Infernal Destiny Book 4: Wedlock

by Tantric Legion

[email protected]

Disclaimer: This story should not be read by any person not of the age of majority in their country. Anyone who may be offended by the horrific depiction of a war between good and evil, including gratuitous sex and violence, should not continue. The author is not responsible for either any actions taken by persons who read this story or for the general social problems of our planet.

Chapter IV


Kim almost bounced up the walkway to Claire's house. It sure had been nice of Claire to invite her and the other bridesmaids over to get ready, she thought. The young woman wasn't quite sure why she had been invited early, hours before the other girls were to arrive, but thought it may have something to do with a secret surprise Claire was arranging for the soon to be married couple. Kim didn't yet realize that she couldn't have been more right.

After ringing the doorbell Kim waited impatiently, her youthful energy held barely in check. When Claire opened the door Kim jumped forward and gave the startled blond a hug, pressing her body against

"Omigod! Can you believe Trish is actually getting married today? This is going to be so great!"

Claire smiled as she undressed Kim with her eyes, imagining the fun she would have with the redhead's nubile body. "I'm glad you're here. We have a lot to do before this afternoon." With a wave she invited Kim into the house. Keeping up a shallow conversation with the gushing girl Claire tried to ignore the heat in her loins as she led her unsuspecting friend into the house.

Opening the basement door Claire turned on the light switch. As the bottom of the stairs stayed dark she began flicking the light switch several times. Claire swore in false frustration. "Come on Kim, the light must have burnt out. I have everything set up in the rec room."

Both girls cautiously made their way down the stairs, stepping carefully in the darkness, before finding the door at the end of the hall.

As the door to the room closed behind them Kim first realized that something was wrong. The basement's air reeked with the smell of sex and an unidentifiable sulfurous musk. The lights turned on as Claire found the switch. Kim let out a terrified squeal of surprise as she saw that the floor was covered in fat, mottled snakes. Looking back Kim saw Claire by the light switch with a knowing smile on her face. A low growl came from the far corner of the room. The corner was filled with shadowy darkness despite the light in the room. All the snakes led back into this cloak of darkness. Armakoth chose this moment to reveal himself, stalking forward into the center of the room and emerging into the light to stand exposed in all his bestial glory.

The young redhead screamed as she stared in disbelief at the monster standing before her. His growl of desire froze her in place. As the young woman looked into the demon's fiery eyes she was struck by an overwhelming sense of power and evil. Kim's face filled with dread as her gaze locked on the demon's pulsing phallus. Already yellow fluid drooled from the tip as it pulsed in lewd anticipation. Laughing as he savored her terrified expression and fearful cries, Armakoth sent his tentacles flying through the air towards Kim to ensnare his victim.

Grabbing the spunky redhead with his tentacles he bound Kim's wrists together above her head. The demon's eyes burned with his unholy lust as he examined the young redhead in his grasp. As the 18-year-old struggled to free herself Armakoth reached out with his clawed hands. Tearing away her clothes, which fell to the floor as tattered rags, he smiled as he stared at her beautiful body. Kim's well-rounded breasts bounced delightfully as she strained in useless struggle.

Lifting Kim into the air Armakoth opened his maw and tasted the girl's sweet skin. With his slimy tongue he licked and teased Kim's small nipples, the nubs growing hard from the stimulation. Swirling it over her chest he caressed her firm breasts, enjoying himself immensely as he toyed with the shapely flesh and admired her luscious body.

Claire watched with a satisfied smirk as the demon took Kim into his embrace. Noticing his slave's interest, Armakoth turned Kim around and forced her into her hands and knees facing Claire. Kneeling behind the redhead Armakoth wrapped a clawed hand around her throat, forcing Kim to look at Claire. Grasping the terrified girl's diminutive waist with his other hand the demon chuckled as he prepared to enter her, resting his penis against her red-furred mound.

Sorrow and outrage filled Kim's eyes as she watched the twisted glee Claire was taking from her struggles. Claire stepped forward and kneeled on the floor in front of Kim, smiling at the redhead, before seizing the girl's head and kissing her passionately.

With a low grunt Armakoth mounted the beautiful redhead, the girl's scream muffled by Claire's mouth covering her own. Pushing into the tight warmth of her virgin cunt the bulbous head of Armakoth's cock strained briefly before forced its way between her velvet lips. Kim writhed in pain as Armakoth's demonic cock began to fill her virgin cunt. The girl felt as if she was being torn apart from the inside as the massive intruder stretched her tender inner walls.

With a bestial growl of triumph Armakoth felt his penis slide between her nether lips. Feeling the brief resistance of her hymen, the demon thrust forward with a low rumble of pleasure, stopping only when his entire phallus was buried in her tight vagina. Now this was a body to be enjoyed he thought, savoring the sensation of her velvet walls squeezing his member.

"Soon you will be my slave." Armakoth's words held a mocking certainty as he began stroking into her.

Kim's body rocked as her new master's shaft slid deep into her womb, the girl weeping as she felt a male inside her sex for the first time. Her world was filled with pain and horror as the demon plunged into her again and again.

Kim struggled weakly in his grasp, helpless against the creature's demonic strength. She whimpered pitifully and tears streamed down her cheeks as Armakoth thrust deep into her body. As the demon's cock pistoned in and out of her sparks of unholy pleasure began shooting through her body.

Kim shook her head in denial, refusing to believe that her body was responding to the vicious assault. Despite her efforts a low, throaty moan escaped her mouth. Slowly the young teen's cries turned into sounds of ecstasy, her hips quivering with pleasure as she was impaled over and over. Kim moaned and writhed in ecstasy as her body shook with multiple orgasms at the unholy rape. Soon she felt as if her whole being was centered on the incredible pleasure.

Kim was now an active participant in her rape, grunting like an animal and violently bucking her hips in time to Armakoth's brutal thrusts. She panted and gasped, totally lost in the sensations

"Yes! More, more!" Overcome with lust she begged and pleaded with her demonic rapist for more, greedy for the unholy pleasure. Eventually Kim screamed herself hoarse, now only able to writhe and moan helplessly as Armakoth's powerful thrusts rocked her body and brought her to another soul shattering orgasm.

Armakoth leered down at the semiconscious girl impaled on his shaft. Her sweat soaked body bucked as another orgasm rippled through her. The demon decided that it was time to finish claiming this attractive specimen. Placing a clawed hand on each of her firm cheeks, he gripped her buttocks and pounded deep within her. With one final thrust he held himself within her womb and sprayed his thick load into her body. As the potent semen fertilized her eggs Armakoth knew that Kim's body and soul were his.

Kim slowly regained consciousness. When the girl awoke and smiled at her master, a feral light began to glow in her eyes.

"Now you're all mine." Armakoth presented his still erect penis to her lips.

"I live to serve you master," Kim gasped before taking his cock in her mouth, moaning in pleasure as she cleansed the demon's shaft of her juices. Smiling in satisfaction Claire left the room to await the arrival of the next girl upstairs.


Armakoth had once again assumed Ethan's human form for the wedding. He now stood before the minister listening to the words of the service. For a moment the demon sneered inwardly, careful to keep the look of dazed happiness on his face, as he thought of the clergy's weakness. Here a minister stood mere feet from a demon, a greater denizen of the cursed realms, and was totally oblivious to that fact. Time had obviously eroded knowledge and skepticism stolen belief as the churches became more secular. There were threats to his plans on Earth but Armakoth knew they would not be found here.

As each girl arrived at Claire's house Armakoth had raped them, enslaving them to his will. Now Trish's entire wedding party carried his brood. He could sense them behind him, their corrupted spirits yearning for him to take them again while their bellies incubated his offspring.

After taking these girls and those he had previously enjoyed he had more than replenished the energy expended bringing him to Earth. He now felt power greater than every before. In all the millennia of his existence Armakoth had never found a world so oblivious to his work. With the energy of Trish's soul he could begin the serious work of gaining control over this world and reshaping it as he desired.

Hearing the last words of the ceremony both bride and groom smiled for entirely different reasons. Trish's face beamed at her new husband as she stared lovingly into the face of the man whom she had decided to share her life with. Smiling back at her Armakoth hungered for the young bride's flesh and soul. Sliding the ring onto his loving bride's finger he swept her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

Ending the kiss, the newly married couple turned to the crowd of friends and family assembled to witness their joining, Trish's pretty face flushing as they applauded and cheered. As her new husband guided her towards the receiving she thought that this was the happiest day of her life.


Claire, Paula, Wendy and Kim were waiting in the back of the limousine when Ethan and Trish left the reception. The laughing girls had already removed their dresses and were laughing as they drank a toast with the bottle of champagne they had spirited away from the bar.

Climbing into the back-seat Trish stared at them in surprise and confusion. "What are you girls doing here?"

Ethan's voice answered her. "They're here because I invited them." Trish turned to look at her husband with a look of shock, her mouth opening to protest.

Before she could say anything Armakoth held up a hand and spoke several harsh incomprehensible syllables. Glowing energy fountained from his palm, flying toward Trish. The ethereal blaze struck her in the face but did not injure her. Instead it flowed into her eyes, which glowed briefly before returning to normal. The bride slumped back in her seat, a dazed but happy look on her face.

Armakoth turned to his servants as the limo started to roll. "I have put her under a glamour. When we begin the ceremony she will see what I wish her to." Trish giggled softly, lost in the illusion the demon's spell had entranced her in. Armakoth looked to his bride, growling with suppressed lust. "I cannot take her yet," the demon's form distorted and grew as he discarded the seeming of Ethan's human body, "but I can have you four."

As the limo turned onto the interstate feminine cries and moans began to fill it.


Outside Boston

Lost in her own mind, Trish moved weakly in the grasp of Armakoth's servants as the four girls carried her into the cavern. The young bride giggled happily as Ethan carried her across the threshold into the hotel suite. They shared a deep lingering kiss before he laid her gently on the luxurious bed. She looked around the room. "Oh it's so nice. I always dreamed it would be like this." Turning to look at her new husband she smiled. "I love you so much Ethan."

Walking ahead of the girls Armakoth began to transform from his demonic form back into the human visage. Wearing Ethan's face he looked back with a smile as his slaves bore his new bride.

Reaching the chamber Armakoth waited while his bride was placed upon the black altar. Climbing up on the dark stone with her he roughly tore into her white lace dress. Parting her legs he grasped his penis and pressed it against her slit. Rubbing it up and down her lips he coated the head in her juices, her pussy flowing freely with arousal from the illusions she was experiencing.

Tiring of teasing his bride Armakoth leaned forward to nip at and then whisper in her ear "Tell me you're mine, give yourself to me."

Trish threw her head from side to side, lost in an almost feverish haze of confusion and desire. The young bride looked into her husband's eyes and sighed, filled with love. "I'm yours. I'm yours forever."

Trish gasped as her husband thrust into her for the first time, tearing through her hymen with a single brutal thrust. The beautiful bride cried out briefly at the moment of pain before falling back into the haze of lust and illusion that Armakoth had woven around her.

Armakoth pumped fiercely into the bride, moving in and out with short, hard thrusts as he enjoyed the feeling of her tight cunt squeezing his cock. As the mating couple moaned and grunted atop the altar, the virgin blood flowing between Trish's legs ran freely down her inner thighs. Soaking through the shredded remains of her wedding dress the red flow was absorbed into the black stone of the altar. The carefully laid spells woven in preparation for the ceremony flared to life in a rush of arcane power.

"Now you will be mine forever." Armakoth's voices echoed through the cavern.

Glowing wards and fiery characters swirled in a vortex around the altar. As the demon and his bride coupled Armakoth began becoming more demonic, his form twisting and distorting as the semblance of human seeming he had assumed was discarded and the changes his possession had wrought on Ethan's body were revealed. Finishing his transformation Armakoth bent his head down and began to kiss his victim.

Trish began struggling as something impossibly wrong happened when he kissed her. His tongue began to grow, writhing and questing as it forced itself into her throat. Finally she began to struggle, the dazed bride fighting to breathe around the horrible intruder.

Even as Armakoth reached into Trish's body with his tongue his cock continued to pound into her vagina. Her neck bulged as the black tongue pushed relentlessly onwards. The sounds of tissue tearing began to accompany the wet rhythmic noise of their fucking. Reaching down into her chest the demonic appendage found its objective and began retracting back into Armakoth's gaping maw. With a sickening ripping sound Trish's neck bulged impossibly large as the demon's tongue drew out its prize. Tugging suddenly, the demon's tongue pulled out the girl's heart through her mouth. As Trish convulsed her heart grew bright, glowing with radiant white energy. In Armakoth's grasp the energy began to turn black and once the last of the white purity had vanished, replaced by a black flame, he swallowed it.

Blood began to fountain from the young bride's mouth as her limbs twitched spasmodically. Trish grew pale as her life-force drained from her stricken form, leaving her empty and shivering, her skin turning blue as the warmth of her spirit was torn away leaving an empty void behind.

Armakoth's penis began to swell within her pussy as he begun grunting with each vicious thrust. Nearing the moment of his climax, the demon pulled back until just his swollen, pulsating head was lodged between her lips. With a triumphant shout he punched it forward, deep into her body, tearing though her womb and into her chest cavity. As he held himself there the demon began to ejaculate.

Filthy black ichor spurted in an endless stream as he pulsed deep within the bride's body. The foul corruption soaked into Trish's body as gallons of the black liquid filled her. The young woman was wracked by a sudden series of violent seizure as the fluid burned away her humanity in a flood of evil, replacing it with the demon lord's essence. Her mouth opened in a terrible shriek, the shrill cry of something unholy being born, which echoed through the temple.

Trish lay completely still beneath Armakoth. Slowly the demon pulled out of her body, her nether lips sucking greedily at his member, which came free with a wet pop. The innocent young bride was gone. The naked women who laid atop the torn remnants of her now black wedding dress was subtly changed.

She now seemed more animal than human. Her hair was no longer raven but was now the color of blackest midnight and had an impossibly dark silky texture. Trish's skin had been soft and creamy with slight hints of a golden tan. Now it was pale and straining, a plain of alabaster perfection, covered with a glistening sheen of sweat. The facial features which had given the girl a sweet face had been subtly altered to be supernaturally beautiful. From her sculpted cheekbones, gracefully arched eyebrows, full ruby lips and dark penetrating eyes to her sleek young body Trish's appearance promised carnal pleasures and bestial coupling. Taken together she was the picture of perfection beyond mortal form.

For a moment silence reigned in the cavern, broken only by the occasional crackle as the torches providing illumination flared as wind breezed through the granite passage. Armakoth stepped back from the altar. Lifting his hands in the air the demon smiled in satisfaction as energy played around them. Turning back to the woman lying on the altar he extended his claws in a perverse charade of chivalry.

With gracious charm Trish placed her delicate hand in his palm and accepted his assistance. She flowed to her feet with liquid grace and stood proudly, a half smile on her perfect features.



Paula awoke with a start. The petite brunette jumped suddenly she felt something shift in her belly. Looking down she realized that her abdomen was swollen with pregnancy, the rounded skin showed something inside her moving and squirming. Suddenly she arched her back and was filled with an overwhelming need to push. Crying out with effort Paula's inner muscles rippled and clenched as they fought to expel the demon she carried in her womb. With a sudden rush of hot and sticky fluid her water broke. Within her body the demonic offspring began writhing as it pushed its way down her canal.

Slowly her nether lips began to open as gray demonic flesh forced its way out of her body. Paula strained with all her strength to birth the monster, her sweat covered body shaking with effort. With one final push the wet mass of pulsing flesh drew free of her stretched vagina with a sickening sucking noise. Paula collapsed in relief, gasping for breath as she fought to regain her strength.

As the exhausted young girl recovered the gray demon she had borne slowly crawled up her body leaving a trail of slick slime on her soft skin. Finding her nipples the creature extended two tendrils and wrapped them around Paula's breasts before the ends latched over her erect nubs and began sucking. A flow of sweet milk rewarded the newborn demon as its mother's body nourished it.

Paula moaned in desire as the feeding demon on her chest stimulated her breasts, the tentacles squeezing and manipulating the firm flesh to coax more milk from her nipples. The aroused girl began stroking her child, running her hands over its thick slimy skin and pressing it harder against her body.

Nursing the demonic offspring at her small breasts she looked to where Claire and Kim lay on the bed beside her. Claire too had a swollen belly while Kim's taut stomach was only beginning to betray her own pregnancy.

Slowly the demon extended a tentacle downward. Waving back and forth it rubbed against its mother's skin until the appendage found its way between her legs. Feeling the questing member reach her furred mound Paula opened her legs, offering the young demon full access to her dripping slit which by now burned with desire. Pushing experimentally it slowly gained entry to her pussy.

Paula let out small grunts and whimpers of pleasure as the young demon pumped her. On the bed beside her, Claire's belly began to squirm.


Claire's party was in full swing. The unsuspecting college students were having the time of their lives with the free alcohol, live music and many rooms of the large house. Armakoth had decided that the children his servants were breeding would require a ready supply of hosts. By taking young men from Claire's age group they would be assured healthy bodies and ready access to young females.

As couples drifted upstairs from the party, looking for a place they could be alone, they entered Armakoth's domain. The numerous larvae incubated by the female slaves Armakoth had already taken pulsed gently as they waited for male hosts. When a couple opened one of the many bedroom doors they were quickly seized in the iron grasp of coiled tentacles. The men were either quickly killed or with a series of wet grunts and sticky squeals became demonic hosts.

Mike couldn't believe his luck. Normally he didn't have much success with women. His excessive bravado and taste for overused pickup lines generally caused the women he approached to either slap him or dissolve in helpless laughter. Tonight was different. He had seen a blonde over by the bar and without much hope made his move.

Her name was Gretchen. A freshman student at the school, her laughter at his pickup line had been of delight. Newly arrived at the college from Europe the Danish girl found the friendly junior charming. Finally away from her conservative parents she was ready to let loose. After thoroughly enchanting him with her blue eyes and exotic accent she decided to take the plunge.

Now she eagerly pulled him down the hall upstairs. From the doors he passed Mike heard loud moans of passion and feminine cries of orgasm. Accompanying these sounds Mike heard animal grunting and the occasional snarl. Most times he would have stopped and thought about this, but the urging of Gretchen's beauty and her obvious eagerness drove any concern from his mind.

At the end of the hall was the master bedroom. The debris left by the summoning ceremony had been removed and the room fully cleaned.

Armakoth watched with a smile as the attractive girl pulled a young man into the room. He could already smell the sweet little blonde's arousal. For now a simple invisibility spell concealed the demon from the students, allowing him to enjoy their ignorance as the demon closed in on them.

Gretchen pushed Mike onto the bed and stepped back with a crafty smile before proceeding to peel off her clothes, swaying seductively all the while. The sight of her sleek body made his heart race with anticipation. As the beautiful Dane stripped for him, showing just a hint of shy innocence, Mike gaped in wonder.

Her upturned apple sized breasts and small pink nipples were perfect. She was proud of her flat belly and broad hips while ski trips had left her legs toned and athletic. Gretchen finished her strip tease and posed for Mike, her cheeks flushing with pride as she saw the look of awe on his face. As she stepped forward to crawl onto the bed with the young man Gretchen realized that a look of terror unlike she had ever seen was contorting his face.

"Prepare for your new life, whore." Armakoth's demonic voice growled behind her. As Gretchen stiffened in surprise Armakoth grabbed her with a pair of tentacles and lifted the shocked young woman into the air. With shocking speed the demon pulled his victim back toward his body, positioning her for entry. Gretchen cried out in agony as Armakoth, using the power of his bestial form, forced his thick member forward until it was fully embedded in her body in a single thrust.

Tears began to pour down the blond's face as the demon plowed through her hymen, her virgin vagina penetrated for the first time. Armakoth grunted as he enjoyed her young flesh, thrusting with brutal strength deep into her body. Without breaking rhythm Armakoth reached out with more tentacles and snapped Mike's neck with a gruesome crunch, leaving the limp body lying on the bed.

Desiring more stimulation the demon sent those tentacles deep into the Danish girl's throat and anus. Desperately she tried to pull the tentacle from her mouth with her free hands. Despite her best efforts the girl was unable to even slow the relentless intruder. In a moment she was distracted from the tentacle pleasuring itself by the one that rammed into her rectum. Without slowing down it settled into the same pounding rhythm as the other two already assaulting her body.

Like the demon's other victims Gretchen began to feel pleasure. Before she knew it she was instinctively sucking on the tentacle violating her small mouth. As the demon felt her tongue go to work he rewarded her by increasing the pace of his thrusts into her cunt. Soon the young woman's battered cunt sent waves of pleasure through her body. Even the tentacle moving in and out of her anus was pleasurable. Gretchen realized that she loved the sensation of total fullness. Without her conscious control she began moving with him, shoving her hips backwards to increase the penetration.

Soon the girl thrashed in his grip with lustful abandon, greedy for more of the ecstatic sensations the demonic rape was forcing from her body. As his pleasure rose Armakoth knew that this girl would make a fine slave. With a final violent thrust the demon came, snarling in pleasure.

Hot jets of demonic cum sprayed from the tips of his members, filling all of Gretchen's body cavities and damning her soul. As his seed flooded into her fertile body Gretchen's eyes rolled up in her head and the Dane passed out from the force of a massive orgasm, excess semen flowing from all three orifices.

After he filled the beautiful European girl with his seed and left her lying on the bed with the corpse her would-be lover Armakoth arose. He sensed that it was time to make an appearance downstairs. All of the ready larvae had found hosts so he had no use for the males remaining in the home. They could be given to Trish and her girls. Between himself and his offspring in their new host bodies the remaining females could be readily taken. Sealing the house with an incantation, trapping the partygoers inside, he sent a mental command to his minions to join him downstairs.


Trish purred as she arched her back sensually. Between her legs a young student named Laura tasted the sweet corruption welling up from the depths of Trish's being, the teen's agile and skilled tongue flicking lightly on the vampire's swollen clit before she thrust it up Trish's canal, wiggling it madly in the velvet tunnel. Feeling this Trish cried out in passion as the growing stimulation of Laura's ministrations overwhelmed her and a massive orgasm shook her.

While not normally attracted to women, Laura had felt an overwhelming sexual attraction toward Trish, from the moment she gazed into her dark eyes. After a short conversation she found herself in bed with Trish, having practically torn the clothes off the alabaster beauty.

As the cute brunette lapped away at the sweet folds of Trish's pussy the bedroom door opened wide revealing a monstrous silhouette standing in the hall.

"Finish quickly. We have much to do."

Laura was lost in a haze of lust as she ate Trish's pussy and didn't hear Armakoth's demonic voice. Trish, who had been in ecstasy, acknowledged the demon's order with a quick nod before pushing Laura away. Flipping the university student onto her back Trish smiled as she noted that the girl's juices had soaked right through her jeans. Without any effort she tore apart the tough fabric. For a moment Trish contented herself with rubbing Laura's lips through the girl's drenched panties before shredding them too. Lust flared in the vampire's eyes as the student's dripping sex was revealed to her. Laura's needy pussy pouted open with need and her well-trimmed pubic hair glittered with fine droplets of her nectar. Lowering her mouth to the girl's nether lips Trish sucked hard, gulping down the copious flow of juices issuing from Laura's supernatural arousal. In her aroused state Laura orgasmed as soon as the beautiful vampire's ruby lips touched her sex.

Trish lifted her head and looked up at Laura, waiting for her to recover from the orgasm. When Laura came back to herself she looked down between her legs and met Trish's stare quizzically. When she had Laura's attention she hissed and revealed her fangs. As her terror and disbelief leapt onto her face Laura opened her mouth to scream. Trish grabbed Laura's hips and struck, sinking her ivory fangs deep into the soft flesh between her legs. Laura screamed. Screamed with pure unimaginable ecstasy and joy as she thrashed wildly on the bed.

Laura could feel Trish sucking away her essence, her very soul. She didn't care, her life was fading away and her entire existence was pleasure. Unable to help herself the student wrapped her legs around Trish's head and ground her cunt against the monster feeding on her.

Trish moaned in soft pleasure as she drank deeply of the rich mixture of Laura's blood intermingled with the girl's vaginal fluids. As the flow began to ebb Trish sucked harder, sensing the ever more frantic beating of Laura's heart as it struggled to keep her alive. Suddenly Trish knew that the right moment had arrived. Lifting her mouth from Laura's pussy Trish quickly moved to straddle her head, positioning her cunt above the dying girl's head. Slowly she sank down and pressed her sopping hole against Laura's mouth. Laura began to weakly suck on Trish's sex, swallowing the gush of juices as the vampire hissed in pleasure. Slowly at first and then with an increasing flow black demonic blood began to pour from the beautiful vampire's canal. Laura felt new energy as she hungrily drank the vile fluid, feeling it run down her throat into her stomach and spread through her body.

Trish, her eyes closed and biting her ruby lip, squeezed and massaged her breasts as she rode Laura's face. Finally the vampire felt fangs sink into her mons and was seized by a massive orgasm, pouring her sweet juices into Laura's mouth.

Finally throwing off the after effects of the intense pleasure, Trish lifted herself off Laura and pulled the transformed student to her feet.

"Come on, let's go." Trish led the new vampire out of the bedroom, the two supernatural beauties gliding towards the party below, their pale skin gleaming seductively in the low light.


Armakoth once again wore his human form. Around the demon his progeny bowed in respect, the lesser demons awaiting his whim. Off to one side Trish, Laura and three other pale, beautiful girls were finishing with the male guests, riding their cocks while draining the young men of enough blood to control them.

Claire watched with interest as the vampires went about their work, creating obedient males who would do anything they wanted. Turning to her master she frowned quizzically, "Master, why hasn't Trish become pregnant? I haven't seen her or the others bear your children."

Armakoth looked at his first slave for a moment before answering her question. "These women are not dead, but neither are they alive. To bear my young there must be a life-force present in their body. Because my essence animates them they are immortal and ageless. When they consume the life energy of a human or add to their numbers I gain in power. With their enhanced strength and almost instantaneous healing they are the perfect servants."

"Your power is growing master, when will we move to the next phase of your plan?"

Armakoth growled in irritation, "You grow too bold, wench. It is not your place to question my plans, it is to simply do my bidding."

Claire bowed her head submissively, "I'm sorry master, it will not happen again."

The demon regarded her for a moment before nodding in approval, "Very well then. I will return to the cavern now. When my slaves are ready to birth their children you will arrange for them to be sent there. After they bear my young I will impregnate them again. Also, as you can without attracting too much notice, bring me more females. We must quickly increase our numbers before anyone becomes aware of our activity."


Outside Boston

Armakoth sat atop his throne while a pretty young schoolgirl pleasured him. The young brunette's face wore an adoring expression while her small hands pumped up and down on the demon's massive slime covered shaft. She giggled as a shot of pre cum splashed on her face and swept back her sweaty curls, revealing her cute features and sparkling eyes. The girl licked her ruby lips in anticipation before opening her mouth to take the swollen purple helmet of his phallus inside. The girl moaned with delight as she savored the taste of the demon's cock, her small pink tongue lapping frantically in an attempt to lick up all the pre cum greasing his shaft. As the girl's head bobbed up and down she thrust a hand beneath her skirt to finger her sopping hairless quim.

Armakoth's lust flared as he remembered the girl when she was dragged into his presence struggling, full of terror and fear, by her enslaved friends. Her shrieks of agony as he had raped her tiny cunt with his engorged phallus had slowly faded to be replaced first by quiet whimpers and then moans and grunts of animal pleasure. Before long her innocence had been completely torn away and the teen was totally enslaved to his will and the lusts which filled her body and soul.

Fully aroused by the memory of her defilement, the demon placed his clawed hands in her wet hair and forced his cock further down the girl's throat with a deep growl. Armakoth began fucking her face as she struggled helplessly for air, slowly smothering her while he gratified his sexual hunger.

Slowly, pleasured animal grunts of ever increasing pleasure were heard from his maw as his hot breath blew across the back of her neck. The veins on his shaft pulsed with a life of their own as the warm wet flesh of the schoolgirl's mouth stimulated his phallus. Just when the girl was about to lose consciousness, the demon tensed and pulled out of her throat as he ejaculated into her open mouth and across her face.

The young girl recovered quickly as he lifted her into his lap, swallowing his semen between breathless gasps. She began rubbing her master's still hard cock and tried to squirm around to bring the member to bear on her hungry sex. Armakoth chuckled at her lewd enthusiasm and began stripping off her school uniform to view her young body. Buttons scattered across the stone floor as the white shirt bearing her school's badge was torn open to reveal the girl's developing breasts. Effortlessly the cotton bra concealing her body was ripped away and the girl moaned in a mix of pleasure and pain as Armakoth squeezed the resilient orbs, pressing his fingers against the firm flesh and drawing pinpricks of blood with his clawed hands.

Leaning down he extended his long black tongue to taste the sweet layer of perspiration covering the girl's creamy white skin. The obscene writhing member covered the girl's chest with hot sticky saliva from his fanged maw, making her burn with need as it manipulated her sensitive nipples. As he squeezed her left breast and teased her right nipple the demon reached under the girl's skirt to probe her entrance, smiling as her welcoming pussy tightly grasped his finger. At this stimulation the panting schoolgirl thrust her hips forward desperately, grinding her crotch on the clawed digits, and grunting in frustrated need. Finally tired of playing with her body, Armakoth tore away her skirt leaving the girl naked. She tightly grasped the corded muscles of the demon's arms as he forced himself into her body.

The child's face was flushed with ecstasy as he pumped his pulsating cock deep into her eager vagina. Armakoth growled in pleasure at the feeling of tight wetness as her young flesh squeezed his shaft, its bulk stretching her cunt to the limit. The schoolgirl cried out in delight as her cunt spasmed with another climax.

"Give me. . . Ah! Ah! Give me your child. Shoot me full. Mmmm. I want your cum. Please Master!"

Armakoth's cock quivered before filling her womb full of hot semen. The brunette's body stiffened, her mouth opened in a soundless scream as impossible ecstasy, an uncontrollable torrent of sexual pleasure that went on and on, overwhelmed her nervous system. The demon pulled the exhausted girl off his shaft and carelessly dropped her limp form to the floor.

The girl licked her lips in satisfied pleasure as she lay back on the floor where Armakoth had discarded her. Delicate hands rubbed her still flat belly where dark new life was growing. As the first unnatural squirming began in her uterus the schoolgirl drifted off to sleep, a contented smile on her cum-soaked face.

Claire and Trish walked into the cave followed by a group of the demon's other servants. Stepping carefully around the girls lying on the stone floor of the cavern they made their way to their master.

"Master, we are here as you requested."

"While doing things this way is pleasurable this is only the groundwork. Now I am ready to begin infiltrating the country's elite. One of my slaves has told me of a man near your capital city who has links to those in power. His escorts have access to many politicians and civil servants, not to mention a number of useful connections to criminal organizations."

Armakoth's eyes glowed brightly, "By using him as a host I can begin exerting control over both the official and unofficial leadership of this country."


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