Infernal Destiny Book 2: Spreading

by Tantric Legion

[email protected]

Disclaimer: This story should not be read by any person not of the age of majority in their country. Anyone who may be offended by the horrific depiction of a war between good and evil, including gratuitous sex and violence, should not continue. The author is not responsible for either any actions taken by persons who read this story or for the general social problems of our planet.

Chapter II


It was good to be home. Arriving in the late afternoon to the old Victorian style house the Davis family called home, Claire only had time to start unpacking before joining her family in the dining room. During dinner with her family Claire enthusiastically described working in the park. When her sister asked if anything interesting had happened while she was away Claire only smiled and told her she'd find out later.

Wendy, Claire's younger sister, was beginning her senior year of high school. Well liked by her classmates, Wendy was a nice looking girl with a great body. Her most striking feature was how her naturally curly, light brown hair contrasted with her surprisingly green eyes. A few locks of the shoulder length curls always escaped to fall over her face which, combined with a sunny, always present smile, made Wendy terminally cute. Unlike her sister's classic American blond beauty Wendy went more for the natural look, wearing less makeup to showcase her naturally perfect skin and wearing stylish but not overly revealing clothing.

After her encounter with Armakoth, Claire now looked at her teen sister with desire and lust. Thinking of that night, Claire was filled with anticipation, the moment she had arrived home and Wendy had bounced out of the house to greet her, Claire had known what to do with the soul worm she carried within her womb. Clutching her sister in a tight embrace, Claire had almost gasped with need as her loins burned with arousal.

After the meal with her family Claire had gone upstairs and finished unpacking. Laying back to wait for her family to go to sleep Claire rested a hand on her flat stomach and slowly rubbed it, feeling the warm mass of the worm waiting in her uterus.

Claire's pulse pounded in her ears. The corrupted student crept carefully down the dark hall towards Wendy's room, stepping lightly to avoid making the floor creak. Sensing its imminent release the Soul Worm stirred eagerly in her belly causing her to freeze for a moment to regain her balance.

Stepping into her sister's room Claire carefully closed the door and silently moved towards Wendy's bed. She wasn't worried about any noise disturbing her parents rest, they had specifically given Wendy a room where the loud music their daughter was partial to would not bother them. That decision would make the teen's corruption very easy.

Discarding her nightshirt Claire examined her younger sister's developing curves. The last heat wave of the summer had made the younger girl's room uncomfortably hot. In her sleep Wendy had discarded her covers and now lay on the bed, clad only in a cut off T-shirt and tiny white lace panties.

Claire lay quietly beside her sleeping sister, careful not to disturb her. She lifted her hips off the bed and slid her panties slowly down her long legs until her wet slit was revealed. Slowly she began to squirm, tossing back her hair and biting her lip as she thrust upwards at an invisible phallus. She moaned with pleasure as the black form of the Soul Worm emerged from her pussy, bucking her hips erratically as it traveled from her uterus. The obscene wriggling tentacle left her body with a wet sucking noise. Claire lay back with a sigh of pleasure as she began idly fingering her clit, panting slightly as she watched the worm ooze toward her sister.

Slowly the tentacle traveled toward the scent between Wendy's legs. As it brushed her soft thigh the sleeping girl stirred slightly, moving her leg in response and inadvertently spreading her thighs for the worm. It came to her slit and brushed the pouting lips, gently pushing her panties aside before tentatively seeking the pink flesh within. Instinctively it slowly nosed into her sweet pussy and traveled up into the brunette's young body.

She gasped from the depths of her sleep as the demonic invader seduced her body. Her body instinctively responded to the invasion, becoming aroused by the writhing motion of the creature wriggling its way toward her womb.

Claire moaned quietly as she watched her sister's muscles grasp at the worm like a lover's cock, imagining the feeling of the foul invader creeping upward into her sister's fertile womb. Flowing juices helped the tentacle penetrate Wendy's depths as the arousal of the young girl's body assisted in her corruption.

She shuddered as the unholy creature made her body its home. Her eyes sprang open as the young girl was overcome by her first orgasm. With her first cry of pleasure came the sound of tearing flesh as the tentacle burst outwards, growing and spreading as it subverted Wendy's body to its use. Watching this, Claire sank two fingers into her own hungry sex, beginning to breathe quicker. Wendy slowly lifted herself up, shuddering with pleasure as demonic flesh continued to spread through her body, triggering a series of overwhelming orgasms. Wendy's eyes sprang open revealing a green glow within her soulless body.

She looked up at her older sister's face, which wore a wide smile. The newly possessed girl contemplated her sister's naked body and smiled in return as her eyes faded to their usual green, only slightly brighter than they had been before. Looking down where Claire's fingers were busy between her legs, stimulating her clit and glistening with her juices, lust filled Wendy's eyes.

"I think I can help you with that," the cute brunette said as she crawled across the bed towards her older sister.



There is a special relationship between teacher and pupil. Not of blood, this tie lies deeper, as if their spirits become entwined. Perhaps this is true. In the teaching it is possible that the teacher gives some part of themselves to the student, the gift of knowledge and something more.

The teacher reflected on this as he awaited his student. Last night, during his meditation, he had sensed a disturbance on the astral plain. Once again he turned inwards and felt the foreign presence which disrupted the Earth's flow of natural energy.

Sensing a presence in the room the teacher opened his eyes to see his student sitting on the temple floor before him.

"Very good. Your skills are improving, I did not detect your approach."

"Why have you called me teacher? Tell me how may I serve you."

"Last night a doorway opened. I sensed the screams innocent souls as something came through and consumed them, stealing their light and substance."

"What has done this, what has come through the door?"

"The ancient evil has returned to the Earth. If it is not stopped darkness will descend across the planet and humanity will be faced with eternal darkness."

"We will defeat it teacher. I will fight at your side, you can depend on me."

"That will not be possible. You must fight this nemesis alone"

"Is this a test? Why do you abandon me teacher?"

"It is not a test child. I do abandon you, but not by choice. I am dying. The time I have left is not sufficient."

"No! You can't die teacher! I have so much to learn, I need you!"

"The universe cares not for our needs child. I have taught you that much. I am the last holder of the knowledge and skills needed to battle the enemy. There is so much you do not know"

"I have failed you teacher. If I were a better student."

The teacher smiled sadly. "You have not failed me child. Your skills have advanced rapidly and you have been ever ready to accept my knowledge." Sudden regret filled the teacher's eyes. "I am sorry I have to do this child, but there is no other choice left." The teacher closed his eyes and gathered his waning life force. Leaping out of his lotus position he seized his student with bruising strength and focused his mind to its task.

Thrashing in his grasp his student screamed in agony as the flood of knowledge pouring into an unsuspecting young mind seared right to the soul. As the flow of information waned and then stopped both figures collapsed to the temple floor. For a while neither moved. Slowly the student recovered from the shock of the mental attack. Straining with effort the student sat up, pressing hands against a head pounding with a massive headache as if that would dispel the pain.

The teacher stirred weakly and his student scrambled to cradle his dying form. Feeling his student's hands the teacher opened his eyes. "Please understand my child, I did not wish to do this to you. If I had told you what I intended you could not have helped but raise your defenses. Please forgive me."

Tears ran down the student's face. "I understand now what I face. You have done what is necessary. Taken the only path possible. I forgive you teacher."

"You know where to go and what you must do." The teacher smiled proudly and then closed his eyes for the last time.

"I will not fail teacher. With the knowledge you have given me I will banish this evil from the face of the Earth." The student stood, wearing a look of determination. "I swear on my honor that the demons will rue the day they decided to invade our planet."



With a last cry of mutual orgasm Claire and Wendy collapsed to the bed exhausted. They shared one last lingering kiss, each girl tasting her own juices on her sister's lips. Both slowly fell asleep, her fingers still buried deep in her sister's silky depths.


Claire found herself standing on a wide plateau of blackened rock looking out at an unfamiliar landscape. Far below her a barren wasteland extended further than she could see. Here and there fiery gouts of lava burst from the cracked ground in explosions of fire and rock. Above her storm clouds hurtled by, crackling with lightning and illuminated by a reddish glow from some unseen source. Despite the visible storm above the air on the exposed plateau was completely still. Somehow she was wearing a simple blouse and skirt, Claire recognized it as the outfit she had worn at dinner with her family. For a moment the enslaved blond thought she might be dreaming but dismissed that idea almost instantly, despite the strangeness of her surroundings there was a definite substance to the hellish world that a simple dream would not possess.

Turning around she wasn't surprised to see the massive fortress behind her, its dark rock walls and towers reaching upwards towards the stormy sky. Its architecture was ominous. No logic governed its design. Almost appearing to have been grown rather than built the fortress was a chaotic collection of towers and unnatural angles. Sculptures of tormented figures frozen in agony and snarling supernatural creatures sprang up from ledges and corners. Before her two massive doors of blackened iron stood open, beckoning her into the fortress's dark interior. Carved in relief on the massive doors were images of human females engaged in unnatural acts of lust and perversion with all manner of demons and bestial creatures. Claire's loins burned with arousal as she looked at the female faces engraved on the door, forever frozen in screams of ecstasy as they were ravaged by their inhuman lovers.

Walking with deliberate purpose Claire entered the fortress through the massive gates. Somehow she knew where to go and advanced quickly through a series of dark passages, each twisting and turning as Claire advanced into the depths of the fortress. A sense of great evil surrounded the girl, seeming to emanate from the black stone walls and sending a thrill of anticipation through Claire as it called to the newly awakened darkness in her soul.

The young blond shivered as she felted her need running down her inner thighs, spurring her to walk faster. After what seemed like an endless walk Claire entered a great hall which was filled with a diabolic grandeur. Hanging on the walls were massive weapons. Spiked maces and vicious blades much too large for any human covered the walls, many still covered with blood and bits of rotting flesh. Placed on pedestals were what Claire could only guess to be trophies of victory, twisted demon skulls and jeweled treasures, put on display by the castle's lord for the benefit of guests.

At the far end of the hall stood a massive throne, dominating the room, where her master sat. As Claire approached Armakoth rose from his throne and strode forward, his muscular form exuding power.

Claire fell to her knees and lowered her eyes submissively. "Master. I await your command."

Armakoth chuckled as he looked down upon his prostrate servant, knowing that she was fully his. "Tell me of your progress, slave."

"I have enlisted the assistance of my sister using the Soul Worm." Claire smiled as she remembered enslaving her teen sister.

Armakoth's hideous grin mirrored her own. "Yes, I savored her soul, it's essence was most ... delectable. She will prove to be an excellent servant. I may even return her soul to her once I enter your realm, once she is whole again I would enjoy adding her to my slaves."

"Now that I'm back in the city it will be much easier to conceal my activities. And there are also other advantages to the city."

The demon leaned forward attentively. "Such as?"

"Well, for one, a vastly greater selection of women and girls for your attentions, master. It will also be much easier to conceal our activities from prying eyes. If someone becomes... inconvenient the police can be convinced it is simply another street killing."

Armakoth lifted his head and laughed, "Excellent. I think that you will soon find my essence is ready, and eager, to spread to other women. Once you possess enough girls with my essence I will gain enough power to bring my mind into the Earth realm."

"May I ask a question my lord?" At Armakoth's nod of permission Claireh continued. "Is this a dream, master, or am I truly here in your realm?"

"I have transported your mind here. Here in my home dimension the creation of a body for your soul to inhabit for a brief time is the simplest of tasks. Now, before you return there is one final item for us to discuss. There is a ritual that will give me great power. If a demon takes the virginity of an innocent bride on her wedding night he can consume her soul. All the power of her purity will turn to corruption and darkness."

Claire frowned in thought. "That may be difficult, lord. Morals have gotten a bit relaxed, you don't find many virgins much less innocents."

"There is another condition. The bride must willingly give herself to the demon, body and soul. The easiest way to accomplish this is deception."

"Hmm I wonder." A wide smile spread across Claire's face. "One of my best friends from high school is getting married. Yes master, she would be perfect! Her name is Trish. She is young and beautiful and so sickeningly sweet that she would never think of losing her virginity outside of marriage."

"Excellent. She sounds like a perfect choice for the ritual. I always enjoy destroying innocence."

"How will you trick Trish into giving herself to you, master?"

"It is quite simple actually. I need a host. You will arrange for her future husband to be present after I have been summoned and I will use his body as my vessel. It should not be difficult to make her wedding night a very unforgettable experience." Armakoth and Claire wore matching predatory smiles.

Armakoth stepped closer to Claire, his powerful muscles clearly visible beneath his tough red skin. The demon looked down at Claire and favored his beautiful slave with a leering grin, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs. "Now that business has been taken care of we can enjoy that body of yours in the time you will remain here before awakening in your own world."

Claire smiled as need burned between her legs, "Of course, master. I was hoping you would say that." She reached down to her blouse, slowly unbuttoning it to reveal the lacy bra beneath. The top fell to the ground followed by her skirt. Tentacles wrapped her body as her demonic master embraced her, lifting her into the air and sliding back and forth across her skin. She reached out and grabbed the massive slime covered phallus, bringing it to her mouth with a satisfied hum of pleasure, which was echoed by Armakoth's own growl as her hot mouth enveloped him. As Claire licked the ridged organ two tentacles wrapped about her breasts and fastened over her hard nipples. She closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure as she tossed her sweaty hair with a shake of her head.

She looked into the demon's eyes with a sexy pout on her lovely lips. "Fuck me. I need you in me." Claire reached down and plunged her fingers into her dripping pussy and began jacking them in and out of the ravenous slit. Her scent reached the demon's nostrils, which flared wide in response to the enticing smell. Claire leaned back and revealed her dripping sex to the demon. The demon took her invitation and began teasingly rubbing her sensitive pink slit with a pair of tentacles, causing the young blond to buck and hiss in his grasp.

Armakoth's voice was low and guttural as he spoke to the young woman. "You know that this body is what you would call a "loaner"? That damage to it does not matter?" Continuing to tease the distracted girl the demon brought her body down until her tormented loins were nearly touching the end of his throbbing shaft as it pulsed with his lust.

"Ooooh! Yesss! AGH!!" Without warning Armakoth thrust forward, impaling the young woman fully without any chance to ready herself. At the sudden forceful violation Claire screamed in pain and surprise. Without giving her a chance to recover the snarling demon began thrusting hard and forcefully into her, bottoming on Claire's cervix with each viscous stab.

Gradually the pain began to diminish to be replaced by only a slight soreness. Looking down at the massive shaft pistoning between her legs the beautiful blond realized that a trickle of blood was running from her pussy. For a brief moment Claire wondered whether Armakoth had taken this body's virginity or if he had simply entered her so violently that her soft flesh had torn, before the first pangs of pleasure made her realize it made little difference. This body was only temporary. The normal limits which Claire's own fragile form would place upon sex with her demonic master did not apply.

Surprising Armakoth, Claire grabbed her master's hands and raked his claws across her breasts, hissing at the sensual pain as blood welled up from the deep scratches. Her master explored her soft curves with his claws, leaving pinpricks of blood and angry scratches all over her body. This only seemed to excite Claire more as she reveled in her own defilement.

Armakoth, pleased with how well his loyal servant had taken to the violent fucking, began thrusting with abandon, setting an impossible demonic pace as he had his way with her.

Claire had never experienced pleasure like that which shot through her body from her well penetrated cunt but in her frenzied lust the corrupted blond still greedily desired more. "Please, I need more, master. Oh! More.... Ugh! Ugh! Rape me Lord!" She screamed at her monstrous lover and master.

At this challenge the demon growled and produced two more thick tentacles, the ends of the slimy writhing appendages oozing thick demonic semen. Claire's eyes widened as she saw the tentacles, the wanton, lustful Jezebel the enslaved blond had become was eager for the next violation.

Still reaming her tight pussy with his cock, Armakoth directed the two new appendages towards her unused holes. The first moved toward her face, determined to slide between the young woman's full lips.

With effort the girl opened her mouth wide enough to fit the head of the thick tentacle in her mouth. The demon growled in pleasure as Claire's hot mouth closed over the tentacle, her nimble tongue flicking out to touch and caress his warm, slimy flesh as she gulped down the pre-cum oozing into her mouth.

The other tentacle rubbed around Claire's puckered anus, soon becoming thoroughly coated with her slick juices, before pushing relentlessly into her virgin ass. Claire moaned around the tentacle filling her mouth at the overwhelming pain and pleasure brought by the fat tendril invading her rectum, jerking her body helplessly in her master's grasp, before her eyes rolled up and she shuddered through another massive orgasm.

After nearly half an hour Armakoth began to feel his orgasm approaching as the delightful tightness of Claire's nubile body stimulated his cock and tentacles. Without breaking rhythm, the demon put his servant down on the rough stone floor of the hall, increasing the brutality of his thrusts as the mounting pleasure brought out more of his bestial nature. Claire bucked her hips upwards, meeting the demon's hard strokes, as the two coupled with feral passion.

Soon Claire could only lie on her back, screaming with pleasure, as her master pummeled her exhausted body. Suddenly Armakoth roared and his tentacles tightened down on her body like steel cables, holding the blonde's sweat-slicked body in place as he thrust downwards into her tight vagina with bruising force.

Finally the demon thrust deeply one last time and roared as his cock poured out gallons of hot semen. The sensation of thick fluid jetting into her womb threw Claire into helpless ecstasy as multiple orgasms came with each wad hitting the back of her uterus. At the same time the tentacles pounding into her throat and rectum sprayed his burning black seed into Claire's body, swelling and pulsing as they flooded her stomach and ass, before pulling free with a spray of vile fluid, leaving the blond covered in sweat and demonic cum.

Armakoth watched as his abused slave collapsed in a limp heap, thick semen leaking from her beautiful body. Smiling evilly as she gasped for breath, Armakoth reached down and grasped her shoulders, bringing Claire's lovely face close to his.

"Serve me well, slave, and your eternity will be filled with pleasure like that you just experienced."

Claire barely gathered the energy to reply. "Of course, master. I want nothing else."

The demon lord stepped back and laughed as he watched the enslaved girl lapse into unconsciousness. Lying at his feet was the way back to the Earthly realm and all the pleasures it contained.



Agent Sterling frowned sourly at the bitter taste of the cold coffee. It was left over from the beginning of his shift. At the halfway point in the shift, when his partner's shift ended, it was an unwritten rule among bureau agents that the relief agent would bring fresh coffee, expecting the same when his own shift was half over.

Unfortunately this operation was different. For some reason the military was running it jointly with the bureau. So instead of hot coffee and casual conversation Sterling had a scowling hardcase with a serious bug up his ass. What was even more annoying to the Agent was that he had no idea why he was sitting in a surveillance van in the middle of nowhere watching a house.

Oh well, it was a living. And at least the commanding Army officer was hot. The thought of Major Cynthia's tight ass swaying was almost enough to cover the horrid taste of his next sip of coffee. Almost.



Claire woke up to see sun streaming in through the window. Bathing in the warmth, Claire stretched like a cat before smiling at the sight of the nude form of her corrupted sister lying beside her on the bed. Brushing aside the brunette's disheveled hair Claire looked at the sleeping girl's cute face. Claire mused at how innocent the girl looked, a far cry from last night. Shaking her awake the innocence soon vanished, to be replaced by an evil smile.

"Good morning Wendy. Are you ready to get to work?"

"Do we have to?" Wendy caressed her sister's shapely hip, moving her hand up along Claire's silky skin, before cupping her firm breast. "Don't you want to stay in bed just a little while longer?" Wendy asked, her voice husky with need.

Claire gasped and arched her back, pressing her breast against her sister's hand, as she responded to Wendy's touch. "Maybe… Just a little - Oh!" Claire exclaimed as Wendy's nimble fingers found her stiff nipple and playfully pinched the erect bud.

Nymph-like, Wendy pressed herself against her sister, crushing their breasts together and forcefully kissed her. The girls fondled and stroked each other with increasing passion, both turned on by the fiery touch of her sister's skin.

Wendy trailed her fingers down to her sister's blond nest, finding her clitoris. Claire shivered with excitement as Wendy rubbed her sensitive labia, covering her fingers in Claire's glistening arousal, before slipping them inside.

Grinning triumphantly the teen watched her sister's face as she shook with pleasure under the young brunette's ministrations. Soft sensual sighs escaped her lips as the mounting pleasure began throwing ripples of heat outwards through her body. Jacking her fingers faster, Wendy brought her sister closer and closer to orgasm until Claire was gasping and writhing on the bed. When Claire was on the edge of her climax Wendy slowed down, teasingly bringing sister close only to steal the orgasm. As the sexually tormented blonde thrashed about on the bed her stomach suddenly bulged and two thick red tentacles tore free with a sickening tearing sound.

Both girls gasped in surprise as the two tentacles waved back and forth. Claire looked at her sister and one of the tentacles followed her gaze. Drops of thick white fluid oozed steadily from the tip of the tentacle. Wendy reached out and grasped it, hissing in surprise as she felt the texture of the pulsing appendage. With a mischievous grin she stroked it, "So this is the master's flesh. I guess the embryo is mature enough." Glancing over the girl saw that her sister's eyes had nearly rolled up in her head as she twitched in pleasure.

"That feels so good Wendy! It's like they're alive but obey my commands." Claire bit her lip "Oh! It feels incredible!"

"If that's good, lets see how you like this." Wendy grabbed the tentacle and rubbed the swollen head up and down her sister's pussy lips. Slowly she began pushing it forward, watching with lewd fascination as it disappeared into her sister's sex.

Looking up at Claire's face Wendy giggled at the expression of ecstasy Claire wore as her own tentacle filled her wet cunt. As it slid deeper Claire twitched and gasped, her eyes closed as she focussed on the incredible inner sensations.

Wendy grabbed the other tentacle and frowned in concentration as she pressed the thick head against her entrance and slowly began to push it into the hole. It was hard work. Although she was already very wet, Wendy had never had a cock inside her tight vagina, much less a massive tentacle. With concentration the teen relaxed her cunt muscles and began to work it inside. Beside her Claire grabbed the tentacle in her pussy and began slowly pumping it in and out.

Fully buried in the beautiful young sisters, the tentacles began moving by themselves. With an increasing rhythm the red tentacles thrust faster and faster until Claire came. As her cunt tightened down on the tentacle the alien member pulsed and sent hot semen into her womb. Sated, the tentacle withdrew from her pussy with a wet sucking noise and retracted back into her chest, the wound from which it had burst healed in an instant, leaving only Claire's normally flawless skin.

Claire found herself unsated. She was still filled with a burning need. She crawled on top of her sister and grabbed Wendy's small breasts, roughly kneading the resilient young flesh as she used her weight to shove her tentacle downwards into her sister.

Wendy collapsed in pleasure as the thrusting tentacle brought her to an unbelievable orgasm. The teen cried out in ecstasy as her body exploded with pleasure before lying on the bed spent and exhausted as Claire kept pounding the slimy tentacle into her sister's limp body. Unable to move, the brunette could only moan in helpless pleasure as each powerful thrust rocked her body. Above her, Claire urgently thrust her hips forward, impaling her sister over and over.

Claire smiled cruelly at her sister as she took her, laughing at the helpless whimpers of pleasure as she forced orgasms on the exhausted girl. Soon pleasurable sensations began flooding through her body from the tentacle. Claire cupped her breasts and squeezed and pulled at her hard nipples as she began grunting. Her hips jerked as she began ramming her sister harder. The red tentacle began pulsing as it climaxed. Claire gasped in ecstasy as her tentacle poured boiling black semen into the young girl until Wendy's young uterus was filled with cum. As the tentacle slowly pulled itself from the tight embrace of Wendy's vagina and withdrew back into Claire's stomach, the skin healing behind it, the young girls caught their breaths.

"Oh. That was good." Claire laid back and smiled blissfully.

"I was just thinking." Wendy sat up and smiled mischievously at her sister, "I bet my friends from school would enjoy meetin our new friends."

"Mmm. That sounds like fun."

Claire rolled over and reached for the phone. Claire swept back her damp hair and dialed a number. Lying back on the bed she lightly stroked her sister's firm breast while waiting for an answer.

"Hi Ethan, it's Claire. I was wondering, do you need any help preparing for the wedding?"

Wendy watched and listened with curiosity as her sister talked.

"Yes, that's wonderful. Oh, I'm always happy to help."

Claire hung up the phone and turned to her sister. "Guess who's making arrangements for the honeymoon!

"Hmm. That should be interesting."

"Oh yes. I plan on making it very memorable for them both." Claire hopped out of bed and pulled the pillow out from beneath Wendy's head before swatting the brunette with it. "Common, we both need a shower."

"What are you going to do today Claire?"

"I'm not really sure sis. I was hoping you'd have some good ideas."

"Well you could start by stopping by the old school. I'm sure that seeing all those young girls would make you feel... Nostalgic."

"You know what Wendy? I really like the way you think."

Both girls laughed all the way to the shower.


Practice had gone well. The girls bounced into the locker room, physically exhausted, but nonetheless exhilarated by how well their routines had gone. The first three girls entered the room backwards, laughing and waving their pompoms at the four behind them who suddenly stopped. Seeing the shocked look on their teammates' faces the three cheerleaders turned to stare at the unfamiliar girl standing naked before them. One of the girls, an attractive blonde of medium height with generous breasts and long shapely legs, who appeared to be the leader stepped forward and opened her mouth to speak.

Her words were swallowed with a squeak of surprise as Claire's eyes shone like red beacons. As the girls froze with shock Claire grimaced for a moment, before smiling as writhing tentacles burst from her abdomen. Screams began to fill the room as tentacles swept through the air, wrapping around ankles, pulled the girls off their feet and dragged them across the floor deeper into the change room. Almost casually a free tentacle swept a bank of lockers across the floor to barricade the door.

Tearing uniforms away from untouched bodies, the possessed girl stood among discarded pompoms, admiring the attractive curves of their fit young bodies. With a thought Claire gagged the cheerleaders, stifling their horrified cries by thrusting slimy tentacles into their mouths. Closing her eyes in concentration the blond girl grinned in triumph as she felt more demonic tentacles tear their way free of her belly.

Holding the tentacles poised before the cheerleaders Claire gave the girls a chance to recognize the phallic tentacles for what they were as each girl clearly saw the oozing tips. Fresh moan of terror and choked sobs filled the room as realization dawned on the gagged girls.

Examining each of her victims in turn, Claire's eyes settled on the raven-haired team captain. The tall girl had a slim and athletic body. Her breasts were well-formed and firm, with prominent dark nipples. Her body glistened with an attractive sheen of sweat and Claire felt her tentacles spurt in anticipation as she examined the dark furred slit between the girl's legs. As Claire held the struggling cheerleader she could sense that the teen was still a virgin.

"Today's your lucky day," she whispered with a wicked smile, "You're going to be a mother!"

Before she forced the tentacle into the girl's virgin pussy, Claire withdrew the ridged appendage stifling the teen's desperate cries. Tears poured down the cheerleader's cheeks as the teen screamed as loud as she could, desperately hoping for some sort of mercy or rescue from this terrible, unbelievable nightmare. These hopes were shattered by the massive ridge appendage that rammed deep into her young body. With a single motion Claire entered her lovely body and forced the thick tentacle forward through her cervix until it touched the back of the girl's womb.

The seventeen-year-old girl felt her virgin cunt stretched as her inner walls clenched around the relentless invader.

Claire's violation of their captain soon had the other cheerleaders thrashing and struggling in terror against the tentacle's grasp as they tried to escape. The possessed blond methodically began penetrating the students one by one, savoring the tight warmth of the young girls virgin bodies as the thick writhing appendages slid in and out of the girls wet nether lips. Her beautiful face wore a wicked smile as she punished the girls with brutal thrusts.

Claire moaned with pleasure as she produced a new tentacle to spear into another girl's pussy. It quickly elicited a scream of pain and terror as it forced its way into the slim redhead's tight canal. All the cheerleaders in Claire's grasp were now penetrated. Claire was now surrounded by six suspended girls, each filled with pulsating tentacles in every orifice.

None of the girls was pure of soul and the painful intrusion of demonic tentacles began to stimulate their pleasure centers. Moans of helpless pleasure began to fill the room as her victims experienced sexual sensations from the ruthless pounding their bodies were receiving. Slowly their bodies began to lubricate the tentacles passage deeper inside. Smiling viciously, Claire pulled the tentacles which had been stifling the girls out, closing her eyes and listening to the increasingly loud moans and the feeling of power as their velvet inner walls enveloped the tentacles thrusting into their bellies.

Claire began thrusting the tentacles harder as the exhausted girls began to orgasm with shuddering pleasure. Ignoring the damage done to the girl's bodies she forced the tentacles through their cervixes and directly into the cheerleaders' wombs. Once within the tentacles split open and dozens of feelers explored their uteruses, causing them to twitch and shake at the alien sensation. The feeling of power and the pleasure she was forcing from the helpless young girls brought Claire closer to her peak. The multiple orgasms that stimulated her tentacles as each girl responded to the feelers probing them forced her over the edge. Purple semen flooded their ripe wombs preparing them for the embryos. Bones shattered and flesh tore as the seeds entered their young bodies in a surge of power.

The naked girls slumped to the floor. Their sweat covered skin glistened as they moved weakly, still trying to escape their fate. Claire smiled wickedly as she watched their swollen, distended stomachs begin to squirm as the offspring she had implanted within the teens began to insinuate themselves into their flesh. As the last of her tentacles withdrew back into her body Claire sank down between the thighs of a petite redhead.

A well-trimmed bush of red pubic hair sat above the swollen lips of the teen's inflamed pussy. A mixture of the girl's own juices and demonic semen slowly leaked out from the freshly assaulted slit. Claire slowly inhaled the delectable aroma, a mix of the girl's juices and virgin blood, sweat from both the girl's workouts, and unholy semen from Claire's own corrupted flesh, before diving in. Her long and agile tongue explored deep within the teen, distracting the girl from the takeover of her mind and body, as waves of pleasure rushed over her quivering form. Claire continued enjoying the sweet nectar flowing freely from the girl's pussy until the teen's belly settled and she lay still.

Moving up the redhead's body, Claire nibbled on a strawberry nipple while squeezing and massaging the girl's perky breasts. Claire smiled when she felt the girl's hand fall atop her head and press Claire's mouth down on her small breast. Sensing that the other girls were also regaining consciousness Claire sat up, shrugging off the teen's hand.

"Mmmm. Don't stop, please don't stop!" The girl reached toward Claire who firmly pushed the cheerleader's hand away. She looked around the change room. The six girls Claire had infested with demonic embryos were beginning to wake up. Overcome by the wanton lust Claire had awakened in them the cheerleaders were crawling together, the formerly ordinary girls now controlled by base urges.

Running a hand through her sweat soaked hair Claire pursed her lips thoughtfully before walking into the bathroom attached to the change room. Claire walked up to the last stall and leaned close to the door. Soft sobbing could barely be heard from the stall. Claire knocked lightly. "Hello in there."

"Please go away. Leave me alone." The voice was young and scared.

"Open the door. You really don't want to make me angry." Claire's voice carried a cold warning.

After a few moments the door was hesitantly unlocked. A pretty tear streaked face peered out, the girl's hand on the door trembled in terror.

"Oh. I know you're scared. Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Claire reached out tenderly and brushed the girl's hair away from her face before stroking the brunette's cheek and looking into her soft brown eyes.

"Aren't you just the cutest little thing? What's your name?"

"Melissa." The girl's face screwed up as she prepared to burst into tears.

"Don't fuss. Just do what I say and everything will be fine. Ok? Can you do that Melissa?"

At the girl's terrified nod Claire smiled and led her by the hand out into the locker room. The cheerleader stared in disgust at the pile of thrashing young bodies as her teammates fulfilled their debauched desires.

"Enough!" Claire barked. "There will be time for that later. Clean yourselves up and get dressed." Claire turned and picked up her neatly folded cloths while the cheerleaders quickly dressed.

Straightening her own top Claire looked over the cheerleaders, checking for any betraying evidence and finding none. "Come, it's time to go." Claire pointed at Melissa, who was weeping softly in the corner. "Bring her." As two of her teammate's grabbed Melissa, Claire paused to lift the lockers blocking the door out of the way before walking out of the changeroom, the possessed cheearleaders and their captive trailing behind.


Hey everybody, its taken awhile for the second chapter but hopefully now that I have a computer again the rest of the story will come along more quickly. Thank you to everyone who wrote, I really appreciate your comments. Happy Reading!

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