder and deeper into the wet warmth of her throat, her gagging only increasing the pleasurable sensations which filled the appendage.  Finally his entire body stiffened and she felt a burning flood of semen fill her stomach.  When he drew back on the tentacle it was still spewing foul cum in thick blasts of green fluid and she winced at the bitter taste in her mouth as she gasped for breath.  Jessie had only a moment of relief when he pulled the sated tentacle from her mouth before another thick phallic member replaced it.  Her moan of protest was silenced by the vigorously pumping organ.

            Jacutha brought up a thick tentacle and pressed the dripping head between her legs, rubbing the slime covered organ back and forth across her nether lips until Jessie’s black skin gleamed with wetness.  Positioning the pulsing head at her entrance he slowly began to force the bulbous end into her tight passage.  As her pussy was stretched wide to allow the demon’s member entrance his victim moaned in pain, her face wearing an agonized expression of suffering as inch after inch of demonic cock sank into her unwilling body.  Slowly at first and then with gathering energy Jacutha began fucking his prey, the sensation of her young flesh surrounding his engorged tentacle bringing a wide smile of satisfaction to his face.

            Jessie felt the demon’s vile flesh assaulting her gorgeous body, thrusting deeper and harder than anything she had experienced before.  The pain of the initial invasion began to fade slightly.  She was already moistened from the monster’s saliva and the slime clinging to the tentacle helped lubricate her vagina.  After her tissues stretched to become accustomed to the sheer size of the tentacle violating her cunt the rape was merely uncomfortable.  Soon his demonic nature began having an effect on the young officer.  Before Jessie knew it her merely human body falling prey to the demonic invader and betraying her.  It began as a few sparks of pleasure and slowly she recognized a growing burning in her loins.  As incredible as it seemed to her some part of her was enjoying this.  The physical sensations were unmistakable.

            Jacutha grinned as he saw her honey begin to run down her inner thighs as her pussy gave in to her primal instincts.  Despite the pleasure she continued to fight and moan in protest at the cruel assault.  Nonetheless the demon knew that she stood no chance, her downfall had been ensure from the moment the office door had swung shut.  With no regard for her health he began ramming his tentacles harder and faster, taking her hard from both ends with only the thought of satisfying his lusts.

            Finally the young woman’s will broke under the overwhelming assault.  All conscious thought faded and she began to rut back against her rapist, grunting and moaning in animal pleasure.  Jacutha’s cruel laughter filled the office as he watched his first conquest stare at him with eyes burning with lust and desire.  Drawing the tentacle almost out of her mouth he growled in satisfaction as she attacked it, licking and sucking the phallic member while she wantonly swallowed the demonic precum which oozed from the tip.  Jessie whimpered in disappointment as the tentacle in her pussy withdrew with a wet slurping noise.

            Jacutha flipped her over and put her down on her knees against the wall.  As the young black woman looked back over her shoulder at him and wriggled her hips suggestively the beast twined two thick green tentacles together, forming them into one massive member.  As Jessie watched this with hungry eyes she angled herself to present her dripping entrance to the demon, lifting her enticing rump in the air.  Jacutha obliged his servant, ramming forward into her with a single powerful, massive thrust.

            Jessie gritted her teeth and arched her back as he penetrated her from behind, straining to accommodate both massive tentacles in her tight cunt, the sensation of the entwined members bombarding her frenzied mind with pleasure.  Desperately the woman pressed her palms against the wall and pushed back, trying drive the invading appendages even deeper into her hungry cunt.  Short gasps of pleasure escaped her mouth as Jacutha pounded into her body while her cunt instinctively secreted silky fluids to lubricate his passage.  Jessie bucked her hips to meet each thrust, enjoying every orgasm that rolled through her body while she rolled her head back and moaned in delight.

            Jessie hissed as the demon grabbed her round buttocks and dug his claws into her chocolate skin, she had never imagined anything like the exquisite mixture of pain and pleasure which she was now experiencing.  With the firm purchase he had gained on Jessie’s body he began to fuck her even harder.  As he pumped her the demon allowed more of his tentacles to join the assault.  With each brutal thrust her breasts rocked forward and Jessie let out helpless cries of sexual pleasure.

            She tensed up and cried out in pain as another tentacle began to force itself into her already well stuffed canal.  With a brutal shove the demon forced it into her sopping passage alongside the others and let out a bestial howl of triumph as he further violated the beautiful young woman.  Jacutha now had three thick tentacles pumping in and out of her tight pussy, stretching her to the limits.  Jessie could only groan as she felt the incredible sensation of fullness as the cocks forced her inner organs aside and made her normally taut belly bulge outwards with each thrust into the core of her being.

            Experiencing a rising pleasure Jacutha went mad, battering her cunt as he thrust with bruising force.  Finally he stiffened and held his tentacles deep in her body, growling as he reached climax.  Jessie screamed in pleasure as he poured gallons of searing semen directly into her ripe womb.  Within her uterus the demonic semen fertilized the young woman’s eggs, impregnating Jessie with her lord’s offspring. Slumping to the floor she smiled as she felt excess sperm oozing from her gaping pussy while her stomach felt stretched and swollen from the sheer volume of fluids he had filled her with.

            Jacutha roughly dragged Jessie into the center of the office and dropped the cum-covered woman on her back before kneeling down over her.  The exhausted woman moaned happily as her master plunged his tentacles back into her body and began to rape her again.


End of Part 8 - [email protected]

I hope that this chapter was enjoyed. Any commentary would be appreciated. Inspiration is fed by feedback, good or bad.

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